Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 10 The Evil Bartender

Chapter 10 The Evil Bartender
The startled expression on the bartender's face flashed, and it was quickly concealed as an annoyance that he didn't want to see the customer at this time.

"If you want to drink, old mister...and this supervisor."

The bartender drew a long and tired voice, squinted his eyes and said slowly: "It's too early now. There are no people at this point.

"Ah, let me declare in advance. The food in our bar is much more expensive than outside. But don't order it and think it's won't be refunded."

For some reason, even though it was the same kind of elven accent with a long draw and a lot of portamento... But Haina felt that the bartender's voice was not as elegant as that of Aiwass's butler.

Maybe it's because the transposition is too hard and clear in some places, or maybe it's because his voice has a hoarseness caused by long-term smoking, and it feels like a sluggish smell when he listens to it.

"How much is it expensive?"

Hearing this, Haina asked subconsciously.

But she soon realized that she was here to investigate.Order no matter how expensive the dish is.

Rather, the investigation funds given by Oswald's housekeeper were used at this time.

So she immediately changed her words: "What kind of food do you have here?"


Aiwass in front of her couldn't help chuckling.

It is really a strange experience to investigate with such a novice.

Although the wild elf bartender was quick to respond, he couldn't hide it from Aiwass.He deliberately called Aiwass "Old Mister", as if he didn't recognize Aiwass' identity at all.

But this is not possible.

His appearance is about like a human elf in his 30s, and he should be at least 100 years old.As a wild elf, he lives in the marketplace; and the blood of the elves makes his memory and perception significantly stronger than humans.

Even with the full-coverage cloak, Aiwass could never have the build of an old man; he should be able to recognize Aiwass just by looking at the style of his shoes and the exposed chin .

If it wasn't Haina who followed, but Oswald...he could immediately sense that the bartender's behavior was too deliberate.

——A few days ago, when Aiwass met those two "pen pals", he came to the Pelican Bar.

And he was very conspicuous at the time.

The "Pelican Bar" was a specially designated meeting place for the two pen pals.At that time, Aiwass could still walk normally, move flexibly, and have a strong physique. He also wanted to hide his contact with the demon scholar, so he came to the appointment alone.

But considering that this was a place Aiwass had never been to, he set off nearly two hours earlier, and found a coachman to take him directly to the Pelican Bar.

To be honest, if Aiwass hadn't found the coachman, he might not have been able to find the "Pelican Bar"—who would have known that the name of the Pelican Bar wasn't "Pelican"?
When Aiwass arrived, it was more than an hour earlier than the agreed five o'clock in the afternoon.But he had considered this matter a long time ago, so he brought a book to read in advance.

It was a occult book in astronomical language, "Code of Alchemy".Those alchemists on the "balanced" path are very worried that their knowledge will leak out and affect the balance of the world.Therefore, when they write books and communicate with their colleagues, they will use some code words that laymen cannot understand.

For example, "king", "queen" and "queen" indicate different things.In the same way, "sun" and "moon", "toad" and "dragon" may all imply something.And based on the basic principle of "secret to laymen", the code words used by each alchemist are different.There is no unified consensus and common industry terminology among each other.

They all have their own cipherbooks, which the secret professor uses for his students to decode; and if they are good enough colleagues, they can also understand what he wants to express from the hint.

It is also the so-called "know what you know, and don't understand what you don't understand".

The book "Code of Alchemy" reveals several classic code words with examples.In the example, the author shows an alchemical process for making "antimony glass".It was an emetic, slightly poisonous.A little more tweaking of the ratios yields "mercury antimony," a slightly sweet, thick, liquid, highly toxic substance.

Among other things, this is the knowledge of synthetic highly toxic!
This kind of taboo knowledge is poking Aiwass' excitement.In that extremely noisy bar, he sat in a corner and read a book intently, and in the blink of an eye he saw that it was almost six o'clock.Until the two slapped him on the shoulder to wake him up.

Originally, Aiwass just planned to meet them and leave.

It's not that they suspect them, but that the law and order in Lloyd's District is really not good.If it's too late, even taking a taxi may not be safe--recently, people have been panicking about the killing party.

But it was already time for dinner, and they chatted while drinking, the more they chatted, the happier they became, and the more they chatted, the more excited they became.So Aiwass simply used a white coin, ordered a dinner on the spot, and treated two "friends" to a very sumptuous meal. He did not ask for the rest of the change, but invited other The guests had a drink.

—because these two friends of his assured him that it didn't matter if it was a little late, and that they would escort him home.After eating, they chatted for a long time, and it was past ten o'clock when they finally left the bar.

"[-]:[-] is the most suitable time to summon demons."

The bald man said: "It takes about an hour to complete the ceremony. And now it's just at this point... Would you like to come and try it yourself?"

...At about that time, he had already gained insight into Aiwass' burning desire to touch the taboo through those few hours of conversation.Knowing this invitation, Aiwass will definitely not refuse.

Thinking back now... They should have made an appointment here on purpose, and they must have been late on purpose.

Now that it's time for dinner, I'm hungry, and there are other guests ordering food around.Then I will not look for other places to eat in particular.

Then, the two demon scholars of the "Noble Red" society would specifically ask him to meet him at the Pelican Bar, and also prevented him from taking them to other places... Could it be understood that they think that this is the only place that is absolutely safe?

Moreover, an extremely handsome and well-dressed young man of the upper class, in a bar in the Lloyd District, a cheap environment full of laborers and sailors, is motionless with a glass of light beer less than half a liter Read the book for two full hours.

——In that case, is it possible that a bartender with a good memory can't remember him?
Even if it wasn't a wild elf, but a human bartender... He could remember such an outrageous thing for at least a whole month.And he will be used as a talking point, frequently bragging or mocking him with other people.

Not to mention that the flow of people at the Pelican Bar is not too high, and there are less than 30 guests in one night.

So, there is definitely something wrong with this bartender.

He deliberately pretended that he didn't recognize Aiwass' behavior, which only proved his inner cowardice.Because Aiwass came here wearing a cloak, he intentionally did not want others to recognize his identity.So he followed Aiwass' intention and tried to help him hide his identity.

This is to lower his vigilance and stabilize him temporarily;
At the same time, I also hope that Aiwass can take over this identity.

If Aiwass really wanted to hide his identity, follow the bartender's advice and pretend to be an "old man".

Then he cannot clearly talk to the bartender, and there will be no communication between them for the time being.

——So, you can procrastinate for time.

"Mr. Admar, is it not?"

As a result, Aiwass, who was wearing a hood, suddenly said, "Are you waiting for someone?"

It was the bartender's name he had heard from the other guests yesterday.


Hearing this, Haina turned around with some doubts: "Do you know him?"

But she took a look, but couldn't see any special reaction from Aiwass.

But when she turned around, she saw obvious shock and hesitation from the bartender.

At that moment, her heart moved.I vaguely felt that I had grasped something.

Aiwass chuckled before she could ask.As if something was confirmed.


Aiwass' voice was extremely soft, like his own boss, but also like a teacher.Not only did she not call herself Senior Sister politely like before, but instead called her by her first name like a superior.

But perhaps it was also the case, Haina, who was used to obeying orders, became energetic in an instant.


Instinctively, she concentrated her attention, stepped forward from behind Aiwass half a step obliquely, vaguely protected Aiwass behind her, and waited attentively for the next order.

"Draw your sword—"

Aiwass ordered.

Although she still didn't understand what happened, Haina chose to obey Aiwass' instructions without hesitation.In an instant, the elf sword was drawn out of its sheath.

The blade slid out of its sheath like a living thing, and pure white light shone from the sword body.

A blinding bright white light illuminated the already brightly lit bar at noon.

In Haina's originally lake-blue eyes, silvery-white halos gradually lit up.That resonates with the way of [authority].

The power injected into the blood is being gradually activated, and the full power is poured into the limbs and bones.The air wave whizzed and spread around her, and the wine bottles on the wine cabinet swayed and made chaotic and crisp tapping sounds like wind chimes.

The few guests were startled, one by one, they left their seats and ran towards the door.

Seeing this, the bartender's complexion suddenly changed and he was shocked.

——I exposed?
He was horrified, but he didn't know why.

The situation was critical, and he chose not to sit still.

He took a deep breath, something bulged like a worm swimming under his skin.

The purple lines start from the lower eyelids and spread out to the whole face.Like blue veins bursting and discolored, most of the face was covered with net-like lines.Only the area around the mouth and chin—that is, the part of the skin that should have grown a beard—was not covered by purple lines.

As he took a deep breath, the purple lines on his face became brighter.It brightens with each inhale and slowly darkens with each exhale.

These lines spread quickly on the skin like a curse, spreading out from the cuffs, and crawling all the way to the fingertips of the ten fingers.

"Demon Scholar—"

Haina recognized him.Or roughly recognized it.

Extraordinary people can use mystical skills and various spell-casting materials to use their extraordinary powers in a non-combat state.But if you want to be serious, mobilize the power of Dao Dao to release those powerful extraordinary skills out of thin air, you must resonate with Dao Dao.

Everyone's resonance characteristics are different, but the common point is that there must be a light effect corresponding to the color of the road.

Just as white is the color of the path of authority, purple is the color of the path of transcendence.The former symbolizes diamonds, while the latter is amethyst.

Although she really didn't know what the specific occupation of this wild elf was, it still belonged to the way of transcendence.

Ways to go beyond are illegal!
Then treat the other party as a demon scholar——

—Mr. Aiwass really found it!
She was overjoyed.

Although I don't know how Aiwass recognized the other party's identity.Because she didn't see the loopholes in the other party's identity at all.

But once she enters the fighting state, this is her professional field!
And looking at the wild elf bartender with purple cobweb patterns under his skin... Seeing such obvious features, Aiwass finally recalled the identity of the other party.

The oldest of the "Sin Hub Pelican Bar", "Evil Bartender" Admar!
In my impression, the strong man with arms as thick as a warhammer, hunched and bare-chested, with dark purple glowing lines all over his upper body——

His image gradually overlapped with the wild elf who was gradually inflated like inflated air.

——Originally, Aiwass just wanted Hayina to scare him and put some pressure on him.

Unexpectedly, he really couldn't bear the pressure, and he transformed directly with a slight pressure!
Now you can find the right owner directly!
(End of this chapter)

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