Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 43 Come out quickly

Chapter 43 Come out quickly
The battle was fierce in an instant.

Mortars began to fire, and a few shells were blocked by trees, but the fragments of the exploding shells were still threatening.More shells that were not stopped smashed into the charging monsters in the woodland at a distance of about a hundred meters, and could wipe out an entire area of ​​enemies with one shot.

In general, due to the woodland environment, the range and power of mortars are greatly reduced.But after all, this is a cannon, and no one can ignore its lethality.

Machine guns are even scarier killers.If the enemy is hiding in the dense forest, it’s okay, there is cover, the vision is not good, and it’s really hard to hit from a distance; but as long as those monsters rush out, even if they only rush to the edge of the dense forest, the trees will be less covered. The power will rise rapidly.And once it really rushed out of the cover of the dense forest, the bullets fired by the machine gun were really like a steel whip, and no one could survive if it swept past.

In the future, conventional rifles only need to check for gaps and make up for gaps.

The multiple and three-dimensional firepower nets ensured that those monsters could not really pose a real threat to the army led by Gu Hang.

What kind of biochemical artillery, what kind of fast-moving zombie dogs, all of them are not easy to use.

The abscess ejector has a range of 50 meters, what is there to be afraid of?The precision shooters in the company are all staring at such high-value targets.

Even if you don't mention the shooting specialists in the T5 army, those soldiers of the Marine Commando are serious elites.The electromagnetic rifles in their hands are stronger and more powerful.

With their care, it is extremely difficult for those abscess ejectors to enter the range of 50 meters and eject the corrosive pus into the formation of human soldiers.

As for those zombie dogs, let alone.

Their targets are indeed relatively small, faster and more flexible.However, under the dense firepower net, these little monsters were often killed along with their hands.It is often a round of heavy machine gun fire without a definite target, and a few bullets falling on the zombie dog can blow up this dog-like abscess monster.

If you really want to be broken through to the front, it is actually harmless.

The small thing is fierce, but the size of about [-] kilograms according to visual inspection determines that the threat it can cause is limited.The firearms in the hands of the soldiers are all equipped with alloy bayonets without exception, and a single blow to the pounced dog can chill the heart.He threw it on the ground, put his foot on his head, pulled out the bayonet, and fired two more shots, and it was completely quiet.

And in the battle, the four Rambler Vs were the most terrifying.

This kind of infantry chariot, which can also play a role in interstellar wars, is simply not something these monsters can deal with.

Of the very few biochemical shells successfully fired by the abscess ejectors, two of them hit Walker V's body, but they had no effect.

The corrosive effects of this ichor seem terrible to organic matter.The military uniform textiles on the soldiers are very poor at blocking pus; and after touching the flesh, it is even more painful.

But the armor vests on the soldiers alone can block the corrosion.

Not to mention Edifier V, its outer armor is not only made of solid alloy plastic steel, but also has a layer of ceramic steel film on the outside, which is a more advanced material than alloy plastic steel.

But on the contrary, mounted on the weapon platform of the Rambler, the double-barreled [-]mm cannon, the shells that sweep out are really rubbed to death.Terrible rate of fire, super power, even hiding in the woods is useless.A few more times, and the tree trunk and the monsters hiding behind it will be destroyed together.

In a way, it's really like a remote logging machine.

Facing such a large firepower attack, the attacking monster group suffered much more damage than when attacking Yan Fangxu's team from a distance.

In comparison, Gu Hang's team is at a disadvantage compared to Yan Fangxu's team in terms of terrain.After all, the open space they are in at the moment has just been opened up, and it is the result of opening the way during the march.They are the attacked party, not the initiators of the battle, and they don't have the right to choose the place of the battle.

However, apart from this point, the team around Gu Hang has advantages in all aspects compared to Yan Fangxu.

The firepower is more sufficient, and the soldiers are better - although they are all T5-level teams, there are more than 20 marine commando soldiers with Gu Hang.In the battlefield here, they can all be used as sharpshooters, and the shooting accuracy within tens of meters is completely reliable.

This also means that those alien monsters die faster.

But they didn't retreat, and they still sprang out of the woodland as if endlessly.

Of course, these brainless monsters are not afraid, and their lives are worthless, they are purely cannon fodder.

However, even if it is cannon fodder, it is still valuable.

If the controllers behind these monsters hoped to use the death of these cannon fodder in exchange for the ammunition in Gu Hang's hands, they would have made a mistake.

Knowing what kind of enemy he would face in advance, he had already prepared for it when he set off.

The production line of G9 has not yet had time to roll out. With the finished black box manufacturing machine, it has just met the equipment needs of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, and the production of ammunition has not yet been put on the agenda.But at least the ammunition stored in the materials transported from the starship before is still enough.

But at the moment, Gu Hang even brought out most of the reserves in one go, and many bull carts were pulling the ammunition reserves in the center of the position.

With such a large number, not to mention one battle, even if the intensity increased a bit, it would be enough to sustain them for several battles.

Gu Hang observed the entire battlefield indifferently.

He is currently in the middle of the position, and a Rambler V acts as his command vehicle.The range that his eyes can see is very narrow, but this does not affect his control of the overall situation.The psychic vision has been turned on, and he has a clear picture of the general situation of the entire battlefield.

Originally, he was still preparing. If there were any particularly threatening monsters among those monsters, for example, when a large number of abscess sprayers entered the range and threw biochemical shells into his own position, he would take the first step to solve the problem .But now it seems that there is no need for him to make a move.The soldiers did such a good job that it was useless to keep him in the dark.

Gu Hang was quite satisfied with this.

Since there is basically no problem on the entire battlefield, Gu Hang can safely focus on dealing with the cult members who are likely to appear.

He didn't believe that the method of those cultists was just to drive these brainless monsters, and there was absolutely no chance of harming him.

They must have other means.

"The brainless monster has attracted most of the firepower of my soldiers, now it's time for you to do it, come out quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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