The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 1244 He is going to save more broken worlds

There is an extended concept of "plane ring" or "cat necklace".In the low-dimensional display of "duality between exterior and interior", no matter who this "ring" or "necklace" is worn or where it is moved, it will not have an impact on the "plane".

Therefore, the Milky Way hanging around the neck of the orange cat in "Men in Black" is a low-dimensional display of the classic "duality of exterior and interior", or the presentation of the "inner world".

The same goes for asylum cards.

Although this 5-star exclusive land card has been printed by the all-in-one machine at this moment.But Wu Chen and many plot characters, who are in the fragmented time and space of the plot, seem completely indifferent.For example, the Milky Way hanging around the neck, no matter where it is taken by this orange cat named "Orion", the Milky Way is still the same Milky Way.The earth is still the same earth, "The Sun Also Rises", right?
Therefore, it is business as usual at "V8 Citadel".

Simply put, dark energy = dark matter + dark spirit.Spirit and matter can transform into each other: dark spirit, dark matter.This means that the "Dark Flame Core" of V8 Hercules can be charged through dark energy.It will not affect the state of life at all.

Along with the Broken Guardian, the huge shadow in the void disappeared together with the huge vortex falling from the sky.

The last diverging lines of distortion were completely cut off in one go.

Referring to what the players said, the Broken Guardian used its unparalleled power of guardianship to crush the spherical space where the "V8 Citadel" was into pieces, and then stored them piece by piece as "Guardian Memory" to become an exclusive land card. The whole process was It’s called the “broken memory method.”According to the known "Law of Broken Memory", only characters with plot clues can follow the fragments of plot time and space scattered throughout the shelter. "Characters with plot clues" can be characters in the play or players.However, I want to collect the scattered fragments, continue the fixed main line of the plot, and use the most important one of the "Principles of Broken Memory": "Fragments = Cards" to transform the fragments into asylum cards and load them into the Broken City.Only players can do this.

However, the characters in the drama who "have plot clues" can travel through the time and space fragments scattered throughout the shelter in the correct way, guided by their own exclusive branch plot lines.For example, using the "different-dimensional variable chip" to enable time-space transmission.You can also use Broken Guardian's "Memory Cracks" to travel through the fragmented time and space of the plot.

Of course, there must be a suitable method.For example, a DMC-12 car capable of "Back to the Future".This also means that as long as the time and space fragments from the same plot world have not been completely cleared during the cleanup day, the time and space fragments can travel back and forth with each other "in the correct way".

In addition, there are also legends among players that if the bond of a certain plot character's exclusive branch plot line is too strong, it may even lead him to directly pass through the "memory rift" of the Broken Guardian without any external force - the situation is like encountering a "memory rift" that appears out of thin air. Cracks in Time and Space”.Whether this is the case, Wu Chen still doesn't know.

Knowing that Wu Chen is going to the next broken world to save more people. "V8 Citadel" immediately took action.As for the entrance to the time and space of the next plot fragment, Feizhai had already prepared it for Wu Chen: a map secretly placed on the "T815 Extreme War Truck".Wu Chen had confirmed immediately that the map marked a coordinate point in the big sand sea.

After everyone's strong request, Wu Chen finally decided to lead an elite team to continue the journey.

Not surprisingly, the selected candidates are Citadel Queen "Furious Princess" Ferossa, Valkyrie "Valkyrie" Megan Gale, and 6 Vovalini Mothers, a total of 8 people.These are the last remaining wasteland Amazons, and no one knows the wasteland better than them.

Wu Chen thought about it and agreed (╮(╯_╰)╭).

The five Virgins who reached a "plot symbiosis" with Hercules fell into a "deep sleep" of self-protection.And because the exclusive branch plot line it carries is too strong, it is not suitable to take the "hidden route" of obscene development.

Now that we have an exclusive territory (land tile), we don't have to "exploit" the rules to the extreme.

Although it is a doomsday survival journey limited to the fat house, it is forced to play the role of guarding Athena.We still need to have the most basic respect for creators.The "Cola Water", "Mother's Milk", and "Refined Oil" stored in the mobile shelter transformed from the "T815 Extreme War Truck" oil tank by Wu Chen have all been updated.The "mother's milk" was also replaced with wasteland milk produced by the Buttertown cows raised by Aunt Antetti.

In addition to the "T815 Extreme War Truck" and 8 female companions, Wu Chen's most important reliance is the "Divine Fighter" stored in his multi-function watch.

As for "V8 Citadel", with the round-the-clock assistance of the "Super Brain Regional Chain", the managers carefully recruited by Wu Chen should be able to run it very well.At least there won't be any problems in the short term.

Early morning on the fifth day.When Wu Chen in the co-cockpit opened his eyes on time."Furious Princess" Ferossa in the cockpit next door has already been busy early. "Valkyrie" Megan Gale was also cleaning her gun seriously in the rear passenger compartment. The six Wovalini Mothers also have their own things to do in the mobile shelter behind.

"Departure?" It seems that "Furious Queen" Ferossa does not seem to be sentimental about the upcoming parting.

"Let's go." Wu Chen understood after thinking about it.Just like the seven thousand days she left Wovalini thinking about it day and night.Maybe she is used to separation.She also has no nostalgia for "V8 Citadel".There is another possibility: "When an Amazon goes deep into the jungle, a tribe of Amazons will be born." "Vovalini" is not only an oasis in reality, but also a haven for the soul.Yes, that should be it.

The door of the "War Factory" slowly opened. The "T815 Extreme War Truck" drove directly out of the "V8 Citadel" through a secret underground passage.The exit is located in the newly built "Outpost Bunker". Not far from the bunker is the newly restored "Hive Gate".

Inside the bunker were members of the "V8 Holy Alliance Chamber of Commerce" who came to see him off.

Speaker Great Rebecca, High Priest Miss Guidi, Chief Mechanic Lady Red Eyes...

Wu Chen did not get out of the car, and Ferosha did not turn off the engine.Lower the car windows on both sides and say goodbye briefly to the congressmen who are seeing them off.

Everyone recognized and understood Wu Chen's brief journey to the wasteland from the bottom of their hearts.After all, as an apostle of God, just like Wu Chen's monologue.He is going to save more broken worlds.It is impossible to stay in one place for long.

"Sir, take care." Thousands of words were combined into a simple farewell sentence.

"Take care, ladies." Wu Chen's eyes were clear and his smile was warm.

"Wait for me, girls." Ferosha pointed forward neatly.

"Have a safe journey, my queen." Compared with their infinite admiration for Wu Chen, the members of the V8 Holy Alliance were full of human love for "Furious Queen" Ferosha.

"Let's go." Ferosha stepped on the accelerator lightly, and the "T815 Extreme War Truck" rumbled towards the unknown journey.

Driving out of the "Hive Gate", the Knight Riders and their V8 Storm assault vehicles lined up to see off.

"Sir, take care." Captain "Little Man Yao" of the Knight Rider, who was lazily leaning against the car, whistled frivolously.

"You just call me 'Little Man Yao'?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.

"Nika Futterman." A hint of shame suddenly flashed in the eyes of Captain Knight Rider "Little Man Waist".Why, is it more embarrassing to say your real name than to be naked?

"Okay, Nika." Wu Chen greeted with a smile.

"Knight Rider Captain Nika "Little Waist" Futterman".

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