Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 420, turning the tide of the war

Chapter 420, turning the tide of the war
To join the Seven Horses Agreement, you have to be forced to a certain extent, but to join the alliance, those governors will not even consider it now.

The Seven Horses Agreement is still a military agreement plus a trade agreement. As for the imperial tax, whoever collects it will collect it anyway. The governors can ignore it. If there is a problem, the empire should go to the alliance.

But if they want to join the alliance... they have also heard about the Pegasus sector. Under the alliance, although there is still a planetary governor, after all, this is a position under the empire, and the alliance cannot cancel it. However, for the planetary governors of the alliance, either the alliance leader Gu Hang personally takes the position, or they find a senior leader of the alliance to take the position, or they find the original ruler to take the position. Anyway, it is a symbolic position.

Within the alliance, the planetary governor has evolved into an honorary and fictitious position that does not involve the management of any planet. Even the governor himself may not necessarily stay on the planet that nominally belongs to him for a long time.

For example, the two governors named Faches are now happy every day in the beautiful Flying Wing Star.

Not only the governors of Misty Horse, but also the governors of Hippogriff, have not yet thought of giving up their world.

The alliance doesn't force it either.

Take your time.

There will be many opportunities for them to choose freely in the future.


After that, not counting small-scale drops such as a few or a dozen rock airdrop pods, there were two more large-scale landings similar to the first one.

And this so-called deterioration of the battle situation does not mean that there has been any major change in the battlefield situation. The most important thing is still on the ground battlefield, Yuan Chengchuan is a little unable to bear it.

And after a large number of areas were lost, the fact that the greenskins were not allowed to establish an ecosystem was basically left to chance. If the Pegasus fleet in space has time to help with a few cannons, then they can. Anyway, the ground troops can't cooperate at all.

Mainly because the situation on the Steel Wing Star battlefield is getting worse. Tilemance was already a little dissatisfied with Gu Hang's slow march and wasting time on the road, and he sent letters urging him.

The main force in his hands is the Planetary Defense Force of Steel Wing Star, as well as the Planetary Defense Force mobilized from all over the Eagle Horse Sector during the war preparation period. The total number is probably around 50 million.

This is still a conventional transportation capacity. If it is more crowded, more extreme, and the distance is shorter and we don't need to carry so many maintenance supplies, it is possible to increase this transportation volume by three or four times.

If things don't go your way, then you can only send a small fleet. You have to be careful, especially since the transport ship is also carrying troops. If one ship is lost, the loss will be huge.

There are many worlds in the Fog Horse Sector that have joined the Seven Horses Agreement, but as diplomats from the alliance said frankly, the main force of the alliance cannot get through for the time being.

If you want to become an organized and effective force to annihilate the green-skinned orcs, this is no longer a consideration after the second large-scale landing.

In fact, generally you don’t need so much. After all, there are only so many people needed for the ship to sail, for the guns to operate, and for all the work within the ship to run smoothly. However, greenskins often like to stuff three or four times the number of human navies into ships, and the extra parts are used as 'marines' to engage in gang warfare and so on.

Forget about worlds that are neither convenient nor very peripheral, such as Hippogriff IV, Hippogriff V, and Fire Feather Star. We can't go there for the time being. However, the problems in these worlds are not particularly serious in themselves. There are not many green skins, and the defense forces can still withstand them.

Green-skinned battleships have much higher crew capacity than humans.

The green-skinned transport ships are more similar to human transport ships. A small transport ship like the Flying Dolphin class can transport 100,000 people at a time; a transport ship like the Whale class can transport two to three million people; a large transport ship like the Big Belly can transport nearly 30 people in total length. Kilometers, a ship with 15 million people is not a problem.

The main force of the alliance is still rushing to the Steel Wing Star. The Hippogriff III, Hippogriff VI, Hippogriff II, and Bullock II passed by along the way. Since we passed them all, we naturally solved the problem.

Yuan Chengchuan's defense forces were able to rely on their numerical advantage and the defense facilities all over the planet to withstand it at first. However, as the numbers of the two sides were greatly reduced, the problems of insufficient quality of the Planetary Defense Force and the old and disrepair of many fortresses in the Steel Wing Star were exposed one by one.

The strategies he originally insisted on went bankrupt one by one and could no longer be realized.

Regarding the ground offensive of Steel Wing Star, they dropped 20 million on the first large-scale landing. Tens of thousands of airdrop pods were continuously released. Even if more than half of them did not land in the end, tens of millions of them landed, drawing the entire northern continent of Steel Wing Star into the flames of war.

No one knew how many green-skinned boys were packed into the main green-skinned fleet that invaded the Hippogriff sector.

Currently, the total number of iron-toothed orcs wailing constantly on the Steel Wing Star is estimated to have exceeded 35 million.

In fact, even if it is to solve the problem in the Hippogriff Sector, it will be a smooth process.

The green-skinned orcs, on the other hand, continued to drop troops on the surface.

After the third large-scale landing, even Yuan Chengchuan's strategic bottom line, the task of guarding those precious anti-rail gun fortresses, has become extremely difficult to complete.

Often after a railgun fortress was invaded by green skins, the surrounding human armies tried their best to mobilize troops and go to defend it. After a bloody battle and heavy casualties, the fortress was finally captured.

Before retreating, the human army would not destroy the railgun at first, thinking that if there was a chance later, they could recapture it and use it again.

However, after a period of development, they discovered that the green-skinned orcs had somehow mastered the ability to transform human railguns, and then the few railguns taken away by the orcs instead became the firepower to attack the Pegasus fleet in the sky.

That was really uncomfortable.

So far, this has not happened in large numbers, and it can be tolerated. The few rail guns that were captured were blasted by the Pegasus fleet, and that was the end of the matter.

But this cannot be the case more often.

If most of the railguns are occupied and used by the greenskins, then the Steel Wing Star may not be a defensive location, and the Pegasus fleet will be caught in the middle and beaten from both sides.

Subsequently, if the human army on the ground is really forced to defend the railgun fortress, they will often choose to destroy the railgun before retreating.

It was a very reluctant choice, but I could only endure the pain.

But even if it is destroyed, the situation will be bad. At most, it will not be as bad as being occupied or counter-used.

In short, if this situation continues, the Pegasus fleet will really be unable to handle it.

It’s no wonder Tielemans is getting angry.

He also heard the news that the Alliance army was advancing rapidly after entering the Hippogriff sector. He was extremely surprised by the combat effectiveness displayed by the Alliance Army. At the beginning, when he first left the Tianma Star Region and went out to fight, he didn't know that the alliance could be so capable.

Over the years since the expedition, a lot of things have changed.

This is of course a good thing. The better the alliance can play, the better. But... Boss Gu Hang, stop playing around. If you want to come, come quickly! I can't stand it anymore!
After Gu Hang led the main force to arrive, he quickly deployed the fleet to a position close to the Steel Wing Star.

During this process, the two fleets also made contact, and once wanted to complete a pincer attack on the Greenskin Fleet in the orbit of the Steel Wing Star.

If the green-skinned ships can be caught in orbit and attacked, with the support of the orbital defense system, they are even confident that they can destroy all these green-skinned ships into space junk in one wave.

It's just a pity that it didn't happen.

The green-skinned fleet commander is not stupid, and no matter how reckless he is, he will not put himself in such a dangerous position to fight a powerful enemy. When Gu Hang's fleet passed through the star tunnel and entered the star system, the green-skin fleet naturally observed it.

In fact, the Alliance fleet's actions along the way were not small. When they beat up many of their fleets, they could actually know where the Alliance fleet was along the way.

However, during that process, the green-skinned fleet commander and the commander of the main force of the green-skinned force, the One-Tooth Ghost, decided to try to knock down the Steel Wing Star before the main force of the alliance arrived.

It was with this decision that they successfully dropped 35 million green skins on the surface of the Steel Wing Star, but 30 million people also died in the process of dropping them.

This is a reckless, irrational decision, but very green.

Apparently, humans are holding on now.

At this stage, no matter how irrational he is, he has to let go.

His ship withdrew from the orbit of the Steel Wing Star.

He even tried to find the main force of the Gu Hang fleet heading towards the Steel Winged Star for a decisive battle after leaving the orbit of the Steel Winged Star. First eliminate Gu Hang, then turn around and continue to besiege Steel Wing Star.

But then his choice went bankrupt.

Gu Hang didn’t want to fight him.

It's true that he has two hundred warships in his hands, and the greenskins probably only have three hundred and five. But of the two hundred ships in Gu Hang's hands, most of them were armed merchant ships, so his chances of winning against the greenskins were low.

Even if Gu Hang's fleet merges with the Pegasus fleet and starts a battle with the main green-skinned force, even then, there is only a 50-50 chance of winning.

Even with a 50% winning rate, Gu Hang still didn't want to fight.

The probability is still low.

He is not willing to use all his wealth to bet on a 50% chance of winning.

If there is a more reliable method, I must use it.

Gu Hang avoided the green-skinned main fleet, and the Pegasus fleet also chased out. The two sides exchanged several shots with each other across a very long distance in the void of space. They chased each other for two days, and finally finally The result ended with both sides losing two small ships, and the human fleet returned to the Steel Wing Star orbital defense system.

Then, the nightmare of the green-skinned ground troops came.

First came the intensive and ferocious orbital bombardment.

While the greenskin fleet did not continue to suppress the human fleet for the time being, they took half a day to launch a ferocious fire bombardment of the greenskin ground troops.

The greenskins have very little anti-orbital firepower and means, and they are originally on the offensive side.

Amidst the ferocious bombing, all the greenskin's offensive operations came to a standstill. By the way, the ecosystem that the greenskins had finally built up also suffered a devastating blow.

A large number of green-skinned orcs died in this wave of bombings.

Fortunately, their previous attacks were relatively scattered, with more than 30 million in number distributed throughout the northern hemisphere of the planet. After being bombed, those who survived learned to spread out as much as possible and flee in all directions. In addition, during the orbital bombing process, it was not easy for ground troops to encircle and suppress them. This also meant that the number of greenskins who were actually killed by the bombing was not so many.

However, there is no doubt that all their offensive postures were completely disrupted during this half-day bombing. A large amount of heavy equipment that was difficult to move and disperse was eventually destroyed in the bombing.

This is an extremely serious blow.

The orbital bombardment of the human fleet was not over until the fleet led by the One-Tooth Ghost returned in a hurry and launched a new suppressive attack on the human ships.

But during this process, tens of millions of Astra Militarum troops have been dropped to the surface.

The Angry Bear Legion and the Dragon Eagle Legion all went down, along with the Alliance Army, which was about 20 million in size.

With the Orc army being stunned by the orbital bombardment and suffering heavy casualties, the elite human army of nearly 50 million people will be an impossible opponent for the greenskins to resist.

Moreover, the situation in space warfare has also changed.

The greenskin fleet can no longer suppress the human naval power.

After the two human fleets merged, in the naval battle in the void, the winning rate of both sides was only 50-50, not to mention that the battlefield was now in the orbit of the Steel Wing Star.

Although one-third of the railguns on the ground are dead, the remaining two-thirds, combined with star forts, star ports, and armed space stations, can still provide huge help to human ships.

The greenskin fleet, which took the initiative to attack and tried to suppress the human ships, was soon bruised and bruised.

Several attacks were repulsed, and the cumulative loss was over twenty ships.

Even if they were just small boats, it would be quite painful.

The key is that there are obviously so many losses, but there is a lack of results.

There are at most four or five ordinary warships on the human side, and the damage has reached the point where they cannot fight. The key is that people can still hide in the star port, maybe repair it and drive it out again; if it cannot be repaired, dismantle the usable parts and put them on other ships, which is also a means of emergency restoration of combat effectiveness in wartime.

If the green-skinned ship explodes, it really explodes.

Although they did prevent human ships from continuing to provide fire support to the ground, the price paid for this was too high.

However, no matter?
What about ground combat?
There are at least more than 20 million green-skinned guys still alive, and they can't evacuate.

Together with the boys who were lost in the airdrop in front, he smashed in more than 70 million troops. Even for green-skinned orcs, this is a quantity that cannot be ignored.

It would be very bad if Chief Titus knew that he had paid such a high price and had no results.

The one-toothed ghost was in a dilemma.

But Gu Hang was so considerate that he didn't keep him in a dilemma for too long.

The human fleet seized an opportunity and launched a counterattack.

(End of this chapter)

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