Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 529: Alliance Northern Expedition

Chapter 529: Alliance Northern Expedition

The political pressure on the alliance has always existed.

It was strong at first, then weak, and then suddenly became stronger, to the point where the alliance had to compromise to a certain extent. Until the last year, it was almost strong enough to cause a large number of attacks on the alliance's policies.

Some of the most severe critics even began to think that the Alliance was just another smaller version of the Iron Fury Stone. The same country within a country, the same disobedience to orders. In the past, they still paid taxes, but now that Gallardo had given the Alliance the title of the so-called commander-in-chief of the southern theater against all odds, the taxes were also kept, saying that they were preparing for war against the Iron Fury Stone, but there had been no major movements for several years.

This resulted in a series of major changes.

Four years ago, the Eastern Universe allocated tens of billions of dollars a year to the Alliance as war aid, but this money was completely stopped two years ago.

Several judges from the Inquisition came and claimed to investigate the misconduct of the Alliance, believing that there was an illegal connection between the Alliance and Iron Fury Stone. Although the final result was nothing, and the Inquisition did not really want to do anything to the Alliance, since it had made such a gesture, it was a warning.

The Astra Militarum Headquarters rejected the expansion plans of the Angry Bear Legion twice in succession, which resulted in the 200 million army troops that were originally to be incorporated into the Astra Militarum having to continue to maintain the identity of the Alliance Army. This made it impossible for the Alliance to include this in the consumption of imperial taxes and it could only be counted as Alliance fiscal expenditure.

The Alliance also submitted a written statement to Holy Terra through Gallardo.

There was no overly intense tone, but the Alliance also made it clear that the entire so-called southern war zone now actually only had the Alliance, without any other reinforcements, and its strength was simply insufficient.

Mr. Gu's requirements were not many. If the Empire could allocate two to three regiments and more than five battleship-class ships, then the Alliance would have the ability to launch a large-scale proactive offensive.

Once these supports are in place, the alliance will launch an offensive without further ado.

When Gallardo said this, it was said that people outside the Ministry of Military Affairs jumped up to accuse Gallardo, asking why he did not allocate enough troops to the southern front war zone so that Gu Hang could advance earlier?
Faced with such accusations, Gallardo didn't even need to say anything, as people within the Military Affairs Department began to avoid the topic.

To put it simply, where are the troops?
The empire is a mess with thousands of holes! Every moment, countless wars are always happening within the empire.

It is true that the most eye-catching thing in the entire empire at the moment is the unrest in the Spider Web Universe, but that does not mean that the wars in other places are not important.

Take the Eastern Universe as an example. Apart from the Dragon Eagle Star Region and the Menghe Star Region, which of the remaining places doesn’t have its own troubles?
It's all there!
In fact, most of them are at a similar level of crisis as the Dragon Eagle Star Region a few years ago before the Iron Teeth Green Tide broke out, which means that each star region actually needs a certain level of combat readiness to resolve, or at least respond to, the crisis within the star region.

The same is true for the Universe Government. In the capital of the Eastern Universe, the Wuji Star Region, the biggest problem facing the region is the frequent appearance of pirates.

Those were not just ordinary pirates, but there were many dark elves among them.

These tall, thin space aliens with pointed ears and gray, gray, and purple skin are bloody and cruel. They are not very interested in occupying specific planets, and their home is always a mystery. But what is known is that they are not only interested in looting supplies and people as slaves, but also very interested in it.

In the Wuji star field, and even in many surrounding star fields, reports of Dark Eldar activities have been common. These hateful aliens have strange whereabouts and often attack human ships. They rarely attack large-scale human military fleets in groups, but if they encounter weakly defended transport ships, or even warships on a single mission, they will not be polite at all.

After they succeeded, most of the time they would take away both the people and the ship; sometimes they could not take away the ship, or it was damaged in the battle, so they would only take the goods and people.

They would even attack some planets that were not well-defended, not seeking to occupy them, but simply to plunder them. The most exaggerated thing was that they could completely empty a nest city in a month from the beginning of the attack to the end of the operation. And this period of time was not even enough for reinforcements to arrive.

The Wuji Star Region and the Eastern Universe Government must maintain a sufficiently strong and quick-response force to deal with the threat of the Dark Eldar.

The same is true for other star regions, and even the entire empire.

The types of threats vary, but they are definitely there.

Although the empire is large, the mobile forces that can be mobilized are actually very limited.

How to deploy the alliance?

To take a step back, even if there are sufficient troops, they will be sent to the western and northern fronts.

Give you a Gu Hang who doesn’t work?
In this report, the Alliance also clearly mentioned a timetable, saying that the Alliance's ships were under construction and it would take some time to prepare for war.

The league did not originally want to reveal this statement so bluntly.

Keeping a low profile is a better option. Even if you have to fight, it is better to have some surprise.

But there was no way. Under the political pressure, Gu Hang had to make a choice.

The part mentioned in his written report was just barely acceptable. Although there will still be a lot of criticism from the public and urging from all sides, it is better than before.

However, where there are advantages, there are naturally disadvantages as well.

There is no way the alliance could hide this statement from its good neighbors to the north.

It is impossible that the Iron Armor Regiment’s intelligence capabilities do not even know about such things.

The clear timetable means that by that time, the Alliance will take action against Iron Fury Stone.

Could Humphrey Paul tolerate the alliance accumulating strength so quickly and then launching an attack on him as planned after being fully prepared?
That's obviously impossible.

Even though the Iron Rage Stone's main force was still placed on the western battlefield, pursuing the Phoenix Regiment relentlessly, they also significantly increased the importance they attached to the southern battlefield.

First, Perbov felt that Iron Fury had clearly sent a large number of troops to the southernmost star field in the Spider Web Universe, namely the Proud Claw Star Field. Then, an army led by the old enemy of the Alliance, the Fury Flame Regiment, fiercely rushed into the Menghe Star Field.

The leader of the team was the current Chapter Master of the Fury, Adler Paulitos. He was originally the Captain of the Third Company of the Fury, but after the bloody duel, the former Chapter Master Erso died, and a large number of key members also died in that duel, so only he, the Third Company Captain, could take over.

There was a small area in the northern part of the Menghe star region that was originally occupied by the rebels. Previously, under the order of the Alliance Headquarters, Perbov led the advance troops to speed up the attack on this occupied area. Due to the lack of troops and the alliance's strategy, his actions in the northern part of Menghe were not fierce. The main purpose was to show the outside world that the alliance was actively attacking.

In this situation, the fierce attack of the Fury Legion caught the Alliance off guard.

Pobov was the first to take the brunt of the beating.

He made a very cautious assessment of the situation and avoided a decisive battle with his old rival, the Fury Regiment, in the northern part of the Menghe Star Region.

Although according to the Alliance's intelligence analysis department, they believe that the forces that Iron Fury can mobilize are definitely not enough. The Fury Flame Regiment already has at least a thousand people, and has appeared on the Western Front. No matter how much Fury Flame is reborn, it can't be reborn to the same extent as Iron Armor, right? They lost at least 400 to 500 Space Marines in the war in the Dragon Eagle Starfield a few years ago, and some of them were the backbones who were killed by the Phoenix in that bloody battle, including their former regiment leader.

In this case, how many troops can they mobilize for the proactive attack on the alliance?
Unfortunately, Perbov did not have enough troops, so he decided not to fight this battle rashly.

After retreating, Perbov carefully guarded the entire circle of defense line that had been formed by turning worlds into fortresses along the northern part of the Menghe star field in the past few years, and began a simple but solid defensive battle with the Fury Regiment heading south.

To be honest, when the news came that the Fury Corps was heading south and that Perbov had given up the territory he had conquered and was retreating to his defense line, everyone in the alliance was actually very nervous.

There were also voices within the alliance that complained that they should not have been able to withstand the pressure at the beginning, and in the explanation submitted to the central government of the empire, their own military plans were clearly mentioned.

To a large extent, it was probably because of this explanation that Tie Nu Shi believed that there was no room for maneuver between the two parties, extinguished his last glimmer of fantasy, and decided to strike first.

But now that things have come to this, there is no point in saying anything.

The Alliance began to further increase its military strength and mobilized more Phoenix Space Marines to the battlefield in the northern part of the Menghe star field.

However, the overall strategy is still defense.

The Alliance General Staff gave Perbov very clear instructions: prohibit active cross-line attacks, avoid fleet decisive battles, and use fortified planets, star fortresses, and combat space stations arranged at various star tunnel jump nodes to block the enemy's fleet outside the defense line and try to drag them into the quagmire of ground war.

When necessary, the strategy of exchanging space for time can be adopted. As long as the enemy is not allowed to advance all the way or push forward in one wave, and as long as the enemy can be held firmly on the fortified defense line, then Perbov will have accomplished a great feat.

Perbov's strategy of dragging the battle into a quagmire was surprisingly successful. Like an experienced chess player, he laid out his plans carefully and calculated every move accurately. The artillery fire of the planetary fortress and the interception system of the battle station formed a dense network, locking the Fury Fleet's fleet firmly on the periphery.

The ground war also fell into a stalemate, with both sides engaging in one tug-of-war after another in the rugged terrain of each planet and in fortified cities.

Two years may be just a blink of an eye in an interstellar war, but during this time, Perbov was like a piece of stone, indestructible.

His persistence and wisdom stabilized the alliance's rear and provided precious time for the alliance to build its fleet and prepare its army.

Today, the assembled alliance fleet outside Feiyi Star has become unprecedentedly powerful.

Countless ships stretch across the starry sky, like silver-blue waves.

The Alliance Army was also ready to go. They entered one battleship and transport ship after another in the form of army groups and army groups, and were now in this star field.

Although, for the Alliance, the clarion call of war has not yet been sounded, the Alliance's flag is already flying in the vast starry sky.

Just waiting for the final order.

And the only one who could issue this order was Gu Hang.

After completing the last stop of the planned inspection tour, Gu Hang returned to Feiyi Star from Angry Owl Star, bringing with him the 'Alliance National Knights', which had just completed the deployment of new equipment on this planet where the alliance had made its fortune, that is, the Alliance's Titan Legion.

He convened a military meeting at the starport of Feiyi Star.

Many senior officials of the Union government and senior generals of the Union military participated in this military meeting.

At the meeting, Gu Hang did not talk too much about specific strategies and tactics.

These things have been discussed many, many times in countless work meetings in the past to decide the details.

And this meeting is more like the last mobilization meeting before the war.

Gu Hang did not say too many long speeches in this meeting.

The first half of the content briefly talked about how hateful traitors like Iron Fury are. We stand on the side of the Empire and will fight these Imperial traitors to the death.

After saying all this, the second half is more important:
"The alliance needs to develop. We are bringing a better life to the people of the Dragon Eagle Star Region and the Menghe Star Region."

"We have gathered tremendous strength, and we are also practicing our ideals."

"We are not so welcoming of war."

"But if we want to develop, we need a stable external environment."

"Whoever doesn't give us this kind of environment, we will strike back with a heavy punch and give him a hard blow!"

"Win this war and gain a hundred years of peace!"

"Everyone, please join me and fight for the alliance!"

As Gu Hang raised his arm and shouted, all the generals and high-ranking officials in the audience stood up and followed their leader, shouting together:

"Fight for the Alliance!"


After the meeting, senior officials and generals left one after another.

They still had a lot of work to do before setting off.

This is an extremely huge project involving hundreds or thousands of warships, even more transport ships, and the deployment of more than one billion land forces.

But let's be honest, the league has been preparing for this for years.

In the 235th year of the tenth millennium, the Alliance Army set out from the Feiyi Galaxy.

The Alliance's Northern Expedition begins.

(End of this chapter)

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