Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 67, True or False Phoenix?

Chapter 67, True or False Phoenix?

100 gift points, exchange for a seed.

is really expensive.

And the seed exchanged for 100 points of gift cannot be equated with a space soldier.

How much is a young, strong, determined, talented young man worth?
How much is it worth to have the implants, survive the modification, and undergo the long and brutal training of a Space Marine?
How much is the power armor specially designed and manufactured for interstellar warriors that can connect with interstellar warriors worth?
Gu Hang still likes to use the system's gift point system to calculate the value.

He has now upgraded twice, to LV3, the total value is about 70 points of gift.10 points for activation, 2 points for level 10, 3 points for level 50.And when you upgrade to level 4, you will get 200 gift points.

He is not an opponent of any space warrior now, and it is estimated that he will have to wait until level 4 before he can tie with an ordinary space warrior.A group of veterans like the phoenix would probably only be able to fight at level 5.And those like Martins, Rizzo, and a bald soldier observed by Gu Hang are stronger than the other four veterans.

In this way, it can be considered that a space warrior is worth about 300 gift points, and a veteran is worth about 800 points.

If Gu Hang wanted to use the system to build a space warrior from scratch, he would have to exchange 100 points for a seed first, and then do the implantation. If he failed, the 100 points would be in vain, and he could go to the next step if he survived.

The recruits who have survived have no hardware conditions, no experience and no skills. Gu Hang has to spend at least 111 points to train him to the level of T1-level troops, and then find a way to get a set of power armor.In this way, he will be able to get about a standard can.

After this process is completed, gift points will cost at least 200 points, and the set of power armor is assumed to be worth 300, which is indeed similar to the price of [-] cans he estimated based on his own combat power.

That's why Gu Hang sighed, how expensive it is!

I've been playing around for a few months now, and I don't know if the gift points I earned are enough to add up to 300 points!

But what stopped Gu Hang, and made Gu Hang feel cold after watching the repeatable branch event of [Phoenix is ​​dying] that can be exchanged for gene seeds, was his ability to quickly realize the major hidden dangers contained in this matter.

If he changed his seed and met Martins and said that this is my support for you, then Martins would definitely not feel half grateful, but would definitely pull out his bolter and force him to ask him what the hell is going on. The one who gets the gene-seed will then be sent to the trial court.

Sophistry is useless, this seed is also specially marked, it belongs to the phoenix war group.

Each Chapter's gene-seed will be somewhat different.It may be difficult for outsiders to distinguish, but for themselves, they can tell at a glance.

How will Gu Hang explain it then?

He couldn't explain it at all.

This is a function that I dare not take out.

But soon, another bold thought rose in Gu Hang's heart:

"Then can I... the dove occupy the magpie's nest?"

When you turn back and become rich, you can exchange a bunch of gene seeds, find people secretly, ensure loyalty, brainwash with psychic powers, implant seeds secretly, cultivate them secretly, and war armor can also be purchased secretly from certain foundry worlds.

When the strength in hand is almost enough, the whole Hongmen Banquet, the seven real phoenixes are surrounded by seventy fake phoenixes cultivated by Gu Hang, and after they are killed, the real phoenix will be me in the future. I'm so old!

"Population replacement plan? Uh... It's too bad to do this..."

Gu Hang shook his head and put this thought aside.

To entrap allies, is I, Governor Gu, that kind of person?
What's more, this matter is easy to say now, but it is still very troublesome to do it. I don't know how many details need to be dealt with.

More on that later.

Anyway, now, I can't afford such a high-end unit.


The Furious Owl Star Governor's Government and the Phoenix Battlegroup have since become informal allies.

They said it was informal because they didn't sign any specific agreement, and it didn't come down to words.It's just that the Phoenix Squad agreed that if Governor Gu was in any trouble, he could send them a mission invitation.And they will also, depending on the situation, accept or not, and perform tasks as required.

Except for the Governor's mission invitation, all their activities are free in principle, but it's better to say hello to the Governor, so as to respect the Governor's right to rule the entire planet.

And the governor is also obliged to provide them with a resident on the planet, provide supplies, and continue to pay for the necessary help for the reconstruction of the war group, within the range that the governor can afford.

In fact, this rebuilding assistance has already begun.

The first is the ammunition supply.

Wu Jiarong received the governor's request that she had to engage in the production of bullets for bolt guns.

This is very difficult, the current industrial base of Nu Xiaoxing can't produce it at all.

Diamond warhead, secondary fire propulsion, mass response fuze, secondary explosive characteristics...

It can not only penetrate armor, but also explode. This stuff requires high craftsmanship.

If you really want to do it, it’s not impossible, you have to rely on Wu Jiarong’s hands to rub one by one—the mechanical arm modified on her body can complete this job.The few junior technicians under her, maybe the whole workbench can do it.

The output is impressive.

Moreover, it is obviously a waste of talent to let her, the "technical leader" in the governor's camp, spend a lot of time doing the work of rubbing bullets with hands, and it will also affect the development of Gu Hang's territory.

But after all, it is a replenishment method.

Afterwards, Wu Jiarong also moved some equipment from the Phoenix Fleet's spaceship, Fenyu, to study how to do mass production, so that at least her junior technicians could take over the job.

In addition, there is power armor maintenance, which only Wu Jiarong can do at present.Don't make it too bad, just make small repairs, as a technical specialist, she can barely do it.

In fact, the maintenance of the Chapter's equipment is generally carried out by technical sergeants.Phoenix used to be a technical sergeant, and he went to Mars, the base camp of Mechanicus, to study.The level is even higher than that of ordinary technical priests.

But what can be done?

On this condition, bear with it.

Reconstruction is not an easy task, it takes hard work!
However, on the other hand, Governor Gu's effort in rebuilding the war group has been recognized.

An engineering team was specially formed.They will build a monastery quite far from the camp.

The space warriors claim to be the sons of the emperor, the angels of death of the emperor, and they have always been regarded as the most steadfast believers in the emperor in the empire.They are a military organization, yes, but they are also a religious organization.Many Space Marine Chapters refer to their headquarters as the 'Fortress Monastery'.

The construction site that has already started has also attracted soldiers from Phoenix to visit.

They all couldn't help but think of the headquarters of the battle group on the home planet.

Now this is so different from what it was then.

But at least it's off to a good start, and the Warband is on the right track.

On the second day, the seven fighters of Phoenix left the house that the governor had arranged for them, and lived directly next to the monastery construction site.

They're going to watch the monastery and build it from scratch.

(End of this chapter)

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