Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 599 "Tree Girl" Anastasia

Chapter 599 "Tree Girl" Anastasia

On the other side, Aiwass and Grace, who were teleported directly, landed directly in an inaccessible wheat field.

After Grace landed, her first reaction was to see how Aiwass was doing.

After checking and finding that he was indeed intact, the elf girl said half-jokingly: "Your Majesty Titania has a pretty cute personality, right?"


Aiwass nodded in agreement.

Although calling a Tiansi "cute" is a bit strange no matter how you think about it. But it’s just right to use it on Titania.

"Come with me first," Grace said casually, "You can go wherever you want. If Your Majesty is willing, we will definitely be able to find Anastasia."

Is it so magical?

Aiwass thought and followed Grace.

"What about you?"

"——At that time, she had turned into an elf and had completely forgotten her name as an elf. The buds she hatched were lilies, so she was wearing a white dress; and I had not yet condensed my wings, and my back was bare. Again. Because when she resonates with the path of beauty, her body will glow green... so I call her Sayuri and she calls me Little Leaf.

After walking for a while, the somewhat bored Grace fell two steps behind, parallel to Aiwass, and chatted with him: "Did you know that Her Majesty Titania of this generation is actually only over two hundred years old? A little younger than me."

At this time, Aiwass's expression was a little strange: "Speaking old is Anastasia?"

Aiwass cursed in his heart.

"Well, almost. I should be smaller." Mrs. Grace said lightly.

"Don't you know? The fairy queen is called Titania, and the fairy king is called Oberon. For us lovely and well-meaning neighbors, they may change their names at any time. But only' His Majesty's name is fixed."

Grace said nostalgically while walking with Aiwass in the wheat fields.

——Very good, a little older than Her Majesty Queen Sofia.

"When I truly mastered the inheritance, I relied on my own power to enter the Fairy Kingdom again. That's when I saw her again.

"I'm over two hundred."

Different from the alienation and politeness outside - after she entered the fairy kingdom, she immediately became much more lively.

That is to say, she is smaller than both Junbai and Yanis.

Aiwass was a little surprised: "This generation...?"

"Sounds younger than Her Majesty the Saint?"

Grace replied immediately.

Grace felt nostalgic: "When I was a child and I was learning how to brew moonshine wine, I once licked my fingers because I was greedy. As a result, after I fell asleep, my soul drifted into the fairy kingdom.

"I happened to meet a little girl at that time. She was a half-elf...Using your human age as an analogy, she was only about eleven or twelve years old. I was a little older than her at the time, so I played with her for a long time until she was killed by my mother. Take it back. I was scolded by my mother for a long time after I got home that day, and I never made this mistake again.

Grace opened her mouth with unexpected words.

"Eighty-seven years old."

"Not long after that, I heard that there was a new queen. So my mother took me to meet her... Only then did I know that Sayuri had become the new Titania."

Aiwass asked: "How old were you when you met Mr. Maxim?"

"More than one hundred and thirty, I was still a little girl at that time."

Mrs. Grace put her hands behind her back and said with a smile: "I know what you are thinking, Mr. Aiwass. Indeed, Maxim was more than three hundred years old at the time... From our appearance, he looks like me Like his father.

"But we are different from humans. We generally reach adulthood according to the age of 100, so I am already an adult. Because that is the moment when the 'two-digit number' breaks through to the 'three-digit number'. It heralds the change from the beauty that represents 'innocence' The second one jumps to the third dedication which represents 'responsibility'.

"At the same time, the 'one' contained in 'one hundred years old' is the holy number of love. Therefore, elves can only be allowed to have children from the age of one hundred years old. The figure only begins to develop after that... From then on, regardless of Both men and women will look thin.”

It turned out to be not an illusion - Aiwass always felt that Mrs. Grace looked quite young. He is different from the calm and steady Mage Maxim. Previously, Aiwass thought this was due to Grace's inheritance, but now it seems that she is indeed very young. She must have been less than half Pure White's age when she gave birth to Anastasia.

No wonder her child is so old and still has the childlike innocence to use goblin magic.

"That's why I hope Anastasia can live a few more years..." At this point, the smile on her face became much lighter and her voice became softer: "When she was in her thirties, There are traces of tree transformation on your body. Even by your human standards, being terminally ill at thirty is considered young, right?"


"For us elves, that's only the first third of adulthood. By the time she's in her fifties, dendrosis has already entered the second stage. Once it enters the third stage, it's basically It can no longer be awakened.

"——I just hope that she can survive to adulthood.

"I just wish I could give her a 100th celebrate her coming of age."

Grace felt a little melancholy: "When you see her later, please don't show surprise, fear or pity in your eyes... That child is very sensitive.

"I lied about one thing before. You guessed it right, she did use 'True Illusion'. That is also an important part of the 'Moonlight' series of illusion inheritance.

"And the reason why she used 'real illusion'... is because she felt that she had become very ugly. Mr. Yunus said that what he met was an 'elf girl'. That explains what he saw. , definitely not the real Anastasia..."

Grace's words stopped abruptly.

Because they have seen a girl from a distance.

——In other words, that "maybe" is a girl.

She was wearing a light gold dress that was long enough to cover her legs. It had been dragged on the ground for a long time, and the ends were frayed, white, and torn.

She did not have the graceful and graceful figure of a girl, but looked like a rickety and skinny old man.

Just like a leafless tree wearing a skirt under the moonlight.

She raised her hands high, just like a tree holding its branches - there was a layer of withered white bark covering her skin completely on her arms, the joints of her left arm and right wrist were recurved, and the branches were pulled out from above.

But there was no butterfly-like fairy sitting on the raised branch.

She looked at her hand in despair - there was a flower in her palm.

It was obviously not the flower that grew on her body, but was taken by the goblin.

At this time, she was already half asleep and half awake. The whole person was bathed in the sunshine, feeling sleepy quietly.


Grace whispered her daughter's nickname.

This young mother finally exuded a clear gentle temperament at this time. Only at this time can Aiwass truly feel...she is indeed a mother who is worried about her daughter's health, rather than an innocent and carefree girl.


Anastasia started when she heard the call.

She wanted to come back, but it was very difficult for her.

As she turned around, she made a stiff, creaking sound. As the skirt swayed, Aiwass could see that her legs had turned into tree trunks. And her face was almost completely covered by tree bark. Only about a palm's worth of bloodless soft skin could still be seen in the central area of ​​her face, and her childish and beautiful outline could also be vaguely seen.

Just like a petrified person, the petrification started from the ends of the limbs and gradually spread to the face... The petrification at this time had spread to the last moment, and only the face with fear was left.

She looked up half at space and half at her raised hand. Just staring at the sky, as if trying to break free.

Just trying to lower your head makes the tree trunk make a terrifying creaking sound.

Rather than saying that she was transformed into a tree, it was more like a girl trapped in a twisted and terrifying strange tree——

The moment she saw Aiwass, she was immediately startled.

In an instant, Aiwass saw that the "tree girl" suddenly became blurry.

The next moment, a little girl wearing a light golden dress ran over in a panic: "Mom! brought your friends here without telling them in advance..."

She looks at least 80% similar to Grace, just like Grace's sister.

Aiwass came closer in surprise, only to find that there was warmth on her body and the fragrance of her hair.

Everything seems real.

(End of this chapter)

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