Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 276, Mobilization

Chapter 276, Mobilization

In Weixing City, Oceana, accompanied by Patel, was inspecting the construction of the factory.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, please take a look." Patel pointed to the workers carrying the machines and the engineers directing nearby, and said, "This company was originally an electrical appliance manufacturer. It has followed the instructions and is expected to be transformed into a Lion soon. Production of electrical components for tanks.”

After a pause, Patel continued: "There are many more reconstructions like this. It is estimated that we can complete the first phase of the civil-military reform project within a month."

Oceana nodded.

This progress was probably within her expectations.

However, Patel next to him was still hesitant.He thought for a while and asked: "Is it a bit of a fuss to transfer so many factories from civilian use to military industry? It's fine here. Originally, most of them were basic heavy industries and military industries. I heard that in Fuxing City, The changes on the side are big. Many consumer goods and civilian factories have turned to the military industry...especially those agricultural machinery and engineering machinery. The production reduction of these items will have a great impact. I am really worried that this will slow down the development of the alliance."

Oceana's expression didn't change much.

She comforted: "Just follow it with peace of mind. This is the order of the Governor. Moreover, there is no need to worry too much. The production capacity changes of the civilian-to-military army cannot be carried out all at once. The government and the Ministry of Military Affairs have negotiated together and set up many The level-level mobilization order contains the plan to convert civilian factories to military use. This is initiated level by level, and they will not all be converted at once."

"The war is still the top priority. We have to ensure that Mr. Survival."

"But... aren't Blackbird Heavy Industries thousands of miles away? They have not posed any threat to the alliance all this time. It seems that we don't have to take action against them now, right? The construction of the alliance is in full swing. , was the prosperous scene interrupted like this?"

Oceana turned and looked at Patel.

Patel also looked at the Prime Minister calmly.

He asked himself that he was loyal, dedicated to the public, and had no selfish motives. What was he afraid of?

Oceana sighed inwardly.

This is probably not just what Patel himself thinks, but what the entire league thinks.

The residents of the Alliance - at least most of the residents - still love the Alliance and the Governor very much.The governor did not lie about what he promised. As long as he is incorporated into the alliance's system and his rank is determined, he will be provided with corresponding benefits, and he will no longer have to live a precarious life.

This alone is enough to make those civilians, who make up the vast majority of the total number of people who have emerged from chaos into peace, wholeheartedly loyal to the Alliance and the Governor.

Not to mention, the league's rank system, which has been in operation for a year or two, seems to be relatively dynamic, and the opportunities for mobility between the upper and lower classes are relatively large.

Even the alliance is not a utopia. To develop, the alliance must collect revenue. Corruption will inevitably occur under the alliance system, but even so, life is much better than the past.

Under this premise, a small number of people with evil intentions cannot cause any trouble.

However, those who oppose the alliance's move to Blackbird Heavy Industries are not necessarily those who harbor resentment.

The general public who support the Governor and have a sense of belonging to the alliance are working hard to build their homes, looking forward to the beautiful life in the future, and watching that beautiful life being realized step by step and coming into their hands step by step.

In this case, why is there suddenly a war?Still take the initiative.

Of course Oceana herself knew the reason.

It was fine if I didn't know before. Now that I know that Blackbird Heavy Industries violated the omnic ban, of course they have to be dealt with.The Omnic Crisis cannot be allowed to continue to develop. It seems that there is no threat now, and Blackbird Heavy Industries is also staying in the west, but if we don't care about it now, when they start to attack, it is very likely that the scale will expand to the alliance. Unstoppable.

It is true that this reason is difficult to explain directly, but it is not that there are no other ways to avoid it.

Blackbird Heavy Industries is a real threat to the alliance.Ignoring the omnic-related information that is not easy to release to the public, just promote the legitimacy of the war normally and promote Blackbird Heavy Industry as having a serious impact and causing disaster on the good lives of millions of residents in the Alliance.

In essence, the relevant external publicity work was already in progress when the decision was made.

But now it seems that the work is not good enough, even for a person like Patel, who can be considered a high-ranking official.

On the one hand, she verbally comforted Patel and asked him to concentrate on the matter. On the other hand, Oceana also secretly made a note in her heart.

When she goes back, she will summon people from the Propaganda Department to urge them to work well, and even punish some people with management responsibilities.


Wei Xing City was only the first stop of Ossena's inspection work. Later, she took the Wind Falcon and visited several surrounding industrial bases.

In other areas of the central province, the central and northern provinces, the Gaota province... the work of converting civilians into the army is being carried out in an orderly manner.

It's not too big, but it's a preview.

It is not yet time to fully unleash the potential of war. As Patel said, as the prime minister of the alliance, Osena does not want to interrupt the current thriving development trend of the alliance too much because of a war.

However, the alliance must have this ability to mobilize.

It is currently a Level [-] mobilization order, which should not affect the lives of residents. The corresponding benefits and subsidies will not be reduced. The corresponding consumer goods market and food industry market will be affected to a certain extent, but not greatly, and the types will be affected. slightly less.

But when it comes to the next level of level [-] mobilization order, it will be difficult to remain unaffected.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be a large-scale recruitment of troops; a wartime economy will be launched, benefits and subsidies will be cut; and civilian factories will be further converted into military factories.

When it comes to the general mobilization order, almost the entire alliance will respond to the war with all its strength.The entire population, all production and life, all revolve around war.Almost most young and middle-aged men, and even a considerable number of women, will be conscripted into the army; the remaining population, from the elderly to the young, will do war-related work, and it would be good to get one more bullet out; all non-war The consumption is compressed to the extreme...

Since the establishment of the alliance, there has never been a general mobilization of this level.But Oceana is confident that the system she built according to the general expectations of the governor can achieve that level and unleash its huge war potential.

This is her favorite thing, but she would rather this favorite thing never be used.She knows very well that if the alliance is mobilized to that extent, it will do too much harm to economic development.

Returning to Fuxing City worriedly, she wanted to report the situation to Governor Gu.When we arrived at the door of the conference room, we were stuck at the scheduled time.

The Alliance values ​​practicality and does not pay attention to the frivolous. Even if you come to see the Governor, you don't even need to make an appointment when you are not busy; when you are busy, you will agree on the time, so you don't keep people waiting, and you don't have to come early.

Osenaka pointed to the place and learned that the governor was meeting with two generals, Yan Fangxu and Thaddius.The time they made an appointment was before Oceana. Logically speaking, things should have been finished by now, but it may have been delayed because of some accidents or because some issues were not thoroughly discussed or finished.She waited outside peacefully, but she didn't expect a voice to ring in her mind:

"Come in, listen together, and share your opinions."

This is the voice of the Governor.

Oceana quickly put her mind away and moved forward.

The guards outside didn't stop him, so they obviously got the message.

Entering the room, the two men were arguing about something. The governor sat at the top and did not participate in the discussion, but listened attentively.

Oceana was not in a hurry to speak. She found a seat and sat at random, listening carefully.

After listening for a while, I probably understood what was going on.

The mobilization of the entire alliance is to prepare for war, and war is, of course, fought by the army.

At present, the Raging Bear Legion established by the alliance and about to receive the official designation of the Astra Militarum has been mobilized. The 14-strong army moved westward from its original gathering place in the central province, crossing a distance of [-] kilometers to the Western Desert.

Also going with him was Army Group Center.

Of course, this Army Group Center is no longer the one that fought in the three eastern provinces before.The original Central Army Group was split into three. One part was established as the Black Arrow Star Army and went to the colonies to guard the colonies; the other part was divided into the Raging Bear Army.

Only the 46st Brigade remained, and together with the newly established 50-[-] Division, a new CIMC was formed.

Recently, the newly established 39th and 40th garrison divisions of the original Eastern Group Army, as well as the 21-25 garrison divisions of the original Qinggu Group Army, have also been included.

At this point, Army Group Center currently has 13 divisions and brigades, totaling 10 people.

These two army-level troops have a combined strength of 25.

This is the main mobile force that the alliance can mobilize without further mobilization and without affecting the defense of each region.

At the same time, the 'recruit camps' across the alliance have recruited approximately [-] people in total.They are receiving training and will be added to the frontline troops at any time in accordance with the war process and needs to ensure that the two western armies have sufficient personnel at all times.

These new recruits were brought by the mobilization order, and Oceana also knew about this.Although recruitment is not under her control and belongs to the recruitment office under the Ministry of Military Affairs of Thaddeus, it still requires close cooperation with the local government.

Under the second-level mobilization order, the number of reserve troops will continue to increase subsequently.The military manpower pool is estimated to be able to draw 5% of the total population, which means 125 million people.In addition to the more than 70 people already serving and the [-] in the recruit camps, there is still room for recruitment of about [-] people.

If that's not enough, then a first-level mobilization order may be required, which would have to bring the total mobilization population to 10%.

And if it's not enough, to the extent of the alliance's general mobilization order, the limit can bring out 20% of the population, but that is an exaggeration.

The first phase of the 25-strong legion that gathered in the west is the Western Desert region.It does not occupy the entire vast Western Desert. It is too big. If more than 20 people spread it, it would just water the desert, which is meaningless.

The main goal is only to control the "oasis" to the east of the Western Desert region, which has had more contact with the alliance, and especially to control the main road from the Western Desert to the west of the mainland.

This main road should be a relic from the pre-war era, and it should have been a solid paved road.However, due to environmental changes, war, and the collapse of the unified government, this main road is in particularly poor condition due to lack of maintenance.Relying solely on business travel and self-maintenance of oases along the way, it can barely maintain traffic.

The most important thing is that if you don’t go from here, there is nowhere else to go.

Although all kinds of heavy equipment and vehicles have excellent off-road capabilities, it is still too exaggerated to travel [-] kilometers into the wilderness and go on an expedition to the west.This barely usable road not only had to be occupied, but engineers also had to be dispatched to further repair it.

At the moment, the troops are not far from the Western Desert.

The quarrel between Yan Fangxu, the major general commander, and Thadius, the military and political manager, was how to deal with the many oasis forces in the Western Desert.

There is no unified political power in the Western Desert. Each oases and the planting factories below are like independent city-states.It has its own political system and its own armed forces.

From a military perspective, Yan Fangxu did not want to conquer purely through force. This would place a great burden on the troops and make it difficult to complete the task of pushing the front to the central area of ​​the Western Desert and establishing a main defense line within one and a half months.His troops will spend a lot of time and energy on eliminating those resistance forces.

He even hoped that through diplomatic means, he could just keep the oases to the east from causing trouble.

Thaddeus is worried that the conditions of the planting factories under the oasis are not clear at all.If there are too many third-party forces with their own armed forces left along the long supply line, it will be a very dangerous thing.

Both have a point.

Of course, it wouldn't be too violent to call it a quarrel. We are not fools. Everyone knows that the other party's worries are justified, and they are constantly discussing some solutions.

From the strength of diplomatic means, to the handling methods of the local armed forces, to which strongholds along the way must be taken down for safety, and which ones can be left alone, to how to arrange the deployment and suppression of troops...

Oceana listened and took notes of many things.

She also knew the reason why the Governor asked her to come and listen together.

The Alliance Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a relatively independent agency outside the government, and has not received much attention - after all, there are not many places that require diplomacy.

On the contrary, the Alliance Ministry of Commerce under Oceana is more effective in this regard.

She slowly joined the discussion, mainly on the political attitudes of those oases, their relationship with the alliance, and how to get started.

During the discussion, the plan gradually took shape.

During the process, Gu Hang rarely spoke, only making final decisions on some undecided areas.

This was exactly the situation Gu Hang wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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