Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 231 Who am I?

Chapter 231 Who am I?
Aiwass knocked on the dancer's door first.

Generally speaking, the gender of the person being promoted is the same as the character in the ceremony, the character is similar, and the path is as similar as possible.

But this is not [-]% certain.Because the assignment of roles in the full moon ceremony is not random, but manually assigned by the ceremony leader.

The host of the ceremony will not specifically assign a role to the promoted person that they cannot play, because it is unfair - although the host will have some personal preferences due to their different paths, personalities and positions.But at least on the surface, we should try to maintain fairness and not deliberately target a certain path.

After all, the ceremony is dedicated to the Nine Pillars at the same time.

——In other words, when the host thinks that you can play a certain role or be responsible for the tasks that a certain role must complete, he will assign you.

Just like in the ceremony where Aiwass and Isabel met - Aiwass may be able to play the role of little Aiwass's mother, but Isabel certainly cannot play the role of little Aiwass's father.

A dramatic mistake by a participant will only turn the ceremony into a mess and turn it into a farce, making everyone's analysis, reasoning, investigation, and risk-taking meaningless. And that is what the host must try to avoid.

——If you cannot assign him a suitable role, then assign him a role that is dangerous enough in the early stage and let him die as soon as possible to avoid affecting other people.

From this perspective, bringing Isabel to the promotion ceremony is not entirely an increase in difficulty.

Precisely because Isabel has a simple personality, lacks life experience, and is somewhat socially fearful, she will not be assigned to complex roles that are particularly difficult to play.In other words, it is the role played by Isabel that is most easily targeted by Aiwass.

And Aiwass, who is best at acting and has outstanding personal abilities, is to fill in the gaps - because he can play any difficult role that is difficult to play, he may be assigned to any role by the host.

Because Merlin dared to kill the front desk, this attitude has proved that the front desk is not a promotion person.There were only seven people left in total.

Merlin doesn't tell pointless, easily exposed lies.Therefore, the woman in the couple is Jacaranda, and the old supervisor is living silver or pure white. Let's assume for the moment that he is pure white.The reporter is most likely the detective...but the detective is still on another level at the moment.

According to the promotion habits that Sherlock carefully investigated, he may even have been assigned to the top on purpose.In this way, Merlin could delay Sherlock for a long time without doing anything, preventing him from coming down in time to join Aiwass.

And Isabel can only appear in two characters.

——Either a dancing girl, or his own daughter.

Isabel is an all-rounder and also has proficient dancing skills, so she will not have too many troubles playing the role of a dancer; and his daughter has a high fever and can hardly move, and it is okay for Isabel to play a little girl who is not experienced in the world. Difficulty.

After Aiwass met and chatted with the dancer, Aiwass quickly updated his information——

Isabel's role could only be that of his daughter.

Because Merlin's "dancing girl" is a rather euphemistic way of saying it.

In fact, the guest in room 205 is a slutty stripper.Or to put it more directly, she is a self-employed person in the leather business.

"Anyway, I didn't hear anything. It's raining so hard outside."

Perhaps because there was an inspector among them, the dancer put the three of them into the room without fear.

She sat cross-legged on the bed, and her short skirt, which only covered one-third of her thighs, barely covered anything in this position.

The dancer, who looked about 30 or [-] years old, said with a smile, looking at the reporter with an ambiguous expression: "But... I can also make some noise.

"Maybe it's louder than the rain."

Compared with the scary-looking "teacher" and the old "supervisor", the young and handsome reporter is obviously more to her taste.

"I just came to ask something, beautiful lady..."

The reporter took out a sterling silver pen from his arms, spun it skillfully, and flattered the other person even more skillfully: "Let me introduce myself, I am the chief reporter of the Cow and Harbor newspaper, Jacob Alexander. You can call me J.A.”

To be fair, although the dancer has a good figure and skin, her face is not beautiful at least.It can only be regarded as mediocre.

This is also true.People who do business like her, especially if she is a "self-employed person" and have no restrictions, will naturally go to big cities to develop if they have better capital.

Muwan County is mainly engaged in agriculture and fishery, and there are some farmers and fishermen here.There was no money at all.

The dancer has met many people, so she naturally knows that this is flattery.But who doesn’t like to hear good things?

Especially when the person saying the nice things is a young, handsome guy. "Oh, you are JA! As handsome as I imagined... No, more handsome than I imagined!"

The dancer's eyes lit up: "I often see you in the newspaper. My mother likes your writing very much - I mean, so do I!"

"That's great, young and sexy lady. You must also know the purpose of my coming here..."

When the reporter heard this, he smiled happily and said flatteringly.

"Ah, let me guess."

The dancer smiled and said, "Are you here to investigate a haunted house? This haunted hotel?"

"That's right!"

The reporter snapped his fingers and pointed at the dancer: "You are so smart!"

"It's a pity that we caught up with the storm." said the dancer.

"Yeah, it's a pity that we caught up with the storm." The reporter followed.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled.

While reporters were talking, Aiwass was also pacing in the room.

And through the small mirror placed by the dancer on the table, Aiwass finally saw his face clearly.

He finally understood why other people's first impression when they saw him was that they were afraid——

The "teacher" played by Aiwass is at least 1.9 meters and a half tall, with black hair, brown eyes, and deep facial features. His hair was wet from the rain and looked damp and messy.

He has a majestic Chinese character face, thick and slightly cracked lips, a strong build, and visible chest muscles.It stood there like a double door refrigerator.

If so, it may only make people feel majestic and oppressive.

But there were obvious burn marks on the right side of his face, and his flesh was twisted like a worm.There is also a dark scar that runs from the top of the eyebrow to the cheekbone, covering the burn marks.Even so, his right eye was not blind.

Although people cannot be judged by their appearance... but just seeing such a terrifying face and being stared at by such a tall and strong man, anyone would be subconsciously frightened.


Whose teacher carries a demon-hunting pistol with him, has so many scars on his body, and has such a strong physique?The Godfather is pretty much the same.

It would be nice if it doesn't scare the kids.

Daya looked like a girl between nine and 12 years old.He may look a little anxious, or he may be a little younger, but he is roughly in this age range.She is not a four or five-year-old child, but a young girl who has graduated from elementary school and has just entered middle school.The weight is not that light either.

And "Agni" held her with one hand, carried a bag, and held an umbrella, and rushed so far in the storm...

What kind of teacher could this be?

Physical education teacher?Private shooting lessons, right?
——I seem to have had a nightmare...I dreamed that my father was naked and swimming in the river.

"Daughter" Dai Ya's voice suddenly sounded in Aiwass's heart.Aiwass's footsteps stopped, he looked at himself in the mirror and frowned slightly.

If so, he is not a teacher.

Could it be that he is also not Daya’s father?It's just that his and Daya's memories have been modified by some force.

Merlin wouldn't lie to him in such a senseless place.

Then this is most likely the [real me], which is the requirement of the task of "recalling my true identity".

——So, who am I?
(End of this chapter)

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