Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 317 Stranger is full of expectations

Chapter 317 Stranger is full of expectations
The stranger was very happy.

She didn't know how her companions were doing now, but she was indeed very happy now.

Because the guests she received at the moment were completely beyond her expectations——

"Yes, I also think that the Philosopher's Stone is impossible to achieve. It goes against one of the essences of the balanced path, 'equivalent exchange', so it is actually a wrong goal."

A girl with long ocean-blue curly hair and a gentle appearance was sitting in a private room chatting nonstop to the young man in front of her.

The young man was more of a boy than a man.Even though he no longer looks young, and may even be close to or reaching 30 years old, he still has a shy temperament about him.

He has short, messy black hair and wears black-rimmed glasses.That kind of clean temperament is more like that of a scholar than an aristocrat, and is incompatible with the extravagance and decadence here.

"I think you're right!"

The young man was very happy, as if he had found a like-minded person: "Have you also studied alchemy? What do you think of 'technicalization'?"

"Technification" is a term from alchemy.In the past it was usually used pejoratively.

Because alchemy is actually a very complex doctrine - it includes a wide range of methods for understanding the world, including various philosophical concepts and methodologies.The specific alchemical formula is its own system, and everyone's cognition is slightly different... In most cases, alchemists tend to re-derive according to basic principles, or completely analyze other people's formulas, After thorough research, make it your own.

"Technicalization" refers to the teaching methods used by alchemy instructors due to mistakes and impatientness, which caused students to teach too many alchemy recipes to their apprentices without thoroughly mastering the basic theories of alchemy.

This resulted in the fact that although the apprentices were holding the formula, they did not know the principle of the formula and were unable to effectively debug and improve the formula.

As a result, alchemy has changed from a "doctrine of exploring truth" to a "technology of manufacturing alchemical products." Therefore, in the mainstream trend of thought among alchemists, this behavior is undoubtedly harmful and utilitarian, and it will be even more so. And destroy the inheritance.

If such behavior is taken to an extreme, eventually only those "useful" formulas, or even the "most useful" formulas, will be passed down. However, there may be more secrets and keys to the truth hidden in a seemingly useless formula. .

But Stranger said without hesitation: "The core power of the balanced path comes from completely analyzing and transforming [mysterious knowledge] into [conventional knowledge]. This process is what we call 'disenchantment'. Recreating various technologies and magic potions that only exist in myths and legends into reality is alchemy. It is a great theory that swallows up and integrates the power of other paths and "unifies" them.

"There is no doubt that if there can only be one path in this world in the future, then it will eventually be the path of balance. And I think the essence of 'technification' is to further disenchant alchemy and turn it into 'Alchemical technology', that is, 'alchemy'.

"This is indeed utilitarian, but it is not harmful. Because this is one of the core concepts of the balanced path, to use knowledge and methods to understand and transform the world, and to unify the disorder into order——"

The stranger's eyes were filled with incomparable brilliance.

That is the light of intelligence and truth.

The young man sitting opposite her was also trembling with excitement: "You're right! Oh my god, hourglass - I didn't expect that the first person who fully understood me would be in Huyue Manor... No, I have to find a way to take you away..."

As he spoke, he shouted to the outside: "Peng Ponachi!"

"Come on, come on..."

A handsome young man shook a wine glass full of blood and came over with a smile from outside: "How is it, Bashir, my friend? Are you satisfied with the girl I ordered?"

When he saw the neat clothes of the two of them, he was a little disappointed: "You guys just drank like this for two hours, and nothing happened?"

"What are you talking about, you idiot," Bashir Valentine was a little dissatisfied. "This is a respectable young lady! She can completely understand my ideas, and even some of her views are more advanced than mine -

"I said, can I take her away? I think the Twelve Keys need her!"

"You like her so much?"

The son of the moon, known as Pomponazzi, was a little surprised.

He looked at the stranger and asked, "What's your number?"

"I'm number 23."

The stranger replied.

"23," Valentine exclaimed, "an odd number, a prime number. Just like your unique nature."

He looked at his aristocratic friend longingly, Peng Bonazi's teeth were a little sour.

"Okay, it's not expensive on the 23rd. I'll buy it for you as a birthday gift for you. If you don't stay here for the night tonight, just take her away." Peng Bo said Qi's eyes stared at the stranger, and his pupils turned bright red in an instant.

He sensed the emotions and thoughts in the stranger's heart, and raised his lips with satisfaction - he did not sense any conspiracy or scheming, only strong respect and excitement.

So he said casually: "It's almost time for you to get married and start a business - if you don't mind that she was a blood servant."

"I already said, I just treat her as a friend and confidant——"

Valentin shouted with a blush on his cheeks: "I just want to pull her into my 'Twelve Keys'!"

The stranger opened his eyes wide and watched everything in front of him intently.

Compared with the promotion mission, being able to personally contact and chat with the young Valentine I in person - she believed this was a more precious and rare experience.

There is no starry alchemist who does not revere Valentine I.

It was his "Twelve Keys" organization that selflessly transformed the knowledge of alchemy from aristocratic knowledge into something that everyone can learn - the so-called way to contact the truth.It was precisely because of his idea of ​​establishing a country based on alchemy that the Star Antimony Kingdom, which was only allocated the smallest and least fertile piece of land after the Earth Splitting War, was able to annex those neighboring countries that might have been powerful and rich in the past.

Time has proven that they were right.The person in front of them is the great man who brought them truth and victory.

——As long as the method is right, anyone can become a god.

This is the idea proposed by Valentine I.

Even the high-ranking Tiansi and Zhushen may not be irreplaceable.

There are no inevitable taboos or impossible things in this world, it’s all about taking one step forward.Then take one step forward.

There is nothing in this world that human beings cannot do. All human beings are like stars.When night falls, the stars can illuminate the earth.

It was in response to this concept that the Star Antimony people gathered under his banner.

It was undoubtedly a surprise to meet his idol, and it was even more of a surprise to complete the task so easily.

But at this moment, Stranger suddenly remembered something——

This mission requires two people to complete.

So she subconsciously said: "But, I..."

...I have a friend, can I take him or her with me?
As soon as such thoughts appeared in her mind, she felt hesitant.

And Peng Bonaqi, who had scarlet eyes, turned around and said, "Huh? What's the matter?"

"...No, it's fine."

Stranger's thoughts changed in his mind, and he gave up trying to persuade the financial owner to buy his companions away together.

This is a bit too much.Even if everything in front of her is just false, she doesn't want her idol, Valentine I, to think that she is a greedy person.

They must be able to solve the problem themselves, Stranger thought to himself.

——If I really lived in this era, it would be great to really be able to join the Twelve Keys of Valentine I.she thought.

Rather than that, she would rather exchange some alchemy experiences with the other party.

Even if the other party masters alchemical concepts that are hundreds of years behind, and alchemical technology has been developing rapidly every year in these years... But as smart as him, he must be inspired by these new technologies and find some inspiration.

Coincidentally, the armed gargoyles developed by Stranger still have a technical difficulty that has not been overcome - these gargoyles, which can deflect spells but are relatively fragile in body, cannot cast spells themselves.So how can they cause effective damage at a safe enough distance?
In order to solve this problem, he took up the path of balance part-time and taught himself alchemy.But now that his alchemy has almost reached the third level, he still can't solve this problem.The best strategy at present is to throw various alchemical mixtures... but this consumes a lot of money.

Perhaps the founding monarch of the Star Antimony Kingdom can bring some technical inspiration to today’s Star Antimony——

The stranger is full of expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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