Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 540: Build a Stronghold and Fight a Stupid Battle

Chapter 540: Build a Stronghold and Fight a Stupid Battle

As the scope of the alliance's attack expands and the area occupied increases, the risks that were previously buried become increasingly difficult to ignore.

The resistance and non-cooperation of various planets; the difficulty of supply after the extended battle line; the two tumors growing on the throat of Shangdong and Guangfeng; the raging flame fleet eyeing them covetously...

Even without considering these, Gu Hang had to admit one thing: the overall strength of the alliance was still far inferior to that of the Iron Rage Stone, which controlled the entire universe.

Humphrey Paul's main force was still involved in battlefields in multiple directions.

But it doesn’t mean that their strength is gone.

It is possible to mobilize troops from the main battlefield or to draw troops from the original garrison forces of multiple star fields to provide support.

Even if it is a naval fleet with a long construction period, the enemy may still have reinforcements at any time.

There are three forging worlds in the Spider Web Universe, all of which belong to the Alfonzo sect. None of these three forging worlds is smaller than Jindi Star.

Logically speaking, the Iron Rage Stones have been identified as traitors to the Empire, and the Mechanicus should join the Imperial forces in beating them up.

But, no.

The attitude of the Alfonzo sect was very ambiguous. They issued several condemnations of Humphrey Paul, but the wording was not harsh and was only made under pressure from all sides.

Moreover, they said that they announced the cessation of all cooperation with Iron Fury Stone, but... now the entire Spider Web Universe has fallen into the hands of Humphrey Paul, and information is not flowing smoothly. Who can say for sure whether the Alfonzo sect has really cut off cooperation as they said?
No, in fact, most analysts believe that people are just talking.

The Alfonzo sect had a very close relationship with Humphrey Paul long ago, and the cooperation between the two sides has a history of hundreds of years.

The close cooperative relationship between them continued until Iron Rage Stone officially began his rebellion.

This really makes people feel that their attitude is very untrustworthy.

Just one thing: if there really is a split, will Iron Rage Stone leave three forging worlds with powerful industrial production capabilities alone?

But the fact is that the Alfonzo sect is fine, and Humphrey Paul has no intention of attacking them. The military action of Iron Fury Stone sweeping across the Spider Web Universe avoided the sphere of influence of the Alfonzo sect.

Moreover, on the battlefields of various fronts, the Empire's army can always see some new equipment appearing on the battlefield. With the blessing of these equipment, the combat effectiveness of the army under Iron Fury Stone is not at all like a local force that has been cut off from communication by the Mechanicus.

Even the Iron Armor Regiment's fleet has a steady stream of new types of space battleships appearing!

At this point, it was basically confirmed. Not only did the Alfonzo sect not cut off contact with the Iron Fury Stone as they said, but they were working hard to give blood transfusions to these traitors.

If we further apply this situation to the southern battlefield currently opened up by the Alliance, there is no need for Humphrey Paul to withdraw troops from the main battlefield. As long as the next batch of warships from Alfonzo's three Forge Worlds are sent south, the situation in which the Fury Fleet is far inferior to the Alliance Fleet in combat effectiveness will be greatly improved at once.

Gu Hang believed that the new commander of the Fury Regiment on the opposite side was waiting for this.

By that time, the alliance's battle line will be extended, and the other side will have strengthened its military strength and be able to fight. In the current situation, it is very likely that someone will seize the opportunity and launch a big attack.

Have to guard against it.

It is also for this reason that the Alliance basically stopped its large-scale offensive after taking over two star sectors.

But in fact, the Alliance has already obtained what it wanted in this war.

This war is somewhat like a political war.

Now, once the war officially started, all the problems that had troubled the alliance were solved. Chairman Zuo Zhaofeng stopped scolding, and there were no more inquiries and orders from Holy Terra. The pressure from the Phoenix Regiment, the mother group of the Phoenix Birds, on the western front was also dissipated.

Even the Eastern Universe Government had stopped allocating funds for war for more than two years, but now it’s started again.

When the alliance sent troops, 5 billion tax coins worth of supplies were on the way.

This amount of money is not much, but it is a signal. Zuo Zhaofeng also said that there is more to come.

After the Alliance entered the Proud Claw star field, 50 billion war supplies were loaded onto ships and shipped to the Alliance.

There were also praises coming from Holy Terra.

Gallardo lamented to Gu Hang that his life had become better since the alliance sent out its troops.

In addition, there were messages from other central departments of the empire, saying that Gu Hang had done a good job and hoped that the alliance could continue its efforts and move forward courageously.

All parties expressed joy and encouragement at the fact that the alliance had made considerable progress on the southern front in just a few months.

And they all hope that the alliance can continue this momentum.

Four months to attack two star regions is actually not fast enough. If we follow this speed and draw a line on the star map, we will have to attack six more star regions before we can break through the Proud Claw Star Region.

If we go northwest of Aozhua, there is another star field called Jingjie. If we fight another nine star fields from Jingjie, we will enter Huangnu Star Field.

That is Iron Rage Stone's real lair.

According to the ideas of the masters above, they wish the alliance's attack would be more intense.

Why should we occupy every sector in its entirety? Why should we bother with those stubborn and heavily guarded areas?
Hurry up and find the opponent's main force for a decisive battle! Hurry up and fight all the way to the Queen Star Region! Hurry up and stab Humphrey Paul's ass!
Countless people urged this, using different words but with roughly the same meaning.

But Gu Hang ignored all these statements.

Do they really expect that they can defeat Iron Rage Stone by relying solely on the current strength of the alliance?
Stop it.

They just wanted Gu Hang to be in the south, to make the battle more intense, to consume more of Tie Nu Shi's manpower, and to attract more of Tie Nu Shi's army to reduce the pressure from other directions.

And what about Gu Hang?

He would not use the wealth he had accumulated over the years to help others.

Regardless of whether it was just a wedding dress or not, he would not take all his capital to gamble.

After taking two star regions and facing the risk of the battle line being slightly stretched, Gu Hang stopped.

The results of previous wars have been able to ease political pressure.

The main force of the alliance stopped there.

As they stop moving forward, it won't be long before the relevant pressure comes back again.

But Gu Hang didn't intend to pay any attention to them.

Do I really care that much about the little money given by the Eastern Universe Government?

Five billion? Tens of billions later?
The absolute number is indeed quite large, but they are mainly various ordinary equipment and small ships.

If these 40 to 50 billion were used to buy one battleship a year, Gu Hang might consider fighting more aggressively.

But just like this now?

forget it.

Follow your own rhythm. What is the rhythm of the league?

They turned around and began to digest the twenty worlds they had conquered.

Among these twenty worlds, some are poor, but some are rich and developed.

Let's ignore the poor areas and focus on the rich and developed areas, especially the industrial areas.
It is very important to put down the army, quell the resistance on the surface of the planet, and use political means to make the entire planet usable for my own use.

Once this is done, it means that we can directly draw nutrients from these twenty worlds and solve some of the routine supply problems on the spot.

Several of these worlds have pretty good industrial production capabilities, not to mention the loss of ammunition and conventional weapons, even the resources needed on starships, such as some artillery shells and the fuel needed for starships, that is, energy crystals.

There is even a planet with a large starport and a small shipyard.

We don't really expect this shipyard to produce any new ships, but the existence of a shipyard means that this planet's technical capabilities in the shipbuilding industry are still quite advanced and well-equipped. The Alliance has many ships that were damaged in previous battles and can be well maintained here.

At the same time, the Alliance's engineering vessels, escorted by the navy, arrived in batches in the Proud Claw star field.

The accompanying transport ships carried many orbital guns, space station parts and even production lines, and even towed several light and heavy star fortresses.

The long-distance deployment of the star fortress requires towing by large transport ships.

These star fortresses are located at the star tunnel jump points of key hubs and in the orbits of key planets.

At the same time, those railguns were assembled and deployed on-site with the help of some captured local planets with good industrial production capabilities.

Even the production lines that were shipped here were to directly strengthen military production capacity on the front lines...

The Alliance seems to be planning to digest these twenty worlds and build fortresses on the four worlds in key areas.

The star fortress was dragged over, the rail gun group was built, and the jump point defense facilities were constructed...

The alliance's attitude has become very clear: build a strong fortress and fight a stupid battle.

First, encircle the twenty worlds, then gnaw them down and digest them, then fortify the key areas and be prepared for the possibility that the enemy may come with a large army.

If the opponent does not do this, then wait until the digestion is complete, then move forward, eat up dozens more worlds, digest them again, and then fortify them...

Gradually erode in the most stable way and at the lowest cost.

For this reason, the alliance began to turn its head and start dealing with the two "tumors".

We didn't send the main force over there, but we still have to guard against the Raging Flame Fleet.

The only two Holy Grail-class battlecruisers that went were the 'Koroga' and the 'Flying Wing'.

Their mission is by no means to attack by force.

no need.

Just lead the team to fire from a distance.

It is definitely impossible to hit it with this kind of attack. The hit rate of bombardment at a very long distance is worrying, and the intensity is not enough to destroy the enemy's star fortress in a short time. Even if it hits a few times, the star fortress can fly to the back of the planet by circling the earth, and then decelerate urgently and stay in the orbit on the back. The maintenance engineers can take advantage of this time to repair the damage to the star fortress.

I don’t know if we can exhaust or kill the enemy after fighting for dozens or hundreds of years.

But the current actions of the Alliance Fleet are essentially putting pressure on Upper East Star.

It is not easy to take down a star fortress, but if you are unlucky, an ordinary armed space station will be destroyed instantly by the bombardment of a battlecruiser's X-level light spear array.

At the same time, other means are also being used.

With the entire planet blocked, the Alliance's ships continued to broadcast to Upper East Star; Upper East Star's external astropathic communications were also blocked, and with no way to get in touch with the outside world, couldn't the Alliance just say whatever they wanted?
After more than six months of siege, the Alliance tried to propose sending a diplomatic envoy, and was accepted.

A small boat, carrying a diplomatic envoy, arrived at the star port and had an exchange with the defenders.

No consensus could be reached.

But this is already a pretty good sign.

Two weeks later, the alliance sent envoys again.

In the following period of time, the alliance would send envoys almost every week to communicate with the local garrison.

No agreement could be reached on major issues, but the alliance at least sent in some luxury goods and gifts; the other side also agreed to send out some civilians to reduce unnecessary sacrifices and losses in the war.

Even in the later stages, the defenders had put forward some conditions for surrender.

However, the conditions were rather harsh and the alliance did not agree.

There is more to talk about later, don't be in a hurry.

What's more, before the talks, the alliance is not without other options.

The ships escorting diplomatic envoys were small, but that was only relatively speaking. Even the smallest of them could carry hundreds of people at a time.

Of course, it is reasonable that diplomatic envoys also need protection.

It is normal for a group of hundreds of guards to come at one time. After they get off the ship, the garrison will find a place inside the star port to guard them while the leaders of both sides negotiate.

So far, there has been no major conflict between the two sides.

However, what the defenders failed to discover was that there were some special beings among these guards.

There are always a few fewer people on the way.

After going back and forth five or six times, about thirty or forty special forces soldiers in the alliance had infiltrated the star port of Upper East Star.

And when the last diplomatic envoy arrived at the star port, the hundred-man guard team still followed.

They headed towards the interior of the starport, where several past meetings had taken place.

The garrison at the star port boarded the ship for inspection as per usual practice.

However, after the inspectors boarded the ship and went in, no sound was heard.

This situation soon caused some anxiety.

The defending soldier in charge of contact received no response and hesitated, not knowing whether to call a few more times or report it quickly.

But soon, he no longer needed to hesitate.

He saw at least three hundred Space Marines in red armor rushing out from the small group of travelers!
(End of this chapter)

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