Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 309 Ligeia’s murder order

Chapter 309 Ligeia’s murder order

Witnessed with my own eyes how Aiwass easily sealed the fifth-level earthbound spirit into a small tarot card.

Sherlock, who was watching on the sidelines, was extremely shocked.

It can even be said to be dumbfounded.

"...How on earth did you do this?"

Sherlock was puzzled.

Because this completely violates Shylock's common sense - the path to transcendence, the oppression of the superiors on the inferiors is very obvious.

Many abilities become significantly weaker when they cross one energy level, and become ineffective when they cross two energy levels.Those so-called cases of the weak defeating the strong either avoid the suppressed ability in some way, or the weak actually holds the fragments or inheritance of the stronger and is stronger than the strong in a special field. powerful.

But Aiwass's ritual can be said to be incompatible with both.

——That is clearly a "ritual" that transcends the path!
I didn't see Aiwass using anything stronger than the Earthbound Spirit to suppress her... Aiwass prayed to Amber, but it couldn't be Amber who came to help him in person!

Even if the Earthbound Spirit leaves voluntarily, it is almost impossible to have such perfect accommodation power.

All her existence and power were condensed into this small ordinary card, without any leakage.This is an extremely perfect seal - the power of the path of wisdom allows Sherlock to keenly analyze that as long as Aiwass does not take the initiative to remove the complex seal on this card, the Earthbound Spirit will never come out.

And looking at Aiwass's proficiency, this is obviously not his first time.

"How many cards like this have you got?"

Sherlock couldn't help but ask.

Aiwass said with a smile: "Secret. And it's not about getting it, it's about making it."

——As long as Sherlock doesn't know that he only has four cards, he will look extremely tall and mysterious.

"Just like I gave you the Mithraic worshiper's transfer ceremony. You also said that I also have the aptitude for the path of wisdom. But I knew this ceremony clearly, but I didn't use it on myself... Then naturally It’s because I have better career options.”

Aiwass said seriously: "Aren't you curious about my profession beyond the path for a long time? Scholar of Sins - this is my profession."

Although Aiwass is not there yet, he can lend heavily.

Anyway, just advance twice more.

"...The Sin Scholar sounds very similar to the Demonologist. But it's different."

Sherlock murmured: "You don't have a natal demon, but you have the ability to make cards. That card is the God of Death in Tarot cards. According to this reasoning, I'm afraid you can have up to 22 such cards... Summon yourself to capture it with your own hands. 22 phantom followers? The upper limit of this profession is so powerful..."

Although he could not see the attributes of [Follower Card: Earthbound Spirit], judging from the previous conversation between Aiwass and Earthbound Spirit Alice, he could probably guess that Aiwass wanted to bring the Earthbound Spirit with him. Walk.And looking at his proud look now, you know that he must have succeeded.

But when he heard that Aiwass was not a demonologist, Sherlock was still relieved.

He now recognizes Aiwass more and more.

When he was investigating Edward before, Sherlock didn't feel the thrill of getting closer to the truth.Instead, there was an inexplicable irritability... It was as if something was instinctively warning him to stay away from the truth as much as possible.

At that time, Sherlock relied entirely on his persistent belief that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and his rebellious mentality - the more uncomfortable I became, the more I wanted to get this done - to finally forcibly combine the dark history of the Moriarty family with Criminal evidence was found.

But he was not happy at the time.

Sherlock believes that emotion is called regret.

But now, he is no longer willing to investigate Aiwass.However, Her Majesty the Queen was kind to him, and their family remained loyal to Avalon for generations.Due to emotions and reasons, he should also ensure that Aiwass will not become the next Minister Drost...and now, he finally has an investigation result that he can convince himself and can also hand over to the Queen.

Aiwass did not avoid Sherlock at all when preparing the ritual materials, and even stayed with him during the process of collecting swamp liquid.

Sherlock could see clearly that Aiwass did not use any human materials throughout the process.

——Compared with the evil and corrupt demon scholars and the dangerous and mysterious curse wizards, it seems that the sin scholar is a cleaner profession on the road to transcendence.

Compared with this, catching the Phantom Demon is not that difficult.

"Next time," Sherlock reached out and pressed the newsboy cap he was wearing, and said softly, "I mean in the future - if you need it, you can come to me at any time. I can help you catch what you want... ...Undead? Or I can help you investigate the information you want."

He wasn't quite sure what the scope of Aiwass' arrest was.Judging by the results, Aiwass can at least capture the undead.

Aiwas's eyes lit up: "That's good."

He didn't shirk at all, but happily agreed.

Rather, it was for this reason that he shared the secret with Sherlock.

Although Aiwass occasionally seemed smarter than Sherlock due to his vision and intelligence advantages, Aiwass still knew clearly in his heart how much he weighed.His ability to analyze existing intelligence is much weaker than Sherlock's.

Moreover, Sherlock will further improve his level on the path of wisdom, and his brain will become better and better... The smarter and more capable his secretary is, the easier it will be for Aiwass.

However, before leaving, Aiwass still mentioned to Sherlock that he should try not to tell others about his profession - Sherlock understood that "try to" means that you can say it, but don't say it nonsense.

This is probably the reason why Aiwass did not avoid Liz the Griffin throughout the whole process.

Although Liz can't speak yet, she will be fully grown soon.Haina will definitely know everything she knows by then.

After capturing Alice, Aiwass took Sherlock and Liz directly back to Eagle Point Village.

He originally thought that he would have to walk the road to the village again and wait until dusk before entering the village...but he found that he could fly back to the village directly.

They didn't delay at all on the journey, and it was just noon when they flew back.

"Maybe it's because some villagers invited us to spend the night, or simply because some villagers accepted us," Sherlock analyzed softly, "so we were recognized as one of our own.

"This is more normal, otherwise it would be difficult for the messenger to deliver the letter here - every time it is delivered at dusk, something abnormal will always be noticed, and it is also easy to encounter the Wild Hunt. The same is true for Haina. It was obvious when she returned home It’s not at dusk, otherwise she wouldn’t have bought a train ticket to arrive in the early morning.”

"That's right."

Aiwass agreed.

The materials for a New Moon Ceremony are much more difficult to assemble than for a Full Moon Ceremony.Although it can be substituted, it cannot be found randomly.

A standard new moon ritual requires a live petrel, the heart of a deer that just died today, a miniature wax figure of a philosopher, a snake, a handful of black salt, a horse penis, and a fed mouse. , an oyster, a mirror.

Among them, petrels can be replaced with pigeons or sparrows, as long as they can fly; oysters can be replaced with pearl oysters or other shellfish.Horse penises can also be dried; snakes are not required to be alive, but must remain soft... So Aiwass also bought a few, soaked them in wine, and brought them over.

The hardest thing to find is undoubtedly the deer heart.

But there is an alternative to deer heart, which is lamb’s heart.Lily and Haina just went to Bagpipe Town to buy sheep - and caught some mice by the way. There were no mice in Eagle Point Village.As a result, Aiwass came back a little faster than them.

Before they returned, Aiwass and Sherlock began to outline the magic circle required for the promotion ceremony from the room on the second floor of Haina's house.

There are three people who are going to advance in this new moon ceremony - Aiwass and Lily are going from second to third, while Haina is going from third to fourth.

Going from third to fourth means advancing her career, and Haina will change her job from supervisor to arbiter.

Aiwass also dissuaded Haina and told her to wait for them to be together.I can’t wait too long anyway…

However, Haina reluctantly said that this was what her teacher meant.

Ligeia required her to pass a new moon ceremony alone before she could officially pass the exam.Before this, Haina had only experienced the full moon ceremony, and she had never experienced the new moon ceremony at all.

But Ligeia believes that the difficulties Haina will face are far more dangerous and unexpected than this.She must have the ability to face sudden difficulties and solve them, and she must survive the battles of wits and courage between people and the brutal fighting.

At that time, Haina didn't quite understand what she would do in the future to be more dangerous than the three-to-four new moon ritual... But now she has gradually understood.

——If Haina is the successor of the "Great Arbiter", then she indeed needs to have such qualities.

If she can't even protect herself, won't she be so nervous that her stomach hurts when she protects a country?

In the face of that kind of responsibility, being promoted from the Crescent Field to the fourth energy level by yourself... seems to be nothing at all.

Haina still needs stronger, far stronger personal abilities than this.

Originally, Aiwass thought this might be difficult.

But when Aiwass realized that Haina was the future leader of the "Hyena Gang" and even had a small fragment of Lancelot I's soul in her body... he felt that Haina might be able to do it. .Old Meg's eyes are indeed vicious, you can see it all.

Haina has that talent, she just lacks some pressure to squeeze it out.

This time she is alone and facing a new moon ceremony that she has never experienced before, which will give her this kind of pressure - the punishment of the new moon ceremony is usually one level higher than that of the full moon ceremony, and the price of "death" can occur frequently in the third and fourth years. At best, the soul is damaged and cannot advance to the fifth energy level in the future.

——In other words, Ligeia asked Haina to kill someone.

Not for justice, for the queen, for Avalon, nor in the name of law and protection.There is no excuse to shirk responsibility, but for his own growth and his own interests, he kills others mercilessly in the new moon ceremony without partners - and kills as many people as possible.

The future great arbiter must not be a soft-hearted and hesitant person.

She must be ruthless, iron-fisted and cold-blooded to be able to suppress internal and external troubles.

Aiwass is looking forward to it.

When the sun rises tomorrow, how much Haina will grow after surviving this promotion ceremony...

(End of this chapter)

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