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Chapter 555: Can you collect the blood shark?

Chapter 555: Can you collect the blood shark?

The Blood Shark Regiment suddenly appeared in the rear of the Proud Claw Star Region and rescued the Alliance's three battlecruisers in a moment of crisis. This was not an accident or coincidence, but was within Gu Hang's expectations.

Just as the Blood Shark Regiment emerged from the darkness during the Purple Gold Flower Rebellion one hundred and thirty years ago, they also came this time.

Hearing that a rebellion had taken place in a familiar place and that the participants were familiar people, how could Blood Shark not join in the fun?
After all, they still have a score to settle with the Ironclad. Coincidentally, the Ironclad has rebelled, so they can serve the Empire, fight for the Emperor, and at the same time, eliminate the old hatred. Isn't that the best of both worlds?

They emerged from the dark outer realm and appeared in the Menghe star field in the Eastern Universe.

According to their original intention, they were going to directly enter the core control area of ​​the Iron Fury Stone to fight. They also had no intention of engaging in a head-on battle with the Iron Armored Warband. More than a hundred years ago, they knew what the Iron Armored Warband looked like.

In a head-on battle, the Blood Sharks, who are so poor that they don't even have enough supplies, can't withstand the consumption of a long-lasting battle.

If they go to the front battlefield, they can't provide much help and can't use their strengths.

On the contrary, if they can directly enter the core control area of ​​the Iron Armor Regiment, they can use the excellent mobility of their fleet and their most proficient rapid assault combat style to plunder and attack the enemy's rear base, turning the Iron Armor's lair upside down.

In this way, the help they can provide to the main battlefield may be much greater than if they directly enter the front battlefield to fill the line.

However, sailing in the Dark Outer Realm is not easy, and most human ships dare not enter the vast space where unknown wealth is buried. Although it is possible to find precious wealth, it is more likely that you will never come back.

Only a few people who are proficient in foreign expansion, such as some wandering merchants carrying expansion orders, are confident enough to undertake the huge risk of voyages to foreign lands.

The Blood Shark Warband is a typical group with rich experience in foreign navigation. After all, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

However, no matter how much experience they have, the risks of sailing in the outer regions are always real. With such rich experience, they have also deviated from several star regions and finally arrived at the Menghe star region.

Of course, generally speaking, this isn't a big problem.

They could operate in secret, using the lost technology they had obtained from exploring the outer realms, keeping their fleet invisible, heading north along the star map until they reached the Spider Web Universe, and then they could start working.

And that’s exactly what they did.

However, in the Menghe star field, their Star Language Tower captured some war intelligence about the front battlefield.

The Alliance military’s encrypted astropathic communications are not so easy to see and hear, but snippets of communication between some merchant and civilian ships can still be captured.

They have some interest in this alliance.

Can the Blood Shark fight independently without interacting with anyone else?
Of course, they can, and in fact, they are quite good at fighting this way.

After all, in the dark outer realms where there is no connection to the astral tunnel, where can they find friendly forces? Isn't that always fighting alone?
However, in the foreign environment, they often have to deal with an isolated enemy.

It would be better not to run back to the empire's territory and face such a behemoth as the Iron Legion.

The Blood Shark's chapter leader thought about it and decided to establish some understanding and contact with this alliance.

At least, can you give us some supplies and support?

After all, we are aiming for one goal.

As soon as the information was received, all levels of the Alliance were able to clearly recognize the importance of this matter. They might not know the value of the Blood Shark Regiment, but after all, it involved Space Marines.

The level of information decision-making rose rapidly and soon reached Gu Hang.

At that moment, the three battlecruisers, the Flying Wing, the Furious Owl and the Koroga, were being ambushed and hunted down.

Gu Hang directly agreed to Blood Shark's request for supplies and resources, and very generously allocated a considerable amount of assets to Blood Shark.

On this basis, he directly made a request, hoping that Blood Shark could help solve the problem of the next three battlecruisers being chased.

If there were no blood sharks, Gu Hang would have actually been prepared for heavy losses. The order he gave Bai Qifan was to take the ships back to Upper East Star, a heavily defended planet, as soon as possible, and to defend it as long as possible until he could lead the team back.

But the appearance of blood shark solved this problem.

The Blood Shark Regiment did not reject Gu Hang's request and did a very good job.

In the entire southern front, what the Alliance has to deal with, to put it bluntly, is the combination of the Fury of Flame and the New World Torch.

In the previous battle, the Blood Shark Regiment that unexpectedly appeared basically destroyed the New World Torch Regiment.

The Torchlight, a battle barge, suffered the heaviest losses; in addition, the destroyed cruisers also had dozens of Space Marines deployed on them. Gu Hang did not get a specific count of the losses, as well as the Space Marines who died on the Torchlight, but estimated that the number would not be less than three hundred.

This number is actually not much different from the actual situation.

Gu Hang was very satisfied with this.

Of course, he had also heard about the Blood Shark Regiment's past misdeeds. They didn't treat mortals as human beings. This was actually something that the Alliance could not accept. After all, the Alliance was a political force ruled by mortals.

Gu Hang himself is also a mortal!

At the same time, Gu Hang would also be concerned about the Blood Shark tradition of "blood tax" and "gray tax".

I am grateful that you came to help me fight; I understand that you need compensation and am willing to pay. However, the tradition of the Blood Sharks is that the amount is set by them and cannot be negotiated, and the method of collection is also decided by them.

However, with the goal of rescuing the three battlecruisers, Gu Hang at that time really had no time to worry about so many things.

But afterwards, the blood sharks were surprisingly easy to talk to.

When Gu Hang was communicating with the chapter leader named Alma Ewing, although he could feel that the other party was very frugal with words, it was not impossible for them to communicate.

Gu Hang tried to discuss the "blood tax" and "gray tax" that the alliance had to pay. Although the deal has not been reached yet, at least the other side was not completely opposed to talking about it.

That's a great start.

Gu Hang even thought further: Can I... take the blood shark?

There will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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