Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 437 Searching for Isabel

Chapter 437 Searching for Isabel

With Philip's help, Aiwass arrived at the port at great speed.

But of course he didn't look for them one by one... That would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, which was stupid and extremely inefficient.

Aiwass immediately revealed his identity as a minister without charge, and with an extremely tough attitude ordered all ships to immediately stay for six hours and conduct an additional round of comprehensive cargo inspection.

This is a perfectly reasonable request and falls within the remit of the Trade Secretary.

Now that the position of Minister of Trade is vacant, ministers can temporarily issue orders as long as they obtain the Queen's authorization.

Of course Aiwass didn't have Isabel's authorization, but that would be enough to make up for it later. He didn't expect to use such an order to stop the succubus Emma... But if Emma really wanted to leave with Yulia, then Isabel would definitely be on the only ship to leave. He can also lock in a rough range.

After locking down the possibility of Emma secretly taking away Yulia, Aiwass relaxed a little.

The "Minister Griffith" had expressed his desire for Yulia's blood before, and he was related to the beholder, and the beholder was related to Emma. Emma directly kidnapped "Yulia", probably for the same purpose.

If possible, he actually hopes to find the succubus Emma in the Lloyd's Building - based on Aiwass's understanding of Emma during his brief contact, there is a high probability that she will hide "Yuliya" there. Lloyd's headquarters and set up a trap; or take "Yulia"'s blood and wash her memory and send her directly back to Moriarty Manor; or take "Yulia" with her and then conduct a second round of negotiations with Aiwass.

And if she had to get Yulia anyway, then other subordinates who were coordinating at the port should take "Yulia" away directly, and then she herself would return to the Lloyd's Building and pretend to be innocent to create an alibi.

Although the Great Guardian has no contact with Emma, ​​he has rich experience. These possibilities were roughly considered at the first opportunity.

That's why he arrived at the Lloyd's Building first and asked Aiwass to go to the port to check the situation.

——If Emma has come back, of course she will not leave casually again. Either her conspiracy must be completed here, or she must be here to hide her actions.

So Emma's not here is nothing more than a few situations - either she is walking back but hasn't arrived yet, or she has set a trap and ambushed nearby, or she ran away directly with Yulia, or She has killed or controlled Yulia and is taking blood.

Considering that Emma has a more or less official status, Aiwass feels that Emma should not dare to do too much.

After all, Aiwass yelled at her directly when they met - at that time, Emma, ​​who was at the fifth level, did not dare to do anything to Aiwass, who was at the third level.

From this, it can be inferred that Emma should be a relatively timid type.

She should adopt a relatively conservative strategy and prioritize saving herself rather than harming others.

Compared to fighting and killing, Emma prefers to use conspiracy and traps to weaken or control others... Of course, if she didn't have such a personality, she would definitely not awaken into a demon incarnation like a "succubus".

...Because of this, Aiwass always felt that the logic of Emma's behavior was a little weird.

Even if Yulia is to be captured, it seems that there is no need for the candle priest to arrest her, right? Wouldn't it be better to wait until you are ready to leave, or after you have already left?

Aiwass was a little confused.

Precisely because it was of no benefit to her at all and would only destroy Emma's original plan, Aiwass was a little unsure of what she wanted to do.

However, Aiwass and the Great Guardian have blocked the Lloyd's headquarters and the port respectively.

Next, it’s just a matter of slowly searching area after area.

In this case, Aiwass can use the missing person prayer.

Fortunately, Aiwass was a priest, so he had a lot of messy prayer rituals under his belt.

The missing person ritual only works when the target or clue is nearby. The advantage is that as long as the clue is nearby, you can definitely get it. There will be no situation like the Eye of Avalon where "you should have seen it but you were blind and didn't".

So Aiwass asked Philip to fly to the heights of the port.

Then he took out the ceremonial knife, prayed briefly to consecrate it, and then pierced the sharp and strong ceremonial knife into the palm of his left hand, and the tip of the knife even faintly poked out from the back of his hand!

Because of the severe pain, Aiwass's face suddenly turned pale, and he trembled suddenly. Panting heavily, his body twitched uncontrollably twice.

Enduring the severe pain, Aiwass closed his eyes and solemnly prayed word for word: "I solemnly call you, noble fire stealer!"

"The god whose holy number is three, the god who binds his body with sin thorns, the god who burns his body to chase away the darkness - the stag of the candlestick!"

Although in theory, all priests are first and foremost followers of the Candlestick.

But this was the first time Aiwass was so devoted to Sizhu.

A golden-red light shone in his pupils, and little flames ignited in the fingers of his left hand that was holding the ceremonial knife tightly: "I beg you to surrender to this blood fire!"

"I am a latecomer in the way of devotion, priest of the Nine Pillars! I am Aiwass Moriarty!

"Please guide me on my path and let me know if there is any trace of the person I am looking for around me!

"I offer my own blood at this moment to pray for true knowledge. I swear that this blood is shed for the benefit of others. Please respond to me, Master Zhu and his apostles -"

Aiwass said, suddenly pulling the blade out of his palm and raising his left hand in front of his eyes.

The surging blood-red flame ignited from Aiwass's palm, and Aiwass's long hair and clothes were blown and trembled violently by the sudden storm.

Staring at the crimson flames, Aiwass suddenly had visions of vision.

He felt as if he were standing in front of some flame, with a sacred bonfire crackling in front of him.

Please, Si Zhu...

Today is the Candle Priest - she disrupts your ceremonies, charms your priests, harms innocent people on this holy day...

But soon, the storm roared past. The flame in Aiwass's hand gradually dimmed and extinguished, and the hallucinations in his eyes and ears gradually dissipated.

——There is no answer.

The instructions are not here.

"Not here, please go back a little bit."

Aiwass patted Philip on the back gently.

Phillip said solemnly: "No problem, I'll fly slower and stop when you tell me."

“Okay, right here—please stop.”

Aiwass quickly ordered.

This is a place that feels familiar to Aiwass...or rather, the place where the dream begins.

Because he was currently standing at the location of the previously sealed "Pelican Bar". Now this bar has been sealed for a long time and everything inside has been emptied. Now it has become an abandoned warehouse, where some stones are stored.

Aiwass used the missing person ritual for the second time. But this ceremony had a different reaction——

The flames spurting out from the left hand held by Aiwass in front of his eyes formed some kind of temporary illusion in Aiwass's eyes.

In a dark alley, he saw a helpless little girl.

There was an overturned basket next to her, and there seemed to be something in it. And she was still holding something tightly in her hands, her shoulders were drawn inward, and her arms were folded together. His back was against the wall, as if he wanted to protect something in his arms.

As people slowly gathered around her, her eyes were full of fear and unwillingness. She seemed afraid of being beaten, but she didn't use her hands to cover her head...

The hallucination only appeared for a brief moment, and the flame in Aiwass's hand dissipated.

But Aiwass was extremely excited, and there was no need to perform the ceremony again to confirm: "There is a reaction! I know the road——"

He did know the hallucinatory alley.

——Not only did he know him, but the crow sitting on Aiwass's shoulder also knew him.

Because that was the alley where the demonologist from Noble Red tried to sacrifice Aiwass to summon the Shadow Demon.

Under the guidance of Aiwass, Philip quickly arrived at the precise location given by Aiwass under the storm.

What Aiwass saw in his hallucinations before was not what had already happened. But what is happening.

The poor people who surrounded the little girl were blown away by the storm that fell from the sky before they could harm her or complete the robbery, and they lay on the ground in a miserable state.

They got up from the ground and saw the noble and white giant gryphon. They didn't even dare to say a word and ran away in fear. They didn't even dare to call out. They rolled and crawled without saying a word. Ran away.

Philip's majestic and complicated eyes stared at their fleeing backs.

Aiwass jumped down from the gryphon and tried to comfort the girl: "It's okay, it's okay..."

His words suddenly stalled for a moment.

Looking at the dirty, thin, thinly-clad girl, Aiwass suddenly realized that he seemed to know her.

This was the little girl who came to buy flowers from Aiwass when Haina took him to the Pelican Bar in a wheelchair!

Although the clothes Aiwass was wearing were not priest uniforms, the flower seller instantly recognized Aiwass's identity: "It's... a kind-hearted big brother!"

——Obviously, not everyone was kind to her during her flower-selling days. Therefore, the few Aiwass who were friendly to her were firmly remembered in her heart.

She suddenly made up her mind, and seemed to have figured out something.

"Brother, I have money...I have money now..."

The girl said, and casually handed the stack of white crown coins that she held in her hand to Aiwass with great heartache: "I'll give these money to you... I'll just take one... "

She realized that she couldn't keep or spend the windfall she had received.

But she would not be willing to give them to those vicious people who wanted to harm her.

At that time, Aiwass gave her a red coin and did not ask for change. At that time, she returned the nine copper coins to Aiwass very seriously, just because she didn't want to accept charity - although she was just selling some flowers or wild flowers that were not in good condition, she was not a beggar or a beggar after all. Stand up and sell.

Even though there are many "flower girls" of the same age who are engaged in that kind of business, she is not. She earns money through labor, and although it doesn't even keep her full every day, she still has dignity.

...But that kind of dignity was shattered the moment the beautiful sister with a gentle smile handed her one hundred white crown coins.

If it was just one red coin, she could still return it. But if it was a white coin, she would be in a dilemma. Not to mention this is one hundred white crown coins.

A luxurious meal of fried sausages, an omelette and a bowl of mashed potatoes only costs four copper coins, and one white coin can buy fifty of these delicacies. She couldn't even calculate how much one hundred white coins could buy. All she knew was that it was a large amount of money that would keep her from going hungry for a long, long time... and even allow her to move directly out of the dangerous Lloyd District and live in a prosperous and safe urban area!

She can also invite a priest to cure her mother's illness, and she can even go to school or buy a new set of clean and warm clothes!

There might be other things she could do, but she couldn't imagine it.

This huge sum of money made it impossible for her to return the money, so she could only accept it with sobs and tears.

She knew in her heart that she had to hide this huge sum of money, otherwise she would not survive tomorrow. But she couldn't help the throbbing in her heart... As a result, because she reacted too much, she was directly targeted by other gang members who were doing nothing and doing nothing during the candle ceremony.

Soon, that beautiful dream was shattered like a shattered mirror. She woke up and realized that she had no power to change her destiny after all, and she might even die soon...

So she just wanted to give the money to a very small number of people who were kind to her.

——It’s better than having them taken away by those who bully you!

She clenched her fists and thought in her heart.

But when Aiwass saw the money, he was suddenly stunned.

One hundred white coins... Who would suddenly give such a huge sum of money to a poor person?

Either he is a kind-hearted noble man who doesn't know much about Lloyd's District, thinking he has done a kind charity; or he is a bloodthirsty audience with ulterior motives who just want to have fun.

Coupled with his own searching ritual...

The figures of the two people appeared in Aiwass's mind.

Isabel, or Emma.

So Aiwass immediately asked the girl: "Who gave you this money? Is it a beautiful sister?"


The flower seller's eyes suddenly lit up, and the hand that was struggling to hand over the money became much smoother: "Brother, give the money back to her! I can't take so much..."

But Aiwass just pushed the money away and asked: "What color is her hair and what color are her eyes? How tall is she approximately?"

"White hair, very white, like snowdrops. And red eyes, a bit scary, but very beautiful, the color of roses... She is a little taller than me."

The girl replied obediently and gestured at the same time: "Just a little bit..."

Aiwass immediately confirmed that it was Yulia!

In other words, it’s Isabel dressed as Yulia!

--Finally found!

This girl's money has not been taken away yet, which means she probably hasn't gone far yet——

So Isabel is alive and safe!

Avas breathed a sigh of relief and felt as if the whole world suddenly became brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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