Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 557 The 2rd Ring

Chapter 557 The Second Circle
Finding Oswald is not an easy task.

He is not an active papal guard, so he does not need to be on duty; and at this age, he obviously does not need to work.

Fortunately, Freya has lived in the Theocracy for so long, so she still has some connections here. She first took Lily to the Sixth Circle and found a retired papal guard from the place guarding the ruins.

The reason why Freya came to him was also very simple. Because she knew Oswald's age, and the old man was similar in age to him; and when they chatted before, the other party said that he almost became the guardian of Avalon.

That is to say, there is a high probability that he knows Oswald.

as expected. She inquired about it from the other party, and it turned out that he knew that Oswald had returned. And he also knew that the surname "Moru" that Freya now uses was given to herself by her, and her previous surname was Moriarty, who was in charge of Oswald.

Therefore, he handed over Oswald's information to Freya very simply.

But Oswald's location surprised Lily a little.

She was deeply impressed by the elf butler who was as silent as a lone wolf. He was a serious, cold and unsmiling old gentleman.
Oswald did not go to the high-rise to live with those pure-blood elves. Instead, he stayed in the second circle, which had a very large flow of people.

Compared with the first circle, which is noisy and more chaotic and lively than downtown areas in other countries, the second circle is at least not that chaotic - the biggest difference is that there are obviously fewer people carrying luggage. But the streets were also crowded with people, and elderly people queuing up were sitting on the seats in front of many shops.

——You pushed all the cannons to the border, and then you said you just wanted to strengthen national defense; maybe you really strengthen national defense, but even if you just strengthen national defense, it means that you regard us as an imaginary enemy.

Although it can't compare to the hatred humans have for giants, it can at least be regarded as disgust.

Lily glanced around and found that the largest number of residents in the second circle were the elderly and children.

A large number of apartment-style buildings were built here. Under the intervention of the elves, neither the rent nor the price of goods are too high, so many people live here for several years or more than ten years...

Lily even saw a group of human children playing with a lizard-man child; a human girl held a young snake-man in her arms; trolls carrying heavy objects on their shoulders could also be seen in the streets, but people The attitude towards the trolls is also very least it is obviously much friendlier than the first and fifth rings.

But to say that they are simple is actually just that there is not much complicated embroidery work on these clothes, and they are basically simply sewn single-color fabrics. The quality of the fabric itself is also quite good. If you use a little elf craftsmanship for finishing, Iris can also be sold at a high price as a fashion.

In the second circle, there was even a dwarf couple walking openly on the street. Not only did she not hide her racial characteristics, she even greeted other adults and aunties on the street without any hesitation. Others obviously knew the dwarf couple, and they greeted each other quite friendly.

——And the most surprising thing is that Lily even saw the dwarf.


Freya nodded slightly: "Of all the areas in all the countries I have traveled to, the second ring of the Theocracy is also the most comfortable. If the Herasl Empire still exists, it will probably be at its most prosperous. Only then can people live such a carefree life.

The Second Circle is a relatively affordable place to live, and many long-term residents of The Theocracy will stay here.

"...The people here live really well."

Elves and dwarves are mortal enemies. Because the dwarves are basically all heretics, their racial belief is to "wait for a pillar god who belongs to the dwarves", especially Yantiansi - Yantiansi, as a Tiansi who is rapidly becoming stronger on the path of devotion, directly causes Sizhu threatened.

Life here is quite stable. There is not much pressure to study and the working hours are not long. Although I won’t be rich enough to have much savings, I won’t be able to afford some necessities. At the same time, there are no wars here, and there are no disputes caused by economics and pressure. There are even some people who were born in the second circle and died in the second circle, without ever going to other areas in their lives.

And there are also some church schools here, and some priests will come here to teach short-lived children. Those short-lived people born in the Theocracy often come here to study and work.

Lily sighed.

This is the attitude of the elves towards the dwarves.

Even though the elves prayed, they also asked Yantiansi himself about his thoughts on the position of Pillar God. But what you ask for through prayer may not necessarily be the truth, and even if it is the truth, it may not always be the truth. And even if Yantiansi really doesn't have any ideas, at least the dwarf does.

Lily also went out when she was in Avalon. Compared with the children of the knight families in the White Queen, the children here are not that well-educated - they wear simple village-like clothes, and they also run around in the streets, shouting and arguing. They were sitting and playing with each other.

The smallest race here is the goblins.

"Sometimes I think, if I get tired in the future and need a place to retire... I will come to the Second Circle to find an apartment and teach children alchemy for free. Compared to getting married or having children, this is more suitable. my concept.”

"...the elf mentorship system?"

Lily murmured.

Freya chuckled suddenly and reached out to touch Lily's hair: "No, we can't talk about it yet. I don't want to find my successor, I just want to play with the children so as not to be too lonely in my later years. And. Rather than giving children candies and cakes, it is better for their health and future to give them knowledge.”

As she said that, she looked at Lily with interest: "It seems you still remember me, Lily."

"...Of course I still remember it, Miss."

Lily had a complicated expression and murmured in a low voice: "I'm not Moriarty."

"You know that their amnesia is related to Moriarty... It seems that you also know the curse."

Freya smiled happily: "That's good. Although the first time I saw Aiwass, I knew that he must know the curse, so he didn't say anything after seeing me... but Even if you still remember me, you brought Aiwass to see me."

Lily didn't respond, just chose silence.

This was also the reason why she had such a strange expression when she saw Freya.

Although she has always regarded herself as "taking care of Aiwass when he was a child", it has to be said... Lily was actually not very old when Aiwass was young. She had never taken care of anyone before that, and she even needed someone to take care of her at first.

At that time, it was Freya who took care of Lily and Aiwass.

Freya is five years older than Lily and twelve years older than Aiwass. Only four years younger than his eldest brother Edward. This is the real elder sister like mother.

Aiwass's affection for Lily was actually because he had forgotten Freya. Under the influence of the curse, many memories belonging to Freya were shifted to Lily, who was closest to her.

This is also the reason why Aiwass is very close to and trusts Lily, but Lily is always very cautious and distant from Aiwass.

Because she was worried that one day, Aiwass would find that she had remembered the wrong person.

If his fake identity is exposed, then maybe his good feelings will turn into bad feelings.

——She never dared to take things that were not hers.

But even so, she still felt nervous when she actually saw Freya. Although she was careful not to cross the line... she still felt guilty that she had stolen something.

"How are those two children doing recently?" Freya asked.

"...The young master is about to get engaged now," Lily replied, "Miss Yulia's problem with the phantom egg has also been solved."

"It'll be good if it can be solved. I thought Yulia was already...but the so fast. He is only eighteen this year, right?"

Freya touched her chin and corrected: "No, it's not too soon. He has become an archbishop, so he has to have a child quickly."

"...What does it have to do with the Archbishop?"

"The higher the energy level, the lower the probability of giving birth to a child. This is also one of the laws of equilibrium in the world - the strong are not good at raising children. The elves have a long life span, but the population has never exploded. Part of the reason is because the elves have a strong interest in sex. On the other hand, it is relatively cold because the average energy level of the elves is too high. "

Freya replied calmly: "As Aiwass, he has to leave his bloodline quickly. Otherwise, when he reaches his twenties, he may reach the fifth level - then he will be It’s not good to leave any descendants.”

"...You have to worry about it."

Lily obviously didn't know this secret, and her facial features suddenly tightened: "He must leave descendants."

"What," Freya said lazily, "can't he get engaged to the princess? He also has to leave offspring - if my brother doesn't want to have a baby, then he won't have one, it's the same. I'm just saying, if he wants a If it’s a child, it’s best to do it as soon as possible.”

"It's not that the princess..."


"It's Her Majesty the Queen."


Freya was stunned for a moment, her expression obviously frozen.

Then she suddenly realized: "Oh yes, the new queen is that Isabel... How old is she?"

"Less than a year older than the young master."

"...So young? Is it because of the royal family's curse?"

Freya said in astonishment: "That curse is actually real? I thought it was just a cover up by Hawkeye..."

They chatted and soon arrived at the location.

To their surprise, there was a bar.

As soon as the curtain was opened, the strong smell of alcohol, shouting, and cursing could be heard coming from inside.

It was so noisy inside that Freya couldn't help but frown.

In the middle of the bar, there is a large crystal screen.

It was a ritual magic similar to the surveillance mirror of the Thirteenth Circle, which could directly peer into an area.

From a distance, they could only see a patch of green on the screen, and nothing else could be seen clearly.

Suddenly, everyone shouted in unison: "Unicorn! Unicorn! Unicorn!"

"——The ball went in!"

A heartbreaking voice sounded.

Then the entire bar suddenly turned into a sea of ​​joy, with shouts, screams, and the clinking of wine glasses filling the sky.

Freya's ears have become a little sharp because she drank the wine of eternal life, and her hearing has become very good now.

Now her eyes were wide open because of the noise, and she covered her ears with both hands with an ugly look on her face - she hadn't heard this level of noise for almost ten years, and she could hear every word clearly.

...Mr. Oswald, would he really be in a place like this?

Lily, who was standing behind Freya, was also a little confused for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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