The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 379 1378 Many times, the soul goes further than the body

Chapter 379 1.378 Many times, the soul goes further than the body

This is the importance of mastering a foreign language.Although Wu Chen doesn't remember how he learned the giant language at all.But the memory copy that emerged out of thin air allowed him to understand and speak the giant's language with almost no delay.Obviously there is no accident, the influence of the Millennium Dragon Break has continued.

Wu Chen walked from the giant's side to the edge of the deep pit.

The purple liquid in the deep pit where the leafless giant tree takes root is the diluted sap flowing from the trunk.This bubbling, cloud-shrouded lavender water pool is also the starting point of the "soul journey" of the sap whisperer.As long as he walked down the deep pit and was swallowed by the diffuse mist, the sap whisperer would see a completely different scene from ordinary people: a huge root passageway with intertwined roots.Just like the rumors that the residents of the Dark Swamp can travel back and forth in the huge "Root Highway Network" of the Sist tree.Many times the soul goes further than the body.So the Mud Dancer tribe called this sap whisperer's soul journey "soul walking".

Hearing the conversation between his companion and Wu Chen, several giants came out of the cave, in twos and threes, and gathered around the deep pit of the Sleeping Tree.Communicate with each other in a low guttural voice, and watch the Lord of the Riverwood perform the magical "tree magic ring".

"My lord." Before taking off her robe in full view of everyone, Princess Cybeleira was a little uneasy.

"Sybella, this is part of the ceremony, don't care about other people's eyes." Of course Wu Chen knew what the princess covered in dragon skin was thinking.

"Okay, my lord." Taking a deep breath, Princess Cybelela slowly took off her robe, revealing her scaly body.Not surprisingly, it caused a suppressed exclamation.Even the giant's eyes showed a trace of surprise. Apparently, in the giant's ancient memory, there was no precedent for forest elves infected with "bark scale disease".And Wu Chen called this symptom unique to wood elf sap whisperers "sap scalosis".

Stealing her mind secretly, Princess Cybelela walked down the deep pit step by step.The lavender fluid mist was stirred by the slender legs.After inhaling the smoke released from the tree sap, the scales on Princess Cybeleira's body began to show reflective light arcs visible to the naked eye.The flickering arcs of light passed from scale to scale, and quickly spread to the surroundings.Stimulated by this, the body began to mutate deeply: a colorful long tail protruded from the tailbone, and two sub-dragon horns pierced the top of the head.

"..." The giants watching silently wriggled their Adam's apples, but did not make a low guttural sound.

The biggest difference from the dragon lady next to Wu Chen is that Princess Cybelela has no dragon wings except for her scales, long tail and dragon horns.So it seems that "Sap Scale" can also be identified as "Dragon Humanization".

The dragon lady is like an angel, her wings can be hidden, and she looks just like an ordinary person under normal circumstances.When fighting, it will spread its dragon wings and transform into a "Dragon Man Form (Dov, Dragon Race)-(Bron, Nord)".As the blood of the dragon boils and the will to fight surges, it will stretch out the dragon's horns, tail and sharp claws, and further transform into a "half-dragon form (Ney, both)-(Ro, balance)".If the battle continues fiercely, it will return to the full "dragon form (Dovah, dragon)-(Kopraan, body)".

Therefore, the Dragon Lady of Lord Ximu has three forms: "Dov-Bron", "Ney-Ro", "Dovah-Kopraan" (tsk tsk, my lord) The three paragraphs of Dragon Language are already perfect...).

Corresponding to the three forms of "Dragonman", "Half-Dragon" and "Giant Dragon" in Nordic respectively.

See Princess Cybelela has started soul walking.Without further ado, Wu Chen immediately rolled up his sleeves and walked to the edge of the pit.Deepen the left hand into the effusion in the pit.

The moment his finger touched the water, sparks were silently ignited at his fingertips.

As if throwing a match into Dwarven Oil, the entire pit exploded in an instant.

The soaring cold flames frightened a circle of giants back again and again, and some even fell heavily to the ground.In the chaos, only Wu Chen stood still.

The magic ring was "fabricated out of thin air" by the skeleton's grasp in the cold flames.Quickly spread towards the Sleeping Tree in the Pit and the Sap Whisperer that is soul-linked to it.

Just like Mimir, the wise giant who witnessed the ring in Asgard's furnace hall, once sighed from the bottom of his heart, the ring is a self-consistent dimension.

In "Tree Grammar Ring", "Heart Ring of Secret Fire", "Wild Hunt Transformation Ring", "Ling of Tree Spirit Guardian", "Golden Tree Upper Ring", and the "Golden Tree Ring" that appeared out of thin air on the wrist of Princess Sebella The "Sap Whisperer (Magic) Bracelet" is interlocking and engraved.

The "Heart Ring of Secret Fire" is the Dems magic stone (Dragon Eye Diamond) that the lord used to burn with fire. " is the bottom ring engraved on the source of life of the Sleeping Tree, and the "Golden Tree Upper Ring" is the divine outer skin of the Golden Tree Law that can shape the entire dharma ring. The exclusive manual ring forged by the special ability of "soul walking".

With a deep sigh, the twisted roots of the Sleeping Tree, like octopus tentacles, slowly pulled out the leafless trunk out of the deep hole.And in the magic light released by the magic ring, he alienated into a huge tree spirit guardian.

It doesn't look like any of the three guardians of water, fire, and wood. It should be a more powerful guardian of the tree spirit.

"Ah..." The voice of the Sleeping Tree crossed the self-consistent dimension of the Dharma Ring, and rushed directly into Wu Chen's small universe: "The magical Duwakyin Planeswalker, thank you for waking me up."

"So, you are really a sleeping Cister tree?" Wu Chen felt the friendly and peaceful mental fluctuations.

"Maybe, maybe not. I've been who I am since I reached Skyrim, rooted in the frozen tundra of the north. A sleeping tree like no other... Spirit. Hmm... like Great Lake Forest Elf and Valenwood The elves are significantly different." In short, South Orange and North Trifoliate.

"Can you change back?" Wu Chen thought of a possibility.

"Of course, your ring has a complete legal circuit." The guardian of the tree spirit said: "If you want, you can plant a bud of a golden tree on me. Transform me into your 'one-leaf law' '."

In fact, it is grafting.As long as a spore of the Golden Tree is implanted into the trunk of the Sleeping Tree, branches of the Golden Tree will grow.Of course, referring to the golden tree as the divine response of the goddess Gine, this ancient tree with spores is likely to be completely assimilated.Not only does it have the inherent attributes of the "Sleeping Tree", but it also gains the legal extension of the Golden Tree.

It sounds obscure and complicated.

In fact, to put it another way, old players understand it in seconds: "Emerald Dream (Emerald Dream)".

"The benevolent Titans created the Emerald Dream as a potential blueprint for the planet Azeroth, and the Green Dragons are its guardians. The Emerald Dream is a lush and untouched forest on the surface of the physical boundary of the world of Azeroth. Scholars will The Emerald Dream is described as the only untainted paradise in the world. The Emerald Dream is the original appearance of Azeroth. It is equivalent to the reflection of Azeroth before it was transformed by intelligent creatures. The land here is beautiful and pure-with Rolling hills, dense jungles, and vast grasslands. Animals and plants enjoy boundless freedom here. Even the high mountains contain lush vegetation and calm valleys. This is a place where no elements patrol around, no great energy changes Landform." - "World of Warcraft (God, my lord, you are really the only man who broke the dimension wall) (It makes sense, but how should I understand your words?)".

As we all know, the Seven Star Lord God is the ultimate unity of matter and spirit.The comparison gave birth to the "Dream of the Godhead" of the Mundus plane.So "dream (spirit) superimposed reality (matter) is the present world (Mundas)".

Through the "soul walk" between the sap whisperer and the sleeping tree, the "golden tree dream" opened is Wu Chen's exclusive brass giant Namidian (soul gathering tower) - "brass road".

And because of the blessing of the golden tree law, all the "soul travelers" who walk in the "golden dream" do not have the slightest worry about becoming a divine skin.This is also one of the reasons why it is recognized that the laws of the lord are extremely broad (Oh my God, my lord! Why does the plot that seems very unserious have such a serious structure?).

Of course, for the lord, it is really a safe and secure way to ascend to the gods (Oye!).

(End of this chapter)

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