The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 1580 11579 Sartre's Existentialism

Chapter 1580 1.1579 Sartre's Existentialism


The white light is dazzling and the plot is frozen.

When the main perspective jumps out of the bright stars of the edge galaxy, the picture flows again. The flight attendants on TAA285, who were still in shock in "Air Hijack", completed their role transformation without any surprise.

"TAA285 flight attendants: Dani Barton, Veronica Mitchell, Kim Paulson, Barbara, Shayna Lorraine, Meg Robbins."

It's that simple and efficient. Just press the shutter to capture the ladies in the sky on the card, and 4999 coins will be credited to your account immediately. From the perspective of "once you buy, you will never regret it; once you pay, you will not owe any credit", the Broken Guardian, a huge shadow in the void, is still commendable. Of course, from the advanced connotation of "the card is a sealed memory of the Broken Guardian", it is not difficult to understand why the settlement reward for capturing the card is so generous.

Wa hahaha……


The white light is dazzling and the plot is frozen.

When the main perspective jumps out of the bright stars of the edge galaxy, the picture flows again. The flight attendants on flight QST19 in "Battle Hour" who are still in shock have also completed their role transformation without exception.

"QST19 Flight Girls: Connie Phipps, Jill Zimmer, Kate Rowlands, Donna Yamamoto, Patty, and Corey Stoll Dupree."

While the five large airliners were transformed into airships, the Gulfstream G5 "GENISYS-Ⅱ" experimental aircraft from the story of "The Cruise" with the "CA" logo painted on its tail was immediately disassembled and recycled by the drone swarm and filled into the "consumables tank". The people on board were also safely transferred to the "sealed isolation cabin" on the chest of the fortress giant.

Except for the six-seat twin-engine Cessna 6B propeller plane "Yankee Zulu X-ray" from the plot time and space of "High Flying", all the flights captured by the Cthulhu monster were rescued. It also increased the number of flight attendant girl groups that Wu Chen took in to 402. Adding the three "Stratosphere Factories", the total number of super airships reached 17. In fact, if three more flight attendant girl groups responsible for managing the "Stratosphere Factories" are "selected and taken in", the profit settlement of 3 sets of cards alone will be as high as 20 coins. Of course! These characters from the time and space of the air crash debris can achieve a 3-frame card set, thanks to the high-tech from New Hong Kong that was implanted in the God Realm Fighter Little Black Bird stored in the hyperspace of the multi-function watch. Without the blessing of these New Hong Kong high-tech creations, these ordinary characters in the play cannot break the frame and upgrade the star, please pay attention.

So don't worry, wait until you deal with this Cthulhu monster.

"Chen, the frozen plot of Cessna 402B has begun to evolve." The Queen of the Citadel, "Furious Princess" Furiosa, is paying close attention to changes in the situation.

"The time-space gate leading to the next plot is in the hands of the comic boy." Wu Chen "spoiled" the fat house's hidden setting: "As long as the plot develops according to plan, the time-space gate will open." If Wu Chen's guess is correct, the key to the time-space gate leading to the next fragment is hidden in the body of the male protagonist of the comic boy.

"So the boy who was concentrating on reading comics in the back seat is the key plot character of "Supernatural Air Crash Collection." Valkyrie "Valkyrie" Megan Gale immediately perked up: "Then the question is, compared to "Kora Deep Hole" which attracted the owner of the plane elevator to be edited into the 'Golden Elevator Card', what is so special about "High Altitude Flight", sir?"

The core structure of "High Flying" is actually Sartre's existentialism. Compared with Descartes' philosophical proposition "I think, therefore I am (Je pense, donc je suis)", the core of Sartre's existentialism is that the world is created by the spirit, including me, the world in my eyes, my feelings, everything is a product of my spirit: the spirit creates the material world, not the material determines the spirit.

"High Flying" describes the first solo flight of the female pilot Sara, who went to the Coldplay concert with four friends: Mel, Cory, Sal and the male protagonist Bruce. They got lost in the dark clouds at high altitude and experienced a strange, trembling and terrifying flight. A screw fell off the Cessna 402B small plane, stuck the tail wing, and caused problems with the elevator, so that the plane could not descend and was forced to fly into a thick rain cloud. The fuel was quickly exhausted, and important parts were frozen one after another. The plane could crash at any time. Soaring up in the dark clouds, the team members experienced internal strife, mental disorder, exposure of hidden secrets, murder of rivals, monster tracking, time and space confusion and other terrifying plots. In the end, only the key characters were left - the male and female protagonists: Sara and Bruce.

In order to make the plot authentic and credible, Sartre's existentialism runs through the plot. At the beginning, the male protagonist was afraid to board the plane driven by the female protagonist Sarah because of the shadow of his parents' death in a plane crash when he was a child. Later, he personally quoted Sert's philosophical argument on the plane: "The self is the basis of everything, and others are hell." The male protagonist's gloomy life course and fear of flying set the tone for this tragic journey. Although the plot does not start from the male protagonist's perspective, the plot setting is that everything is the male protagonist's "spiritual product", and the air crash that the male protagonist imagines is destined to become a reality. As the other members of the protagonist group on the plane continue to mock the male protagonist, tearing up his beloved comic books, tying him up to restrict his freedom, and finally beating him up with fists and feet, intending to murder him, they are constantly accumulating the male protagonist's negative emotions and materializing into a real air crash scene. Therefore, the more the threats from others escalate, the worse the external environment becomes, from a little thin cloud to dark clouds, pitch black, and octopus monsters chasing, the external world corresponds to the male protagonist's spiritual world. The development of things step by step verifies that the "world in front of us" comes from the creation of the male protagonist's mind.

All the plots of the plane crash were predicted in the comic book that the hero cherished, or it can be said that the plots of the comic book were imprinted in the hero's mind, so he almost "directed and acted" this flight horror. At the beginning of the plot, the hero did not know that he was actually the master of the outside world. He was just constantly stimulated by what happened on the plane and connected it to the plane crash that happened with his parents many years ago. At that time, he was still a child holding a magazine with an airplane on the cover. Because of his fear of flying, he imagined that the plane he was riding collided with the plane in the magazine. As a result, they really collided, causing a tragic plane crash.

In addition, when discussing the plane crash with the protagonists on the plane piloted by the heroine, another heroine, Mel, insisted on the conspiracy theory and said that there was no record of the other plane that collided with the crashed plane that the hero and his parents took when he was a teenager, as if it appeared out of thin air. This is an important plot foreshadowing. In the end, the grown-up hero realized that he could influence the world in a "self-directed and self-acted" way. But at this time, he still cannot break away from the comic book and control the outside world at will.

At the most critical moment, the heroine temporarily interrupted the hero's consciousness with a deep kiss, and the clouds suddenly cleared and the sun appeared, and the plane was temporarily out of trouble. But due to the hero's weak character, he could not stop imagining the tragedy, so greater danger followed. The Cthulhu octopus monster that originally only existed in comic books suddenly appeared in front of the nose of the plane, opening its bloody mouth full of sharp teeth. In order to save his lover, the hero mustered up the courage and had a fierce struggle with his heart. In the end, the small plane flew out of the haze under the control of the hero's mind, and the sky was clear ahead. But the twists and turns of the plot immediately ushered in the final challenge-the Cessna 402B small plane suddenly hit another plane in front, and this plane was the one that crashed in the sky many years ago. The hero's family of three and the female pilot (the heroine Sarah's mother) on the plane when they were teenagers, and the male and female protagonists who grew up on the Cessna 402B that collided head-on, all opened their eyes in horror. Just as two small planes from different time and space were about to collide head-on, at the critical moment, thanks to the superb flying skills of the two pilots - the heroine and her mother, as well as the magical connection between mother and daughter, the two planes turned in time like aerobatics, passing each other thrillingly, and avoiding tragedy.

The result of the plot reversal is that the plane crash that year did not happen at all. The small plane piloted by the heroine's mother carrying the hero's family landed safely at the airport. Next to the plane, the young hero and heroine held hands and met each other for the first time.

The ending of "High Flying" seems to be that the heroine saves the situation, but in fact, the hero still controls the overall situation in his consciousness. Because the entire external world, including the heroine, is the product of the hero's imagination, and everything the heroine does is the hero's subconscious expectation. In the consciousness of the hero who gradually gains control of the world, he longs to rewrite history - the plane crash did not happen, and he met the heroine. Such an ending is exactly the inevitability of Sartre's existentialism.

Of course, there is another view on the ending: the hero and heroine died in the end, the plane crash really happened, and the hero changed from being the manipulator of the dream to being a part of the dream. The evidence is that the last shot is very unreal, which means that they meet in heaven; the black smoke coming out of the plane crash site in the distance can also be regarded as an obvious hint.

If we put it into the worldview of Flight 7500: when a person dies, the transition between life and death is too fast, and all the knots in his heart when he was alive must be let go, otherwise his soul will stay here and never be reborn. When the deceased really lets go, the god of death will come and take his soul to the next reincarnation.

Understanding it the other way around can also perfectly explain the second ending.

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