Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 33, Fast Track Development

Chapter 33, Fast Track Development
In Gu Hang's plan, he intends to use the Waste Cave Club as a heavy industry production center for his territory.The location there is good, it is relatively close to the garbage town where the raw materials and energy will be produced in the future, and it has a certain amount of mineral resources.

The production line of alloy plastic steel is there, and after the businessman named Denison Henry brings back the unit that uses thermal limestone to generate electricity, Gu Hang will build a power plant in the waste cave.

With the development of the heavy industry and energy industry in Wudongshe, a labor force of only 800 people is definitely not enough.Gu Hang has already arranged the workers who originally expanded the camp and built the 'airport' in the governor's camp to Wudongshe to meet the manpower demand of the alloy factory there.

But this manpower pool still has a maximum limit, and the governor's camp itself also needs people.

Production dignitaries, military expansion dignitaries, Gu Hang's current demand for manpower is very high.Absorbing people from the outside is inevitable, and this is exactly what he specifically requested of Denison Henry, asking him to think of ways to promote and recruit people.

Of course, those refugees recruited from outside Fuxing City are not necessarily qualified industrial population.

Not to mention refugees, even people from the Waste Cave Society and ex-slaves brought down from the starship are not very qualified.

The literacy rate is a big problem. It may be okay for the illiterate to work as a coolie, but it is difficult to further grow into a skilled worker.

But it's a solvable problem.Gu Hang has already requested that night classes be held in the Waste Tun Club, including his camp directly under him.The first step is to do literacy work, and then do some basic skills training, experience summarization and teaching.

In the Waste Cave Society, there are indeed many who are willing to learn and make progress.

These people don't need to worry too much, as long as they are given a chance, they will rush forward with all their strength.

But not all are self-motivated.

Now they can live on the surface without worrying about safety issues. They can eat enough, have clothes to keep out the cold, and I heard that they will be powered on and heated... This kind of treatment can already satisfy them enough.

No motivation to improve.

Gu Hang is definitely not willing to do this.

How can I expand production and rebuild the world without working hard?

In this regard, Gu Hang resorted to a trick: the labor distribution system.

Work is settled with work points, and work points determine the distribution of materials and benefits.If you want to eat well, live well, dress well, and even let your closest family members live a good life together, then you have to work hard.

Moreover, at the worker level, some classifications of technical jobs have been opened.After passing the inspection, if you become a skilled worker, the salary you get will be higher than that of a normal worker.

The requirement to become a skilled worker is to study hard.

In addition, although going to school does not give work points, it is not bad to save money by taking care of dinner and not spending rations.

There are both tangible upward incentives and a tangible increase in food rations. The night schools held in the waste cave society and the governor's camp have been widely welcomed.

On the contrary, it is the teacher, which is not easy to solve.At present, only the few who can read and write among the group of servants brought down from the starship 'Quintet' can be used as teachers; the so-called imparting of professional skills, to put it bluntly, is also during this period of time. Since then, some of the experience and tricks formed by a few flexible minds among the workers have been summed up and disseminated.

If there are not enough teachers, it is impossible to teach excellent students.

Gu Hang himself also understands this point. Due to limited conditions, he can only do as much as possible.

As for the work points mentioned earlier, Gu Hang originally considered whether to engage in currency.

The circulation of goods on the wasteland is very chaotic.There are also currencies. The alliance has a revival currency issued by the alliance, and several major forces also issue their own currencies.But not to mention the confusion of these currency systems, it is troublesome to exchange them with each other, and even some distant gathering places do not necessarily recognize a certain currency.

The most popular trading method on the wasteland is still very primitive barter.

The force under Gu Hang's command is not large enough for the time being, and it will take a lot of effort to promote it by issuing a set of currencies by itself, while using other currencies will easily be overwhelmed by people with their size.

So he decided not to engage in currency at all, but to develop a set of 'work points' that are only used internally as an incentive.

Participate in production to get work points; consume work points to get housing and rations, which is already a prototype of currency under a simple planned economy.

Gu Hang didn't plan to engage in a planned economy all the time, but the proportion would definitely be huge.In Gu Hang's thinking, the method of concentrating power to accomplish big things is a very successful experience in the development stage.

If the goal of the Waste Cave Society is to develop into a heavy industry center, Gu Hang's positioning of the Governor's Camp is a transportation hub and a light industry center.

Not much to mention about transportation, the core work is the connection with the great treasure house of the sky, the "Quintet".When Gu Hang chose the site for the camp, he found such a place with flat terrain and no danger to rely on, the core is for this matter.

The textile machines and related technologies that Gu Hang asked Denison Henry to purchase were part of the light industry planned by Gu Hang.

In addition to textiles, there is also the food industry.

The synthetic starch making machine transported from the 'Quintet' has already started working under the guidance of the technicians who came down with the ship.At the same time, a new synthetic starch production line is also being built, which mainly relies on some parts shipped from the starship at the same time.

The alloy factory of Wudong Society also received orders to make some qualified parts according to the requirements of the technicians; for some parts that really require relatively high craftsmanship and materials, Gu Hang will produce them through finished black boxes of alloy plastic steel.

Of course, there are still some core components that cannot be produced by the industrial capabilities under his current influence.The technician who got off the starship is trying to overcome this part of the technology at the request of the governor to see if there is any way to achieve it.

Still very promising.The industrial foundation here in the Governor's Camp started from scratch, but it has developed rapidly, mainly due to the very powerful material black technology.Even if the alloy plastic steel produced by the waste hole society is not good enough, the alloy plastic steel produced directly from the finished black box is the best of the best.

However, until the technology is overcome, the scale of the synthetic starch production line cannot be further expanded.

However, despite this, the current production capacity alone is quite enough.

As long as there are enough raw materials and the production line runs at full capacity, it is more than enough to ensure that all the staff under Gu Hang's current banner can be fed.Even, there is still a considerable part of the production capacity that is rich enough to store grain and even sell it for export.

Gu Hang's many ideas are waiting for Denison Henry to bring back the first batch of goods and the first batch of people, and then start to get on the right track.

The businessman from Garbage Town didn't make him wait too long and came back soon.

The population and supplies were all 'swallowed' by the forces under Gu Hang's command.

The two major industrial centers, together with the Flood River Valley Manor, which has gradually resumed agricultural planting and production, the overall productivity of the governor's forces has begun to embark on a fast track of rapid development.

(End of this chapter)

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