The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 362 1361 Hey, outlanders, there are more iron mines in Skyrim than farms, and there must be

Chapter 362 1.361 Hey, outlanders, there are more iron mines in Skyrim than farms, and there must be no shortage of weapons and armor!

"What is the past of this powerful Clegron Iron Orc?" Wu Chen smiled knowingly.This is the housekeeper's favorite way of talking.Of course, each hero also has his own legend of the brave.

"Goza grew up in an Iron Orc stronghold, where she first learned to use a hammer and an anvil. However, as she grew up, Goza came to loathe the Horde's traditions, not wanting to be bound by harsh ancient customs ...eventually, after deciding not to 'become the third wife of some humble chief', she and her brother Moth Gro-Bagol fled the tribe. Together the siblings joined the Empire Legion, and mastered smelting and forging skills during their 10-year service career. Coupled with the innate talents of stonemasons, mining and animal taming, the Bago brothers and sisters became famous orc blacksmiths in Markas City. The younger brother, Mos Gro-Bago, is even the personal blacksmith of Lord Macarth." The housekeeper smiled and said, "It was Gunnar Stoneeye, the supervisor of the Sekuda Mine, who recommended them to me. You know, As an orc, there is no more attractive condition than owning a family blacksmith."

"So, you plan to build a new 'Bago Sister and Brother Blacksmith Shop' in Fort Secuda." Wu Chen smiled happily.

"That's it, my dearest master." The housekeeper's smile had another meaning: "Perhaps apart from the exquisite forging skills, there are unexpected gains."

Wu Chen's heart moved: "For example, the giant war beast of the Iron Orcs you mentioned just now—the Stone Crusher." As usual, the housekeeper's seemingly lengthy sentence actually had a deeper meaning.For Wu Chen, it is both happiness and luxury to be able to explain the cause and effect in detail regardless of the space limit.

"Gunnar Stone Eye vaguely mentioned in the letter that the Baguo siblings come from the Trollfeeder's family." The housekeeper also confirmed Wu Chen's guess.

"Where are the Ba Guo brothers and sisters now?" Wu Chen asked with a smile.There is a high probability that they should have arrived or are rushing to Ximuling.

"The Secuda Mine Hall." The housekeeper replied softly, "It's five miles from the back door of the Secuda Fort."

"Okay." Wu Chen was also going to visit the second mine in the territory.

It is a well-known fact that Ximu residents do not have to pay taxes in their daily life.Lord Lord's financial resources are actually very limited.It is the output of hunting villages, mines, fisheries, farms, and wineries, which provide most of the taxes.Wu Chen's original intention of establishing Secuda Fort, apart from guarding the eastern border of Ximu, was also because the housekeeper found a new mine vein in the Secuda Valley.The ore mined is said to be of high quality.Not long after, Helgen was destroyed by Alduin the Eater of Worlds' dragon flames, so Wu Chen recruited Gunnar Stone Eye, who had become a refugee, as the mine supervisor (Mine Supervisor) to dig the mine hall.And imitating the layout of coal mines, build "miner's house", "warning tower", "guard stone room", "ore warehouse", "blacksmith shop", "grocery shop" and "panshan stone wall".As for the unique "Mine Fishing Ground", "White River Mining Port" and "Coal Hotel", either because there is no pond in the mine, or because it is only 5 miles away from the back door of Secuda Fort, they were abandoned.

Of course, the only thing that cannot be given up is the defensive hero: "Stonebreaker Goza Gra-Bago".

And the special facility built later to raise the snow troll steel war beast: "Gravel Beast Pen".

As for the blacksmith shop of the Bago brothers and sisters built in Secuda Castle, her brother Mos Gro-Bago is in full charge of the day-to-day.In fact, as the personal blacksmith of Lord Macarth, Moss Gro-Bago's forging skills should be higher than that of Goza Gra-Bago.As a natural iron orc female warrior, Goza is more suitable to be a heroine guarding the mine.

This is also one of the purposes of Wu Chen's trip.Recruit Goza Gra-Bago the Stonebreaker to become the Crimson Dragon Promisebreaker and serve the Golden Tree Law.

After the brief yet grand inauguration ceremony, Wu Chen exited amidst enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.Taking advantage of the time when Judith, the sword-wielding lady Judith, the director of Fort Secuda, one of the third promiseees, arranged a celebration dinner, Wu Chen, the housekeeper and Mrs. Gises Ying went out of the back door of the fort to Secuda Up to Ice Creek Mine.

Travelers who have just entered the province of Skyrim are all surprised to find that the roadside robbers they meet casually all know magic, and the leader is all Nord glyph armor with enchanted weapons. Does it feel magical?

So they all asked themselves, is Tianji's productivity so awesome?
Of course.

Hey, outlanders, there are more iron mines in Skyrim than farms, and there must be more weapons and armor!

Ah, the wondrous provinces of Skyrim.Therefore, the Nords who died holding a sword must be much more than those who choked to death while eating.

"Master?" Not long after leaving the back door of the barrier, the housekeeper couldn't help calling softly when she saw Wu Chen reining in his horse and looking at the valley farm and windmill under construction on both sides.

"Ah?" Wu Chen returned to his senses with a smile.

"The grains harvested in this Bingxi Valley can feed all the Ximu people." To find a valley with lush water, grass and abundant products among the mountains that flow down the Baihe River is a promised land bestowed by God. .The importance of self-sufficiency in food for a 5-star exclusive land is self-evident.

The mouth of the valley in the shape of a pearl shell is the most open place in the Sekuda Valley, which stretches for hundreds of miles.It is conceivable that if it were not for the powerful magic shaping power of the low-level grammar circle, it would be impossible to build Secuda Fort even for today's lords.

It is also thanks to the strong barrier that connects the entire valley with the herringbone mountains on both sides of this horizontal fence, allowing sheltered farmers to live and cultivate in the valley near the back wall with peace of mind, and have the expectation of a bumper harvest every season.As for when a contiguous "Xidi Farm" large enough to support all the Ximu people will be built, Wu Chen is not in a hurry, and there is no specific date set.For a hard-working farmer, life is comfortable, progress is made every day, and it is enough to support themselves first.

It happened naturally, and he shot calmly, immersing himself in it wholeheartedly.Seeing the subtle beauty without asking for the so-called deserved rewards.This is the most admirable classical heroic temperament of Lord Ximu.

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard a splash behind him.The strong sky-horse knelt down on all fours, and sent the stunning dragon lady Fujuenak who was on the horse's back to the ground.

Faulgnac put his hands on his hips angrily.The Tianjima, who had always been docile in his crotch, trembled all over and foamed at the mouth, obviously collapsed by the dragon's power she unintentionally released.

With a gentle and elegant temperament that cannot be modified, Numininas rode forward lightly: "Fojnac, you must know how to restrain yourself."

"..." Faugnac rolled his beautiful eyes, and the grievance was obvious.

"Are there any puppet horses on Dwarven's Vamidiyum mount?" Wu Chen asked Spirit Dragon Knight Ashtaret.

"Yes, master." Ashtaret also thought of it.

"Go back and build a psychic horse for Fu Junac." Wu Chen laughed.

"Okay, master." This pair of Spirit Dragon Knight Ashtaret is really easy.

Witnessing the conversation between Fujunak and Numininas, the lord suddenly had a feeling: "So, the law is not the key point. Connecting to the grid for power generation is the key point."

"What did the master say?" The housekeeper stepped forward.

"It's not a big deal. It's just that I have some new insights." Wu Chen waved his whip at the security tower exposed on the northern Sekuda frame: "Let's go——"

(End of this chapter)

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