Chapter 66 Artwork
There were not many light sources in the dim hut, and the light bulbs above the head flickered, giving off an obscure light.

Under such an environment, the paintings on the walls seemed even more strange, and those disgusting eyes seemed to be staring naked at the intruders.

It's also especially twisted against the artist who created such a weird painting.

Of course Wilson noticed something strange, but he didn't show much.Instead, he looked at these paintings again with scrutiny, and carefully looked at every detail above.

He hadn't seen that strange twisted humanoid monster before, maybe he tried to depict similar things in some fantasy illustrations before traveling, but there was not much similarity.Wilson couldn't tell what kind of creature it was, and it wasn't the monsters or cosmic beings he knew, they were more like ghosts crawling out of the ground.

What these paintings show is a world that he does not understand at all, or that he has only heard of.This is an excellent opportunity for him to gather intelligence.

This world showed him more things, how could he not take good care of them.

He spoke a little curiously, but still maintained his enthusiasm: "You seem to be mostly describing these strange creatures. I really want to know what kind of existence these wonderful creatures are."

The painter gave a short laugh, and he raised his eyebrows slightly smugly, and a clear smugness appeared on his slightly degraded face: "I can guarantee, man, you are asking the right person when you ask me. Most Ordinary people bury their heads in the sand like ostriches, afraid to see the world with their own eyes."

"In fact, they exist near us and are closely related to a long history. You can see them in many places. Don't be surprised if you see weird gaps or caves in subway stations. That place may connect To the cemetery."

The painter led Wilson to a painting in high spirits. The name of this painting was "Once Upon a Time in the Subway".


Wilson couldn't help but whispered.

Boston's subway can be said to have a long history, having been put into use as early as 1897.Even people in this era don't think this is a new thing.In his impression, this kind of severely degraded and disgusting monster seemed to be out of place with the modern background.

But this piece incorporates them so well that it creates serious unease.A horde of filthy, disgusting things crawled out of some unknown catacomb, through a crack in the ground, onto the platform of Boylston Street subway station, and began to attack the crowded crowd on the platform.The panic and distorted faces of the crowd are vividly portrayed.

It even made Wilson wonder if the subway station was really attacked by these things.

However, if something like this really happened, it should arouse people's high vigilance, and it may even become an urban legend.Wilson hadn't heard similar rumors near the subway station.

After all, artistic creation comes from life and is higher than life. If they are painted according to what actually happened, wouldn’t it be a photo?
Wilson frowned slightly, but quickly regained his composure.

In his perception, the painter in front of him is still a human being, but some places are beginning to approach the things on the painting.

But the reason and enthusiasm displayed by this painter really doesn't look like an inhuman monster.

Wilson thought he was a good-natured guy, but he was too enthusiastic about certain things, such as the twisted and terrifying art in front of him, and the unique old buildings that he missed.

It may even be a bit too naive in some respects. I don’t know if it’s because these artists are very naive. Wilson just used some very simple words and recognized his works, so he was almost regarded as a confidant by the painter. He happily introduced his work.

Of course, Wilson just thought these paintings were interesting and realistic at first, but after gradually discovering what was hidden behind them, he became more and more interested in these paintings.

It has to be said that pictures are indeed an excellent carrier for conveying information. Even people who don’t know a single word may appreciate the meaning that a picture can express.

Among the paintings on display, Wilson saw the scenes of those things eating and celebrating in the cemetery, including the carnival of witches and monsters, and some customs with slightly weird names revealed.

Fortunately, after undergoing the washing of a lot of information before time travel, Wilson has never seen anything, even after time travel, and after accepting Silizan's smelly hell, his resistance to these disgusting and disgusting things is infinitely high .

Not to mention that he can also transform into Ultraman.

These things just seem to have a bit of a strong taste, and they don't have much influence on him.


Wilson was still a little confused.

He wondered if this weirdness was his enemy.

It can be seen from those paintings that there is a special order in them, do they have more food or focus on the corpses in the cemetery?Perhaps some paintings would depict those monsters staring at humans.

Wilson at first tended to think of these things as some kind of beast, but somehow they seemed to have their own way of social form communication.

Not sure, read more.

At this time, the painter lit the lamp in the next room, politely helped to hold the door, and asked Wilson if he would be interested in admiring some of his "new works".

Wilson readily agreed.

When they walked down the damp and dark steps, the painter sighed:

"Many people will feel fear after seeing my paintings. They can't help but shudder at the unknown things. Those art clubs are not willing to exhibit my works at all. I am very happy to meet you tonight A gentleman with excellent taste."

"It's not their fault." Wilson smiled. "Human beings are always afraid of the unknown. In the final analysis, it is because the unknown will cause endless anxiety."

"Insignificant people naturally want to find some sense of security. This is the case when the mother comes out of the body. The cry of wow is because we have come to this strange and cruel world."

The painter was thoughtful: "What you said is very reasonable, but it seems that you don't have much anxiety and fear?"

"All fear comes from insufficient firepower." Wilson didn't change his face.

Why should he be afraid? The whole of Boston might be wiped out once the Pelio light shines, not to mention the weirdness here.

(End of this chapter)

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