Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 484 I will definitely survive

Chapter 484 I will definitely survive

Bishop Mathers's proposal was quickly rejected by Aiwass.

Imprisoning Master Nobel would not bring them much benefit - the alchemical mixture would be just a potion in the hands of others, but in the hands of an alchemist it could exert unique effects.

Now, they are in need of manpower. Neither Aiwass nor Isabel rejects the path of balance, so they can accept help from strangers.

After Aiwass comforted Bishop Mathers, he asked for the fragments of the red-handled sword from him.

With the familiar weapon back in his hands, Aiwass felt much more at ease.

So Aiwass found Isabel again and told her all the subsequent arrangements.

"It's time to get ready to go," Aiwass said seriously, "Take Shafia with you, and my father - Oswald will protect him after all, and he can also protect you. Diomedes also Here you go, take them all away...

"Originally, you were bound to encounter danger on your way to the Theocratic State. But that was based on the fact that Ms. Shafia was dead and we were going to the Theocratic State alone. Now that Shafia has been rescued by us, she will protect you. There probably won't be too many problems. I plan to ask Bishop Mathers and Master Nobel to follow you... Sherlock and I will stay here. I'll keep an eye on him."

"……how about you?"

Isabel looked at Aiwass, but just asked: "Do you have to perform the Shadow of Avalon ceremony?"

"...You mean, the one at the end of the promotion ceremony..."

"In this way, his soul will either be seriously damaged, or he will die directly from it. No matter which way, he will not leave enough memories... Our previous performance, although there are no flaws at the moment, will only make him conscious later. If Aiwass becomes the 'Fox', or if Isabel becomes 'Lulu', the information we pass on to him will be exposed."

"Because of this, he will definitely hand over the summarized information to them. Even if he mentions our matter, as long as he silences it, it means there is no evidence."

Aiwass replied: "If he dies after being discovered, his soul will be damaged, but he will not necessarily die. So I plan to kill him more cleanly."

When Aiwass suddenly mentioned the Shadow of Avalon ritual before, Isabel felt something was wrong.

Isabel was a little worried: "Is your dream unstable? Do you want me to go to the Theocracy at full speed?"

Isabel had a new doubt.

"I think your father seems to have guessed that this is a promotion ceremony. Through hints, maybe we can get him to help us get rid of the 'advisor' who feels very troublesome."

"...After all, it's four days, right?"

"The consultant must be killed."

Isabel also understood: "If they don't want to be found out, they can't write down these things. So the information that can be written down in the end will not be too much, it must be a summary version."

Aiwass nodded: "But I don't plan to postpone the ceremony to the fourth day... I plan to end the promotion ceremony on the second day."

Isabel wanted to stop Aiwass: "If you want to ensure promotion... we just need to see through that fake Sherlock, right?

Isabel reacted.

"You took the drunken dream tincture, right? The dream should last for four days?"


"But what if he told two of his students these details?"

"No," Aiwass affirmed, "They can't remember so many things. Because I didn't tell any secrets directly. The things we talked about must be combined with real-life intelligence analysis to get useful results. If he directly told the students the original text, they would just miss a sentence or two and the meaning would be completely different. Moreover, they do not have the authority to access the secrets of Avalon, nor do they have enough experience and life experience. Unable to analyze independently.

They now understand each other more and more, and Isabel has already guessed what Aiwass wants to do.

"As you said, there is something wrong with that ritual."

That "highlight" edit will most likely include Isabel and Aiwass.

"Eat, I'm fine. I was thinking about other things..."

Aiwass sighed helplessly: "If it were other Pillar Gods, I wouldn't have any objections...but this is a stage created by the Lord of Scale Feathers."

As a pastor, his professional knowledge is theology.

Of course he knows the personality differences and personal preferences of these pillar gods.

The Lord of Scale Feather likes to see stories of mortals surviving through hardships and dangers.

The little girl who was burned all over her body after the fire, but still tried to survive; the soldier who was shot more than a dozen times during the war and had many limbs disabled but still tried to survive; who struggled to survive the cold and hunger caused by heavy snow or drought The hunter who survives with the people around him...

These people may be blessed by the Lord of Scales and Feathers and become His apostles.

He is the God who faces danger, savors suffering, and sings of hope.

"Adapting" is not about escaping, but about overcoming. Just like the principle of "bionics", it is a victory for the weak.

This can be seen from the character of his apostle Akpolis - this savior, commonly known as the "Military Doctor", will equally save all those who hope to be saved. He would often turn into a dove and appear on the battlefield to save soldiers who had a strong desire to survive; occasionally he would turn into a sparrow to kiss terminally ill patients, granting the miracle of life to those who were terminally ill but still trying to live.

Based on the character of the Lord of Scales and Feathers, this ritual will either become more and more intense, or there will be dangers that require courage to resolve. And no place is completely safe.

The reason why Aiwass saved so many people was so that Isabel could reach the Theocracy safely.

And Aiwass plans to stay on the Glass Island until the end.

"If it's delayed until the last day, it will be very dangerous for me. So I hope you can arrive in the Theocracy before dawn on the third day. But it's best not too fast, because I still need to find olives. In other words, I’m going to wait for the olives to find me.”

Aiwass looked at Isabel seriously: "Although we go through the promotion ceremony in order to obtain the blessing of the Pillar God to improve our 'level'. But the essence of the promotion ceremony is still for 'simulation'. "Since it is a simulation, it is natural to test it in reality. Those things that cannot be tested in the world. Take 'Shadows of Avalon' for example. I can't use the Queen's blood to perform the ritual myself, so I need the help of other ritualists. I don't know what will happen after Shadow of Avalon is I plan to complete the ritual at dusk tomorrow and you enter the Theocracy after dark. "

Aiwass warned Isabel: "We will act separately. There is no contact between us and we can only rely on tacit understanding. So I can't let others stay here for me... I can only rest assured if I stay here myself; Only if you control the time of going to the Theocracy can I feel at ease."

"...As expected, Olive is Master Iben, right?"

Isabel finally made sure.

If Olive had been anyone else, Aiwass would never have trusted him so much. Not to mention telling the other party the secret of Shadow of Avalon.

"Well," Aiwass nodded slowly, "The only problem is that this plan will leave Teacher Iben in a dangerous place. But I will also work hard to protect him..."

"——You have to protect yourself, Aiwass."

Isabel interrupted Aiwass and said extremely seriously.

Knowing that Aiwass still had her own people around, Isabel also relaxed a little.

She made a joke and said softly: "Don't forget... we have a date tomorrow night. We must survive, Aiwass."

"No promotion ceremony is absolutely safe...but I will definitely survive."

Aiwass smiled: "After all, my place is not completely empty. At least Leah is still following me."

"——Who is Leah?" Isabel was a little wary.

"The Flame-Contrary Butterfly. Does the name I just gave her sound good?"


Isabel vaguely ignored the topic.

She turned to ask: "Do you know how the Shadow of Avalon ceremony is performed? Do you want me to tell you?"

Although she was still a little uneasy, she chose to trust Aiwass.

Silver Crowned Dragon, Twin Mirrors...

I hope you can take care of Aiwass. May he be safe and sound.

"Then we need... Teacher Lulu's careful teaching."

Aiwass grabbed Isabel's wrist, whispered in her ear and chuckled.

But in fact, Aiwass is not as stable as he appears.

The copy made by the Scale Feather Lord himself... is definitely not that simple.

He's not worried about himself. He could survive no matter what, the worst he could do was give up the Shadow of Avalon ritual. This is just an experiment, and it is also for the sake of scoring points. But if it is compared with the safety of himself and his friends, he also knows what choice he should make.

Everything seems to be going well so far, but that is all because of Aiwass' intelligence advantage, which allows him to choose the best possibility in every incident.

But on Isabel's side...

Aiwass could only do her best and pass on all the teammates she found and saved.

"I pay my respects to the Lord of Scales and Feathers, the God with the number six. The God of Scales and Feathers, the God of Thousands of Clothes and Appearances..."

Aiwass also prayed silently in his heart: "I hope Isabel will be safe and sound."

And right now.

In an area of ​​​​the dream world, nine transparent souls sat on marble chairs, lowered their heads and entered the dream within the dream.

Akpolis stood in the middle of them, boredly teasing the little snake on his cane. Check in every now and then to see how they are progressing.

He suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"——Please stop, Miss Enio."

Akpolis said slowly.

Not far away, a red-haired girl wearing light armor and dripping with blood appeared quietly.

Holding the invisible hammer transformed from the hurricane, she walked towards Aiwass's spirit body step by step with bloody footsteps.

When she appeared, a storm full of blood smelled around her.


Akpolis warned again.

He raised the snake staff in his hand and looked coldly at Xiong Tiansi's apostle, "City Breaker" Enyo.

"I don't want to say it a third time."

(End of this chapter)

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