Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 916 Coming from history!

Chapter 916 Coming from history!

Aiwass did not open his eyes immediately, but continued to pray.

However, at this moment, the target of his prayer changed from the entire planet to this warship.

"I call upon Amber, the god of the number nine, the god of the pinnacle, the god of perfection and eternity—"

As Aiwass chanted in a low voice, the dim amber power began to diffuse and spread around, forming a semicircular spherical shield.

The ship was originally floating on the water, but now as the water was solidified by the dim power and turned into solid ice, the elven warship became a perfect fixed artillery position.

The priests came to their positions one by one.

——That is the deer antler armrest that looks like a car steering wheel.

They held the deer antlers with both hands, closed their eyes, injected magic power, and immersed their minds, and the candles on the deer antlers lit up out of thin air.

As the priests in the cabin came to their seats, candles lit up one after another, illuminating the originally dim cabin.

The warship "Cruel Preacher" also showed its true attitude -

The ruby ​​plates inlaid on the hull began to gradually charge with energy, becoming shiny and dazzling amid the low prayers.

The entire ship seemed to be on fire, emitting extremely dazzling flames on the sea.

It was already late at night, but from afar, the ship seemed to have turned into the morning sun.

The steaming heat distorted the air, making it blurry in chaos.

And the countless low-level demons that pounced on the ship under the dim moonlight were like countless moths flying towards the burning fire!

"His Majesty the Pope!"

Two of the Pope's guards entered the cabin and asked Aiwass, "Charging is complete, can we engage in retaliation?"

They all looked like girls of eighteen or nineteen years old, but at this moment their faces were as resolute as experienced warriors.

Aiwass slowly opened his eyes.


"Free fire," he ordered.

The next moment, brilliant flames roared up—

The thoughts of the eighty "crew members" became one with the ship.

Eighty fourth-level spells [Scorching Rays] that are equivalent to "Spell Range Increased" and "Spell Efficiency Increased" are activated at the same time!
This powerful warship, of which the Theocracy only possessed three, finally showed its glory again more than three thousand years after it was shut down!

At this moment, it comes back from the forgotten history!

In an instant, the night sky was instantly illuminated.

It was like the lightning before thunder—except that the lightning accumulated eighty times in the same place!
After a moment of white light, the night sky was instantly split into pieces by a spider web formed by countless flames!

Each beam of light penetrated all the demons without any hindrance.

The waves were pushed away by the scorching heat, and the sea surface sank directly. The ice under the hull also melted instantly.

It penetrates from one end to the other without stopping in between - its maximum range is twenty kilometers!
The near-horizontal attacks were not fired too far to prevent accidental injuries to civilians, while the diagonal upward attacks went straight through the sky.

Even the demons let out earth-shattering screams when pierced by the scorching flames.

Their bodies instantly melted and disintegrated in the golden-red flames, emitting a dazzling red light, like pieces of half-melted steel.

The evaporated sea water emitted terrifying white smoke and an alarming pungent smell.

From the warship to the shore, the constantly rising white steam formed a thick curtain, hiding the warship behind the curtain.

Even so, the hot dark red warship was still hidden deep in the white fog.

The next moment, meteorites burning with flames fell to the earth.

In other words, the devil's body fell from the sky.

——Yes, a corpse!

In the realm of the Fallen Angels, when these demons die, they no longer turn into a tiny amount of gray-black powder and are sent back to the dream world in a dim black vortex... Instead, they are like they were truly killed, leaving behind lifeless, twisted corpses!
The bodies of these demons were twisted and ugly, like flesh that had been completely burned to charcoal, curled up in pain.

However, when these fireballs fell to the ground and hit buildings, they did not cause much damage.

When they landed, they suddenly exploded, like a piece of coal being thrown to the ground. It was a loose solid with a texture that was slightly similar to the dust left behind when the demon died in the material world, but the color and power of the Tao were much richer.

Even the night sky was lit up by these fireballs, and the entire port of Leipzig was raining fire like the end of the world.

Those who couldn't sleep because of fear saw this scene and shouted excitedly.

Because most of the demon army that was originally approaching were melted by this attack!

These seemingly impossible to resist, doomsday-like demon armies appear so fragile in front of the "sun" that is so hot that it distorts the air!
——In fact, there was no need for Aiwass to take action at all.

Just a low-level demon of the third highest energy level.

It’s just that their number is a little bit more... But if the Pope’s fully equipped frigates are there, and the Pope himself needs to take action to deal with the attacking monsters, then what’s the use of them?

"The first to third groups are beginning to dissipate heat!"

The Pope's guards walked quickly into the cabin and shouted, "Group 4, continue the pursuit and interception!"

After the astonishing first round of salvos, most of the low-level demons that were like a plague of locusts had been wiped out.

But there were still a few survivors - not because they were thick-skinned and withstood the first attack, but because they were lucky and happened to survive in the gaps of the scorching rays.

Many priests stopped praying and breathed a sigh of relief to rest, but none of them opened their eyes and disconnected from the ship.

The next moment, eighteen rays were shot out again.

Although it was not as terrifying as before, as if it was going to reverse day and night... the beam of light was not as thick or as far away this time.

The scorching rays with a range of about two kilometers flexibly swept back and forth in the air, igniting the few remaining demons that were gradually approaching in the air one by one. The demons turned into fireballs and fell into the sea with shrill screams.

Until then——

The higher-level demons began to appear.

The probability of demons evolving autonomously is extremely low - the probability of these souls that have been deprived of their will spontaneously awakening their adaptability to other paths is close to zero.

Compared to these mass-produced low-level demons that can transform ordinary mortal souls at will, every higher-level demon with self-awareness and intelligence exceeding that of humans is a valuable asset.

The first wave of demons were just cannon fodder to waste mana.

After the attack weakened, the higher-level demons appeared one after another—

Some appeared from hiding, some were teleported out of thin air - and some even rushed over from afar.

Purple magic circles suddenly appeared around the ship that was locked by the Eye Demon from a distance.

Eyeball patterns kept appearing above the warship, appearing and then disappearing.

That is the Eye Demon's innate spell - Plane Anchoring!

The Eye Demon uses special vision to inject curses into the cracks in space, thereby changing the nature of this space.

The function of this spell is to prevent others from teleporting!
In addition, entering and exiting the dream world from here will be hindered, and communications and prophecies will also be disturbed - just like the current Xingtan territory, its rules are even more stringent. At least Xingtan's territory will not prevent people from entering and exiting the dream world.

Although the Elf warship "Cruel Preacher" did not directly enter the territory, the Eye Demon spread the blockade effect to the sea surface. Because it directly acts on space, it can still be effective even for fifth-level or even sixth-level strongmen who are stronger than themselves!
——Unless you directly kill the spellcaster who is staring at this space, or force him to stop casting spells continuously!

However, the Eye Demons with clairvoyance and clairvoyance could not easily locate their positions. With so many Eye Demons, it was impossible to kill them all...

But that’s okay.

The priests on the warships all laughed low.

They had no intention of escaping.

Killing some low-level demons was not a big deal to the Fallen Angel. Only the souls he personally collected were valuable to him!

But their curse did have some effect - Zhu Tang's dream was blocked by the curse.

Even with the effect of the intoxicating tincture, his dream was interrupted instantly. He looked at the ceiling with a dazed look on his face and empty eyes, covering his eyes with his hands, and he had not yet fully woken up.

"How much mana has been restored?"

Aiwass asked.

“…About half.”

Zhu Tang made a hoarse sound.

Being suddenly pulled out of his dream, he felt a faint pain in his temples: "It's okay... It's not a big problem. It's enough - if you don't plan to face the Fallen Angels directly."

"Of course not. It's not time yet."

Aiwass shook his head.

He also knew that he couldn't face the Fallen Angels at this time.

If nothing else...

He couldn't handle the numerous high-level demons alone.

The demons that were forcibly summoned to the real world by the Fallen Angels were under double suppression - they had to compress their own size as much as possible in order to enter the real world through the loophole.

Only those who are extremely intelligent and possess divinity, such as the upper demons of the upper demons, such as the punishment demon, the fire demon, and the night demon, have obtained the fifth level of status. They are all demons summoned individually by the Fallen Angels, and they are also the apostles of the Fallen Angels.

As for the demons that emerged from the purple vortex, their level caps were suppressed to the fourth energy level.

Not until the Fallen Angels gradually merge with this world will the degree of suppression of these demons be released - restored to the fifth energy level, or even the sixth energy level.

To achieve this is both simple and difficult.

It is to make the fact that "Fallen Angel is the king of the earth" accepted by the world.

As long as the Star People gradually recognize the rule of the Fallen Angels and even accept the symbiotic lifestyle with the demons, the Fallen Angels will become part of the material world. At that time, the power of balance will no longer be able to suppress the demons, and the Star People will not be isolated.

In other words, as long as the mages can teleport freely in and out of the Star Antimony, it means that these demons are completely freed from restrictions.

This is also the reason why the Fallen Angels have to find some human subordinates to help them govern the country.

——But he was also too arrogant.

If this was the purpose, the demons should not have been allowed to plunder souls and massacre civilians from the very beginning.

Because these demons are too hungry.

As long as they were summoned to the world, they would be suppressed by a contract with many constraints. But now, they finally have complete freedom - they can do anything without violating the contract!

Although the power itself is suppressed, they act as a group!
The fifth-level upper demons alone... taking their priority into account, can exert a power close to the sixth level.

On the other hand, it is because the Fallen Angels are too simple.

He did not think that the atrocities of these demons would have any bad impact on his rule.

Even if they harbor hatred, despair, and disgust, as long as they accept the status quo and give up hope, they will always "accept the rule of the Fallen Angels."

Pure violence and threats are also a way of ruling.

——After all, among the apostles of the Fallen Angels, quite a number of them were once tyrants in the human world.

In their suggestions and advice, the Fallen Angels never hesitated about their actions.

In a sense, it is hard to say that it is because of the existence of the Fallen Angels that the world has become so filthy... or maybe these sinners who were branded with great sins entered the dream world, came to the Fallen Angels and gradually led him astray.

Or maybe the two always complement each other, which is why the world becomes more and more depraved and filthy.

In a demon sea of ​​this size... the Fallen Angels don't even need to move, these demon seas alone are enough to drown Aiwas!
——This is a legion composed of all sinners from ancient times to the present!

There are as many people in this world who have committed serious crimes as there are people standing opposite Aiwass.

Aiwass at least needs some people to help him hold back these upper demons - even if they can just hold them back without defeating them, giving him a chance to duel with the Fallen Angels, then he has a chance of winning.

This is a necessary condition for victory.

After all, he is a weak person.

And transcendence is not arrogance - it is not something that can be forced through through perseverance.

He came here just to get in from least to contact Isabel through the dream world first!
"Drive forward!"

Aiwass ordered: "Charge into the territory of Xingti—charge in!"

While being locked by the Eye Demon, he was unable to enter the dream world.

But if we take the initiative to enter the Star Antimony territory...that's another matter.

The Eye Demon cannot curse the space that is constantly distorting, just as a madman cannot go crazy a second time.

Before that, he at least needed to clear his surroundings so that he could at least briefly enter the dream world without being disturbed.

"Keep charging!"

The Pope's guards shouted orders again: "Keep intercepting!"

The ice had melted during the last shot, and the warships charged forward again.

The warship hummed, and a huge stone slab made of a whole piece of ruby ​​gradually lit up.

The eighteen beams were distributed in a pattern of nine on the left and nine on the right, intercepting the surroundings. It was like the ship had spread its wings, burning the lower-level demons who were still approaching fearlessly into ashes.

Demons with spellcasting abilities began to attack the warships from the sky.

Dark clouds began to gather.

Horrible lightning bolts struck the barrier one after another, causing the defensive shield that Aiwas obtained through prayer to become shaky in an instant.

That's the punishment demon!

——Four exact demons of punishment!
They waved the thunder chains in their hands, held the thunder spears in their right hands, and looked down at them with a grin in the sky.

And Aiwass also knew that it was finally time for him to take action.

"——The King of the Wild Hunt!"

Aiwass raised his arms and shouted loudly!

(End of this chapter)

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