The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 390 1389 Gises Ying's Exclusive Dharma Ring

Chapter 390 1.389 Gises Ying's Exclusive Dharma Ring
When Mirmeniel and Thalocnir woke up from the hangover, the lord and the two companions had already left.

Recalling the laughter and intoxication last night and the never-before-seen unsatisfactory, the huge golden mountain in front of me suddenly felt a little dull.This is a qualitative change that is about to be achieved in the positive accumulation of the disease before the healing period of the dragon plague is about to end.

"Saloknir." Mirmenier shook his drowsy mind vigorously, and some hazy and shocking reappearances of yesterday seemed to flash before his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Salokneil suddenly woke up from his memory.Some are evasive and evasive.

"Last night, were Fujunak and Numininas with our Amu..." That was an indescribable scene for Mirmenier.

"Yeah." This is also the lingering memory fragment of Salocnir: "It is said that it is a very common physical communication between human husbands and wives."

"We will too?" Mirmenier was actually worried about this.

"We will definitely." Thalokneil nodded seriously: "To tell you the truth, I have seen it secretly. It has everything that should be there (Huh? I really want to know what...)."

"That's good..." Mirmenier let out a long breath, and lay down on the golden mountain with peace of mind.

Salokneil also lay comfortably beside her, looking up at the jeweled limestone dome: "What do you think, what is Amu doing?"

"Let's deal with the matter of the territory." Mirmenier suddenly smiled: "Becoming a human seems to be very interesting."

"Ah..." This was also the voice of Thalocnir.

Gray Rock Castle, Lord's study.

Relying on the fleeting perspective of the spirit body, Wu Chen has successfully deconstructed the "Magic Sword Ring" engraved on the healing chariot Juliana.

It is said that this is the magic ring jointly created by Queen Bestella and the wise giant Mimir after they arrived at Ximuling.Wu Chen's deconstruction also confirmed the accuracy of the information.Just as the ring mage of the college engraved the magic ring on the "bottom ring of the cold tower" to connect the "magic energy circuit" throughout the Tamriel continental network, the "magic sword ring" connects the "connection of life and time". Loop", that is, "Life and Time Dharma Circle".

In other words, the "Demon Sword Ring" is actually the "Secondary ring" of the "Life and Time Ring", or it is called the "subsidiary ring".No wonder, the ring mages, including Dean Freya, could no longer find a second adapter for the "Demon Sword Ring", because as far away as the 0326 tablet base of the Broken City, the Blackbird SR-71 tail compartment The "Destined Guardian of Hearthstone, Holder of the Ring of Time, Twins of Destiny, Frigga the Feather of the Heron" in the crystal coffin of the dragon boat was destroyed, making the entire "symbol of life and time Loop" functionality is defective.In short, the circuit is incomplete.

As mentioned earlier, in the long loop of life and time, "energy is endowed in the form of life, and rules operate in the form of time".It is precisely because of the magical "dual attributes" of life and time that the moment the magic ring was broken, the self-rescue mode was activated, and Wu Chen, the only controller of the psychic bracelet in the entire circuit, was sent to the place before the magic ring was broken. Time node, repair the entire dharma circle and avoid breaking it.

How to do it, Wu Chen also had a preliminary idea.As long as the ring is turned on and sent to the moment before Frigga is backstabbed by Kurze, a warrior cursed by the dark elves, saving Frigga can prevent the ring from breaking.

However, the problem is that if you want to manually control the magic ring, you must first eliminate the time-space stagnation of the Millennium Dragon Break.To give an easy-to-understand example, a bicycle chain named "Circuit of Life and Time" was stuck by a pebble named "Millennium Dragon Breaker".If you want the chain to resume transmission, you must first remove this small stone.

It's easy to say, but not so simple to do.

Therefore, before the circuit of life and time is repaired, it is almost impossible to replicate the "Magic Sword Ring".

However, "Magic Sword Magic Ring" gave Wu Chen enough inspiration.Based on his "Heart Ring of Secret Fire", is it possible to connect all the magic rings of his female companions to the Ω Curtain Network that he puts out?Or to put it in a more intuitive way, the ubiquitous Ω screen can be manifested as a dharma ring?The spiritual energy that flows out the divinity of the demigod level.Shaped into various magic rings with different functions?

It's a pity that the demigod-level small universe, which is the source of the spirit of Ω Curtain Network, is dim, and the remaining energy is not enough to support Wu Chen's conception.

It also means that under the current conditions, the "Magic Sword Ring" cannot be copied.But it does not prevent Wu Chen from "decomposing" and "reorganizing" the "Magic Sword Ring" to forge a new "Gysses British and French Ring".

Refer to several known and effective dharma rings.

"Spiritual Dragon Ring": "Dark Heart Ring" + "Phantom Ring" + "Psychic Bottom Ring" + "Spiritual Light Upper Ring" + "Psychic Bracelet".

"Low Syntax Ring": "Heart Ring of Secret Fire" + "Magnus Vision Ring" + "Cold Tower Bottom Ring" + "Golden Tree Upper Ring" + "Magic Bracelet".

"Magic Light Magic Ring": "Crimson Dragon Heart Ring" + "Ismir Shaped Ring" + "Ancient Dragon's Life Ring" + "Golden Tree Ring" + "Psychic Bracelet".

"Tree Syntax Ring": "Heart Ring of Secret Fire" + "Wild Hunt Transformation Ring" + "Sap Guardian Life Ring" + "Golden Tree Ring" + "Sap Whisperer Bracelet".

Referring to the healing chariot Juliana's "Magic Sword Ring" and the sleeping giantess Alicia's "Nord Ring", Wu Chen finally completed the exclusive dharma ring.

"Gysses British and French Ring": "Heart Ring of Secret Flame" + "Mundus-Shaped Ring" + "Nirn's Life Ring" + "Golden Tree Ring" + "Magic Bracelet".

The "Heart Ring of Secret Fire" is the dewdrop from the World Tree - the Longan Diamond (Demuth Magic Stone). The "Mundus ring" is the innate life form of all species on the Mundus plane born in the dream of the godhead. "Nirn Life Ring" is a unique life circuit for creatures bred on the planet Nirn. "Golden Tree Ring" is also the embodiment (conjuration) of the crimson dragon breaking the law. The "Magic Bracelet" is still to allow the ladies of Gisesying to control the magic ring as they like.

To put it simply, "Jises British and French Ring" is equivalent to a low-end version of the demigod weapon.Apart from the power of protection that comes with the law of the golden tree, the dharma ring cannot give new special abilities, but amplifies the user's own abilities.What's even more amazing is that with the help of the legal effect of the "Golden Tree Ring", it can be perfectly compatible with all the magic rings forged by the previous lord.This is also one of the profound connotations of "Dharma Ring is a self-consistent dimension".

Not surprisingly, all the female companions who engraved "Gysses British and French Ring" on their bodies have received a powerful promotion of a frame or even a star.Of course, the conventional upper limit is 5 stars.With Wu Chen's current ability, it is impossible to break through the six frames and achieve the outflow of demigod level divinity.

Of course, "Giesses Anglo-French Tour" also has limitations.As long as you leave the planet Nirn and stay away from the plane of Mengdas, the ring will become invalid.Similarly, when the energy of the heart of the secret fire is exhausted, the magic circle will also lose its effect.If the Metal Law crumbles, the Circle crumbles.

But all in all, in Ximuling at this moment, and even in the province of Skyrim, the ladies of Gysses Ying who have been blessed by the ring of magic are powerful enough.

If you want to injure their bodies and seriously injure their hearts, you must first break the dharma ring.For ordinary enemies, the difficulty can be imagined.For those unusual enemies, the ring on the Golden Tree can activate the "Golden Tree Teleportation" and leave the battlefield instantly.

Just as the denizens of Black Marsh are able to travel fast with the help of the vast network of hist trees.

"Golden Tree Teleportation" is also one of the core abilities of Law.

Of course, if you look out of the plot world in front of you and rise to the height of the shelter.Since the effectiveness of the "Gysses Anglo-French Ring" requires the endowment of the golden tree law.So is it possible to bestow the law of the golden tree as long as you "activate" an exclusive land card of "Grey Rock Castle" first?

The soul is light, I know again.

(End of this chapter)

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