Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 275 False sense of time

Chapter 275 False sense of time
[——But, how did you know about this ritual?This is a ritual developed by the old man... Did he really leave behind some inheritance?Forget it, it doesn’t matter.Since you said you don’t know...]

[——Then you probably won’t care. Your grandfather was cursed to death by me, right? 】

The voice of the giant prince Wolfram rang in Aiwass's heart.

Now Aiwass put aside his anger and impulsiveness, carefully dismantled this sentence, and chewed it word for word.

He soon realized that Wolfram, subconsciously, held a great deal of respect for his grandfather - and that he believed Jacob had left behind some kind of "legacy."

It was precisely because he confirmed that Jacob was dead, but did not know where Jacob died.That's why he pretended that he had cursed the other party to death.

If Aiwass reacts violently, it means that Aiwass has not been in contact with Jacob and has not received the other party's inheritance; on the contrary, if Aiwass has been in contact with Jacob, he will know that it was not him who did it at all.

As a control group, another giant said this sentence at the same time:

[——Could it be that he was injured by the curse flowing in his blood?By the way, do you know how your biological parents died? 】

Aiwass' attitude towards his words was extremely contemptuous at that time.

He thought they didn't understand anything at the time... But after Aiwass taunted each other, the two of them were attacked and disappeared without any resistance.

——They can definitely attack Aiwass.Mirage's image can also inherit some attack power.

But they don't.

Because their purpose has been achieved.

When Aiwass taunted them, they immediately realized...Aiwass knew how his parents died.At the same time, they also deduced that Aiwass did not obtain Jacob's relics.

Aiwass slowly clenched his fists.

He finally understood everything.

——Aiwass still underestimated this giant who regained his rationality after losing his strength.

This giant was imprisoned from youth to old age and thought alone for 400 years without ever going crazy in a prison without seeing the light of day.

Just because the other party is a giant and behaves very arrogantly.

Aiwass subconsciously added his stereotype of giants to him - that was obviously the technique Aiwass was best at using, but he himself just ignored this.

This is precisely because Aiwass is also arrogant.

Fortunately, it's not too late.

The other party used this method just to let Aiwass reveal the information...

If nothing else.

It is very likely that they are coming or have already come to Yingjia Village.

And another doubt was born in Aiwass's mind——

Who is his grandfather?

Can the "relic" he left behind be immediately targeted by Professor Moriarty and the Giant Prince at the same time?

Aiwass had no idea how much strength Professor Moriarty, the original final BOSS of 6.0, had now or whether he had become a BOSS.

But he can at least confirm that the giant prince Wolfram is a fifth-level powerhouse!
And he suddenly escaped from prison more than ten years ago.

More than ten years ago - this time happened to be close to Jacob's death.

Aiwass and his grandfather contracted strange headaches one after another more than ten years ago; it was also more than ten years ago that Professor Moriarty recruited the curser Aziz, and Aiwass was adopted by the professor; even Ava Long's royal family died one after another starting from the second one, the giant prince Wolfram escaped from prison, Jacob wrote a certain manuscript, Lily's mother was assassinated by Gray Green, and Yulia turned into a phantom egg... these things all happened. "Ten years ago".

Now it seems that everything may have happened in just two or three years.

And if we go back one or two years, the first royal heir of Avalon was poisoned, Avalon and Iris went to war, Avalon was invaded by the Iris army ten days after the war started, and Meg was the first The first time he showed his power and created the reputation of the "Ten Days War", the birth of the Noble Red... and the day when Iben and Nobel were recruited.

Which of these things are related to each other?
Aiwass fell into thought.

He felt like he was missing a crucial link.

But he was certain of at least one thing - that is, Jacob's manuscript didn't look that easy to find.

The good thing is that others who also want to get their hands on the manuscript can't find it so easily.

Although Aiwass arrived late, he may have arrived earliest.

This village is a bit weird.

If you don't follow the path introduced by an acquaintance, you won't be able to discover its existence at all - the more you relax your power to communicate with ordinary townspeople, the later you will get the exact coordinates of Yingjia Village.

Aiwass regretted letting the two gryphon aunts go back.

But there was nothing he could do... At that time, he didn't know that things would develop like this.

After standing there and politely asking for some details, Aiwass said goodbye to old William.

Although Haina couldn't understand what Aiwass and Grandpa William were talking about, she had a great time playing with her griffon Liz, and she didn't feel bored at all.They stood there chatting for at least 20 minutes.

But when Aiwass looked up, he found that it was still dusk in the sky - and when Aiwass and his group followed Haina to her home, the sky here was still dusk.

"...such a long dusk."

Even Sherlock couldn't help complaining: "Isn't there something wrong with this?"


Haina was a little confused: "Is it...very long?"

Aiwass raised his eyebrows and asked, "Don't you think it's long? Is it any different from your experience on the Glass Island?"

Haina was a little confused: "Is there any?"

Hearing this, Sherlock took out a silver pocket watch from his arms.

He opened it and checked the time.

But soon, his expression darkened.

"It's really not long."

Sherlock said slowly: "It has been less than three minutes since we saw Haina."

Hearing this, Lily froze on the spot.

And Aiwass also asked seriously: "Are you sure, Detective? Did you remember the time correctly?"

Not to mention how long Aiwass had been chatting with the old took more than three minutes to walk from the north end of the village!

"I know it's incredible. But I'm sure we only passed three minutes."

Sherlock said seriously: "I have already picked up the watch since I saw the light again."

Hearing this, even Haina felt something was wrong: "Could it be that... some force moved your pocket watch? I feel like we did not meet for long... Otherwise, I would have been bored long ago and rushed you. Leave now."

Aiwass's heart sank.

He and Sherlock looked at each other, and then said in a deep voice: "Senior sister, I may know... why you are often late."

"...Are you saying that my perception of time is wrong?"

Haina was shocked.

She was about to refute, but suddenly recalled that the first time she had the "symptom" of "losing consciousness after reading" was when she left her hometown and went to junior high school in Bagpipe Town.

At that time, she was often said by her classmates to be a child cursed by a sand clock - whether she was reading, practicing sword practice or running, she would feel like hours had passed by accidentally.

It was as if the time had jumped to the end just for a moment.

Time seems to pass particularly easily with her.

She doesn't feel the slightest bit, nor does she feel tired because of it, nor is she lazy or distracted...

Because for her, it didn't take that long at all.

When she was in elementary school, she never had this strange "genius disease" at all.

…So, could it be that the problem is not “age” but “location”?
As long as she is not in her hometown, she will suffer from a strange "disordered sense of time" syndrome.

This made her grades extremely good, but at the same time it hindered her work and caused her a lot of trouble.

And as she left home for longer and longer, the time she deviated gradually returned to the center line...

The best example is that when she first met Aiwass, she could still give it a few hours; but now she can control it to about half an hour.

For a moment, Haina didn't know what to say.

She only felt a ridiculous yet frightening feeling coming over her heart——

Could it be that she was not "cursed by the sand clock" like the children joked, but was actually cursed by the Amber God?
At this moment, she suddenly looked up.

The others were also startled and raised their heads as if they noticed something.

I was shocked to find that at some point, a deep moon was already reflected in the sky.

Night fell, but no one present noticed it.Instead, Haina was the first to notice something was wrong.

Ever since entering Yingjia Village, everyone's sense of time has gone wrong.

"Run fast!"

Haina's expression suddenly changed: "If you haven't entered the house by night...sometimes you will encounter an army of undead wandering at night!"

 update completed!
(End of this chapter)

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