Shepherd Tantra

Chapter 920 My Daughter's Daughter

Chapter 920 My daughter's daughter...

After hearing what Leviathan and Aiwass said, Zhu Tang's expression suddenly became subtle.

Leviathan's words were too explosive - the most mysterious thing was that Aiwass actually agreed!
He couldn't help but open his third eye and carefully looked at the monster called "Leviathan". His subtle expression gradually turned into horror.

This was a terrifying monster he had never seen before.

It looked like a slender dragon or a ferocious shark. Its crescent-shaped wings, sharp as sickles, allowed it to tear apart other people's bodies with ease, or glide effortlessly at low altitudes.

Combined with the long spikes on the tail - according to Zhu Tang's experience, this thing might be able to directly pierce the prey like a fork to pick up food.

The strong adaptability of the Path of Love told Zhu Tang that this monster had at least the power of the Path of the fourth energy level. And its body strength far exceeded the average level of the fourth energy level, which meant that it had the strength to confront the fifth energy level extraordinary person head-on!

Zhu Tang quickly closed his eyes - seeing this was enough.

I even imagined its cruel posture when hunting its prey.

It will glide at high speed in the air, and when passing by someone, it will suddenly extend its tail, pierce the opponent directly, and then bring him into its home court high in the sky!

Even in a fight between hunters, it would never lose easily. Its terrifying muscles, like cables, have proven its strong power - although it is only four meters tall, it can probably prey on young dragons that are over six meters long!
Judging from Zhu Tang's vicious gaze, this thing's main fighting method should be tripping and falling.

Because it doesn't have a big enough mouth and ferocious multiple sharp teeth; although the wings are sharp, they are not strong enough to break through heavy armor easily. Unless it has the ability to break the magic barrier... Otherwise, this should only be to increase the flying speed.

Instead, its arms were filled with extremely strong muscles. Its claws were obviously not suitable for using weapons like humans, but if it was just fists, it wouldn't have much destructive power - so this monster called "Leviathan" should use its tail and arms to clamp the enemy, then fly high into the sky, throw it down at a very fast speed, and use gravity to hurt the enemy.

...And judging from the sound of this monster, it seems to be still a juvenile.

If this monster had an adult form...

What a huge and powerful monster that must be!
But it sounds like the Pope is related to it... uh...

Zhu Tang was sweating profusely for a moment.

——Did I hear something I shouldn’t have?
As for words like "Mom becomes Dad", he didn't understand them at all, so he filtered them out in his mind.

However, Cardinal Galatea, as a cardinal who had signed a contract with the Twin Mirror, her eyes lit up and she guessed what had happened here.

...And for Aiwass, he would also feel a little ashamed.

Because "Aleister" is not the whole of Aiwass's consciousness, but the incomplete and immature part of him. Although Aiwass also fully accepts the existence of Aleister and misses it...

However, for Aiwass, who has now become whole again, everything that is happening before his eyes... It is like he is already in his thirties, has come to terms with his immature self in the past, and has brought his subordinates to his home to help him move.

At this time, I accidentally found a video.

When I opened the video, I found that it was a clip of "cold spells and incomprehensible dances" left over from my middle school years.

——This is probably how Aiwas feels at the moment.

On one hand there is silence and shame, on the other hand there is warmth and nostalgia.

He raised his head, tried to hug Leviathan, and focused on stroking the other's body - after Leviathan became more mature and larger, even hugging became difficult.

"Shark Shark is getting bigger and bigger..."

Aiwass sighed, "I have to find a way to make you smaller."

The best way, of course, is to seal Leviathan into a beast of sin. In that case, it will have a traveling form.

However, Aiwass currently does not know in what form Aleister will be reborn, so he does not dare to occupy the position of a great sin beast.

The Son of the Moon has the attributes of wind, earth, and darkness. Now the King of the Wild Hunt, who controls storms and thunder, has taken the position of wind, and the Night Demon has taken the position of darkness. It seems that the only thing left for Aleister is the attribute of earth.

On the other hand, the Blood Angel is a water-attributed beast. If Aleister becomes a water-attributed beast after rebirth, then if Leviathan is sealed first, then Aleister will not be able to be sealed anymore.

Different from the phantoms sealed in other tarot cards.

The original sins carried by the beasts of sin were transferred to the scholars of sin through rituals. The relationship between them became closer... and the contract that had been reached was not so easy to break.

But I have to admit...

Compared to Leviathan, Aleister's priority is naturally higher.

——Although Aleister originally created Leviathan in order to obtain intelligence from it. After all, the core material of Leviathan is the Son of the Red Phase. It also inherited the other party's knowledge and memory.

Logically speaking, Leviathan should just be a tool.

A combat weapon that can perform the function of "searching souls", increase one's own combat power, and also has the chance to seal it into a beast of sin.

...But after Selene actually created it, its meaning gradually became distorted.

The previous "needs" were gradually satisfied or no longer important. Its significance as a tool declined, but its significance as a life increased. Aleister recognized it as her own daughter from the bottom of her heart. She even had an appetite for Leviathan... This is a common characteristic of the extraordinary people of the Path of Love, which will mix all desires into one. This represents her strong love for Leviathan.

This may be because Aleister knew that he could not have children in the conventional sense... After all, Aleister's life was too short, only a few months.

And this feeling now flows out to Aiwas along with the completed soul.

——Evans made up his mind. Even if he couldn't seal it into a sin beast, even if it was inconvenient to move with such a huge body...even if Leviathan was a real monster, Aiwass would raise it well!

As if sensing the love in Aiwass's heart, Leviathan laughed and cried out - the sound was like a dolphin.

"Good boy, remember to protect them."

"Okay, Dad."

Leviathan made a clear sound and responded obediently.

"What a good kid..."

Aiwass was full of praise.

I wish his and Isabel's children could be as well-behaved in the future, Aiwas thought.

On the way, they encountered another small wave of lower-level demons - but there were more than 30 second-level demons, and even the Pope's guards did not need to take action. Leviathan alone bravely solved them all.

It was so fast that even Mudu narrowed his eyes cautiously.

--So fast!
Its starting speed was even faster than Mu's - Leviathan flew into the sky in the blink of an eye with a hum, and then landed rapidly like a bomber with a huge buzzing sound!
Just one punch - or rather, just keeping its claws extended and slamming down, its strong body smashed the demons one by one!

Even if a plane hits a bird, the interaction force would cause a big hole in the shell. But Leviathan seemed to be unharmed and even became more excited!
Its pupils turned scarlet, and the dark blue scales on its body began to swell and turn red. Leviathan let out a harsh roar that was inconsistent with its previous childish voice, and then turned into a violent gust of wind, knocking away all the enemies in front of it!
Its fighting style is even more brutal than what Zhu Tang analyzed!
There is no order at all, and it is all based on instinct. Rather than being satisfied with "having to knock down the enemy", it is more like using collisions to relieve the itch on the body.

"…Shedding your skin again, Shark-Shark?"

Selene asked with concern.

The one who knows Leviathan best is naturally his true mother.

——This is also one of the reasons why Aiwass felt embarrassed.

Because the main material of Aleister's identity, "No. 14", is Selene's mother. No. 14 is the embodiment of Aiwass's skills, which means Aiwass and Selene have a blood relationship and a ritual relationship.

Aleister is the incarnation of Aiwass. She is different from No. 14 in nature, but at the same time, she inherited No. 14's appearance. She used her own blood and Selene's secret to complete the creation of Leviathan...

…Now with Aleister’s return, the order of things has been completely messed up.

What is this called?
My daughter's daughter or my daughter?

“I feel like I’m going to become a Paradox player.”

Aiwass complained.

"Wait... again?"

Zhu Tang also realized something.

"Indeed," Aiwass nodded and sighed, "Last month, the shark was less than two-thirds of its current size. So when I saw it just now, I was shocked."

Before, when Shark went out, he didn't have to bend down at all. But now, he almost had to put his four claws on the ground to crawl out like a lizard.

"Leviathan's evolution is getting faster and faster," Selene said with some worry, "I don't know if this is a good thing."

"Perhaps it was the influence of Yan Tiansi."

Aiwass shook his head: "Anyway, let's take Leviathan to Avalon first. Isabel can take care of her. Be good, Leviathan."

By this time they had returned to the port.

He touched Leviathan's back, then said to Zhu Tang, Mu, and the two Pope's guards: "You get on the boat first - go back to Avalon."

"And you, your majesty?"

One of the Pope's guards asked.

Another said directly: "Our top priority is to protect you."

"No need. Because I have Cardinal Galatea and Helechin here, my safety is guaranteed. If they can't help me, it won't make any difference even if you guys are here."

Aiwass said seriously, "I have to go to the Spirit Tower. I don't know when I can come back. But it will take at least a few hours, and I have to take many people with me.

"Go to Avalon first, or at least leave the coast of Star Antimony. Then find a large ship, or send a few more ships."

As he spoke, Aiwass used advanced divine magic to grant them group invisibility.

"Be careful and come back quickly."

“You take care of yourself.”

The Pope's guards looked at each other and realized that this was the best option at the moment.

So they said, "We'll be back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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