The villain also has spring 2

第354章 1353 除非你喝了1杯烈酒并和她打了1架,否则你不会真正了解1个女人

Chapter 354 1.353 You don't really get to know a woman until you've had a glass of strong drink and had a fight with her

"I heard it's a mysterious businessman from Southheim." The housekeeper only heard about it.

"A mysterious businessman from Southerheim Island hired a group of comrades to attack the gallows rock occupied by the Silver Hand..." Wu Chen felt incredible when he thought about it: "Where is the client now?"

"It is said that he is hiding in Windhelm City." The housekeeper heard a little about it.

"Find him." Wu Chen decided to explore this branch plot in depth.

"Obey, my master." The housekeeper immediately ordered someone to do it.For today's Ximuling, all it takes is a letter from the housekeeper, and news sources all over the sky can quickly find out everything the lord wants to know.And send it to the lord's desk book in Gray Rock Castle in the shortest possible time.

"One more thing." Wu Chen thought of Elena Lucretia, the guardian of Baihe Farm: "Before the ceremony, please invite Ms. Elena to come to the castle for a long table dinner."

"Okay, master." Of course the housekeeper understood what Wu Chen was thinking.

"Obsidian Shimmer Reed, the director of the Children's Mercy Society, is also one of the matchmakers for the Mottled Golden Tree Law." The housekeeper continued to introduce.

"Obsidian Shimmer (Red)", a dark elf from the province of Skyrim, in the words of the housekeeper, she has a ruthless appearance and a heart like hot gold.

The Mercy Society is the adoption of orphans from all over the sky: the father of the girl Sophie (Sofie) was a soldier who died in the battle of Stormcloak, and after becoming an orphan, he sold flowers in Windhelm City for a living; the girl Lucia (Lucia) The farm was occupied by relatives, and they wandered to Xueman to beg for money; the father of the boy ALS (Aleson) was a sailor who died of illness, and the little boy ran errands for the miners in Morning Star City in order to sleep on the haystack of the hotel; the twin girls in Glory Hall Orphanage Lydia and Luna, the guardians have always disliked them, so they were brought from the Rift Valley to Ximu by Guardian Wings Sherin & Isandra...

Under the meticulous care of Obsidian Shimmer Reed, the president of Children's Mercy, it thrives.Because it has received wide acclaim in direct competition with the Glory Hall Orphanage, more and more cities and families are sending unsupported homeless children to Ximuling.Over time, there are hundreds of registered children in the Children's Mercy Association.

These Skyrim orphans with different talents will get a good education in the academy area later, and will be the most powerful servants of the lord when they grow up.In the long run, the importance of Obsidian Shimmer Reed is self-evident.Moreover, the long life of the dark elves allowed her to greatly prolong the upbringing of the orphans from generation to generation.If ordinary Nords can raise 10 generations, dark elves can raise 100 generations.Influence lasts for hundreds of years without decay.Assuming such an important function, if they hide evil intentions, artificially interfere with the growth experience of orphans, and instill distorted cognition since childhood, once they grow up, there will be endless troubles.So to be on the safe side, President Erci must be merged into Omega Capricornus.Only in this way can he be bound to Wu Chen's soul and never betray him.

So from this point of view, the advice of the housekeeper is very necessary.

"Who is the supervisor of the Colosseum on the top of the mountain?"

The housekeeper smiled and handed over the list: "Master will be very satisfied."

"It turned out to be them." Wu Chen couldn't hide his surprise: "When did it happen?"

"On the day when the master was teleported to Mount Ansor." The housekeeper said with a smile: "Not long after Xueman's double crisis of annihilation and dragon disaster was resolved."

"So that's the case." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

On the list of housekeepers, there are two directors of the Colosseum on the top of the mountain.

"Dark Ranger Jenassa", Dark Elf Huntress, "Archery Specialization", "Light Armor Specialization", "Dual Wielding Master".The most powerful Golden Horn cup Huntress of The Drunken Huntsman in Snowrun.You need to pay 500 gold coins to hire briefly.To be able to be named the "Golden Horn Cup", apart from being number one in combat power, drinking is also invincible.

"Uthgerd the Unbroken", a Nord champion female warrior, is proficient in all Nord fighting skills and is proficient in using a staff. "One-handed specialization", "block specialization", "heavy armor specialization", "archery master", "two-handed master".With strong strength and fiery personality, even a frivolous bard would not dare to provoke him easily.Although she has her own home in Snowrun, she spends almost all of her time at The Bannered Mare Inn.It is said that brave men who want to interact closely with her have to pay 100 gold coins to win the one-on-one boxing with her.However, the reputation of the unyielding has already stated that no one has ever won.It is said that all the gold coins used to buy the expensive Xueman residence were won in the tavern boxing match.Even so, the Nords never stopped looking for her to fight.There are even many boxers who have been defeated and fought repeatedly and become famous brave fighters.In other words, before proficient in fighting monsters, it is right to learn to resist beatings first.

Ah, such are the Nords of Skyrim, male or female.

As one of Wu Chen's adventure buddies, as she used to say: "Want to hear a bit of Nord wisdom? You don't really know a (Nord) woman until you drink a strong drink and get into a fight with her." Or: "The heat of battle is the fire that forges the strongest blade. That's an old Nord proverb. Now, a true Nord never misses an opportunity to test her worth."

When accepting Wu Chen's short-term employment, she would also happily say: "You need another blade by your side, just ask (hire me). I don't mind seeing how you deal with a few trolls."

These "memory copies" related to the unyielding Usgard poured in out of thin air, allowing Wu Chen to have deeper memories of past adventures.

Two Xueman famous heroes volunteered to join Wu Chen's domain and were willing to serve his law.Whether it is past friendship or real crisis.Wu Chen had no reason to refuse.

The division of labor between the two is not the same.

The Dark Ranger Janratha is in charge of the tournament, and Usgard the Indomitable is managing the gamblers.The profit brought by the Colosseum far exceeds the tax revenue of the territory.Another important profit of the territory is the airship ticket for the Brass Airport.

"The director of the Brass Airport is Sweenehildr, a Valkyrie from Songarde." The housekeeper lightly revealed another dose of shocking information.

"The... Valkyrie from Songgard?" Wu Chen was also shocked.This is obviously a product of the fusion of Asgard and Tamriel.

Sovngarde is the paradise that the Nords yearn for.Legend has it that the Nords who "die with the sword" will enter Songarde and enjoy a never-ending feast in the Hall of Courage.Although it has a similar setting to Valhalla Temple.However, the Valkyrie actually originated in Asgard!

As far as Wu Chen knows, Songgard does not have a Valkyrie.

"Master, didn't you also say that there are no angels in Tamriel?" the housekeeper smiled wisely.

"That's right... yes." Wu Chen was convinced.Obviously, because of his journey to the plane, some kind of interaction and fusion occurred between the two plot worlds.Just like the appearance of an angel.

"Valkуrie Svinehild," echoing the housekeeper's devout sacrifice (!), descended from Songard to Tamriel to guard the last of the Dragonborn.She has a unique gifted skill: Valkуrie incarnation.A gentle woman in daily life, when necessary, she will transform into a powerful winged Valkyrie, and she can also summon the heroic spirit of the ancient heroine Gold handle Grass from Songgard to help!
Proper five-frame (4.5 star) combat power.

It is no wonder that the Valkyrie, who possesses air supremacy, is entrusted with the heavy responsibility of guarding the Brass Airport and guarding the Ximu route.

(End of this chapter)

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