The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 99 198 AI Absolutely Can't Do It

Chapter 99 1.98 AI can never do it

"Embracing one's soul, separating and reuniting as you like." Yuan Dapan taught the formulas of practice.

They are both in the same line of cultivation, so they can see through after a crisis.As soon as the thought came to him, the giant spider turned over immediately, and spun silk to suck the Empress Dowager's real body into her belly.

The change is so fast that it is unprepared.

The inner world is turned upside down, and the evolution begins.It should be noted that the biggest advantage of the cyber monsters is the real body and the original shape, which are both "separation of spirit and flesh" and "integration of spirit and flesh".A perfect match with Cybertron's two-in-one technology.

True body, original shape, two in one.

"Enter the deformed phantom and match it with the cyber spider." Wu Chen laughed.

"Understood." Zhinao acted immediately.For the giant spider prototype, enter the full-size deformed mech and the original beast, and the third intermediate form of the half-body spider spirit.

The remaining six spider sisters are not far behind.They all drank the "one scoop drink" and transformed into cyber spider spirits.

In the marginal galaxy in the small universe, seven new stars are lit up.

Zhinao packs and inputs the "nightclub girl subroutine".The Cyber ​​Banshee can be plug-and-play with a little training.Taking into account the digital life and the nature of the demon race is the biggest advantage of the cyber banshee.Club girls count 16 people.Refer to the preferences of customers and choose the best ones.The second-floor private seats will be used later.The candidates for the nightclub girls on the second floor will be scheduled by the next three days of operation.As for the top-level nightclub girls, it won't be too late to wait for the nightclub to have enough staff, and then choose the opportunity to select.

So far, there are a total of 63 female companions at the base.All converged into marginal galaxies.There is no doubt that this is the brightest celestial body in Wu Chen's small universe at the moment.But it is a pity that the constellation and the patron saint of the constellation were not bred.

The fuzzy calculation and judgment of the intellectual brain is probably because the "broken rules" that are acting on the broken city in front of him have rewritten some of the rules of the shelter.For example, the way all plot characters exist is asylum cards.Becoming a sealed memory is the only proof of existence.However, as we all know, the radiant four-series spiral is not the real high-dimensional creation world—the sanctuary starry sky.That is to say, the plot characters who become the memory link of the Broken City players are not the citizens of Sanctuary yet.

This also means: "Incompleteness at the rule level requires a stronger force to complete."

Therefore, Wu Chen probably needs a powerful female companion beyond 5 stars to be able to give birth to a patron saint and create a new god.At that time, all of Wu Chen's demigod abilities will recover.Enough to take on the big players of the Brotherhood who founded the Broken City.

It is just a broken newcomer who just passed the first cleaning day safely, but there is no need to rush.

The plan to spend a comfortable afternoon was also broken by the win-win exchange with the prosthetic doctor. The addition of imported 0326 flat bases is always a delight.After getting along for a long time, the spiritual resonance of all female companions became stronger and stronger.No matter the biochemical robot or the cyber banshee, they can use the ubiquitous intranet of the base to communicate seamlessly.Aiyi, the brain brain of the base, is the sole administrator of the entire network.A quantum communication network that can realize trans-space transmission has also been preliminarily established.No matter where the female companion is, she can communicate with the base by virtue of the entanglement of ghosts and ghosts.Even ordinary humans in the base don't need peripherals.A "variable neuron" formed by a living nano-worm swarm can synchronously transmit everything perceived by the implanter back to the Quantum Neural Network (Quantum Neural Network) in the base by constructing a "quantum sensor matrix". "QNN" for short, which is the nano-neuron that Yuan Taipan told Su Mi.

Nanoswarm implants, carried by injections from New Hong Kong.It was originally intended to replace various vaccines, resist invading viruses and participate in the repair of damaged tissues and organs.Intellectual Brain is reprogrammed after obtaining administrator privileges, allowing the nanoworms to perform more efficiently.This is also what Wu Chen told Su Mi, the correct meaning of nano-scale swarm artificial intelligence: QNN+ANN.

The most powerful thing is that the nano-worm swarm is also "clutch and reunite".Usually spread to various organs, or swim through the whole body with the blood.It gathers somewhere when needed, or it is used to treat wounds, or it is used for quantum communication, depending on what the implanter needs.

This is a nanoscale microcontroller system (KIKR Microcontroller System) that artificial intelligence cannot match.It's like the huge difference between a cell-level microscope and a nanoscale microscope.

In layman's terms, the nano-worm swarm cannot be controlled without an intelligent brain.General AI is absolutely impossible.

As night fell, all kinds of vehicles came from the traveler's camp.All guests who book booths will get access keys in advance.But all the way unimpeded, landed on the drop-off platform outside the nightclub.Individual travelers will need a temporary authorization upon arrival.There are not only booths in the nightclub hall, but also high platforms and scattered platforms.

The high platform is the seat along the bar.It is the closest to the bartender, and individual tourists who want to drink simply like to sit here.If there are regular customers who keep wine in the nightclub, they will get high-level VIP by default.You can come and sit at any time, no need to book in advance.

Most of the scattered tables are located around the main stage, far away from the bar, and it is a little difficult to order.But it has a great experience watching the big show in the nightclub.Drinks on the stage are not expensive, but every time after a big show, when the girls come off the stage to interact with the guests, individual tourists must not be stingy with tips.So the cost is not necessarily lower than the high platform.

In terms of consumption of drinks alone, the price of individual tables and high tables is much lower than that of booths, and there is a minimum consumption for booths.For drinkers, if you are alone, the high platform is the most suitable.If two or three friends meet for a drink, Santai is the best choice.Players with cards will inevitably book a deck in advance and bring their own female companions and drinking buddies.This is also a common means of communication and entertainment.

After the crisis, he was promoted to 4 stars as he wished.The six sisters under his command are also stable at 3.5 stars, and they are full of popularity in nightclubs. In time, they will be able to rise to 4 stars at the same time.The Seven Sisters come from Pansi Cave in another "Journey to the West B-Class Derivative Fragment".Nothing can compare with the magnificent A-level Pansi Cave in front of you.In layman's terms, it is the difference between an express hotel and a five-star hotel.In terms of beauty, Empress Danger and Qi Qinshi are on equal footing, each has its own merits.They are the best choice for the top card of the oiran.The three pansidong female fairies gathered together. Although they merged into the Ω Curtain Network and formed a fringe galaxy, they agreed with each other spiritually and did not cause disputes.But they all try their best to fight for the wind and solid favor, and it is always unavoidable to fight for the strangest and the best.

Ordinary women are like this.Not to mention a group of delicate female fairies.

It's hard to find a nightclub, and the beautiful girls in the three Pansi Caves have worked hard and made great achievements.

Since the grand opening, there is a 5-star guard named Yuan Daban, so there is no need for Wu Chen to come in person.

At this time, Wu Chen was discussing Su Mi's arrangement with Zhinao.

"Master, with reference to the femme fatale Lin Baiyu's journey to stardom, you might as well make Su Mi a member of the Jagged Squad." Zhinao gave reasonable suggestions.

"Where can I get the symbiont?" Wu Chen sighed with a smile, "It's a pity for that milky white Polo. Wouldn't it be more perfect if I kept driving into the elevator without stopping?"

"If it wasn't for Sumi's willingness, that monster would definitely stop you, my master." Zhinao's judgment was obviously well-founded.

"That's right." Wu Chen nodded slightly.It was that affectionate "farewell to youth" that invisibly infected Su Mi.Only then did the woman finally make up her mind to chase into the elevator.

"Sumi's symbiont should preferably come from an ordinary 'reality-like science fiction' plot fragment with a suitable background." Zhinao also suggested: "Or buy a vehicle from the camp player first, and then bring in the plot fragment to raise it." It’s also possible to form a symbiosis.”

"That's okay." Wu Chen said with a smile: "It's just that in the gathering place of B-level sci-fi players, are there vehicles in the 'reality-like' world?"

"It's really hard to find." Zhinao searched the camp's intranet, but didn't find a vehicle similar to reality.

Just imagine, even if you want to enter and exit the B-level plot fragments, instead of taking those dazzling vehicles, you will bring back ordinary vehicles that can be seen everywhere in the real world and cannot be sold at all.It's thankless, so why not.

Just imagine, the cheapest Viper Airhunter only costs 50 coins.How much is an ordinary vehicle, even a Lamborghini, worth?

After all, it is useless to get up early.

"Master? You can ask 0716 if there is a vehicle scene." Zhinao thought of a compromise.

"Alright." Wu Chen thought for a while, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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