Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 584, Military Upgrade

Chapter 584, Military Upgrade

The number of grace points in Gu Hang's hands has now exceeded 30 million.

The monthly income from the gift points was still a small amount, after all, it had only been a year since he had used up all the gift points. His monthly fixed income had surged to 400,000, but after a year's work, it was only 4 million.

The other scattered battles were not many in comparison. The biggest gain was the Battle of Bovan, which annihilated Alfonzo's fleet.

The income of grace points from that battle was directly over 20 million.

If these 30 million points of grace were used for the lottery...

But Gu Hang held back.

It is true that extracting key technologies can significantly enhance the alliance's war potential.

Moreover, according to Gu Hang's estimation, the alliance should have a two-year stability period.

This does not mean that the war has ended. For example, there are still some scattered battles in Huanyue, Wuqi-Wenqi, Kalet-Caicedo, and even in the entire Aozhua star field.

The war will never stop.

But overall, the Alliance can enjoy a period of general peace in the Proud Claw star field.

This means that the alliance has a certain amount of time to digest the extracted technology.

However, Gu Hang still had to make up for the damage in the war first.

It can be predicted that there will be many wars in the future.

A large number of troops need to be filled.

The productivity of weapons and equipment must also be increased as much as possible.

Both directions require a large amount of gift points.

Of course, they certainly couldn't spend it all. Thirty million grace points were enough to replenish three billion trained troops, so there was no need for so many.

In wars outside the homeland, the number of troops is often not the key. Limited by the ability to project troops, it is impossible to release hundreds of millions of troops to the battlefield, and the risk is huge. A ship with a large number of troops and equipment, if something goes wrong on the way, it will be a huge loss.

What's more, it is not easy to get so many ships.

When it comes to recruiting personnel, Gu Hang gives priority to seafarers.

Those large ships that were captured were all big "man-eating" ships.

If the Emperor-class battleship is to be fully staffed with crew, marines, and servants, it should hold 800,000 people; the Retribution-class battleship should hold 500,000 people; and the battle barge should hold at least 400,000 people. The Serpent-class cruiser should hold less, at least 250,000.

After that, the alliance has a considerable number of ships that are expected to be completed. These ships also need a large number of qualified crew members.

To meet the demand for these seafarers, a large number of more mature personnel will be transferred from other ships to take up core positions.

The Alliance Navy is a great place to join the military.

It's not just the alliance, it's like this throughout the empire.

The working environment for navy officers is good and it is quite stable on the ships. They don't have to endure harsh conditions like the hard-working army officers, who may have to endure harsh conditions at any time.

Even the lower-level servants in the navy have one advantage compared to those in the army: they are less likely to be used as cannon fodder, and their mortality rate is greatly reduced.

As for the disadvantages, when the ship explodes, there is nowhere to escape and everyone on the ship dies.

But even when the time really comes to die, the navy's lower-level servants and higher-level officers are all equal - if the starship explodes, everyone will die.

Death is relatively less painful.

Superior to the Army in all aspects.

Moreover, the Alliance’s navy is different from the Empire’s navy in that it has one very obvious advantage: there is a lot of room for promotion.

Normally, the Imperial Navy had to gain experience. The positions on the ships were fixed one by one. The construction of ships was a very long process. The fleet had not received many new ships for a long time, so naturally there was no room for the sailors to be promoted.

What makes the alliance different is that several major shipbuilding centers are all operating at full capacity. The alliance's shipbuilding industry is not only developed, but the entire alliance society has concentrated all kinds of resources to try to prioritize the continued development of the shipbuilding industry.

This actually consumes a huge amount of resources. The shipbuilding industry has high labor costs and even higher resource consumption.

For general places, there is not enough shipbuilding technology on the one hand, and even if there is, most places are actually unable to start work at full capacity: they cannot afford the cost.

The alliance has sufficient technical capabilities and ruling power to integrate the power of multiple existing star fields. The economic foundation of the alliance's various industrial chains is also strong enough. In addition, during this period of time, the alliance can get strong support from the entire Eastern Universe and even the surrounding universe, and can obtain enough in the raw material trade.

In addition, the black box handled some of the most difficult parts of shipbuilding, the huge energy consumption including the energy crystals produced by the Angry Owl Star, and the gradually expanding stellar energy plant, which continuously collected stellar energy and compressed it into energy crystals... This allowed the alliance's shipbuilding industry to operate at full capacity.

Because of this, with the continuous arrival of new ships and the addition of captured enemy ships, the size of the alliance fleet continued to expand, and there were enough positions available to seafarers, giving them ample room for promotion.

Sailors have the opportunity to become leaders and officers; junior officers can move up; and officers have the opportunity to serve as captains of new ships...

Officers transferred from existing ships can basically be promoted to new ships; vacant positions can also be filled by people who have been promoted.

There is a large wave of promotion opportunities, and the navy system is filled with jubilation.

As for the missing parts among lower-level officers and lower-level seamen, they still need to be made up.

Earlier, when the alliance's navy reached a certain size, the [Soldier Card] interface quietly unlocked the branch of seaman training. After the soldiers reached the T5 level, they could train qualified seamen at a cost of 1 point of grace/10 people.

The shortage of seafarers is less than three million, which means a consumption of 300,000 points of grace.

For the 30 million that Gu Hang currently has, this is a small expense.

But in fact, Gu Hang did not intend to use grace points to solve all problems.

No need.

The education system he has vigorously developed throughout the league should be effective.

The Naval Academy of Feiyi Star trains middle and upper-level officers, and under its alliance system, military academies are opened everywhere, not only in the Tianma Star Region, but also throughout the entire alliance. The education system is a very important expense in the alliance.

Gu Hang has always known that the talent problem can be partially solved by the various capabilities of the system, even a key part, but it can never be completely solved. When the scale of his rule expands to more than two star regions, the population scale is hundreds of billions or even trillions. A huge army, a huge number of engineers, a huge number of technical workers, and management talents...

These cannot be solved solely by relying on grace points.

No matter how many grace points he obtained in the war, it would be impossible to cope with such a large territory and such a large population.

Fortunately, Gu Hang had considered these issues a long time ago. In the past, he attached great importance to the education system of the alliance. On the one hand, he exchanged a large amount of grace points for one academy building after another, so that it was located in various worlds within the alliance's territory. On the other hand, no matter how tight the budget of the alliance was in all aspects, it always invested in education as much as possible. The education system, combined with Gu Hang's use of the [Hero] interface to inspire talents and the use of the [Soldier Card] interface to train backbones, is one of the important factors for the strong development of the alliance. It not only ensures that the alliance is thriving in economic development, manufacturing, and overall management, but also reserves a large number of backbone talents in the military.

The Navy is just one of them.

There are enough qualified crew members to fill the millions of naval gaps.

Gu Hang only needed to spend grace points to solve part of the problem. He only planned to spend about 60,000 grace points to train 600,000 seamen. For the rest, the effect would not be too bad if the old ones could bring up the new ones.

The Marine Corps, on the other hand, needs more investment.

Although, in previous naval battles, the Alliance always boarded the other side, but if they were to fight Iron Armor later, they would have to consider the possibility of being boarded by others.

The reason why we have to spend so frugally is that there is another major source of consumption of grace points: strengthening the front-line combat troops.

Of the more than two million seaman vacancies, almost half are reserved for the Marine Corps.

Gu Hang plans to raise the level of this army to a very high level.

In addition to a large number of sophisticated equipment suitable for shipboard combat, the elite level of the personnel cannot be ignored.

Gu Hang expects that these troops will be brought to a general T3 level of combat effectiveness.

The same treatment will be applied to the Marines currently in the fleet.

Their main task is to carry out anti-boarding combat; when necessary, they can also serve as boarding forces or as airborne troops to provide ground support.

The total planned size of the Alliance's Marine Corps, including new and old ships, is about three million people.

This is the cost of three million grace points.

But that’s only part of the story.

There are two other huge expenses, on the army and the space marines.

In terms of the army, the official army of the Alliance Army has a size of about 1.5 billion. In the Alliance system, these are equivalent to the Star Army under the Empire system. They can go out to fight, which is different from the Entente Army on the native planet of the direction.

For a long time, Gu Hang had stopped training every soldier in the Alliance Army with gift points, because he could not bear the cost. The proportion of soldiers who had received gift point training was now only about 30%.

In fact, this number is already quite exaggerated. The training cost of almost 500 million soldiers is more than 5 million grace points.

In terms of proportion, it's actually not bad.

The alliance's military academies don't just train naval officers, the army accounts for a larger proportion.

What's more, the training system of the Alliance Army has already been established, which is basically the same as the Empire's system: selecting elite troops from the planetary defense forces.

Their quality is already very high. Although not all of them can reach T5 level, the difference is not so big that it cannot be made up. A considerable number of them have reached this level.

With the addition of a 30% bonus point training ratio, the overall percentage of T5 and above soldiers exceeded 60%. The quality of the entire Alliance Army was still able to reach the level of an ordinary Astra Militarum Corps.

Even more than that.

After all, among many Astra Militarum legions, only about 30% can meet the standard.

The level of such an Alliance Army can even rival that of some well-known Astra Militarum Legions.

Not to mention, the scale of 15 billion is even more terrifying.

And now, more than one billion army troops are fighting in various places in the Proud Claw star field.

They were working hard to quell the wars in various places, ensuring that the hundreds of worlds in the Proud Claw star field could also be controlled, and then providing war resources to support the war. The temporary government of the alliance controlled these hundreds of worlds with wartime strategies and the support of the army.

Once the wars in these worlds are largely settled and new planetary defense forces are established, they will leave the planets.

In the future, the demand for the army is not expected to decrease. Considering the long-term confrontation with the Iron Armor War, more may be needed.

Gu Hang plans to expand the size of the alliance army by another 500 million.

New soldiers were recruited from the defense forces in the Menghe and Longying star regions. Gu Hang prepared 200 million grace points for this purpose, and trained million of them to ensure the quality rate of the new troops.

At the same time, feeling that the number of troops deployed was limited, Gu Hang had to increase the proportion of some elite troops. He planned to raise the one or two skeleton divisions equipped by each group army to the T4 level as the main force of each army.

The alliance now has 2000 army groups, a total of 2600 skeleton divisions, and a scale of 1.3 million. All of them must be trained to T4, minus some of those who have grown up in training and war and have already reached this level. Gu Hang still has to train 1 million of them to the T4 level.

This is the cost of 10 million grace points.

But it's worth it.

The Skeleton Division that has grown to this point will be able to crush the Princess' Legion or the Chapter's Auxiliary Army of the same size.

The core forces of some well-known interstellar armies are about this level.

In addition, there is the Alliance’s Glory Guards. Gu Hang directly expanded it from the current level of 10,000 people to 50,000 people.

They will all be composed of at least T2, with a considerable number of T1 soldiers.

It is estimated that the Glory Guards of this size and average strength level can wipe out two fully-strength ordinary regiments in a head-on battle.

Space Marines are expensive and limited in number, so this is all Gu Hang can do.

This would cost about another 150 million grace points.

So far, Gu Hang has spent a total of 1650 million grace points on personnel expenditures for the navy and the army.

Half of the family fortune accumulated from a major war was gone.

Gu Hang estimated that the demand for the army in subsequent wars would not be small, but just putting together a wave of troops like this should be enough to cope with it.

The overall strength of the alliance army will be significantly improved after this.

Even the most ordinary army group can fight and even gain the upper hand when encountering the enemy's elite troops.

Then, Gu Hang turned his attention to the Space Marines.

He wants to raise both the phoenix and the blood shark.

(End of this chapter)

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