Chapter 1 Xia Yi
Do you know how in the Star Dou Forest of Douluo Continent, a fox with only ten years of cultivation can catch a hundred-year-old soft bone rabbit?
First, block all the rabbit holes, leaving only two exits, one at the front and one at the back, and then find some dry leaves and rub them between the two small paws at high speed. How long does it take to rub out a handful of fire and stuff it directly into the front exit.

In the end, just hold the stick and wait at the exit at the back. It only takes a quarter of an hour to harvest a full litter of rabbits.

This ten-year-old fox is called Xia Yi, which is the name he gave himself, and he doesn't know why he gave himself such a name.

I don't even know what my name is, I just feel like I deserve to be called that anyway.

Xia Yi was in a good mood today, so he knocked on two hundred-year-old tender rabbits, and let the others go.

After running to a small stream to wash off the internal organs, Xia Yi lit another fire and roasted the Soft Bone Rabbit until both sides were golden brown before he started to gobble it up.

If people saw this scene, they would have to be scared to death. When did the ten-year soul beast have such high spiritual intelligence?


There was a sound of a branch breaking, and Xia Yi, who had been feasting, became alert instantly, and quickly pushed the fire into the creek in front of him.

And after eliminating all traces of him, he got into the bushes next to him and ran in the direction of the sound.

"Human beings, one child, two rings at most, you can do it." Xia Yi squatted on top of a towering ancient tree, his eyes began to turn cold.

At this time, he still doesn't know that from today onwards, his fate will undergo a tremendous change.


"Miss Gu Yue, are you going to enter the Star Dou Forest?"

Dikes, metal dikes, huge metal dikes.

The height of the huge metal embankment is more than 300 meters. If one looks into the air along the metal embankment, there is actually a layer of almost transparent light shield above the metal embankment.

The entire metal dam is like a huge cage, which seems to be something terrible like a cage.

Outside the cage, there are several tens of meters high mechas with a deep black body patrolling 24 hours a day.

Every mech exudes a murderous aura, a powerful aura that makes people daunting.

The girl they called Gu Yue didn't pay attention to them, she just raised her head and silently looked at the endless metal cage in front of her. The poor circulation of Qi and blood became pale.

Gu Yue looked like she was in her teens, she wasn't particularly beautiful, she could only be described as handsome, with long black hair, black eyes, her figure was above average among her peers, very well-proportioned.A pair of big eyes are piercing.

"Miss Gu Yue, are you going to enter the Star Dou Forest?" The black mech slowly landed in front of Gu Yue, not angry because Gu Yue ignored them, but saluted respectfully.

Although their strength is far higher than the current Gu Yue, Gu Yue's status in the Spirit Pagoda is far beyond their reach.

After offending Gu Yue, they couldn't eat and walked around.

Gu Yue nodded, but still didn't speak, just handed over a card that symbolized her status.

The mecha took Gu Yue's identity card, flicked lightly on the instrument inside the mecha, and an electronic voice sounded immediately: "Gu Yue, your identity is confirmed, you can pass."

As the metal gates opened one after another, Gu Yue slowly walked into the huge cage.

What people didn't expect was that such a big cage actually contained a vibrant primeval forest. Not only were there towering ancient trees reaching into the sky, but it was also full of insects and birds singing.

The unique fragrance of nature in the air is even more intoxicating.

That's right, this is the Star Dou Forest. The Star Dou Forest has existed since the incarnation of the Mountain Dragon King on the mainland, and has been passed down for more than a million years.

After entering the Star Dou Forest, Gu Yue's tightly clenched fists also slowly loosened, and began to greedily absorb the breath of nature in the forest.After a while, she started again and walked slowly towards the depths of the forest.

After entering the Star Dou Forest, Gu Yue completely let go of all her guard as if she had returned home.

She didn't care if a branch was broken by stepping on it.

Gu Yue didn't know it yet, because the branch she accidentally stepped on almost killed her.

Just like Xia Yi didn't know that her destiny would change drastically from today onwards, Gu Yue didn't know that today might be her nightmare.

"Squeak!" A slightly painful voice came, and Gu Yue subconsciously turned her head to look. Not far from her, a white fox the size of a house cat was suspended in the air.

Gu Yue looked closely, only to find that the white fox's feet were entangled by vines, and the other end of the vines was hanging on a branch more than ten meters high.

As the white fox struggled, the vines seemed to become tighter and tighter.

"Ten-year-old fox, poor little guy! Oh, who told me to be your master!" Gu Yue shook her head helplessly in her heart, and a wind blade flew out of her hand, quickly cutting off the vines.

She herself lightly tapped her feet on the ground, and she jumped up like an elf, quickly came to the bottom of the vine, and accurately caught the falling white fox.

It wasn't until this moment that Gu Yue realized that this fox was exceptionally beautiful, and its white fur like jade was extremely aura, full of holiness and nobility.

At this moment, his pair of bright red phoenix eyes were staring at Gu Yue affectionately, and even a slight smile made Gu Yue feel ashamed. A real smile can captivate the city, and then smile can captivate the country. .

The only flaw is that he is bald behind him, without a tail.

Gu Yue also noticed this, hugged him and looked at him again and again, and asked, "Little guy, he was bitten off by another soul beast, right?"

"Forget it, I won't see Wulin for a month during the holidays, so I'll keep you by my side to relieve boredom." Thinking of Tang Wulin, Gu Yue suddenly showed a sweet smile.

However, at the moment when Gu Yue was distracted, the white fox suddenly jumped up, kicked hard on her chest with its hind legs, and sprang out its sharp claws, grabbing her throat fiercely.

That's right, this white fox was Xia Yi. He had been waiting for a long time, just waiting for this chance to kill.

He once used this trick to instantly kill a third-ringed human soul master.

But today, when he kicked on the iron plate, Gu Yue reacted extremely quickly, far surpassing other third-ring soul masters, and her soul power exploded. Yi flew out of her arms.

After all, Xia Yi was only a ten-year-old soul beast, and without a strong bloodline to support him, he was pitifully weak.

A little soul beast like Xia Yi would never be her match.

But this time, like Xia Yi, she encountered difficulties. Xia Yi's fighting skills were quite good. The moment Gu Yue's soul power exploded, he had already grabbed Gu Yue's clothes and rolled over on Gu Yue's back.

"Ah!" Gu Yue let out a high-decibel scream, she felt a burning pain on her neck, and the blood couldn't stop gushing out.

Although she reacted so quickly that Xia Yi didn't grab her throat, Xia Yi's claws actually grabbed her neck.

The most disgusting thing is that Xia Yi's hind paws actually used force on her chest just now, and when she kicked hard, two fox paw prints were left on her chest even through the clothes, and the pain was no less than that on her neck .

"If you commit the crime below, you deserve to die." Gu Yue was mad, this Xia Yi is too hateful, isn't there a sense of propriety in what should be touched and what should not be touched?

She completely forgot that Xia Yi was just a little fox with ten years of cultivation. She grew up in the Star Dou Forest, so how could she know this.

For him, as long as he could kill the "human" Gu Yue, he could use any method.

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(End of this chapter)

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