Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 838 Courage is the last piece of equipment

Chapter 838 Courage is the last piece of equipment

Andrea's eyes, which were obscured by the constant self and thus looked empty, widened slightly.

A layer of dusk-colored crystals like icing sugar covered it with a crackling sound, turning the flesh and blood into rock and condensing the soul into it.

Andrea was petrified unexpectedly, and she maintained the posture of gathering thunder, and her whole body turned into a stone statue!

The pure white lightning that was tightly grasped in the right hand also dissipated because it could no longer be maintained.

The lightning flashed out and turned into countless pure white snakes, landing on the chandelier, carpet and corpse, leaving charred marks. It is conceivable that if this attack landed directly on the princess' soul, even if it could not kill her soul in one blow, it would definitely cause severe damage immediately!

Andrea also lost the ability to fly and fell directly from the air.

As she fell to the ground, the brittle stone statue shattered, collapsed, and broke into several pieces.

If Aiwass canceled the petrification at this time, it would be equivalent to tearing her into several pieces...which would immediately cause fatal damage to her.

However, Aiwass did not do so. Instead, he slowly withdrew his hand.

For others, perhaps removing the petrification would kill her instantly. But for the Moon Child, especially a Blood Lord-level Moon's better to just seal it like this.

"You are quite courageous."

Aiwass said to the princess who had returned to her original form after her dark soul flew out with great admiration: "She should be a blood lord... Facing such a spellcaster with flexible spellcasting ability, you dare to expose your weakness and rush forward directly."

As the superior profession of the Blood Mage, the Blood Lord is the main profession of the Blood Mage, so even if he transforms into the Son of the Moon, he can still retain all his extraordinary powers. This is equivalent to adding the same level and path of spellcasting ability to the powerful racial attributes of the Son of the Moon.

The professional feature of the Blood Mage is that they can ignore the casting materials, casting chants and the required mana attributes, and directly draw on their own vitality to charge and cast spells... They can also convert all of their mana pools into their own vitality.

But their most difficult point lies in the flexibility of casting spells.

Although they learn spells very slowly, much slower than other spellcasters, and can only learn spells one energy level lower than their own... but once they learn a spell, they can ignore the restrictions of mana pool and spellcasting materials, and use all spells flexibly in a nearly instantaneous manner. Although casting spells will cause blood loss, and the same spell has a cooling time, they can still cast a large number of different spells in a short period of time.

The instantaneous outburst can be said to be extremely terrifying.

Coupled with the extremely vigorous vitality of the Blood Lord... as long as he didn't die immediately, he could quickly recover his vitality by sucking blood. Even if he didn't suck blood, he could still recover blood at a speed visible to the naked eye under the moonlight.

Moreover, for the Blood Lords, even if they are fatally injured by assassins or warriors of the same level, their bodies can automatically recover, whether it is a broken heart or a severed head.

That's why the assassins of the Hawkeye Organization need to use "cursed poison" in addition to their deadly weapons.

Although for ordinary people, this is definitely overflow damage - just like enchanting an RPG with armor penetration and then using it to attack infantry. With or without the enchantment, the damage is evenly distributed within 50 meters and there is no difference at all.

But when fighting a Blood Lord of the same level, even ten strikes to the vitals may not kill him. At this time, poisoning makes sense.

In the game, this is the most popular spellcasting profession among PVP players in the mid-term. Even if the player cannot become a child of the moon, the strength of the profession itself is enough to be called T1 level.

Since the Blood Lord's spells do not require chanting and do not have a mana pool, he does not even need a staff... and he does not have to worry about wearing armor causing a drop in the success rate of spellcasting.

If you also take on other warrior classes, you can wear reassuring heavy armor. With a warhammer or a halberd, you can be both tanky and powerful. This class is just a pure stat monster... and the operation is simple enough.

The most important thing is that the Blood Lord is not even a fool who can be kited - if you are willing to burn his blood, he can fly at high speed for a short period of time, and then rush over and use a hammer to deal 80 damage.

This profession will not start until later in life, when spellcasters have obtained high-level spells and their strength has increased...their spell levels will always be one level lower, and this is when scraping will begin.

"no way……"

Princess Noelle breathed a sigh of relief, and she also felt a little scared. She shook her head: "All I can show is courage..."

As she spoke, she seemed inexplicably depressed.

Obviously... this is because she feels powerless about the current political situation in Xingti.

Even if she wanted to save it all, she had no idea how to do it.

With the independence of the Narcissus Principality, the main export-earning region, the economy of Xingti has completely collapsed; chaos has swept the entire country, and prices have skyrocketed; people are so panicked that they stockpile food and weapons and run to rural areas to hide; the streets of big cities are full of robbers, and there are no normal customers to be seen; local government departments have completely stopped functioning, and even the police have started a strike...

Even the top leadership was completely split into four factions, with no room for compromise among them.

The Psychic Tower has been completely isolated and seems ready to run away at any time; the Demonology Society and the Alchemy Association are completely separated and in fierce conflict with each other; the Red Clan is weak but extremely united, and has the help of foreign forces... Add to that the covetous Iris, and the newly independent Narcissus Principality and Black Eagle Principality, and Xingti has entered the most difficult moment since its founding.

At this time, Noelle had no idea what to do or what she could do.

Of course, Noelle was willing to work hard... but her talents were limited. She was not outstanding in governing a country, interpersonal relationships, or extraordinary abilities. Valentine VII did not dare to hand over the country to her, but her brothers and sisters were also unreliable.

...Would it have been better if we had been more resolute and taken Avalon by force?

Sometimes, Noelle would think like this late at night.

That won’t work, she thought.

Although the bombing of the Avalonian Griffin Legion was just a warning, she had no doubt...if the war really started, the Avalonians would also launch equal revenge against Xingti.

Or simply give up power earlier, let the Son of the Moon take control of power and merge with the Son of the Moon of Iris, so as to restore the land during the Empire period... In that case, although the monarch will no longer be Valentine, perhaps the people will live a better life.

But no matter what, she couldn't come up with any solution to the desperate situation before her.

——If I could be promoted to the fifth energy level, maybe the situation would be somewhat better.

The ordinary fifth energy level strength is not enough - it is necessary to be promoted through the New Moon Ceremony and obtain rare path characteristics before it can be helpful.

This was the last solution she came up with.

That's why she came to participate in this extremely dangerous promotion.

Just because "courage" is the last trump card she can pull out...


Aiwass seemed to see through her thoughts and shook his head slightly.

“That’s not courage at all.”

The young pope whispered, “This is a cop-out.

"You are just using the methods of making yourself suffer, taking risks, and hurting yourself... to save your spirit that is about to collapse. Because you have done everything you can, even if the current situation is unfavorable, there is nothing you can do. So you try your best to do things that will 'make you try your best', which will quickly exhaust all your energy...

"That's just coping, Your Highness. It doesn't solve any problems, not even for yourself... It only preserves your self-esteem, nothing more."

(End of this chapter)

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