Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 857: Leah, Fire Meteor!

Chapter 857: Leah, Fire Meteor!

At that instant, raging flames burst out from within the body, and the flame waves spread outward for seven or eight meters, covering nearly half of the top floor of the bell tower!

The Gray Falcon didn't even have time to utter a scream before his entire body was shattered and turned into ashes in the raging fire.

Lalo was even burned as well - the fire spread to his body. But he seemed to have anticipated it, and just as he came out of the trance of foreseeing the future, he jumped in advance. This is how he avoided the initial explosion and was only burned by the flames.

He rolled on the ground without hesitation and quickly put out the fire.

——Just by meeting each other for a moment, one of the four of them was killed!
To make matters worse, they just happened to trigger the conditions for a special victory!

[Choose one out of three: When there are only three participants left in the ceremony, one person must be eliminated within a limited time, otherwise all three will be considered failures]

A ten-minute countdown appeared in the minds of the remaining three people at the same time.

——It was already difficult to fight, and now we have to reduce the number of our soldiers by one more!
They looked at each other subconsciously.

Without waiting for the other two to say anything, Lalo almost jumped up from the ground and said, "I'll do it!"

"No, Lalo!"

The eldest princess shouted urgently.


Even in the face of such a desperate situation, Lalo still smiled and said, "At worst, I can just surrender."

He just looked at Aleister and said solemnly: "Remember the prophecy poem I just mentioned - that is the 'Starry Sky Prophecy Poem' by the Late Night Poet!"

"……I know."

Aleister nodded seriously.

Of course she knew about this profession.

This is a rare profession that can only be advanced to by a bard of the Path of Beauty who multi-tasks as an astrologer or prophet of the Path of Adaptation.

At the beginning of the battle, this profession will fall into a trance and recite a "prophecy poem", which will last for six seconds.

When fighting a BOSS, the opponent's special mechanisms are generally revealed; in group PVP, the strongest player among the opponents will be highlighted; and in a one-on-one duel, the opponent's skills with the highest damage will also be reminded.

However, players usually choose this profession to be greedy for output, and its combat effectiveness is very strong - this is the value of the fact that some people can still play the game even if they can control themselves for six seconds at the beginning of the game.

This profession will trigger "Foresee the Future" once every six seconds.

This effect has three possibilities: you will definitely dodge the next non-critical attack, you will definitely not be crit next time you are crit, and you will definitely hit the next time and it will definitely be a crit. After it is triggered, you will also get a six-second delay BUFF of "increasing dodge rate", "reducing crit rate", and "definitely hitting and increasing your own crit rate".

If the next "Future Foreknowledge" triggered during the duration still randomly gets the same BUFF as the last time, this delayed BUFF will refresh the duration and add another layer of effect.

Theoretically, the European Emperor Poet can stack up to six layers of the same BUFF, and the maximum output is very terrifying. With dual swords, long-handled weapons or dual-wielding staffs, which have relatively high burst output, by flexibly switching their own cycles, they can stack all their burst skills in the "must hit plus critical hit rate" state... and usually use auxiliary skills to sing to increase damage or speed.

As long as he is not so unlucky that he never gets out of this state, the Midnight Poet can deal quite good damage.

Lalo obviously has no means of attack.

Therefore, even if he entered the "Late Night of Vengeance" state that increased his critical hit rate, he obviously couldn't do any damage.

As a supporting profession, the last thing he could do... was to give Aleister and the others some benefits.

"Hold the spear and strike the enemy hard."

He began to sing a sad war song, clapping his hands like drums: "For home and country, set foot on the road to the stars..."

In an instant, storms and yellow sand rose up all around.

A circle of fine sand like a star ring condensed around everyone - it was sand armor that could be used to resist damage.

And at this time.

The "angel" who smashed the gray falcon with one punch was slowly retracting his hand.

At this moment, behind Him is still the "regular tetrahedron" representing fire, but this time there is no layer of crystals emerging on the surface of the body. it because He was transformed from wind into fire?

The eldest princess realized that this seemed to be an opportunity.

Her hands, which were originally clasped together, were tightly clasped together, her fingers were clenched to the point of turning white, and the bright yellow light of the sand clock lit up in her pupils, and even the blue veins on her forehead popped out.

The black smoke that continued to evaporate from her body made the entire bell tower vibrate with a rumbling sensation.

——She wanted to transform the entire bell tower into an immortal rune giant!

Seeing this, the angel turned around and looked at her.


He made a mocking sound.

The eldest princess' heart tightened - she still remembered how the gray falcon died!

But at this moment, the King of the Wild Hunt took a step forward and charged forward.

Heleqin turned into thunder and charged forward - with just one strike, the unprotected angel was severely injured and knocked away!

Great, take this opportunity...

Princess Noelle felt relieved.

But at this moment, her alchemy suddenly became sluggish.

It was like a roaring machine suddenly stopped, as if the gears could be heard to slow down under heavy loads - she suddenly coughed up blood and fell to the ground helplessly. The black smoke on her body also dissipated in an instant, and the rumbling sound of the ground also dissipated like an illusion.

It's not that the power is taken away, nor that the authority is locked.

Instead, the wrestler is forced to stop by a greater force - just like a family car trying to push a fully loaded heavy truck with all its strength, burning its own engine until it smokes but still unable to move forward at all.

[I come here at the command of the Endless Knot——]

【Alchemy doesn't work on me, girl!】

The overlapping sounds rang out.

It's more like a reminder than a threat.

Then, the King of the Wild Hunt rushed up again and fought with the angel!

Princess Noelle couldn't stop coughing and stammered out the doubts in her heart.

Lalo was startled and immediately sang a hymn in praise of the candlelight, trying to heal Noel's injuries.

However, the other side of the bard's proficiency in everything is that he is also weak in everything - whether it is for protection or treatment, it is a little worse than his main job. Under the fourth level of treatment, Noel's coughing frequency only slowed down a little, but he did not recover immediately.

Hearing this, Aleister suddenly hesitated for a moment.

Combined with the previous prophetic poem, she seemed to suddenly understand something...

"...In that case. Stay alive, Lalo."

At this moment, Princess Noelle suddenly reached out and pushed Lalo away.

Her eyes hardened: “Kill me, Miss Aleister!
"——Release His Holiness the Pope!"

Aleister heard this, but she just turned back and looked at Noel silently. The look in her eyes was so complicated that Noel couldn't understand it. She said softly: "If you are still here, release the curse on Noel...

"Just think it's for me, okay?"

But nothing happened.

At that moment, tears appeared in Aleister's eyes, but disappeared again after she blinked, turning into a determined fire of revenge.

"…Your Holiness! If you don't curse me, I will also give up my power!"

Princess Noelle raised her hand and spoke loudly.

As an alchemist... she realized that the angel was right. To Him, alchemy had no meaning. She was able to perform alchemy in the first place only because He "allowed" her to do it.

Because she had experienced this feeling before.

——When she was a child and had just started to learn alchemy, she was stopped by her father who had reached the fourth level. Alchemy belongs to the power of balance, and the path of balance has the ability to eliminate all the extraordinary abilities of the path, "demystification". In alchemy, it is the ability to analyze certain things.

Likewise, it must also have the ability to eliminate and contain itself - alchemy itself can be "disenchantd" and "demystified"!
Like an hourglass turning upside down, the stronger Balancer will make it impossible for the weaker one to take action.

In a sense, the path of balance is a more strict path in terms of superiors and subordinates than the path of authoritarianism.

That angel had alchemical abilities far beyond her own, which meant that her abilities were useless!

In this case, keeping Lalo who can provide group benefits is the best option.

——But even at this point, no curse has yet befallen her.

“…Give up, Noelle.”

Aleister whispered.

She looked at the angel, and her eyes trembled for a moment.

She clenched her right fist, then unclenched it again.

...I see, this level of mental this the right way to care for it?

So this is what it’s like to be shepherded…

In this world, the Fallen Angels were not dragged down by the Tail Ring.

Therefore, the foundation of the way of "transmutation" became the gems of the geometric celestial beings scattered in the material world...

But...where does Huan Tiansi get the desire to dedicate himself?
She remembered her boss saying that Huantiansi had already given all the paths of dedication to Aiwass.

Without the desire to give, pastoral care cannot be accomplished at all!
She had tried it before - using pastoral care when her path was unbalanced, but it didn't work.

and many more……

"The ancient shepherds gave their blood..."

Aleister murmured in a low voice: "Could it be that..."

She is the same person as Aiwass and Huan Tiansi, and their ways of thinking are similar.

At that moment, she vaguely grasped the key.


Ancient blood... shepherds... gave their blood...

Aleister subconsciously reached out and held her necklace - she would hold it whenever she felt uneasy.

At that moment, Aleister was stunned.

She looked down and saw the liquid soul stored in the bottle of necklace.

"——I admit defeat and give up."

At this moment, Noelle raised her hand without hesitation.

The next moment, her body suddenly disintegrated like a foam phantom.

On the other side, the angel had been severely injured by the relentless King of the Wild Hunt. The wounds on his body kept healing and reappearing.

The light behind him turned green, and in an instant turned into a hurricane and disappeared into the air.

Soon after, the King of the Wild Hunt followed closely behind and disappeared again.

The two men then appeared from another place at the same time, and the thunderous halberd collided with the right fist wrapped in a hurricane, causing the angel to be knocked back again!

"——After all, bare hands cannot match divine weapons."

Heleqin sighed.

【Yeah? 】

At this moment, a card emerged from the angel's hand.

[Then let’s move on to the third stage, Heleqin——]

The angel suddenly called out Heleqin's name.

It was only at this point that Aleister finally confirmed everything.

[——Liya, Fire Meteor! ]

The butterfly of rebellious flames emerged from the vortex of raging fire.

But this time it was on the opposite side.

In an instant, time froze again.

This is the seventh question.

Apart from this time, there are two last chances to answer questions.

If the painting is not completed before then, the promotion ceremony will fail.

This time, the question was the shortest one in this promotion ceremony:
[——Who is He? ]

And there are three answers, all equally brief.

【——Elemental Emperor】

【——The Apostle in the Present World】

as well as……

【——Eternal Pope】

Why could the "angel" completely abandon chanting and use this powerful spell comparable to the sixth level at will; why was the angel himself so fragile, able to use the power of the sixth level, but looked so embarrassed once the King of the Wild Hunt got close to him; why did he have such a strong self-healing ability that he could not be killed even when the King of the Wild Hunt chased him and hacked him; why did he have that strange halo pattern behind him... and why, at this point, the host still did not stop the ceremony.

This shows that the ritual is still under control, which means that the other party is still using the power of the fourth level.

That is not some "transmutation technique".

——That is a high-level divine art that only resonates with the "Endless Knot"!
(End of this chapter)

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