The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 1333 11332 Open up the "half body" with the Nazis

"Yes, that's Leni." Female reporter Lisa nodded solemnly.

"So, Leni is related to our plan." Female guerrilla Irene had already guessed it. The female guerrilla Irene also has the same trust in the ability of this companion who joined after returning to the original plot time and space.

"Ask her to make a movie." Female reporter Lisa revealed her idea of ​​"Eastbound Plan".

"MGM invested US$300 million to adapt Pearl S. Buck's "The Dragon Seed"?" Female guerrilla Irene answered the question for her.

"Yes, that's it." Female reporter Lisa smiled happily.

"But how can you persuade Leni Riefenstahl to make a Hollywood movie?" This is the prerequisite for the successful execution of the entire plan. As long as Leni Riefenstahl has this "personal will", the entire Third Reich ruling group will definitely give the green light, starting with the Führer.

This is the result of Leni Riefenstahl's lofty personal reputation and the unparalleled talent that matches it.

There is also a rumor about the Head of State. When selecting allies in the Far East, the head of state preferred the Republic of China, which was also a land power, rather than the Japanese Empire, which was a sea power.

In fact. In essence, World War II was a world-class war that broke out between the British Empire and its allies (the Allies), representing sea power, and the German Third Reich and its allies (the Axis Powers), representing land power, to unify the European continent.

Therefore, the "Broad Gauge Railway Plan" is obviously "the projection and extension of the land power of the Third Reich of Germany." It can be seen that from the strategic perspective of Lu Quan, the entire idea is consistent and clear. High-speed railway is the most important carrier for "land-connecting" European countries. For the European continent, even in later generations when the aviation industry is very developed, high-speed railways are irreplaceable.

From this point of view, Leni Riefenstahl's desire to make a Hollywood film about the largest continental power in the Far East is not inconsistent with the psychological expectations of the head of state.

Since being invited to Poland to film the victory of the Blitz in September 1939, her heart began to break because of the ferocity of the war and the cruelty of German soldiers towards Polish prisoners: "(I) would rather have died before September 9, 1939." ." It was also from that time on that he refused to sugar-coat political propaganda with the bewitchment of art. During the entire World War II, he never participated in the filming of any Nazi propaganda films. However, "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia" have become the most popular films among the Nazis. For Leni Riefenstahl herself, the record that can never be erased from the art archives is still the most colorful one. This work describes the fierce struggle against the Japanese Empire, the Axis power in the Far East, and the Allies, the most continental power in the Far East, who would rather die than surrender. But there was a certain tacit understanding with the German Third Reich from beginning to end. For example, Sino-German cooperation and the existence of the German Equipped Infantry Division (German Equipped Infantry Division) in the Hollywood movies of the Republic of China can help her open up her "half body" to stand side by side with the Nazis.

The cooperation between the Republic of China and Germany from 1911 to 1941 was of great significance to the history of the mid-to-early 20th century. To a certain extent, Sino-German cooperation formed an alliance between the two countries, and the close cooperative relationship enabled China to rapidly modernize its industrial construction and armaments, especially before the Second Sino-Japanese War. In 1928, the Nationalist Government completed the Northern Expedition, which nominally unified China amid warlord turmoil. However, at the same time, Japan was expanding abroad, and hawkish forces advocating war against China were rising in the country's political arena. In view of this, China urgently needs to modernize its armaments and defense industry to gain the ability to sustain itself, while Germany needs a stable supply of raw materials. This relationship closely tied China and Germany together from the late 1920s to the late 1930s. Although the honeymoon period of cooperation lasted less than four years from the beginning of the Nazi takeover on January 1933, 1 to the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War on July 30, 1937; and the real industrial reform did not begin until 7. began, but Sino-German cooperation still has a profound impact on China's modernization process. Similarly, Sino-German cooperation also helped to improve the National Government's ability to resist Japanese aggression. In 7, the German Nazi government decided to abandon its neutrality policy between China and Japan, so under repeated protests from the Japanese side, all German military advisers in China were recalled. General Alexander von Falkenhausen, the last head of the German advisory group, argued hard, lobbied for the Chinese government, and expressed his willingness to stay in his personal capacity. Under Hitler's threats of expulsion from the military, nationality and confiscation of property, he sadly led his delegation to leave China in June. When leaving, he assured Chiang Kai-shek that all German military advisers would not leak any Chinese defense secrets they knew to the Japanese. Moreover, there were still several German non-military consultants left in their personal capacity at that time (before the Battle of Songhu broke out, the conflict between China and Japan escalated, and China lost part of its sovereignty. Falkenhausen submitted a proposal to Chiang Kai-shek on China's response to Japan, pointing out China's biggest enemy is Japan, which must be resolutely resisted. He also proposed China's defense strategy in a total war, including protracted war and using Sichuan as the anti-Japanese defense line. These suggestions were implemented after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, laying the foundation for China's resistance foundation.

After the Battle of Songhu broke out, Falkenhausen ignored the orders of the German government and personally led an advisory team to the front line in Shanghai to assist with command. The Battle of Shanghai lasted for more than three months, breaking Japan's plan for a quick victory and forcing Japan into the quagmire of invading China. The British ambassador to Japan even commented: "In fact, it was the Germans who were organizing the Chinese people to resist the war." The victory of the Songhu Battle was largely attributed to the elite troops of German weapon divisions and German training divisions, as well as Falkenhausen's strategic advice).

The German Arms Division is a unit that received German-style (imitation German-style) equipment, was organized according to the recommendations of German consultants, and received systematic training and guidance from German consultants. It was founded by the internationally renowned anti-Japanese Confucian general and Chiang Kai-shek's diplomatic advisor to Germany Li Linsi and others. . In the 1930s, under the background of Sino-German cooperation, during the period of Sino-German cooperation, the National Government of the Republic of China adapted and established the National Revolutionary Army in accordance with German military training standards under the guidance of German military advisers, so they were collectively called the German Arms Division. Those that could meet the German standards at that time included: the 3rd Division, 6th Division, 9th Division, 14th Division, 36th Division, 87th Division, 88th Division and the Teaching Corps of the National Revolutionary Army, as well as the tax corps that did not belong to the regular army system. Police Corps. These troops were the main force of the National Revolutionary Army at that time.

However, by 1938, due to the interruption of Sino-German military cooperation and the disbandment of the German Military Advisory Group, national weapons were switched to the use of national weapons due to the consumption of previous battles. In 1939, China once again launched military cooperation with the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Arms Division came into being, while the German Arms Division completely withdrew from the stage of history.

Precisely because of the psychological connection between the head of state himself and those who are both powerful continental powers, compared with a large-scale production invested by Hollywood that tells an "American story", filming a large-scale production that tells a "Chinese story" will also significantly reduce the cost of Lai Ni Riefenstahl herself was under pressure from within the Third Reich.

To distance yourself from the Nazis, this was Leni Riefenstahl’s core desire to participate in the filming.

Although I had prepared psychological expectations when it came. But when she met Leni Riefenstahl, the "SA3 Express" outdoor shooting director who was busy with post-editing, in her private "filming carriage", the female guerrilla Irene was still stunned by what she saw.

"Hello, I'm Leni Riefenstahl."

"Hello, I'm Erin."

It was agreed that like all real-life plot characters, the Leni Riefenstahl the female reporter knew was actually the character in the 1993 biographical film "The Power of Images: Leni Riefenstahl" , she is not the one she is in the real world, and I am specifically asking everyone to pay attention!

Erin, a female guerrilla who can complete the "0326 Star Cube Base Personnel Entry and Return Process", is very sure that there is another Leni Riefenstahl in front of her! !

Female director: "Leni Riefenstahl".

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