Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 474, The End of the Great Chief

Chapter 474, The End of the Great Chief

Gu Hang led one-third of the alliance fleet to cause trouble for three months in the four major star regions occupied by the greenskins.

The four sky-burning torpedoes destroyed the four most prosperous greenskin worlds, killed more than 30 billion greenskins, and destroyed the garbage city, the most important industrial core of the greenskins.

This is also a heart-wrenching blow to the greenskins.

And Gu Hang's actions undoubtedly had a profound impact on the entire battlefield.

With the Jinguan Star Sector and the Jiaoshou Star Sector under control, there is no way for the greenskins to transport troops and resources directly southward. They can only make a large circle from the northernmost part of the star field, which takes two to three times longer, let alone in the During the advance of the human fleet, many green-skinned transport ships were destroyed.

This made the main force of the greenskins immediately feel the pressure in the frontline war.

Originally, with the Raging Flame Chapter, they fought a beautiful counterattack in multiple star regions, especially the Eagle Star in the Snow Eagle Star Region. Now they are reviving the war and burning the flames of war to the Upper Plateau Star. I don’t know how much effort was invested here, fighting to the death.

At this time, the greenskin's lair was taken out, and the support behind them was cut off, which directly led to huge problems on the frontline battlefield.

On the main battlefield of the Snow Eagle Star Region, the battle between the two sides has reached an extremely fierce level. The total force invested by each of them combined exceeded 10 billion, and more than 2,000 warships of various types chased and pulled each other in multiple galaxies, and even decisive battles broke out from time to time.

He sent his general, King Saru, over, gave him a fleet, gave him troops, and also gave him very high authority. He could also enjoy the deployment of resources recruited from the greenskin lair. part.

His invading fleet was wiped out in World War I; in the Battle of Steel Wing Star, his general One-Toothed Ghost was killed, and along with him hundreds of millions of green-skinned boys, they were destroyed in various places on the Eastern Front battlefield. wipe out.

But he didn't expect that Salu would become famous immediately and give him a huge job.

At that time, he had already realized that a powerful opponent had emerged on the Eastern Front.

He originally thought that places like the so-called Pegasus Star Region were similar to other areas in the entire Dragon Eagle Star Region. Simply sending out a fleet of spaceships and spreading green boys everywhere will solve the problem.

Unless it is launched to annihilate the flagships of both sides, or to kill the war leaders of both sides, or to annihilate more than one billion enemy forces at once, the victory or defeat in a single battle will definitely have significance, but it will not be that great.

To be honest, this was a situation he didn't expect at all.

In the beginning, things did develop as he expected. The Hippogriff Sector and the Foghorse Sector were like all the other invaded sectors. They had no resistance at all and were turned upside down.

We had a huge defeat last week and lost 70 million troops. This week we can get 50 or 60 million more troops, and we can launch another large-scale battle. If we win the opponent, we will suffer a lot of losses...

Titus was already relieved.

What the two sides are fighting for is internal strength. What they are fighting for is who will be unable to bear the loss and who will not be able to make up for the loss. All tactical goals serve this purpose.

On a battlefield of this level, whimsical ideas, unconstrained tactical actions, and even a single seemingly brilliant victory or a major defeat actually have very little impact on the overall battle situation.

Of course, Titus also knew about Saru's defeat, and also knew that his lair had been taken away.

And he also made it clear to Salu that what he wanted was not for Salu to achieve any results on the Eastern Front, but to hold on and enter into a stalemate with the shrimp force called the 'Alliance' on the Eastern Front.

This was his goal. He never imagined that the Eastern Front battlefield, which he had not paid much attention to from the beginning, would bring him such a big trouble.

Saru held the position for two and a half years, and the Eastern Front was peaceful.

Saru listened to his words and did achieve his goal. Even in the past few years, that guy Saru has bothered him a lot and cut away a lot of reinforcements. He has tolerated it as long as there are no more problems on the eastern front.

When he set off this earth-shattering waaagh, his target was directly at the core and most prosperous places in this star field - the Yunluo Star District and the Steel Fire Dragon Star District.

But now, the greenskin reinforcements have suddenly stopped. In several consecutive battles, reinforcements and supplies were not timely, resulting in the entire front being forced to retreat.

He couldn't say he didn't pay attention to this.

Then, the so-called alliance gave him a slap in the face.

After the defeat in the Battle of Temir, the Alliance army blocked the road south from Iron Teeth's lair and could only detour north. This has made Titus very uncomfortable, and all supplies have slowed down.

Then, when the Alliance rushed into his lair, even this slow supply was gone.

The green-skinned core planets are being destroyed one by one. What else can we do?
Titus has realized that something is wrong with the overall situation.

He was already taking the initiative to shrink the front line without attacking those annoying canned shrimps in front of him.

But those canned shrimps, apparently as if they knew something, launched a fierce attack across the board.

One side intends to retreat, and the other intends to pursue and expand the victory. The result will naturally be that the green-skinned orcs' front line plummets.

In an emergency, Titus couldn't control that much. There was no way to mobilize troops from his home base. He could only mobilize troops from other planets that had been invaded in the past four years.

This is definitely not a good choice. Most of those planets have not been completely occupied by the green skins, and they cannot fully provide all kinds of support.

However, he had no other choice but to save the main force on the main battlefield first.


Of course Kazimierz Erso also knew what happened on the Eastern Front battlefield.

In fact, after the victory in Temir, Gu Hang changed his style of not having much contact with the Western Front in the previous years, and news of the victory came immediately.

Half a year ago, I sent an envoy to ask you to take the initiative, but you ignored me and even brought out Zuo Zhaofeng, Chairman of Dongfangzhouyu, to suppress me. As a result, now you are attacking across the board without even saying hello?

What on earth does your alliance want to do?
The aggrieved Erso, in fact, the most important thing is that he still doubts the results reported by the alliance.

When he heard the news that three hundred battleships and billions of greenskins had been wiped out, Erso really couldn't believe it.

On such a scale, if placed on their main battlefield on the Western Front, it would be considered a very heavy blow to the greenskins, and it would be enough to allow him to push the front a long way forward.

Can the Eastern Front be fought?
Do you have battleships? That's okay.

After the Battle of Temir, Gu Hang continued to maintain this style of full communication with him.

In fact, it is sufficient, but it is only compared with the previous two years. Gu Hang basically just sent a message unilaterally, and had no intention of discussing how to fight this war with Commander-in-Chief Erso.

The alliance will only clearly tell these friendly forces what we have done, what we are doing, and what we will do.

As for whether you are worthy of cooperation or not, that's up to you.

The Alliance's attitude actually made Erso a little annoyed.

But it just couldn’t be sent out. Gu Hang ignored him, and as he thought about it, he realized that he seemed to have no choice.

Besides seizing this opportunity and taking the initiative to pursue it, what else can he do?

He secretly had an idea in his mind: let the main green-skinned force go back, and he would follow behind, and then sit back and watch the alliance engage in a fierce battle with the main green-skinned force, and see what the expression on the arrogant Gu Hang's face would be.

But this is just a thought.

The greenskin's former flagship has been destroyed by the Raging Flames. What they have left is a beggar's version of the Battle Moon, with real combat power similar to that of a battleship. The main force of the greenskin's ground troops may only be in the dozens. A scale of about 100 million.

They retreated and started fighting with the alliance, but the alliance might not be able to defeat them.

In particular, he also received a notification from the Alliance that on the only way for greenskins such as Duxingxing and Guangfuxing to retreat, the Alliance has gone all out to build a defense system and strive to fortify the planet. If there is a subsequent fight in these places, I am afraid they will not be considered the Greenskins’ home ground.

What if the alliance wins or draws?
They came with great fanfare to reinforce the Dragon Eagle Star Territory. They fought for two and a half years, and they have been the main force on the front. The ships were dropped one by one, and the battle brothers died one company after another. In the end, the Iron Teeth Clan was won by the alliance. ?
All honors go to the alliance?
Thinking about that situation, Erso would never accept it.

At this moment, no one can erase the Alliance's role in this war. After all, objectively, he did make a huge contribution to the entire war situation.

However, in front of Erso, there is still the biggest result, which is also the biggest crown of the entire Iron Teeth War:
That was Titus himself.

The main green-skinned force led by the orc warchief cannot let them escape.

Capture them and eliminate this warchief, and the Iron Teeth clan will become another medal in the history of the Raging Flames.

The value of this medal is still very high. After all, a large green-skinned country that has a battle moon, even a beggar's version, plus a total number of hundreds of billions, that has plagued a star field for decades, was defeated by the Raging Flames. In the long history of the Raging Flame Chapter, this is considered one of the best achievements worth boasting about.

Although the Alliance played a large role in this war, it was a minor one at best and could only be regarded as a small episode in the story behind their medal.

From this perspective, he has to thank the alliance.

Without the huge advantage that the Alliance has gained on the eastern front, the Raging Flames still don't know how long they will have to contend with the Iron-Toothed Orcs in the Dragon Eagle Star Territory and how much sacrifice they will have to make.

Now, they directly have a huge advantage and can defeat them.

And as long as the battle is won and Titus is killed, not only will it mark a glorious chapter in the history of the Chapter, but it will also be equivalent to successfully completing the biggest goal of participating in the Iron Teeth War: to expand the Chapter's presence in the Eastern Universe with military exploits. domain influence.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Erso has to wear the crown of Titus’ death on his head. If they were taken away by the Alliance, then the Raging Flames would be pure clowns.

Fortunately, it seems that the alliance has no intention in this regard. The alliance's fleet only sticks to the two strategic points of Duxing and Guangfuxing in the far south. It only blocks the greenskins' northward escape route and has no intention of going south to participate in the main battlefield.

Although Gu Hang didn't say it explicitly, the meaning was actually quite clear: you can get what you want, and I have already provided you with the greatest help.

Erso decided to put away some of his opinions towards Gu Hang and focus on the battlefield first.


The Furious Flame Chapter's relentless pursuit has indeed had a great effect.

After suffering several defeats in a row, Titus did not dare to continue the fight, but fled all the way.

Moreover, he did not dare to escape directly from the Snow Eagle Star Region to the Proud Star Region.

That would be blocked by the Alliance fleet guarding the capital city.

Although his main force is much larger in size than the alliance's defenders. But he was not sure that he could quickly defeat the All-Stars who had been in the league for several months.

If they get caught in a fierce battle with the Alliance there and are overtaken by the Raging Flames, they will be in danger of destruction.

On the Eagle Star at the junction of the Snow Eagle, Jiao Shou, and Thunder Dragon districts, Titus only hesitated for a moment before making his choice.

He fled to the Thunder Dragon Star District.

Here, the human army has not yet set foot on a large scale. The main force of the Mechanicum that counterattacked from the Steel Fire Dragon Sector captured the Dragonbiter Sector before they had time to block his way to escape north.

Using the Thunder Dragon Sector as a springboard, you can reach the Leisu Sector with just two jumps.

Here, he once again faced a choice: he could go southeast and sneak into the Jiaoshou Star District through the Five-Finger Star, and then escape north from the Jiaoshou Star District into the Kuoluo Star District, which would mean returning to his old nest.

But this is somewhat dangerous.

Although the Five-Finger Star is not like a star and is focused on building by the alliance, it is also closer to the main force of the alliance. The alliance had enough time to deploy its forces, gather troops, and block him before he returned to the Kuoluo Star Region.

The pursuers behind him are now not just the Raging Flames. Without blocking him, the Mingyang Sect's skitarii also caught up with him. This group of oil guys, whose Mechanical Ark was destroyed by the greenskins and whose forging world Jindi was invaded by the greenskins, also hated the iron-toothed orcs.

Another option is to continue escaping north from the Leisu Star District to the Manwu Star District, where he can directly enter the Jiang Meiyu Star District. The humans in the Manwu Star District have not yet attacked, and the Jiangmeiyu Star District is the only one among the four star districts where the Iron Teeth Clan is home to have not been swept away by the Alliance. The cultivation of soldiers and the green-skin industry have been maintained relatively well.

That's where he has the best chance of making a comeback.

There are two options, one is high risk but can return quickly, and the other is a detour but relatively safe.

How to choose?

Before he could think about a result, something happened that should be expected, but was the absolute last thing he wanted to see happen.



In addition, I still need to explain that I actually didn’t want to write about the setting of the previous chapter at the beginning, but some comrades said earlier that they wanted to know the specific ecology and growth of the green skins, and said that they were unclear about the scale and size of the iron teeth. potential.

So I thought about making up some.

As a result, I continued to be scolded...

Try to write as little setting as possible in the follow-up, and if you write about places that are necessary to the plot, try to control the length.


In addition, this chapter contains a lot of place names that were rarely mentioned before. Later, a star map for the Easter egg chapter will be added, and the color blocks will be updated.

The yellow part is controlled by the empire, the red part is the conflict sector, the green part is the green skin territory, and the blue part is actually controlled by the alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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