Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 886 Lord's Death

Chapter 886 Lord's Death
Information about this copy emerged in Aiwas's mind.

This dungeon is called [Ancient Ruins of the Blood Altar]. It is not a mainline dungeon, but a quick-brushing dungeon that stably produces fixed graduation equipment - it is a copy of the Fallen Angel version, and the one it produces is the last piece of the priest's graduation equipment in version 50.

After the advent of the Fallen Angels, the mana of the earth veins in many places on the planet went out of control. This caused a series of earthquakes, which caused many underground ruins to crack again, allowing the prophets to determine the specific location. This also created many copies with the suffixes of "ancient ruins" and "ancient ruins".

After entering this instance, you will directly reach the BOSS after defeating a round of small monsters. There is no "first boss" or "second boss" that keeps coming to deliver food. Instead, it is a typical "one-way" instance - the entire instance has only one line, and you rush all the way to the end to reach the final BOSS. You don't even need to stop and go to fight the small monsters in front, but you can rush directly to the door of the final BOSS room and kill them in one wave.

Because of this, there are quite a lot of quick-clearing videos of this instance. Because driving a train attracts a large number of monsters, and watching the densely packed blood bars on the screen being cleared at the door at the end is quite relaxing... It feels like repairing a cow's hoof or washing a carpet. So much so that Aiwas recognized which instance it was the moment he saw the blood pool.

"Why are you not talking, intruder?"

The middle-aged black-haired Moon Child dressed in aristocratic attire said sternly: "Did you kill my guards?

"Do you know that..."

As he spoke, his hands, which had always been behind his back as if a leader was inspecting him, naturally stretched out.

They instantly accumulated thick blood energy, and then in the blink of an eye turned into crackling white lightning, turning Aiwass, who was dressed as a bishop, into ashes!

However, that "Evans" was shattered like a phantom, and Cardinal Galatea beside him also disappeared in the crackling of lightning and shaking.

That was not the effect of [Perfect Summoning: Nightmare Mirror], but just an illusion set up by Cardinal Galatea.

High-level divine arts do not require prayers to take effect, so Cardinal Galatea had already hidden himself and Aiwass long before the other party turned around, and all the directions the other party saw were wrong.

——Are you pretending to be your mother? Are you reading the message quietly like I can’t see it?

Hiding behind the mirrored curtain set up by Cardinal Galatea, Aiwass looked at him and sneered.

Oh, most people may not be able to see it.

While pretending to speak, he secretly prepared a spell.

To launch a sneak attack at the moment when the opponent is about to answer... This is something that only blood mages and blood lords who do not need chanting, do not need casting materials, and do not produce rune arrays and elemental fluctuations can do.

"To deal with you, this card is more suitable..."

The Book of Law appeared in Aiwas's hand, and at the same time a crimson card appeared in front of him and then burned to ashes.

“…Is this an illusion?”

The man frowned and looked around, but found that he could no longer see the intruder.

He walked to the door, but found no signs that it had been opened.

"——Lord Lester, what's the matter?"

The guard's voice came from outside the door.

"Is anyone coming in here?"

The Moon Child known as Lestat frowned and asked.

"No, my lord!"

The guard's voice was quite confident: "We are guarding here, no one can pass through here!"

"…Okay, stay alert, gentlemen."

"As you command, my lord."

The guard responded, and then the sound of steel clashing faded away along with the sound of footsteps.

Lester frowned.

The two intruders who suddenly appeared disappeared without a trace - as if they had never appeared.

He knew he was hallucinating, but for a moment he couldn't tell which was real.

If someone was invisible or using illusion to hide here, he would have to use a range spell to turn over every inch of the ground, otherwise he would be powerless to fight back once the ritual began; but now he was at the critical moment of the ritual, if he did this it would destroy the foundation of his ritual formation.

If so, he would need several more years to prepare for this sacred ceremony...

"...Those two people...something doesn't seem real. But they don't seem to have spoken to each other."

Lord Leicester whispered to himself, and stretched out his hand to clench the black cross hanging around his neck. It was the [Light of Herasl], with the word "007" engraved on it. This was the highest honor given by the Herasl Empire to "individuals who are not nobles but have made outstanding contributions to the empire", which also meant that they were granted the title of nobility despite their common origin.

This is the honor that Lord Leicester values ​​most and the most inseparable part of all his wealth.

He had made up his mind to take it into the coffin and complete the transformation. And now, when he felt uneasy and hesitant, he subconsciously held it.

——The cost of ending the ritual was too high, but everything he saw could have been an illusion cast down to disrupt his ritual. So he just paced, unable to make up his mind.

At this time, Aiwass had already prepared everything.

Leia, wearing a black and red robe with four butterfly wings behind her, has fully appeared!

Aiwass didn't wait, but immediately ordered: "Guide the flame flow!"

Leah raised her hands high, and the golden-red flames gathered into a beam in an instant, rushing towards Lord Leicester's back!

"You little thief who hides his head but shows his tail! I knew it!"

But Lord Leicester just roared and turned around instantly! He had already prepared for the sneak attack, and his scarlet pupils suddenly burst into an extremely gorgeous blue glow - his pale skin instantly became extremely cold, and large patches of blue-purple lines appeared. A layer of extremely cold shell condensed from his body surface, and it actually withstood the flame bombardment of the Flame Rebellion Butterfly, so that he was not attacked at all!

He exhaled angrily and let out a breath of cold air, which actually blew away some of the flames.

"The price for interrupting my sacred ritual!"

As he spoke, his teeth and tongue began to freeze rapidly, and his speech became increasingly unclear: "You pay for it!"

"How rude."

Aiwass's voice sounded leisurely, accompanied by sarcasm: "I am saving you."

His body still did not appear, and the voice was placed in another place by Cardinal Galatea.

Lord Leicester turned his head instantly and stared at the area.

His pupils suddenly became bright.

In the blink of an eye, the air in the entire area was instantly frozen and liquefied - the white cold air whistled out like thousands of white feathers, freezing the blood pool and covering the iron pillars with frost. The dying sacrifices tied to the pillars were also frozen stiff in the cold air and turned into twisted corpses.

But he failed to capture the exact location of Aiwass, and the gradually rising flames could no longer be ignored.

He exhaled angrily and clenched his fists.

As countless ice spikes like bone spurs pierced through his skin and drilled out of his body, his skin became increasingly blue-green - the cold air emanating from his body became increasingly colder.

Pure water condensed from the void, transforming into gradually thickening ice walls. And after a brief three-second warm-up, [Guided Flame Stream] reached its full form.

The original golden red color became brighter and turned into a platinum color as blazing as the sun.

The flames burned through the air, causing waves of white shock waves visible to the naked eye and roaring into a storm.

The cold and heat clashed violently in the room, but the opponent did not retreat at all when facing the Flame-Rebellious Butterfly, a higher-level phantom demon - the ice wall continued to thicken, and the entire room began to be covered with frost. When fighting against the preheated guided flame flow, it actually showed a hint of victory!

This is the unique fighting style of [Dirty Blood Angel] in this copy!

In addition to the flexible blood magic, he also mastered the incomparable ice control method - a skill that the Son of the Moon could not master in theory. After all, the skill of winter itself was the nemesis of the immortality of the Son of the Moon, and the eternally youthful Son of the Moon would never set foot on the path of dusk.

The reason is also very simple...

Because Lord Leicester stored a sapphire with infinite power that he accidentally discovered in his body.

He didn't know what the gem meant, but as long as he touched it, he would gain infinite power.

In order to prevent it from being stolen or destroyed, he simply stored the gem in his body!
Although the conflict of power would make him suffer like a shellfish bearing pearls...

However painful it is, strength is real!

He stretched out his hand, aimed at the Flame-Rebellious Butterfly and clenched it tightly!

Countless transparent ice blades emerged from all directions and stabbed fiercely at the Flame-Rebellious Butterfly in the middle!

The Flame Butterfly immediately went into a defensive stance, but this was meaningless against the Son of the Moon who was attacking the weak spot.

She was immediately severely injured and fell to the ground with a scream.

Then Lester clasped his hands together.

Two ice walls emerged from both sides and clamped together in an instant! Then, countless ice covered it and froze into an iceberg.

That is the ultimate ice that even a fifth-level extraordinary person cannot melt!
Lester breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was still alert and suddenly released a burst of frost nova - the whistling and sweeping cold air spread in all directions, and the power of the heavenly master destroyed everything. The iron pillars were torn apart and collapsed, the corpses turned into powder in an instant, and the ground was completely frozen and cracked.

But he felt like he hadn't attacked anything.

It was confirmed that the two people had left. Or rather, they had never existed from the beginning... The only thing that existed was this unknown phantom demon in the form of a butterfly.

"Such a powerful phantom blood..."

Lester looked greedily at the Flame-Rebellious Butterfly frozen in the iceberg: "Such burning blood...will surely ease my pain..."

The layer of ice on his body that could protect him from almost all harm dissipated silently.

This power from the mysterious gem allows him to be truly invincible at any time. But it also causes him endless pain - the pain of skin cracking as if frozen can make ordinary people numb and blood coagulate in an instant. But only the Son of the Moon can keep his skin and blood alive... Therefore, he has to experience this pain of being frozen all the time.

After the battle, he couldn't wait to remove the protection.

At this moment, I suddenly felt my neck being cut.

Lord Leicester felt his vision suddenly fly up——

His body was frozen into ice.

The last thing that appeared in the field of vision was a sickle.

That is - the death of desolation.

(End of this chapter)

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