Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 578 Home Faction and Cardinal Fafna

Chapter 578 Home Faction and Cardinal Fafna

After a friendly tug, Yunus led the way and welcomed Awas into the house.

Behind him, Sherlock took a few steps behind until he was parallel to Aiwass.

The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said in a slightly mischievous voice: "Did you notice it?"

Aiwass just looked forward at Yunus's back, without looking back at Sherlock: "Of course."

What Sherlock was referring to was the fact that Yunus had recognized Aiwass's identity.

This is not surprising.

Although Yunus has always been active as a knight and has not turned into Prince Albert for a long time...but he is still active in Avalon after all. In other words, although I don’t know if Yunus ever returned to the Glass Island on the way... he can definitely read the newspaper.

Yunus first left Avalon after Queen Sofia passed away and Isabel officially assumed the position of queen.

In other words, he must know that Aiwass was Isabel's only trusted minister when she came to the throne; and he will even know that Aiwass is the minister of Avalon.

Seeing a large group of people entering, the elf couple stood up politely and nodded to everyone - mainly to say hello to Aiwass, who was wearing the archbishop's red robe.

"Let me introduce you two. This is our outstanding talent in Avalon, the well-known Aiwass Moriarty! Gentle, handsome, and suave, he is the idol of thousands of girls and the Son of the Moon during the Empire. She also fell in love with him, and even had a relationship with Her Majesty the Queen, who was only nineteen years old——"

...The only problem is that my father-in-law will most likely read the news about "Miss Aleister" as well.

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many strangers here... If he and Aiwass were the only two people here, Sherlock would probably have to circle around Aiwass, playing the violin freely and singing the Avalon national anthem. .

The long-running scandal between Aiwass and Aleister... This was the number one hot topic in Avalon before Her Majesty the Queen passed away.

Hearing this, Yunus was suddenly stuck for a moment.

Aiwass nodded slightly and corrected with a gentle smile: "The previous ones are just scandals - but the relationship with Her Majesty the Queen is real. In fact, Isabel and I are already engaged."

The corners of Sherlock's mouth on the side couldn't help but rise, but he quickly suppressed it with a stern face.

But Aiwass was unfazed.

The news itself was the method Aiwass used to divert the attention of the Avalonians at that time. Although Isabel knew that Aleister was Aiwass, so she didn't react much... but others obviously didn't know.


If you look at it from a human perspective, he may not even be thirty years old... Even at the age of elves, at least he cannot be considered middle-aged.

A young elf couple was sitting at the tea table, and the tea on the table had not been touched much.

At that time, Sherlock thought this was not a good idea. But now Aiwass will encounter a little trouble - or retribution - for what he did, so he will only smile and gloat from the side.

Seeing that Aiwass wanted to talk about business, Sherlock immediately returned to his serious expression: "I didn't go back yesterday just to confirm my suspicion..."

With that said, Yunus welcomed them into the inner room. This is a room that looks like a living room, with a huge white crystal screen like a TV. It looks quite modern.

Yunus introduced Aiwass to them enthusiastically.

They don't look very old.

In their view, by bringing Aiwass into the ranks of her confidants, Isabel was competing with the mysterious and noble Miss Aleister for a man.

He just looked sideways, looked at Sherlock, and asked softly: "Did you find anything?"

The man among them was wearing a moon-white mage robe, round glasses, and had a gentle and elegant temperament. The wife was wearing a goose-yellow short dress, long white stockings, and a flower-like hairpin on her head. If you don't look at the mature temperament, but only look at the appearance and dressing style, it is even possible to think that she is a student.

Immediately afterwards, Aiwass took over the conversation: "This is my friend Lily. She will come to the Theocracy with me to protect me; I believe you all know Detective Sherlock... He received it A letter came from Mr. Yunus asking for help and he came to me to bring him here. Now he is also living in my residence.”

"Archbishop Moriarty."

Obviously, the couple recognized Aiwass more than Yunus.

The male mage came over, put his right hand on his chest, and nodded slightly to Aiwass: "I have heard about your deeds these days. I think your actions are correct - we all think so."

Aiwass also walked over politely: "I don't know your name yet..."

"I am Maxime Digger. This is my wife, Grace Deadleaf."

Master Maxim introduced the two of them: "Mr. Yunus came to see my daughter Anastasia Moonlight... He said that he rescued Anastasia in Avalon a few years ago. And got her gratitude. But in fact, Anastasia had become a tree twenty years ago.

"However, he took out Anastasia's token. And we checked the information and found that he might actually know Anastasia... This is really weird. So Yunus The gentleman invited the famous detective Mr. Sherlock.”

When he said this, he also smiled: "But actually, this matter is not important, it is just a bit magical. After all, Anastasia's soul has already entered the country of giant trees, and my wife and I I happened to be free, so I decided to do some research... Compared with that, it is more of an honor for us to get to know you.”

Grace also smiled at Aiwass and performed a iris-like skirt-lifting ceremony - although Aiwass didn't quite understand why he had to lift his skirt when wearing a short skirt. When he heard the last names of the three of them, Sherlock held his forehead and obviously felt a little headache.

In this era, only elves have such strange customs: the whole family may have completely different surnames, and they all sound weird.

Because the elves' surnames are specific inherited names, they must have meaning, so they can only be translated without transliteration; and children's talents, hobbies, and specialties may not be inherited by their parents, so most parents will not hand over their inheritance to their children. child.

On the other hand... because elves are immortal species that mainly focus on the inheritor mode, they usually each have multiple paths. In another sense, the surname can also be used to quickly determine the general path of the other party.

The surnames of these two people are not too uncommon, and Aiwass studied them in the Avalon Library.

For example, the inheritance of Digging is based on the path of wisdom, and also requires the level of the dusk path; the dead leaf butterfly is the inheritance of the three paths of adaptability, beauty, and dusk, and also requires a considerable level of dance skills.

Knowing the other person's last name, you can basically know the other person's personality, specialties and preferences; but this does not mean that Maxim cannot have the adaptability and extraordinary level to devote to the path or even transcend the path.

Although the last name of the elf is not decisive, it also has some reference value.

And Aiwass also understood why the two of them were so friendly and even respectful to him: "Are you opponents of the Controlled Fire faction?"


Maxim nodded: "Our family is all the elves of the 'Home Sect'. Those people of Controlled Fire... let's not say that they are extreme or advanced, but at least I don't think they have done anything practical. It's just that they are extreme or advanced. It’s just a slogan.”

"Homeland Pie?"

Sherlock on the side looked at Aiwass with some doubts.

He came here yesterday, but the other party never talked to him about this topic at all.

But Aiwass shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

He only remembered a few of the most well-known factions in The Theocracy - or the most capable factions: the Judgment Center, the Mediators, the Monuments Restoration Association, and the Market Supervisors.

After the Theocracy split in the original plot, these four forces quickly completed the initial separation. Coupled with the Controlled Fire, it became five forces that were hostile to each other in the Theocracy. Players need to take the Saint with them to gain favor with these four forces, and the Controlled Fire belongs to the most powerful red-named monster.

Among them, the Judgment Center is the faction currently putting pressure on Xing Antimony. They are the ultra-popular faction. The main responsibility is to punish other small countries that offend the Theocracy... Most of the Papal Guards belong to this faction, so this is the church faction that the Theocracy can most fight against. Almost all of the queen's guards sent to Avalon and the guardians of the founder's family came from this iron-blooded faction.

Mediators are mainly elves who like to break up conflicts.

They exist among elves of all ages and classes. Among the Church of Nine Pillars of God, these people have the largest number.

Whether it's as big as a war or as small as a fight, they will take care of it if they see it. They advocate pacifism, but their shortcoming is that they always have a sense of superiority of long-lived species - many contradictions of short-lived species are ridiculous and unimportant to them, just like how humans view cats and dogs fighting in groups. Although it is true.

Therefore, their hostility with other factions is mainly due to their attempts to "mediate", but in the end they involve themselves.

The Monuments Restoration Society may be the faction in charge of Cardinal Matilda, after all, she is responsible for "guarding the tomb"; but it may also be the faction in charge of the cardinals of the sixth and seventh circles.

This is the most conservative force within the Theocracy, and it is also the faction most hostile to the Controlled Fire - they are also the ones who are opposed to the short-lived species' transformation of the Theocracy and reject the professionalization process.

As for the market supervisor, Aiwass is now certain that this is the faction led by Cardinal Cyril.

——Because Aiwass now knows that he is the only cardinal in the Theocracy who understands the ritual.

These overseers specialize in combating the human population of various intelligent beings, the trade in human tissue, and occasionally dangerous ritual materials. This is not for "heaven's evil", but simply to reduce the profit of killing.

Ritualists, on the whole, can accomplish more by using biological materials that are more powerful, wiser, and longer-lived. Therefore, failure to crack down on this material trade is tantamount to encouraging murder. If you kill someone, you can cut the body into pieces and sell it to a ritualist or necromancer at a high price, which is equivalent to increasing the killer's income. And most people can't sell one-on-one, so middlemen will naturally appear - and the profit potential is extremely huge.

It is even very likely that a sinful black profit chain will be formed as a downstream industry that helps other gray and black industries to be destroyed. And the profits generated from it may feed back to the upstream industry, obtain a stronger protective umbrella, and even secretly cultivate powerful ritualists, cursers and necromancers.

Cardinal Cyril is a great wizard himself, and he knows a lot about rituals and curses. Therefore, he can know which materials are valuable-just investigate in turn and he can prescribe the right medicine. This is equivalent to reducing the power of his own inheritance and reducing the profits of murderers and evil organizations around the world... For him, this is naturally equivalent to a kind of dedication.

Without the efforts of the supervisor, I am afraid that Noble Red, who has sufficient supply of ritual materials, would be much more difficult to deal with. However, generally speaking, supervisors are mainly active in the ancient Parthian Kingdom and the Star Antimony Kingdom.

When he first heard that Master Maxim was quite hostile to Cardinal Loki, Aiwass thought he was from the Monuments Restoration Society.

Faced with Aiwass's question, Maxim also nodded: "Yes, I was indeed originally from the Monuments Restoration Society. But I later realized that being conservative in itself has no meaning... Thanks to Cardinal Fafna's Through his teachings, I understood how to use my life in the most valuable way.”

"Can you tell me a little bit?"

Aiwass asked.

"The Home Faction is the church faction to which Cardinal Favna belongs...Cardinal Favna is the manager of the third circle, and her highest proposition is 'the most long-lasting and sustained contribution is construction'."

Maxim enthusiastically introduced to Aiwass - or preached: "Your 'Silver and Tin Palace' in Avalon was built by Cardinal Favna. The same goes for other elven-style buildings...even Avalon The orphanages, nursing homes, and mission schools in Wallonia were also built under our leadership..."

(End of this chapter)

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