Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 461, Iron Cavalry Terminator

Chapter 461, Iron Cavalry Terminator

Terminator power armor!

This is good stuff!

The alliance did not have the production capacity for terminators before, and the one that Martins had was bought by Gu Hang back then.

Moreover, it was an unyielding type terminator, which was inferior to the Iron Cavalry type in terms of performance.

The iron cavalry type comes from an older era. It is a type of space warrior power armor that was born during the period of great expansion of the entire empire when the Emperor was still alive. Later, with the long time and countless turbulences, especially the catastrophe caused by the largest civil war within the empire, the empire gradually lost the technology of the cavalry terminator.

Just like many technologies from the past empire's heyday, such as the Stalwart Tactical Power Armor now used by the Phoenix, it was lost, but not completely lost. Some forge worlds can still be built, but not many can be built. Perhaps it is because key components can still be manufactured, but there is no ability to expand production capacity; perhaps it is because the manufacturing scale of substitutes is relatively large and there is little need for these old technologies...

But all in all, what Gu Hang extracted from the technology system did not have these problems.

The iron cavalry type is better than the unyielding type that is the most common among the major war groups. The empire's technology is always like this, the older it is, the more powerful it is; however, its manufacturing cost is also higher.

And like the stalwart power armor that Gu Hang had drawn before, it also had a problem: it was rare and ancient, which meant it was eye-catching.

This is great stuff!
Although Jingjing is only elite-level, in fact, its value is not much worse than that of the Moon-level cruiser.

[L-type transport ship-big belly]

What's more, as the alliance grows stronger, he gradually becomes less worried about similar threats.

After possessing the iron cavalry terminator power armor, the strength of the Phoenix Chapter will reach a new level. They will be able to form their own team of Terminators and charge against the most terrifying enemies in the universe!

But even though it has many shortcomings, there is only one advantage that can equalize everything: it can be installed.

But again, there are black box finished products and black box production lines. The price of alliance-made products will not be as high as on the market.

However, if a Terminator veteran faced off against a Knight mecha, Gu Hang believed that the Terminator veteran would most likely win.

They are all equipped with energy shields. Due to its size, the Terminator cannot be equipped with more powerful weapons like the Knight Mecha, but its defense is not much worse. Moreover, the Terminator is much more flexible, and the internal controller is a superhuman Space Marine. It can basically guarantee that the Knight mecha will kill one by one - as long as this Terminator veteran does not be stupid and fight against the much larger Knight mecha. Compete for firepower or compete head-on with machines, but choose to win with experience, skills, and flexible tactics.

Of course, the Terminator is not invincible. It is only a little over three meters tall, which is more than half smaller than the Knight Mecha.

It is really big, only slightly smaller than the Retribution-class battleship. As the name suggests, there is a huge cabin, which is like a three-dimensional hive moving in space. If the maximum population is transported, 20 million people can be crammed into it.

The Terminator has poor flexibility, compared with conventional tactical power armor. Compared with the knight mecha, it is definitely much stronger.

The craftsmanship for making iron cavalry type is not much in the forging world. Can your alliance make it again?

However, among the three elite-level technologies extracted later, two are actually quite good.

Although the Big Belly is extremely inflexible and slow, and has no potential to be converted into an armed ship due to problems with the hull structure, if it is caught acting alone, it will be a pig waiting to be slaughtered in space...

However, the cost of the Iron Cavalry Terminator is very expensive, basically reaching 1.2 million tax coins per unit. It's half more expensive than the regular Unyielding model which costs 800,000 yuan. This may be one of the reasons why the iron-riding type is currently in low circulation.

What's more, it's not a bad idea to spend more money and get more performance.

The alliance is in a similar situation, but what about these two technologies?
He was still on tenterhooks before, but now he is relatively calm.

However, Gu Hang no longer cared about this matter.

There are too many lice and it doesn’t itch.

After owning the [Cruiser], [Doomsday Spear Array], and [Cavalry Terminator Power Armor], Gu Hang was already very satisfied with the harvest from this technology lottery.


Because it can hold enough cargo and can be scaled up, its transportation cost is also greatly reduced.

Its cost is not expensive, about one billion, which is much cheaper than the Shark-class destroyer.

It is the core ship of mankind in interstellar trade. As long as it can haul goods for a few years, the cost will be evened out, and everything will be profitable afterwards. In the past, the largest transport ship the Alliance could build was the Whale class. The loading capacity of that thing is only one-tenth of that of the Big Belly. In the case of large-scale transportation, the cost is still higher than that of the Big Belly.

With this in place, it will be easier for subsequent alliances to establish cross-sector economic communities. Otherwise, the ship inventory that has been relying on Gu's Trading Company will definitely be unreliable.

The scale of Gu's Trading Company has almost reached its limit to withstand the transportation demand within the Tianma Star District and the current transportation demand for the frontline war. It is almost impossible to take into account the massive transportation needs that will be required after the integration of the seven horses.

The alliance's shipyards are already smoking. In addition to warships, various civilian ships are also being built. In fact, now the two major shipyards, even the small shipyard in Baishuoxing in the Zima Star District, are quarreling. The navy wants civilian shipyards to also build warships for them. Even if they cannot build serious warships, they still have to build armed merchant ships;

The alliance's government units and caravans are working hard to pull it together. The alliance still needs to function, and your army has to produce at the rear when fighting. Transportation of raw materials, transportation of goods... these civilian ships are all blood vessels of industrial manufacturing. You can make concessions for the war and let some production capacity go out to build armed merchant ships to help your navy transport things and fight wars, but don't really leave them at all.

The bickering between the two sides often reached Gu Hang.

Now, after the construction of the new giant-belly transport ship, this problem cannot be said to have been solved, but at least it has been alleviated to a great extent. The huge construction dock can only be used to build them, after all, they are too big; it cannot be used to build large warships, because there is a lack of sufficient technical standards. Moreover, the production of a giant ship can transport ten times the transportation capacity of the Whale Class. One ship is worth ten, which can make the alliance's 'blood vessels' much smoother.

The second elite-level technology is [Dominator-level Knight Mecha]

Its size is much larger than the Ranger-class, even close to the War Dog-class Titan; its combat power can also match the War Dog-class. Although there is a slight gap, it is more flexible than the War Dog Titan - after all, it only needs one person to operate it, unlike the War Dog Titan, which requires an operating team.

However, its cost is also very expensive, soaring fivefold from the 700,000 for a ranger-level knight to 3.5 million.

This is even more expensive than the War Dog Titan. After all, the War Dog only costs 2.3 million.

Of course it is a good thing. For many knights in the world, the Dominator Knight Mecha is a treasure. A knight can drive such a large machine, which has the strength to compete with the War Dog Titan.

But for the alliance, it is a bit tasteless.

Those knight families in the knight world have feelings for this thing, but the alliance does not. War dogs are cheap and have higher combat power. The less flexibility is not as valuable as putting an extra armor plate on the frontal battlefield. After all, if you really want to cover artillery fire, be it a Titan that is more than ten meters tall or a knight mecha. The little bit with high flexibility can be used as a hammer, whether it should be bombarded or bombarded.

Gu Hang could not think of a reason to allocate production capacity to the Dominator Knight instead of to the War Dog.

Of course, the production expansion speed of War Dogs is always limited. When it is difficult to keep up with the expansion of production capacity, it is not impossible to launch a few dominant production lines. Moreover, since it has a certain symbolic meaning, the alliance can also use it to win over some feudal worlds with knightly culture within the territory.

Black Arrow Star is of course the most typical example.

In addition to the Black Arrow Star, the Iron Wing Star in the Iron Horse Star District, Juxue 7 in the Bianma Star District, and Ziyue 3 in the Zima Star District, these three worlds are also typical feudal worlds with the tradition of knights. . When the Alliance has the manufacturing capabilities of both Ranger-level and Dominant-level knights, its control over these worlds can be greatly increased.

The lords in these knight worlds are not the same as planets with a unified government. I'm really desperate. Those knight gentlemen are really stubborn with you. Killing a few people and staging a coup will not be of much use. After all, they don't even have a central government, they are just knight families. If you want to forcefully conquer them, you may have to fight like Black Arrow Star.

That's certainly not cost-effective.

Political means, trade means, and economic control will be more reliable.

The relevant means have been used by the coalition government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The manufacturing capabilities of Dominator-level knights will significantly make the alliance's various methods more effective on these knight planets.

From this perspective, the Dominator Knight mecha has advantages that the War Dog Titan cannot match.


As for the other two technologies, one elite level and one advanced level, they are both civilian technologies.

The advanced level is a construction engineering vehicle, and the elite level is an improved agricultural planting machine, suitable for large-scale plantations.

Civilian technologies are also very good, and they are needed to develop the economy.

Gu Hang was quite satisfied with the results of this lottery.

Although it cost a total of 700,000 points of gifts, everything can be considered a good thing.

These technologies will also become a powerful engine in the development of the alliance in the next two years.

And these two years have passed very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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