Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 899 From now on, the world is connected

Chapter 899 From now on, the world is connected

A thunderclap suddenly sounded, and Baike, who was thinking with his head down, was startled and almost fell to the ground. The kitten beside him looked at him with disdain, which made the young man with brown skin, thick eyebrows and black eyes touch his nose a little shyly and purse his lips.

"Is it dangerous?"

Sine asked the Drifter in a low, somewhat nervous voice.

The wanderer shook his head in confusion: "No."

"Really not?"

Zhengsine asked with some hopelessness.

Originally, he looked down on these mercenaries. Magic can also simulate prophecy. After all, astrology was also considered the domain of mages in ancient times. If it were in the past, he would rather waste his magic power and have to do divination himself to see the result.

But now, his previous staff has been scrapped.

Sine removed the gem on the top of the staff, extracted the spare magic power stored inside, and held the outer shell in his hand as a secondary magic weapon.

Although it can increase the casting range and reduce the casting time, it no longer has the function of reducing mana consumption. He just used a big spell that infused all the mana in his body. Now, even if he extracted the life-saving reserve mana at the bottom of the box, he only had a pitiful dozen units of mana left. It is very likely that it is only enough to cast two or three spells.

In this situation, Zhengsine really didn't know what else he could do if he followed...

——I’m a wizard and I don’t have any magic power left. Why don’t you let me go?
But there was no other way. His Holiness the Pope personally ordered him to follow. So he had no choice but to follow.

Zhengsine secretly regretted it in his heart. If he had known that he had to follow until the end, his spell would not have been wasted like this.

Now thinking back carefully, he had used excessive mana several times before. For example, when he faced those puppets when he entered the door, he didn't need to use so much mana. The other party had been controlled, and a low-level spell could have solved the problem...

However, Zheng Xian felt that if he, a great wizard of the fourth energy level, used small spells to solve the problem, wouldn't it make him look low-class? Therefore, in order to save face, he directly used two fourth energy level spells in the battle when he entered the door, consuming a quarter of his mana.

...Now he finally understood why Zhu Tang and Mu Mingming were so powerful but always had to conserve their strength.

Mages are very smart, but he lacks the experience of this kind of high-end combat. With just this experience, he can learn a more correct way of fighting - as long as he can return alive, the experience will surely be useful next time.

The wanderer also felt very strange.

When the elevator went to the ninth floor, he had felt a strong sense of fear that made his whole body numb, but it was like an illusion and completely dissipated before he tried to capture the source of the fear. This usually means that the crisis is fleeting... Usually this reaction occurs when a strong or important person has a momentary killing intention towards him.

At this time, the ninth floor has been arrived.

This was the top floor, and everything above that had been destroyed. Only a few broken and stretched shells remained.

Even on the ninth floor, there was almost nothing left - under the persistent strong winds, only weathered ruins remained.

The first floor of the Tower of Babel is almost as high as the tenth floor of the building outside. It is already soaring into the sky. Looking down through the tattered walls from here, it may even make people afraid of heights.

...However, the ninth floor was deserted, with only the sky that had grown gloomy at some point, and the roaring thunder.

The huge sun that was originally seen outside has been hidden in the dark clouds, and the sky has become completely dark.

The scale of the dark clouds was extremely shocking - it looked like layer upon layer, like a black dragon swimming in the clouds, or like a tornado was approaching.

"…Is there going to be another thunderbolt?"

Baike was a little uneasy.

However, the wanderer breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly urged Master Chongbo: "Go find what you are looking for quickly - it's too high here, a gust of wind might blow us away!"

“That’s right,” Sine nodded and added, “The higher you go, the more deadly the wind is.”

Amber of Light - no one knows what the value of that thing is. I'm afraid only Master Amber of Insects would value it so much.

Chongbo nodded, closed his eyes and sensed for a while, then walked in one direction.

And Aiwass fell behind without a trace.

He glanced at Cardinal Galatea, who understood and used an illusion to cover both of them: "You can talk now, they can't hear you."

"...This illusion ability is really useful."

Aiwass sighed first, then asked: "Didn't you say that the ninth floor can let me see what I want to see?"


Cardinal Galatea nodded slightly and responded softly.

She stretched out her cold and dry fingers and gently touched the wall, but she felt nothing.

——When she was still a fish, she could feel pain. When she touched this place with her wet hands, she would feel a tingling electric shock, a pain like a slight sting.

She turned her head slightly and looked towards the ninth floor.

In her hallucination, she seemed to see that this place was still intact and sealed. The winged and scaled ones were busy here, working for their common great cause.

That was after the previous King of the Winged Ones killed the sky-eating beast Nibiru and was crowned as the Winged Lord.

At that time, the connection between the earth and the sky had not yet been established. The pillar gods and the celestial officials were all in the material world, and it was difficult to enter the dream world. Many celestial officials were killed and their authority was taken away before they could go to the dream world. The winged people were an extremely powerful race. Without the threat of Nibiru and with the protection of the winged celestial officials, they created a great civilization.

——Tower of Babel.

All the winged beings who yearn for the sky gather here. Layer upon layer, they pile up closer and closer to the sky.

The Atlanteans, who created civilization from the bottom of the sea, were once eaten by the giant sky-eating beast. Now that the war is over, they finally dare to return to the earth again. The winged ones accepted them, and their civilization gradually merged... and even gave birth to new creatures with wings and scales.

However, starting from the ninth floor, only the winged ones can live there. It's not because of the class gap between them, but because if they live too high up, it will be inconvenient for the scaled ones to return to the sea.

"You should have read the Morning Crow Tantra, Your Majesty."

Cardinal Galatea said softly: "The first sun fell before life was born and never rose again; the second sun was killed and shattered by sacrifice and language, turning into stars in the silent night..."

Aiwass nodded slightly. "The Mithraic school of Horus believes that a solar calendar lasts 26,000 years, which is a 'big year'. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the constellations will always have slight changes, and they will go around once every 26,000 years.

"We are currently in the Pisces Era, which is when the sun is in Pisces at the spring equinox. It began about two thousand years ago... roughly when Hengwo ascended to the Pillar God.

"The Horus people believe that human history is very long and can be traced back at least ten thousand years. They believe that human history began in the Age of Leo, while some believe that it began in the Age of Libra... which is 13,000 or 20,000 years ago."

"Six or eight?"

Cardinal Galatea smiled and said, "Adapt or surpass... or maybe nine. Nine is always the limit."

Aiwass nodded and followed Galatea. "I am inclined to the theory of the origin of Libra. Because the Third Sun ignited the Sunfire under the persuasion of the Sand Clock, and the Sand Clock and Libra are both balanced. The Sun was hatched by Libra... This may be a metaphor."

"When Taurus dies, Aries is born... This is not a bad theory, and it even reveals some truth about the solar calendar."

Galatea sighed, "But Aries is not the sun, but darkness; the death of Taurus is not the end of the second sun, the second sun died much earlier than that. It is counted this way because Aries is the 'third sun that should have been born', and it has a name...

"——It's called Mithra."

"Mithra..." Aiwass murmured.

"Well, according to this calendar... the death of the second sun is actually the sun of Gemini. The six thousand years of darkness that the elves spent was the way of dedication with the sacred number of three.

"And the Gemini Era... haha, isn't that when a pair of twins are born?"

Galatea looked back at Aiwass and said meaningfully: "Just like the age of Pisces, a pair of 'Pisces' was born."

She had obviously recalled Huan Tiansi's appearance.

At that moment, she knew Aiwass's identity. This was also the reason why she no longer respected His Holiness the Pope.

Although the Pope is someone who needs to be respected, Huan Tiansi is her enemy.

Although I know in my heart that they are not the same person, and are even enemies...but after all, they look exactly the same, so PTSD is normal.

And Aiwass was also calculating quickly in his mind.

In other words, the calculations of the Amber Calendar and the Henge Calendar are indeed related to the astrology and the sun - the Henge Calendar is the Pisces era, and the limit of everything is nine... So, could it be that the beginning of the Amber Age is Libra?
——The year 2000, when the world ends, is the official arrival of the Age of Aquarius! From there, in order, there are Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and the four before that are Libra... The last one is exactly the ninth. Perhaps the demise of the First Sun is related to the Age of Libra...

"But if the birth of the Third Sun is related to the Sand Clock... the Second Sun died with the arrival of the Gemini Age... the Gemini was cut by the Sand Clock..."

Aiwass murmured in a low voice: "The Jedi Tiantong happened after the collapse of the Tower of Babel. The Second Sun died in sacrifice and language..."

He gradually opened his eyes.

He suddenly remembered something.

Sand Clock has a scholar's side and a businessman's side - when he commissioned Sand Clock to cut himself, there was actually a price. It was not free... it was just that the price was paid by the boss.

So, what was the price that Wei Zhe and Zhi Gao Tian paid?
"The Second Sun... is the price paid by the Twins?"

Aiwass murmured: "So the Second Sun will be destroyed when the 'Twin Age' arrives..."

“You realize it.”

Galatea nodded: "Very good, worthy of being... another 'snake'. Or do you still have some memories left?"

As she finished speaking, the sky became darker.

Endless storms seem to be gathering on the other side...

She watched this scene, feeling nostalgic and terrified: "I didn't experience this moment in person, but when I woke up... the sun had already shattered. At that time, all the Celestial Masters and Pillar Gods were expelled to the Dream World, and the material world was empty, with only power below the sixth energy level remaining. Even if one touches the sixth energy level, they will be suppressed by the endless power of balance and unable to move. People can no longer directly obtain power from the material world, but need to 'dream'...

"With transcendence and fall, the world has become divided into upper and lower. From then on, the vague and chaotic world was divided into two, and the gap between the material world and the dream world became clear.

"The sun is the wound of the sky, so destroying the second sun would also mean...

“The wound was healed—He patched up the sky, so that the source river would no longer flow into the material world.

"From now on, the sky and the earth are connected."

(End of this chapter)

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