The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 440 Climb to the Haotian School

Chapter 440 Climb to the Haotian School
The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The imperial city of Dou Ling Empire has been looted.

Even if there are some remaining resources, there are not many.

This group of evil soul masters has no reason to fight Lin Chaoci in this right and wrong place, so they have already packed up and prepared to evacuate. After the tie ended, the group of evil soul masters had no choice but to step down as soon as they saw the steps, and left this place of right and wrong in desperation, not giving other sects, nobles, colleges and empires a chance to surround themselves.

Walking while fighting, won the essence of guerrilla warfare.

The entire Dou Ling Empire was in chaos.

The whole world is disturbed and there is no peace.

This is what the public knows.

But not the real side.

Indeed, many smart people have suspected that this is a drama directed and acted by Lin Chaoci himself. Long Xiaoyao was invited to watch the ceremony, but not one person saw it.

However, after seeing that Lin Chaoci drove away the evil soul masters entrenched in the imperial city of the Dou Ling Empire, he no longer moved his troops. Instead, he asked the members of the Wanshan League to support the imperial city of the Dou Ling Empire and help the people in the imperial city of the Dou Ling Empire. Residents rebuilt their homes and did not run behind the evil soul master to earn their reputation. These smart people also habitually washed away the suspicion on Lin Chaoci, and no longer doubted Lin Chaoci.

And Lin Chaoci also used this false name.

Under the eyes of people all over the world.

Played a trick to steal the sky and change the sun!
It is precisely because everyone knows that he is in the imperial city of Dou Ling Empire, so he can return to Douyi Universe to suppress Haotianzong silently!
Is it really difficult to steal the day and change the day?

There is Moyu Qilin disguised as him.

As long as you don't do it, no one will know if it's true or not.

Moreover, Moyu Qilin will also be able to master the four imperial techniques.

It doesn't matter if you don't really fight, even if you use your hands.

The drizzle at the end of October is slightly cool.

Not into November.

Except for the extreme north, there is no solar term for light snow.

The main road leading to the imperial city of the Star Luo Empire is no longer muddy, and the small roads extending from the main road have also been effectively repaired. Asphalt concrete is a good thing, and it is perfect for road repairs.

Raindrops hit the road.

A tiny splash of water was splashed.

It's not obvious, because the road is very smooth, not only that, but also drains have been made on both sides of the road, there is no water accumulation, and there is no big splash.

Pedestrians are sparse.

After walking more than ten kilometers, you can see an ox cart or a horse-drawn cart.

However, it is normal.

If there is no urgent matter, most people will not rush in the rain.

However, Lin Chaoci especially likes this rainy atmosphere, it is quiet and healing, maybe a bit empty and secluded, but he is not afraid, nor does he hate it.

The drizzle that came with the wind, from the moment it fell on the black cloak on his body, seemed to have lost its friction, like small glass beads, sliding down, hitting the ground without accident, and shattered into pieces. water.

Magical scene.

But no one noticed.

Even if there are horse-drawn carts or bullock carts passing by.

He also turned a blind eye to Lin Chaoci himself.

It seems that there is no such person as Lin Chaoci here.

This is the effect of reducing the sense of presence.

However, ordinary people and soul masters have different perceptions.

Just like ordinary people can clearly see people 50 meters away but cannot see ants clearly, soul masters can clearly see ants 50 meters away, hearing, smell, touch, and even intuition, soul masters are also better than ordinary people .

Therefore, being able to hide the movements of ordinary people, many of them cannot be hidden from the eyes and ears of the soul master, and the trick of reducing the sense of existence is not invincible. A soul master with keen five senses can naturally detect Lin Chaoci.

However, there are very few soul masters on this road.


If there is a road, there will be an end.

The end point of this main road is Star Luo City.

That is, the capital of the Star Luo Empire, the imperial city.

However, the road to Haotianzong does not need to pass through the city, nor does it need to go around the city. Follow the third fork and go down to the left, a step of [-] meters, fleeting like a ghost.

I don't know how many small animals on the side of the road have been frightened.

One hundred meters per second, one minute is 1 meters.

One hour is 360 kilometers.

Actual speed may vary from data speed.

However, it is quite suitable as a reference.

Lin Chaoci did not calculate the time.

All I know is that I've been gone for about two hours.

The asphalt concrete road is broken.

At the port, there is a fork in the road.

All dirt and stone roads.

The dirt road was muddy.

Moss is all over the stone road.

Stone roads are mixed with dirt roads.

Some road sections are dirt roads and stone roads.

Some road sections are stone road and dirt road.

In the countryside in the rain, when the wind blows, there is a smell of earth. Fortunately, there is no cow dung smell, and it may be far away from the nearby villages. Even if there is a smell, it will not waft on the road here.

In the misty rain, a hazy village can be seen.

If it's not for having fun.

It is not poetic or picturesque.

Who would not like ancient buildings with unique charm, but a low and unsightly self-built one-story house, and sparse fence piles?
The idyllic scenery in the eyes of the nobles and the idyllic scenery in the eyes of the common people are two different things.

One is a winery farm covering an area of ​​several acres.

It is a magnificent scene of surging wheat waves with a wave of your hand.

One is a rural area where even meals have to be calculated.

I'm afraid that if I eat too much in this meal, I will be hungry in the next meal.

According to the guidance on the map, Lin Chaoci walked for another four hours. Because he didn't look at his watch when he set off, he only had a rough idea of ​​the hour at this moment. He didn't bother to ask about the minutes and seconds. .

And, it's useless to ask.

One minute more or one second less, it doesn't matter.

Just as Mo Yu Qilin believed in him, he did not hesitate to employ people, and he believed that Mo Yu Qi Lin could buy him enough time.

Moreover, this is also a rare opportunity.

Sea God Tang San wants to use Tang San as a target to gain time for development.

How could he sit idly by and let Tang San develop wantonly.

Play with Luo Wang, an expert at playing with public opinion.

Or, use facts to destroy all public opinion.

Or, they will be played by Luo Wang with public opinion until they collapse.

If Haotianzong didn't make a sound, it would be really difficult to pour cold water on it. However, it is an enemy of the Crown Prince's Mansion who has just done its best in this suppression, intending to force the palace, forcing the Crown Princess Zhu Zhuyun to come forward to take the blame for the New Deal, I really think that public opinion Is it a plaything in their hands?

If he hadn't needed to whitewash some of his allies, the suppression jointly planned by various nobles and sects would have been strangled to death by him long before it even started. How could it have caused such casualties?

So now...

"The raised pigs are getting fatter!"

"It's time to kill!"

At the end of the road, there is a cliff.

On the other side of the cliff is a cliff.

The cliffs are connected with iron cables.

Under the continuous drizzle, it seemed to be coated with a layer of oil.

When the wind blows, it sways frighteningly.

Lin Chaoci stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the majestic building standing on the cliff opposite, his sharp eyes could clearly see the plaque engraved with the three characters "Haotianzong", and he stepped forward like a light smoke Generally speaking, stepping on Tang San's extremely familiar ghost shadow fan's footsteps, drifting towards the Clear Sky School.

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(End of this chapter)

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