Chapter 61 Lena
Just as Gu Yue and Xia Yi were discussing how to deal with the Holy Spirit Cult, at this time the official Tianhai Alliance Grand Tournament had exploded.

Shen Yi thought that Ye Xinglan was not as good as Gu Yue's opponent, so he quietly returned to Shrek Academy with the Shrek Academy team.

Instead of saving face, it became a joke. She no longer has the face to stay in Tianhai City.

Shen Yi was able to leave, but the official Tianhai League Grand Tournament couldn't. Countless media and spectators had been blocking Tianhai Stadium and refused to leave.

Not only Tianhai City, but even the people of Shrek City gathered at the gate of Shrek Academy and refused to leave when Ye Xinglan was defeated by Gu Yue again.

Those who can live in Shrek City are all fans of Shrek Academy, and in their hearts, Shrek Academy is invincible.

But Shrek Academy lost twice in a row to a small Donghai Academy student, which instantly shattered their faith.

If anyone was the happiest at this time, it would be Yu Zhen, the principal of Donghai College, and Long Hengxu, the dean of teaching.

Ever since the video of Xia Yi defeating Ye Xinglan was uploaded on the Internet yesterday, there have been a steady stream of young geniuses rushing to Tianhai Academy from all directions.

Some even want to join Donghai Academy without hesitating to spend a lot of money to entrust relationships. Yu Zhen can't accept all kinds of big shots who send their children to join Donghai Academy.

Soon, Yu Zhen discovered that even if he rejected a large number of students, Donghai Academy would soon reach saturation.

"Principal, we really can't add more people to our class. If we add more people, not only the dormitory will not be allocated, but even the classrooms will not be able to sit." Ye Yingluo can't remember how many times she has been looking for Yu Zhen.

But every time Yu Zhen would say yes, and backhanded another student into her.

Yu Zhen was also very helpless. Most of the students who came from afar to join Donghai College came for Class Zero and Class One.

A lot of big figures want their children to join Class [-] or Class [-] by name.

Yu Zhen is only a soul emperor, these people are at least soul saints, he can't refuse at all.

"Dean, I think you might as well let them have a competition directly, and stipulate that only the top ten can join Donghai Academy, so that even if Contra comes, if his child can't enter the top ten, we have an excuse to refuse , and the top ten, we can also assign them to each class through the ranking." Ye Yingluo said in a deep voice.

"Competition, no, these people have a lot of background. If something happens to their children during the competition, Donghai Academy can't afford it at all." Yu Zhen shook his head. It's not like he didn't think of this method. Yes, but quickly gave up.

Ye Yingluo frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said, "In this case, let them go to the Ascension to Lingtai of the Spirit Pagoda to compete, and if something happens in the Ascension to Lingtai, they will be responsible." It will only be the Spirit Pagoda."

"This method is good, but the entry card of Ascension to Lingtai is another big problem." Yu Zhen smiled wryly, not everyone can get the entry card of Ascension to Lingtai.

Money and status are indispensable.

An ordinary person, no matter how rich he was, would not be able to obtain an entry card for Ascension to Lingtai.

"Then let these students prepare their entry cards." Ye Yingluo said in a deep voice.

"Let them prepare by themselves, that's right, why didn't I think of that, I'm afraid that half of the students will be wiped out before the competition starts." Yu Zhen laughed out loud.

Yu Zhen immediately called all the students who wanted to join Donghai College and their parents, and said in a deep voice: ""One week later, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda of Donghai City will enter the period of riots. The proud son of heaven, if anyone can persist in the Ascension to Lingtai during the riot period for more than an hour, I will select ten of them to join Donghai Academy. "

"Persist in the Ascension to Lingtai during the riot period for an hour, and you have to rank in the top ten." All the parents frowned. They knew how terrifying the Ascension to Lingtai during the riot period was. If you persist for an hour, luck and strength are indispensable.

"In addition, you need to prepare the entry card for Ascension to Lingtai by yourself." Yu Zhen continued to speak, he didn't care what these parents and children thought.

"Prepare the entry card yourself." The faces of most of the parents suddenly became ugly. The entry card of Ascension to Lingtai itself is hard to find, and the entry card during the riot period is even more difficult.

The entry card for Ascension to Lingtai during the riots in Donghai City was only three hundred.

Among them, most of them have already been divided up by the major families, associations, and colleges of East Sea City.

These forces have signed long-term cooperation contracts with the Spirit Pagoda.

Divided more than half of the entry cards for Ascension to Lingtai.

There are very few that can be bought and sold freely.

"Everyone, prepare yourself." Yu Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Principal, I have admired your academy for a long time, may I participate." Just when all the parents were rushing to leave, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

The one who spoke was an eighteen or nine-year-old girl, wearing a black short sleeve and a pair of black shorts, revealing a pair of snow-white and crystal-clear jade arms and a pair of slender and straight long legs.

The girl is very beautiful, with big eyes and curved eyebrows, she looks full of youthful vigor.

"Your age..." Yu Zhen was about to refuse, but somehow the words changed suddenly: "As long as you can get the top ten results."

"I miss the principal, my name is Lina, and I'm going to prepare the Ascension to Lingtai entry card." The woman blinked, and a black light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Yu Zhen didn't react until she left.

He patted himself on the head, not knowing why he agreed.

He didn't know that as soon as Lina turned around, her figure disappeared into Donghai College and came to a dark corner outside Donghai City.

A figure whose whole body was hidden in the darkness slowly appeared behind Lina, and said respectfully: "Heavenly King, your guess is indeed correct, the headquarters has already received a reply from the top of the Spirit Pagoda, the Gu beside Xia Yi Yue is the disciple of Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu."

"Tianfeng Douluo Leng Yaozhu, her disciple unexpectedly appeared in a small Donghai Academy. It seems that we are heading in the right direction. Xia Yi must have some relationship with Leng Yulai, otherwise Leng Yaozhu would not be able to Let your disciples come to such a small place." A sneer appeared on the corner of Lina's mouth, and said: "Tianfeng Douluo, if you know that the younger sister who has been looking for decades has become one of the four heavenly kings of the Holy Spirit Sect, you don't know What expression will it be?"

Neither Xia Yi nor Gu Yue knew about it, because the relationship between Gu Yue and Leng Yaozhu made the holy spirit even more convinced that Xia Yi and Leng Yulai must have some kind of relationship.

One of the four heavenly kings was sent directly,

"By the way, regarding Xia Yi, has the headquarters given any specific solutions?" Lina asked, turning her head to look at the shadow behind her.

"The Second Emperor's meaning is to find a way to win him over at all costs. Even if he refuses, don't make enemies with him before finding out his relationship with the Four Heavenly Kings." Heiying said in a deep voice.

"Want to win at all costs?" Lina pursed her red lips, obviously a little dissatisfied, and said: "What do you mean to win, it's because you've been trapped in the three-word combat armor for too long and want to break through the four-word battle armor. Speaking of which, why do I have to do it myself for such a trivial matter.”

The black figure was startled, and his fiery gaze immediately showed, "Heavenly King, you mean Xia Yi will become a master craftsman."

"Yihuan, a fourth-level blacksmith, plus his relationship with Mu Xi, the daughter of the holy craftsman Mu Chen, will know Zhenhua sooner or later. If he can get Zhenhua's personal biography, if he can break through the title Douluo and become a god It's not impossible to be a craftsman." Lina said lightly, she didn't know that Xia Yi had already met Zhenhua once.

"So, the Second Emperor and several heavenly kings may become four-character combat armor masters." Heiying's eyes brightened instantly.

"Proceed with the order, except for me, no one in the sect is allowed to touch Xia Yi without authorization. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!" Lina's gaze became sharp in an instant. She would never allow anyone to find out that Xia Yi had any contact with people from the Holy Spirit Cult. .

If Zhenhua found out that Xia Yi had something to do with the Holy Spirit Cult, he would definitely not be able to teach Xia Yi how to perform Heavenly Training.

If Xia Yi couldn't learn Tianduan, they would never be able to become four-character combat armor masters.

(End of this chapter)

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