Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 84, Is this the CPU?

Chapter 84, Is this the CPU?
When Gu Hang spoke, his attitude was very sincere, as if he was not talking to a prisoner.

However, what he said was so cold.

More importantly, Bradford believed every word Gu Hang said.

He deeply realized that the governor didn't bother to deceive him at all.

His head was spinning rapidly, the pressure of death forced him.

"You can't make me wait too long. This night is very long, but I have more things to do. I don't have time to waste on you."

Gu Hang's words sounded again, it was an out-and-out reminder.

Bradford has never felt his head turn so fast in his life, his thoughts are not yet perfect, his thinking is not exhaustive, but he can only speak immediately: "I did it in the position of a member of the coalition In the past four years, I have been familiar with many merchants in Fuxing City and even outside of Fuxing City, and I know a lot of information!"

"Very good, this is one." Gu Hang said, "But it's not enough. Your will is not firm enough to withstand torture. In the end, you will say anything. There is still a period of time before the public trial execution meeting is held, enough for us to get rid of your mouth." Pry out everything you want to know, and it will not prevent you from being executed in the end, so that people can make the best use of it."

The words spoken by the governor with a smile made Bradford tremble all over.Make the best use of people... Is that what you mean?Really 'use' ah?

There were times when he really wished the Governor hadn't been so honest, he wasn't used to having such frank conversations, and was terribly frightened.

But he could only bite the bullet and give another reason: "After the big purge... it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the administrative staff you promote, and it will be very difficult for them to carry out their work. I can do it from scratch, and I am very capable. Yes, I will be loyal to you and do everything you want to do for you, without complaint or regret!"

"Valuable proposal, but leaving an old member of parliament will make the deterrence of the purge and the public trial to expose the crime flawed. Your personal ability is not enough to make up for the loss."

After a pause, Gu Hang continued: "Braford, I am a little disappointed by your performance. I thought you were a smart person, and you would think that you would not get your life back if you understood information and worked hard. You made those two reasons anyway, which makes me wonder if it was worth my time to listen to yours. My time is running out, and yours, too."

With the communication with Gu Hang, Bradford felt the sense of fear and despair accumulated in his heart deepened.The governor's words and the governor's attitude seemed to be a pair of big hands holding his heart, and they kept tightening during the conversation.

He felt like he was about to lose his breath, and his mind was about to be crushed under the horror of death.

But at this time, he was finally able to risk everything.

Gu Hang was always very frank, he spoke about the cleansing and the subsequent plan without reservation.As for myself, I may need to speak out all my thoughts frankly.

"I am a channel businessman. My roots are not only in Fuxing City, but all over the place. I have acquaintances in many city-states in the eastern provinces, each with a size of more than 20 people; the manor owners in the southern Qinggu area, and I have a very good friendship. That guy Vaughan wants to engage in grain trade, and he also wants to connect with the manor owners through me; the Oasis Kingdom on the Great Western Wilderness, and the Blackbird Heavy Industry Group further west, are even more painstakingly built by me. The commercial route, that is the core of the heavy industry that is rarely seen in the entire Fury Star..."

"My connections, the trade routes I have established, and the many people who have been planted on this route are my greatest wealth. But it is intangible and will disappear with my death. Even if I want to give You, if I die, I can’t hand it over. You can use torture to make me reveal all my contacts, contact methods, and even the character and experience of the other party, but their trust in me is not you Any one can be sent to replace me. After I die, they will be like raindrops falling into the sea, and they will never be found again."

"You will worry that I will not die and make the public trial conference flawed. But I am willing to be your tainted witness, according to your needs, to testify against the crimes of every congressman. There are many things that you don't even need to make up and list, I know A lot really."

"Being a liaison officer, a diplomat, a trade representative, an intelligence officer...these are the irreplaceable values ​​of my life. But you must still have doubts. I have so many contacts in the outside world. Once I am free, it is easy to escape. For this reason, I am willing to move all my family members outside to live in Fuxing City; I am willing to bring your most loyal guards with me when I go out, so that I can monitor and execute me at any time; or do you have any periodic attacks? Poison, antidote, I am also willing to accept."

"Of course, all of this may not be stable. I may abandon my family members heartlessly, my loyal guards may be murdered by me outside, and the poison may find an antidote outside... But this is the risk."

At this point, Bradford gritted his teeth and said something that he thought was too bold in hindsight: "You were testing me to see if I was smart enough and honest enough, and I answered; now it's up to you Now, Your Excellency Governor, do you have enough courage to take the risk?"

"Are you confident that the great cause you will do in the future will make me sincerely worship you from the bottom of my heart, so that I will not defect?"


Gu Hang laughed and patted Bradford on the shoulder, and did not take offense at the last words that were even slightly provocative: "Now I think you are indeed a smart person. It is obvious that I have great confidence in me. Just Come on as you say, I hope you don't let me down, and I hope you can see the day when great things come true and be a part of it instead of falling in the middle."

Bradford knew that he had passed.

But unexpectedly, he didn't feel much joy in his heart.

His mood at the moment is very strange.

Fortunately for the rest of his life?Of course there is, but there is still a certain kind of special emotion towards Gu Hang.

It was mixed with a little hatred, a lot of fear, a little admiration, a little respect... and a little hope that he couldn't even detect.

He remembered Gu Hang's declaration on the first day after he came to the surface.

He said that he wanted to rebuild the entire wasteland world so that everyone who surrendered to him could live a good life.

Governor Gu seems to be different from every governor in the past.

At first hearing his declaration, it sounds like a cliché, but after a closer look, is he really capable of doing it?
If he does it, will his future prospects be worse than when he was a member of the alliance and a channel businessman?

Thinking of this, Bradford suddenly reacted: Huh?Have I been CPU?
(End of this chapter)

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