Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 414, Total War

Chapter 414, Total War

Gu Hang accepted the invitation to participate in the war and was willing to personally lead the alliance's troops to the Hippogriff sector to participate in the war. Of course, there were factors related to Yelicia, but it was not the key.

The main reason is that the enemies have already reached the door, and this battle must be fought.

In the past, Gu Hang had reservations about the Dragon Eagle Star Territory government's war strategy against the Iron Teeth Clan. He felt that if things here had not been cleared up for decades and had been delayed until now, there would be a thunderstorm sooner or later.

However, the violence was still a little too fast, so that people were caught off guard.

After all, not long ago, the Star Territory Government just claimed that they had won the war and achieved considerable results. But now, everything is on the verge of collapse.

Relatively speaking, the current strength of the alliance is still somewhat insufficient to deal with such a disaster that may endanger the entire star field.

He doesn't have the ability to tell the whole Dragon Eagle Star Territory yet.

Regarding the current situation in the Star Territory, Gu Hang had to admit that he was indeed worried.

But that didn't stop him from making the right decision.

However, he was stopped by Gu Hang.

With the Northern Fleet destroyed, the Yunluo Fleet fleeing, and the main force of the Tianma Fleet trembling, can Du Shiliang and his two cruisers have any ability to change the situation of the war?

It's better to follow the alliance's army instead of rushing there yourself.

First of all, all employees should cancel their vacations and work overtime in the factory. The welfare of workers should be improved accordingly and the 'overtime allowance' must be sufficient. At the same time, political and ideological work should be increased. The alliance's propaganda department is doing its best to exaggerate the atmosphere of the coming war and promote the importance of the navy. Sex, preaching that this is a critical moment that determines the fate of everyone, and all alliance members should grit their teeth and get through the difficulties.

Obviously not.

The alliance's war machine had been spinning from the very beginning when Gu Hang received Ye Lixia's report.

If something happens on the road, it will be too late to regret it.

Yelicia chose to believe that Gu Hang was not using various excuses to save strength and avoid fighting, but that he really had something on his mind.

But precisely because of this, the alliance must gather as much strength as possible. Only by clenching your fists can you accumulate the strength to change the situation.

The branch of the Pegasus fleet in the star sector originally received an order from Lieutenant General Tilemance, requiring Du Shiliang to lead all ships to the Eagle Horse sector immediately.

The existing fleet has been assembled. Not to mention working with Du Shiliang, the two major shipyards on Angry Owl and Flying Wings are also quickly taking inventory of all the work on the shipyards at hand.

Gu Hang realized that fighting the green-skinned orcs should not add fuel to the fire, as it would only make the fire more intense. Unfortunately, he did not have enough strength to put down the Iron-toothed Orcs in one fell swoop.

In addition, the Alliance Navy is also actively preparing for war.

In the past few years, his cooperation with the league has been relatively comfortable. He was also used to following Gu Hang's 'suggestions'. But at this moment, Gu Hang's suggestion seemed reasonable to him, but it was obviously contrary to the instructions from his superiors.

Du Shiliang was a little hesitant about this.

For this reason, the alliance has not given up enough. More factory technicians were mobilized to the shipyard. All problems that can be solved with more manpower and material resources will be solved as much as possible.

At the critical moment, it was Gu Hang who invited General Fofana to do Du Shiliang's ideological work. On the other hand, after knowing Gu Hang's opinions, Ye Lixia also gave Gu Hang full trust.

However, although it has been decided to join the war, it is not that the troops will be sent out immediately.

The situation in the Hippogriff sector is difficult, but no matter how difficult it is, if Gu Hang leaves in such a hurry now, there will be no good fruits. When the time comes, not only does it fail to alleviate the situation, but it puts itself on the line, and that will be an even more devastating matter.

Gu Hang requested that Du Shiliang and the two cruisers and several other ships currently under his command should act together with the alliance's troops.

Therefore, she also personally found Lieutenant General Tilemance and persuaded him to withdraw his previous order.

On multiple planets, all industries related to shipbuilding have also adopted corresponding strategies.

The work of building naval ships does not happen overnight. The Flying Star Shipyard builds a cruiser every four years and has two docks. The last delivery cycle has just passed, and the new cruiser project has just started construction. Even if various means are adopted to speed up the construction cycle, it will still take three and a half years, at least three years, to deliver the next two ships.

However, some small ships, such as destroyers and frigates, are already at the end of the construction cycle.

These are the key targets that need to be overcome.

The resources within the shipyard are also allocated in this way. Prioritize all efforts on those ships that are about to be completed or nearly completed. Strive to add more ships to the fleet in the shortest possible time.

It is estimated that within a month, three more destroyers and five frigates will be available, and the other small patrol ships will not be counted.

In addition, there is another strategy that Gu Hang is working with his mother to promote.

The Alliance has no ships, the Pegasus fleet has no ships, and there is only so much potential that can be tapped.

However, within the Tianma Star District, there is another company with many ships: Gu's Trading Company.

Although most of the ships of Gu's Trading Company are civilian ships, transport ships and merchant ships. Those Flying Dolphin-class, Whale-class, and even Big-belly-class ships do not have any combat capabilities.

However, in the early days, there were many armed merchant ships in the trading houses.

The combat effectiveness of these armed merchant ships is definitely far inferior to that of regular naval fleets of the same specifications. But the large number is also an advantage.

The alliance's naval department, in conjunction with the two major shipyards, quickly assessed the situation and issued a plan to further strengthen the armed merchant ships to meet the needs of the next battle against the green-skinned orcs.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it doesn't matter: the basic characteristics of the armed merchant ship itself such as structure, energy, and power cannot be changed much. However, if there is margin, it is possible to install a larger shield or find a way to insert more naval guns.

Strengthening protection and firepower is the most basic increase in combat effectiveness.

Although the cost is actually not low, and under normal circumstances, it is quite wasteful, but in such a war period, it is obviously not the time to consider cost-effectiveness. Under the premise that time is extremely limited, the alliance must develop as powerful a force as possible.

According to the latest estimates, including the conscripted armed merchant ships and the branch fleets of the Pegasus fleet, plus the strength of the Alliance Navy itself, and the ships that can be completed quickly...all added up, it will wait until one and a half months later , the alliance will launch a space force with two hundred ships of all levels. Although the quality is a bit low, there are only two Musician-class cruisers, and about thirty destroyers are the mainstay, but at least two hundred ships are here. If used properly, the effect they can achieve will not be too bad.


As for the army, it is impossible for the alliance to dispatch all its troops. On every planet, there must be people.

The 3rd Dragon Eagle Legion and the Raging Bear Legion, which total million troops, will definitely be mobilized; various planets, especially Koroja, have mobilized a large number of combat forces. The Alliance Army will deploy million combat troops, including a large number of top-ranked teams within the Alliance Army, to participate in the war.

In addition to the preparation of military troops, Gu Hang also came up with a sum of gift points.

There is little point in temporarily pulling out more troops. After all, if we really want to deploy more troops, it is no longer a problem of the troops themselves, but the limited delivery capacity.

But in comparison, Gu Hang can improve the combat capabilities of the projected troops.

If a large proportion of the warriors were brought up to the T4 level, then Gu Hang would not have that many gift points.

T4 level soldiers can only train ten soldiers with one point of gift.

On a foreseeable and extremely large-scale battlefield, the role that this manpower can play is relatively limited.

However, Gu Hang had another trick.

Under his military card training function, there is also an ability that has been rarely used before: giving soldiers who have completed T5 level military training the ability to "slay beasts".

This is a characteristic that has a special attack effect on green-skinned orcs. Soldiers with this characteristic will have a better understanding of the weaknesses of enemies like green-skinned orcs and master various techniques needed to deal with such enemies.

Although their various strength levels are still at the T5 level, after possessing the corresponding characteristics, they will be significantly strengthened when fighting green-skinned orcs. If they cannot reach the T4 level, they can at least be able to It can be regarded as a T4.5 level.

The point is, the price is much cheaper.

100 people/point is the same price as training T5 level soldiers and ten times cheaper than T4 level soldiers.

The 10 gifts Gu Hang had on hand, plus the ones he had just received this month, totaled . He spent the to get million with this characteristic among the soldiers who were about to go on the expedition. Soldier.

Compared with the alliance's naval force, which has just begun, the alliance's army is a more reliable force. After all, the Alliance started with the Army.

But the army is still strong, and the delivery of hundreds of millions of troops who are about to participate in the war is a big problem.

You can cross the sea in a bathtub, but you really can't cross the sea of ​​stars.

But fortunately, the alliance has more or less gathered more than two hundred warships. Each of these ships is packed with some Alliance Army troops. It does not mean how many people can be loaded on the warships. The key is that those greenskins like to engage in gang-hopping during naval battles. The number of conventional marines, not to mention their combat capabilities, is also worrying. If during a battle, someone breaks through and smashes in some landing cabins and landing ships, causing those greenskins to make a fuss inside the ship, even if the number is only a few hundred or a few thousand, it will be a huge headache.

Having the Army on the inside can also make people feel more at ease.

Even more, who says humans can’t join gangs?

However, if a naval battle problem can be solved with strong ships and powerful guns, then try to solve it with strong ships and sharp guns. For human troops, joining gangs is always a very low-end option.

Except for Space Marine Chapters.

On the navy's main ship, five hundred Phoenixes are ready to go. They may be the key force at certain critical moments.


That's about it for military-related preparations.

During this period of time, Gu Hang held pre-war military meetings one after another to discuss the general direction of various matters.

It was impossible for him to catch the specific details himself. Issues involving the mobilization of hundreds of interstellar warships and hundreds of millions of troops were beyond his ability to handle with just one head. At this time, he could only fully believe that the alliance system he had built could withstand the test of this sudden all-out war.

However, Gu Hang has never forgotten one thing: war is fought not only about politics, but also about economics.

If you go to the Hippogriff Sector and end up not being defeated, or even being defeated, or even annihilated, and then the group of green-skinned orcs actually make it all the way to the Pegasus Sector, then there will be nothing to say.

At that point, everything was over. Gu Hang had to figure out how to run away with the bucket, and then see if he could find a place to make a comeback. He also had to find a way to wash away the stains on his body.

However, as long as that is not the case and the war reaches a stalemate to a certain extent, regardless of superiority, inferiority or balance of power, it will ultimately require a continuous supply of all war materials from the rear.

War is not only a matter for soldiers, but also for administrative officials, workers, farmers and even the entire 610 billion people of the alliance in the rear.

This is the meaning of the so-called total war and total war: comprehensively using all the forces of the political body to conduct war!

This is not a matter of World War I. The military is only a part of the role in a total war. Although it is very important, the wartime economic maintenance and continuous supply of the rear are even more important.

Can the alliance achieve all 100 million troops, and then be able to send another 100 million immediately? Can the alliance use up 200 ships, and can it produce dozens or hundreds of dumplings over the years?

If it can, then the war will always have a glimmer of victory.

Among other things, the error tolerance is infinitely greater, and the scope of military strategies that the military can adopt is also much greater.

This is Gu Hang's request to Alliance Prime Minister Oceana and the entire Alliance government.

As for earlier, his request for the coalition government to increase GDP by more than 10% every year will be put on hold indefinitely.

Let’s talk about when the war is over.

To this end, all administrative forces established by the alliance on the nine planets in the entire Tianma star region have been mobilized to fully serve this purpose.

Gu Hang has already signed the relevant documents, declaring that the alliance has entered a wartime system. The third-level mobilization order has been issued, and the second-level mobilization order is also on the way. A large number of civilian factories have been converted to military use, and a large number of people, who cannot join the army, must at least enter all related industries related to war.

The atmosphere of war has descended on everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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