Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 437, 7 horses return

Chapter 437, Seven Horses Return

If that's all it is, forget it.

Although a leader and a governor died almost instantly, everyone knew that your alliance was powerful, and there were even Space Marine Chapters obeying your orders.

However, just because you can kill the previous ruler does not mean that you can successfully rule this place!

This is the thought that many Zima governors are secretly thinking in their hearts.

In their expectation, after the Alliance used such unscrupulous methods to overthrow the Baishuo government, the entire planet should be in turmoil and fall into war everywhere. Defense forces from all over the country will swarm up, not to mention avenging the dead governors and leaders, but at least they are not so easy to accept a sudden change of masters on their heads, right?
People everywhere will also question the legitimacy of the alliance, especially subversion and coups carried out by such despicable means. They will also inevitably cause turmoil, armed confrontation, strikes, riots...

However, what they actually heard disappointed them.

It cannot be said that these things are completely absent. After all, it is such a big planet with a population of nine billion.

However, those sporadic riots were not enough to affect the overall situation.

It is normal for there to be sporadic unrest during a substantial regime change.

They just watched helplessly as the alliance supported a new acting governor on Baishuo Star and claimed that they had the power to do so. The relevant procedures were handled as a matter of urgency and have been filed with the alliance. As soon as the contact with Yunluo Star, Wuji Star, and Holy Terra is restored, the formal appointment will come down.

What to say? The previous governor is finished, someone has to be replaced, right? It is true that the alliance cannot directly appoint a governor, but it is called an 'acting governor', and it will be done after all the procedures have been agreed upon.

But determination is one thing, and optimal solutions are another.

After Zelos's death, within half a month, the Zima Sector fully joined the Seven Horse Agreement.

It is not absolute. After all, some special circumstances cannot be ruled out, such as the foundry world of the Mechanicum, the religious world of the state religion, some particularly ignorant feudal systems, slavery systems, and even the world of primitive systems...

For most residents of the world, I am a human being and a member of the Empire. The Governor is a ruler sent or canonized by the Empire, so he has the right to rule me. And the day the empire replaces the governor, the new one will also have the right to rule me; the day the empire calls the governor a traitor, I will angrily take a gun and kill the governor.

This is a reasonable understanding of the empire, and there is nothing wrong with it. It is the same within the alliance.

That is the common understanding of the vast majority of humans within the empire.

The constant communication with diplomats, the news from Baishuoxing constantly refreshed their knowledge, the approach of the combined fleet...


That's why the method of subverting the coup was used.

Zelos and Governor Baishuo have just been cremated. Who dares?

The residents of Baishuo Planet, no matter what class they are, generally identify themselves in the larger structure of the human race-the human empire. They do not regard governors, planetary governments, and sector governments as 'their own government' or 'their own monarch', but rather as ruling officials sent by the empire.

Alliance diplomats did not say this directly. However, they will not fail to understand this meaning.

Of course he is determined. If things go wrong, even if a war breaks out, he will take over the seventeen worlds in this sector with a population of 38 billion.

But what happens next is different within the alliance and in other star regions.

The legitimacy of the human empire comes from the 'human' ethnic group, which is composed of the emperors who ascended to become gods.

Why not just get a new governor? Just like in some places, if the mayor or town head is changed, the civilians will not rebel.

Of course that’s right!

This is also the difference between the Alliance and other administrative regions of the Empire.

A few governors, before the arrival of the combined fleet, approached alliance diplomats and signed their names on their own initiative.

Gu Hang was actually worried at the beginning: using this method could indeed subvert the central government of the planet, but it did not mean that the alliance would be able to establish a reliable new government immediately.

In this case, by eradicating these two in the name of the empire and higher-level institutions, the new government created by the alliance can naturally gain legitimacy, and the people of Baishuoxing will not have any doubts about this.

This left them with nothing to say.

Gu Hang was quite satisfied with this result.

Unless there is an oil depot behind the flames.

If you can avoid fighting, don't fight.

Most of the fires in this world will be extinguished as soon as they are lit.

These things are constantly attacking the psychological defenses of these Zima governors.

So now the question arises: Which governor in the Zima Star Region also wants an acting governor?

Not one signed one.

However, after investigation, this concern was basically eliminated.

When the United Fleet actually arrived in the orbit of their planet with the text of the Seven-Horse Agreement, most of the planetary governors still made the right choice and signed their names on it.

They say that a single spark can start a prairie fire, but they never say that every single spark can start a prairie fire.

Spending money and trouble is one thing, but there will also be problems with your dominance after the war.

This reassured Gu Hang.

The alliance ignited the flames of the coup; and now that there is turmoil on Baishuo Planet, the governors of Zima want to become an oil depot, but they have neither the ability nor the courage to do so.

But from an overall and macro perspective, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

Is the perception of the people on Baishuo Star wrong?

Whether the Alliance could control the entire planet after conducting a coup on Baishuo Planet and overthrowing the local government was decided only after a relatively rigorous preliminary investigation and previous successful experience on Faches Three Stars.

In other words, there is no problem in establishing it, but whether the new government can effectively rule the planet is not guaranteed.

The league is slightly different.

The legitimacy of the alliance's rule comes from the direct appointment of the empire, which is of course the most important thing.

But in addition, the alliance is establishing its own political legitimacy through various means such as institutional reform, centralization construction, improvement of living standards brought about by the development of productivity, ideological propaganda, education...

I'm from the Empire and I'm from the Alliance. The governor cannot be changed casually, or the governor is not important, the alliance's government is legitimate.

This thing is very important! It determines the social order and whether the ruling authority can be consciously recognized and obeyed by the people. It determines the relationship between the political rule of the ruler and the political obedience of the people.

To put it more bluntly, whether the political legitimacy of the alliance itself can be cultivated or not will determine whether one day Gu Hang pointed at Holy Terra and said, all the ministers in the dynasty are rebellious. For the sake of the emperor and for the sake of mankind, kill me. When he arrived in Terra, did the Alliance people follow him and charge into battle, or did they kidnap him and send him to Terra.

Just a metaphor! Gu Hang definitely has no such idea!

When there is bottom-up legitimacy of the regime, the alliance can become more unbreakable and will not disappear just because the star domain government orders it. What happened on Baishuo could not happen in the core territory of the alliance.

By subverting a coup to directly gain control of a planet, Gu Hang can use it on others, but others cannot use it on alliance planets. If someone really does this, people will rise in droves in the core territory of the alliance. The alliance has a complete grassroots and local government structure, which can perfectly lead the uprising and fight against outsiders.

Of course, the only ones in the alliance that can do this now are Angry Owl Star and Koroga. The former is Gu Hang's base camp, and the latter was pulled out of the crisis by Gu Hang and has great prestige. Several other planets, especially the Winged Star and the Three Stars of Faches, are on their way, but to be honest, they are not completely stable.

But overall, the nine worlds in the Pegasus sector are the core territories of the alliance. The political system has been reformed, and the alliance's control has penetrated deep into the grassroots. It is only a matter of time before the so-called legitimacy of rule is established.

As for places outside the Tianma Star District...

Although the situation in different places is different, for example, the Hippogriff is more obedient, the Mist Horse is second, and the Zima has just conquered it with strong methods, but in general, under the current overall situation, these places do not have the conditions to transform into the core territory of the alliance. .

Mainly due to the impact of war.

Now that we are fighting a war, the Alliance does not have the time to carry out social reforms in the Tianma Star District in the past few years. It will also take root in the Zima Star District for a few years and turn it into the core territory of the Alliance.

Now that it has been decided to control the Zima through the strategy of restraint, it is necessary not to transform and eradicate the local ruling class first.

Keep people and indirectly control those planets.

However, this is not absolute.

Will the Alliance really not interfere in the internal affairs of the planet under the Seven Horses framework?
That's right. The agreement clearly states that in principle, the alliance will not interfere in the political, economic, and military construction of each participating planet, and each planetary government/governor is responsible.

But similarly, the agreement also stated that the Alliance, as the leader of the Seven Horse Agreement, would supervise all worlds to ensure that major resources can be used for the war against the orcs.

How to supervise?
The alliance will dispatch three supervisors to each planet.

These supervisors will monitor whether the work within the planet is operating as stipulated in the Seven Horses Agreement, and ensure that each planet can fulfill their obligations.

If everything goes well, then the supervisory officer will not interfere in planetary affairs; if it does not go well and problems arise, then the supervisory officer will provide supervision opinions to the planetary government, which is equivalent to intervening in specific affairs until the problem is solved.

If the supervisory opinions cannot solve the problem, the supervisor will report it to the alliance.

The Alliance will provide support to planets 'kindly'.

Real support, required materials and manpower will all be in place.

However, allowing the alliance to "explode gold coins" does not come without a price.

At that point, the Alliance will directly send a larger team of officials to the planet to manage these Alliance assets to ensure that they can be applied to the right places and can effectively change the bad situation on the planet.

That would be tantamount to directly intervening in the responsibilities of the planetary government, or even acting on its behalf.

Of course, the league itself does not want to go that step at present.

But, it left a hole.

In the future, the planetary governor is not very obedient, so this is a way to supervise and intervene;

Later, when the war situation stabilizes, the pressure is not so great, and victory is imminent, that may be the entry point for the alliance to expand its core territory.

The number of supervisors assigned to each planet is not certain.

Among them, there must be military supervisors.

They will supervise the planet's military construction work and the preparation of military supplies.

To put it bluntly, they are the ones who supervise the collection of money.

Secondly, there is the Economic Supervisor, who is responsible for supervising the economic development and production capacity of the planet. This is to ensure that the economic development within the planet can be maintained as high as possible without delaying military production.

There are relatively few economic supervisors. They can only be found on some planets where the governor is more reliable, closer to the alliance, and 'needs' the alliance's help.

The least required one is the political affairs supervisor.

When the Alliance's intelligence department discovers signs of anti-Alliance or anti-Seven Horse Agreement signs on the planet, it will alert the Governor and dispatch a political supervisor. The political supervisory officer can directly supervise every government personnel appointment and organizational structure.

When political supervisors are dispatched, it means that the alliance's army may arrive at any time.

As long as the political supervisor says that the planet's governor/government has acted disloyally, or that something has happened to the affairs officer, the alliance will directly consider the planet to be in rebellion, and the alliance will come to counter the rebellion on behalf of the empire.

Don't think of these three officials as just three people. Each of them represents an entire team of staff, support, and assistants built around them, which is equivalent to three organizations.

The supervisory officer system will be the means for the alliance to control the planets of each member of the Seven Horses Agreement.

At least until the Concordat has completed its historic mission, the Overseer will remain in place for a long time to come.

There is only Baishuoxing, which is a little bit special.

The alliance plans to bring the star port of Baishuo Star and the capital city of Fruit City under direct control, and the alliance will directly send people to lead them.

The reason for this is because there is a shipyard on the star port of Fruit City. Although we can't build big ships, we can still build some armed merchant ships, patrol ships and the like.

Although it does not play a decisive role, it is still a good supplement to the navy that the alliance currently lacks.


After Yelicia's fleet passed through the Purple Horse Sector with the Seven Horses Agreement and conquered it, it continued to go south. Her target was the Bianma Sector, and then the Iron Horse Sector.

With the precedent of Zima, the leaders and governors of these two star regions want to know more about each other.

They signed the Seven Horse Agreement one after another.

Among them, the Kenma Sector did not need the fleet to arrive, but signed it by itself.

As for the Kenma Star District, they have a more direct appeal: part of the iron-toothed greenskin military frontiers came to the Black Bone Ridge Star District to the west of the Kenma Star District.

Although the invasion of Kenma has not yet begun, they are worried that something will go wrong.

Gu Hang was also wary of this.

His main focus now is still in the northwest of the star map.

Kenma in the southwest is not the main strategic direction of the alliance, but it has to be guarded against.

If there really is a green-skinned force that penetrates all the way from the Kenma Star District, it can hit the Red Arrow Star in the Pegasus Star District.

Yelicia no longer needs to farm horses, but she has detached a small force from her fleet to go there and keep an eye on the green-skinned front in the direction of Black Bone Ridge.


After arranging the alliance's defense line in the southwest, Gu Hang turned his attention to the main battlefield in the northwest again.

Major General Du Shiliang had received his order and cautiously led the fleet to leave the Steel Wing Star and advance into the Temir Galaxy.

That is the east gate of the Jinguan Star District.


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(End of this chapter)

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