Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 599: Gu's New Son

Chapter 599: Gu's New Son

As the name suggests, the Death Company is a place where people fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, yet unsurprisingly, most of Wang Mengsong and his soldiers chose the Death Company.

Fighting to the death... isn't that what the Space Marines are for?
Normal Chapters and Space Marines generally don't retire; they age and theoretically may die of old age, but in reality, no Space Marine ever lives to that age after thousands of years. The final result is always disappearance or death in battle.

Joining the Death Company is nothing more than making this time come earlier.

Compared to the so-called 'retirement', the Space Marines prefer this.

These transformed "angels" are still different from ordinary people. After the gene seeds are implanted, many ordinary desires of normal people will subside to a very low level. The demand for food and sex is greatly reduced, and the demand for honor and fighting is far higher than that of ordinary people.

Although the New World Torch is weak, it is still a Space Marine after all, and few people choose to retire.

As the former regiment commander, Wang Mengsong also chose the Death Company.

The Death Company of the New World Torch was established in this way.

Finally, let’s talk about the issue of genetic seeds.

Not all gene seeds need to be redeemed by Gu Hang.

For example, the Phoenix's seeds have now reached the upper limit of 2,000, and Gu Hang cannot replace them with new ones. However, the seeds grown by Space Marines every five years and picked from the bodies of the dead in the subsequent battles are not restricted. In other words, as long as the Phoenix does not suffer serious damage all at once, and the battlefield situation cannot recover the gene seeds, the overall number can slowly increase above 2,000.

The only thing is that Gu Hang can no longer exchange the lost gene seeds before the price drops below two thousand.

The same logic applies to the New World Torch's 'Secondary Infinity Warrior Gene Seed'.

Not all of the 1,800 gene seeds needed to be exchanged by Gu Hang. Some were already available.

Of the 1,800 gene seeds, 800 were allocated to the New World Torch, and the number of New World Torch would be gradually increased to more than 900. There were also dozens of New World Torch veterans who chose to retire, and they would occupy the quotas. So let them occupy them. Gu Hang decided to be generous and give people choices.

Of course Wang Mengsong would not be the regiment commander. He was not even the company commander of the Death Company.

The top management of the New World Torch will be entirely composed of new seeds exchanged and new warriors trained by Gu Hang.

As usual, all members will undergo political commissar training to ensure their loyalty to the alliance.

The other one thousand seeds, after being trained as new recruits, will be directly formed into the New Fury Legion to carry out the two-hundred-year Atonement Crusade - an expedition within the Alliance and under the command of the Alliance.

The new Fury has no historical baggage, after all, there are no veterans.

Regarding these two, Gu Hang, the culture director of the war group, has no intention of having anything to do with the old group at all, and just wants to implement the culture and ethos of the alliance.

Some things that must be related to the old group, such as history that cannot be covered up, will also set the tone: the group is guilty, but the soldiers are all good soldiers of the Alliance. In the group, they must fight for the Alliance and wash away the sins of the Torch of the New World until a hundred years later, when all sins are redeemed, they will be bathed in glory again.

Gu Hang hopes that the warriors of New World Torch and New Fury will not have too much psychological pressure.

Things that are difficult to say in Phoenix are easy to say in these two warbands that were completely formed by the alliance and only went public through backdoor listing.

You are first and foremost warriors of the Alliance. As long as you fight for the Alliance, all the glory will come naturally. You don't need to worry about the bad reputation left by those traitors in the past. That history has nothing to do with you. You don't even need to pass on the legacy. You don't even need to tell them about the history of the war group, just the history of the Alliance. Those old torches and old flames in the past are not even predecessors.

The warriors of the New World Torch also have the responsibility to take good care of the old traitors in the Death Company.

As for how Wang Mengsong would view the sudden appearance of several hundred "New World Torches"... Gu Hang would tell them that these were gene seeds seized from their ships and the bodies of their soldiers. At the same time, the Alliance's agents also stole the gene bank of the New World Torches from their home planet.

In fact, this was indeed the case. When the New World Torch went to war a few years ago, it brought 1,500 people with it. After their death, many of their gene seeds could not be recovered, and more than 800 were collected and all in Wang Mengsong's hands. They fell into the hands of the Alliance after surrendering.

Of course, Wang Mengsong certainly couldn't believe it all. Although the numbers roughly matched, how could the series of things such as screening reserves, implantation surgery, and growth of superhuman organs be done so quickly?
But Gu Hang will allow their pharmacists to check these new gene seeds to ensure that they are completely homologous to their own and there are no problems at all.

What if you still don’t believe it?
believe it or not.

To be honest, giving those old torches an explanation would be giving them face. If you don't believe it, then don't believe it. What else do you want after entering the Death Company?
There are also one thousand places that will be put into the new Fury.

The Alliance actually recovered hundreds of seeds from Nuyan’s body, but Gu Hang simply sealed them up and put them to no use.

As for the Fury Chapter, what to do about the old feud between them and the Phoenix Chapter - that's too simple.

There are some things that Gu Hang can confess directly to Martins.

All the Fury were killed, there is no more Fury.

Just borrowing the skin.

When it is no longer needed in the future, the Flame of Fury can be destroyed in name only at any time.


It didn't take Gu Hang much time to deal with these things.

After the big ideas and tone are set, the specific implementation details can be handed over to the "Chapter Management Office" to handle.

This is a brand new alliance organization, and it was established not long ago. They are not responsible for any decision-making work, but only execute Gu Hang's will, and their goal is to fully cooperate with the needs of each battle group.

This is not an independent agency, but a subsidiary of Gu Hang's Governor's Office, which is specifically responsible for handling this type of work.

They will coordinate with the Alliance's Biological Research Institute to receive all gene seeds; they will cooperate with the Alliance's Military and Political Department to select the soldiers Gu Hang needs, arrange the surgery, and assign the personnel to the two new regiments...

As the alliance grew bigger, Gu Hang no longer had the time to handle more and more things personally.

What's more, he does have another very important thing to do right now.

He went to the master bedroom he and Ye Lixia shared, where a crib was next to it.

Gu Hang took the bottle from the nanny and fed the baby himself.

He doesn't have much experience in this area, but he has mastered the techniques of holding and feeding the baby quite well.

Of course, the baby he is breastfeeding at this moment is his own baby.

Ye Lixia was watching from the side and laughing.

"Why are you smiling so happily?"

Ye Lixia replied: "I have imagined many futures before, becoming a general, commanding a fleet, and destroying the enemies of the empire...but this scene is not what I expected." "Becoming a mother?"

"Not only that." Ye Lixia's smile became warmer. "Of course I have thought about becoming a mother and giving birth to offspring. I just didn't think that quietly watching my husband holding our child by my side would actually be so happy."

Gu Hang held the child and kissed her gently on the face.


Warmth and leisure are only appearances after all. What cannot be ignored is that this scene happened in a battleship like the "Nova".

It is not uncommon for new lives to be born on a warship. There are more than 400,000 people living on the Nova, many of whom have families on the ship. After all, they may stay on the ship for many years.

Although the Alliance has been trying to reduce the situation of being on a ship for life, from birth to death. Crew members have employment periods, wages, and Alliance ranks. When their time is up, they can choose to renew their contracts or retire, but few choose to retire. The proportion of those who choose to retire is relatively high when they are injured or too old.

However, due to the long-term nature of space travel, many crew members have established families on board. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered together, which is equivalent to a city. Most of the things that are available in normal cities are also available on starships.

Even including kindergarten-primary school-middle school.

Of course, this was established by the Alliance, and ordinary imperial ships do not have such a system.

Many people started families on the ship, and then worked for a period of time. When the ship was resting somewhere, they would choose to retire or some of their family members would retire. The mother or father would leave the ship with the children, survive on the spot, or take the ship back to their hometown.

To avoid misfortunes in future wars, the entire family was wiped out.

These are relatively humane measures taken by the alliance. To be honest, it is hard to say whether efficiency has been improved, but Gu Hang believes that this is right.

Everyone lived like this before the alliance came, and everyone still lives like this after the alliance came, so wouldn’t the alliance’s coming be in vain?

In this sense, Gu Hang and Ye Licia are like a well-formed family, and their children were also born on the ship.

Even the dilemma of why to do this is the same.

Gu Hang and Ye Lixia decided to have a child.

It’s not for any other reason, such as the alliance needs a successor or something like that.

Actually, it is not necessary.

Gu Hang calculated that he might be fifty-seven years old this year. But his physical condition and appearance were still the same as that of the young man back then. He didn't know if he was now an immortal, but at least, with the spiritual power reflected in his body, he didn't feel the decline of his body at all. He estimated that he might have no problem living for thousands of years.

The question of life expectancy does not bother him much.

Even when his life was about to end, he still had one last trick: becoming a god right there. Embracing the Warp, embracing the Storm Kingdom that now belonged to him completely, abandoning his human nature, becoming a lesser god of the Warp, and from then on he would be immortal forever.

Of course, he wouldn't do that until the last minute.

For someone like Gu Hang, the need for an heir isn't that great.

Ye Lixia was not too worried about her life span. Although she was a few years older than Gu Hang, her real age was already over 60. However, she had undergone her first life extension surgery early on, so she had at least 200 years of life and remained young forever; she could undergo at least three more life extension surgeries in the future, which would extend her life to 500 years.

Neither of them had such an urgent need for offspring.

Wanting a child was a private decision made by the two of them as a couple.

This decision may have some political significance, but they both agreed that it was not the most important thing. They were just completing something that they both agreed on at a certain stage in their lives as a supplement to their lives.

As for the additional things, for example, in the next ten or twenty years, Gu Hang and Ye Lixia will have a "prince" who can make them feel at ease, to participate in political activities as a senior member of the alliance; as the leader of the alliance, Gu Hang's family integrity will symbolize the entire alliance society; it will give some civilians stability, at least if Gu Hang dies one day, the alliance will have an heir...

Let these benefits take their own course.

As for the possibility that the baby is's not impossible.

But the impact will not be too great. After all, Gu Hang does not need a real heir. If he is really useless, then he will just go away and be treated like a pig by the rich second generation. This is Gu Hang's last kindness to his descendants.

Of course, as a father, Gu Hang really doesn't want this to happen.

He named the child "Jing", and the single word "Jing" still embodied Gu Hang's expectations.


While Gu Hang was rejoicing about his offspring, the war situation was still developing.

The southern front was actually relatively calm.

Although there were wars on many planets, two war groups broke out on Fantasy Moon and were eventually destroyed... No, it was a battle of surrender.

However, overall there were no major battles.

The alliance still implemented Gu Hang's will, which was to wait for a year and a half.

Not only building ships, but also new space warriors, seed implantation, and the growth of superhuman organs all take time.

That's all.

For this reason, Gu Hang didn't want to particularly provoke Tie Kai or Alfonzo.

The Alliance only occupied their own side of the passage from the Pride Claw Star Region to the Nepeta Star Region and the Alfonzo Star Region. They were not in a hurry to take the passage from the other side.

Humphrey Paul did not move the main force south. He only strengthened the defense of the Lower Nepeta Star Field, and left the Alfonzo Star Field to the Mechanicus. The main force of the regiment was still on the Western Front.

The situation that the masters on Holy Terra were most worried about and afraid of did not happen. The Iron Armored Regiment, which won the key battle, did not attack the central territory of the empire. In the Tianwang Space Domain, they only locked a few important planets and did not advance further. Instead, they turned to continuously attack other star regions in the vast Magre Space Domain.

The high-ranking officials on Holy Terra breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Iron Armor's actions in the Magre Universe were in full swing and unstoppable, and a large number of planets were quickly conquered, the method of exchanging space for time was exactly what they expected.

The empire lacks everything except vast territory.

But Gu Hang still felt strange.

Why is there a large-scale invasion and occupation of planets in the Magre universe?
(End of this chapter)

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