Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 568: All members arrived

Chapter 568: All members arrived

In the bottom hold area, the tactics of the heroes were quite insidious.

They deliberately spared a group of crusaders and allowed them to continue passing on information, saying that they were holding on, but were about to be unable to hold on.

Then, the Skitarii troops that came in continuously added fuel to the fire. They could not reach the reserved position in the inner layer at all, and would be ambushed and raided by the Heroic Spirit troops that far outnumbered them on the way, and then quickly wiped out.

After defeating a large number of Crusaders here one after another and almost clearing the surrounding area, the heroes did not continue with the tactic of besieging a point and attacking its reinforcements. Instead, they decisively wiped out the enemies in the original position and then advanced in great strides.

The heroes did not forget the orders from the Governor of the Alliance they believed in.

The purpose of striking the enemy's manpower is to achieve the mission objectives.

Otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to kill all 15 million Crusaders on the ship.

It takes a lot of energy for Gu Hang to support so many heroic spirits in continuous fighting, not to mention that in space, in the decisive battle where the ships of both sides are deployed, his psychic power is still entangled with the power of the neuroprotozoan.

The most important thing is, even if Gu Hang did this, if he wanted to rely solely on the heroic spirits to kill all the 15 million elite crusaders on the ship, how long would it take?

There is no way to kill them all.

We still have to go and attack the place where the neurozoan is imprisoned and controlled by Du Bo.

It’s quite far if we fire from the bottom hold area.

However, after the few defenders in the surrounding area were cleared out by the heroic spirits using the tactic of besieging and attacking the reinforcements, the road became smooth over a considerable distance.

At one point they even reached a point only fifteen kilometers away from Dubo.

Although they still had to climb up a dozen floors and navigate the intricate routes inside the ship, Du Bo still felt a little anxious.

He got through to Paulson, who was in charge of the defense of the starship, and gave him a scolding.

Paulson, who was scolded bitterly, personally led a team to plug the hole.

The previous tactic of adding fuel to the fire was no longer used. He had originally wanted to let those heroic spirits rush further, and at the same time mobilize more of the troops at hand before attacking.

But now, those who were scolded by Du Bo can only go and block it in advance.

What should we do if we don’t have enough troops?

That depends on sufficient eliteness.

As a fully modified sage, needless to say, he himself was a skilled warrior; at the same time, he also brought with him a combat team consisting purely of the most elite top-level automatic robots.

When he led the team to the scene, the effect was immediate.

The momentum of the heroes' continued attack was immediately blocked.

They tried to find some other paths to expand the width and depth of the battlefield. In the three-dimensional battlefield of more than a dozen floors and about ten kilometers in the ship, the special terrain of the ship was divided into small, local battlefields that were interconnected and influenced by each other.

This put a lot of pressure on Paulson.

But at the same time, it also stimulated the abilities of this sage.

The computing unit in his mind took into account the complex situation on the entire battlefield and dispatched troops one after another to where they were most needed. With relatively scarce forces, he blocked the attack of the heroes.

Moreover, as time went on, the problem of insufficient manpower was rapidly alleviated.

After all, Alfonzo II still had plenty of manpower.

The constantly gathering troops are alleviating the manpower problem at every moment.

Even after those Heroic Spirits occupied the bottom hold area, the Warp rifts became larger and larger, and Heroic Spirits emerged from them in an endless stream, but gradually, the number of Crusaders on the battlefield slowly equalized, or even slightly exceeded.

Here, the two sides formed a major battlefield, and the spreading battle situation, if placed on the surface, would be like a brutal street fight against a small nest city.

Moreover, it was a street fight where neither side could use heavy weapons.

In contrast, although some subspace cracks will appear in various parts of the ship, with the help of several other sages to fill in the gaps, as well as the huge reserve force left behind, they can still eliminate the heroes that emerge from a subspace crack before they can become powerful and open up a second battlefield.

Du Bo contacted several sages in succession, and at the same time, he directly "watched" the battle scenes on the ship by accessing the information stream, and roughly grasped the overall situation.

At present, it seems that it is still relatively stable. It seems that the entire ship is boiling and fighting is going on everywhere, but at present, it seems that the core areas of the ship are not in danger of being conquered.

At the same time, he could also feel that the psychic power belonging to Gu Hang, which had been constantly fighting against him in the universe, had become much weaker.

Although, this could be Gu Hang pretending. After all, Gu Hang had done this before, pretending to be beaten and then launching a sneak attack.

But this time, Du Bo judged that it should be true.

In order to take advantage of his weakness, he intensified his efforts to suppress Gu Hang's spiritual power.

This will inevitably bring greater pressure to Gu Hang, not only making it impossible for him to have the spare time to attack his own ships, but also distracting Gu Hang's energy more and making him reduce his investment in the heroic spirits inside the War Ark.


Dubo's strategy is correct.

Gu Hang is indeed feeling a lot of pressure now.

This is the most powerful opponent Gu Hang has ever faced since the Great Unclean One, Gowaga.

Moreover, the difference is that the decisive battle with Gowaga will take place in the Kingdom of Storm God, which is his home ground, and his strength will be greatly increased.

At present, although he is much stronger than when he fought against Govaga, he lacks the home advantage. Instead, he has to fight in the opponent's home court and support so many heroic warriors fighting at the same time.

The pressure is indeed very great.

The most direct manifestation is in the Alliance's Storm Mage Corps, which has over ten thousand psychics, and has suffered nearly a thousand losses so far.

Seven percent casualties were already a significant impact. Although not everyone died, only three or four hundred were shot in the head, and the remaining six hundred were injuries that could be recovered in the future.

But it's still heartbreaking enough.

The Storm Mage Corps was not cheap either, it was one of the assets that Gu Hang had slowly accumulated over the years with great effort. A considerable number of them were cultivated by Gu Hang by exchanging for grace points. One psychic was 100 grace points - this could be exchanged for a gene seed!

Of course, the training of Space Marines mainly involves the early personnel selection and later training. The training of Psychic Mages is basically a one-time deal, and Gu Hang generally does not bother to increase the grace points for subsequent upgrades.

But no matter what, the death of more than 300 people means the loss of 30,000 points of grace. Not to mention, people with psychic talents are rare, and it takes a very large population base and a long time of screening to come up with this 10,000-person magician group. It is not easy to gather them together.

Moreover, the loss of personnel will not have any impact on the overall strength. After all, in the current psychic confrontation, the core of exerting power still lies in Gu Hang. However, Gu Hang needs the 10,000-person psychic group to share the pressure and consumption in the confrontation.

When the number of his Storm Mage Corps is reduced, the time Gu Hang needs to support so many Heroic Elves to fight among enemy ships and to contend with the power of the Neurozoa in space will be shortened.

At the moment, it is not obvious, but when the number of mage groups decreases by 20% or 30%, the pressure on each remaining storm mage will increase significantly to the point where they cannot bear it. This will further trigger a chain reaction, and by then the whole situation may collapse.

Without the entire mage group as a back-up, Gu Hang's endurance will be greatly reduced. At this point, it is almost equivalent to Gu Hang's failure.

At that time, he would probably not be considering how to defeat Alfonzo's mechanical fleet, but how to evacuate with his own ships as much as possible.

Of course, we are not at that point yet.

Although the battle between the heroic spirits that materialized into the enemy ships had reached a stalemate, that did not mean that Gu Hang had used up all his means.

What is the way to break the deadlock?
Of course, there is no way to directly send a Burning Sky Torpedo over.

If possible, Gu Hang certainly wanted to. Not to mention the Burning Sky torpedoes, even if he could send dozens of Dongfeng Fen missiles into the ship and explode them inside, the effect he could achieve would be devastating.

But unfortunately, teleportation can't do that.

At the moment, the heroes fighting in the enemy ships are essentially all manifestations of Gu Hang's psychic power and the subspace energy in the Kingdom of Storms. They seem to be holding guns and wearing power armor, but in fact, these things are all just "appearances".

Whether it was a shot of a bullet or a strike of a power sword, it was essentially the power of the Storm God at work. The Heroic Spirits were just manifestations, a way to display the concept of the Storm God Power in the real universe.

None of them are material.

Unless he could board the enemy ship and spend a few days to establish a stable exit there, like the secret research institute he built on the Angry Owl Star to transmit black box creations.

But that's obviously impossible.

The temporarily torn subspace rift cannot transmit physical matter.

And what about the ability to teleport using psionics?
Not at all.

In essence, teleportation is a soul resonance with the target being teleported, sending the soul and the life form it represents to the target location.

This means that psychic teleportation can only allow living beings with souls to pass through.

The equipment and weapons carried by each living being are essentially borne by the living being itself, and their weight is relatively limited, and the emphasis is on the binding of the equipment's "machine soul" to the living being.

As extraordinary individuals, Space Marines have extremely strong vitality in both soul and body, and they can carry stronger, more, and larger equipment. But despite this, sending a dreadnought and a full set of combat ammunition is almost the limit.

However, any weapon with super destructive power, such as the Dongfeng Fen missile, has a larger and heavier warhead, and does not have the mechanical soul of armor or firearms, and the long-term binding effect with the user, so it cannot be transmitted together.

But Gu Hang cannot directly teleport the bomb into the enemy ship, he still has space warriors to teleport.

Space Marines boarding ships is itself an excellent way to solve this kind of problem.

The Phoenix Regiment was raised at a huge cost in order for them to play a key role at the moment.

In fact, Gu Hang now has another choice, that is the blood shark.

As a stingy warlord, it seems to be a good thing if he can take on the difficult task of sending a regiment like the Blood Sharks, which does not belong to him yet, without sacrificing his own strength.

Especially the blood shark is so powerful.

However, after considering it again and again, Gu Hang decided not to do so.

Firstly, it is uncertain how much strength the Blood Sharks are willing to invest. Would they be willing to follow Gu Hang's order and smash the entire battle group into the enemy ship?
Phoenix can.

Secondly, the Heroic Spirits fighting on the enemy ships were quite sensitive. It was hard to say how they would react if the Blood Sharks saw them.

Third, and most importantly: Blood Sharks are strong, good at fighting, and good at rapid assaults... all of these are true. However, they are still not as good as the Phoenix trained by Gu Hang himself.

After all, Gu Hang had pulled one-third of the Phoenix to the company champion, and the remaining two-thirds were all elite sergeants. This gap in individual soldier quality was something that a regular regiment could never make up for.

The conditions for psychic teleportation had already been met. But Gu Hang had also considered that the enemy's defense on the top battleship Alfonzo II must be very strict, so he did not immediately throw the Space Marines into the battle, but waited for the opportunity.

Right now, Gu Hang thinks that the time has almost come.

Before starting the transmission, Gu Hang also asked Martins:

"Are you ready?"

"no problem."

"Okay, let's go!"


The light flashed, and the bizarre images in Sarath Martins's eyes kept twisting before his eyes. At the same time, he also felt a violent pulling sensation, as if his body was being torn into pieces.

But these feelings were already somewhat familiar. Even though this time they were more intense for some unknown reason, they were still within the tolerable range.

These feelings seemed to last for a long time, but that was just an illusion during teleportation. In fact, everything happened in just a moment.

After feeling a push from behind, he took a step forward. The next moment, the Chapter Leader, wearing a finely crafted Iron Cavalry Terminator, stepped heavily on the steel ground.

With a 'dong' sound, he completed the transmission.

The sound of the power boots hitting the ground followed closely.

Without Martins' order, the sergeants of each company and tactical team began to count the number of people in the team.

A moment later, the company commanders reported one after another: All eight companies of the Phoenix Regiment have arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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