Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 23 Lanci's logic is clear

Chapter 23 Lanci's logic is clear
The main building of the Sage Academy, the meeting room on the top floor.

While the third round of assessment was going on today, the teachers of the Academy of Sages started the meeting as before.

Except for the magic screen connected in the center, the surrounding walls are dominated by simple white, which complements the smooth marble floor.

And here, they are watching the first exam in real time with Lan Qi and Huberian as candidates and Ferrat as examiner.

"Their luck..."

"These two candidates don't want to challenge Ferrat, do they?"

The teachers in the conference room were either silent, or made a discussion sound in a few words from time to time.

In the exam questions of [Infinite Phantom Canyon].

If you can't escape for 30 minutes, then the only way is to face the examiner head-on.

Sometimes there are indeed confident and strong students who choose to block the examiner directly.


A full-stack team of third-level examinees still had hope of dragging the examiners who were restricted to fourth-level head-on for a period of time.

But all the teachers sitting in the conference room understand.

The examiner of this exam, Ferratt Shawensen, is very strong in himself.

He is a position mage who is cautious and never shows mercy.

Even though Ferrat didn't use magic cards, he still possessed a lot of extremely lethal spells, and he could easily defeat the regular army officers of the kingdom at the same level.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if you don't talk about rank, Ferrat's rich combat experience over the years is enough to crush two new students.

What's more, he is now able to fully use Tier [-] combat power.

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all.


Deputy Dean Ron clutched his chin, silently watching the projection of the magic screen in the center of the conference room.

He knew that this entrance examination involved the interests of some high-level people in the kingdom.

There is also an invisible force affecting this exam, preventing Huberian from entering.

After those people used Lan Qi to increase the difficulty according to the rules, the only unstable factor for them was the "supernormal resourcefulness" that also came from Lan Qi.

However, any room for trickery was also blocked by the plain terrain.

Ron couldn't tell if it was by chance or by necessity.

It can only be said that since the two freshmen met each other, their luck has been quite bad.

The same goes for Shadow World.

People who are not favored by luck can hardly survive no matter what skills they have.


On the endless grassland.

The dewdrops hang on the tip of the grass, crystal clear, like gems.

Accompanied by a gust of wind that seemed to blow from a high altitude, the dewdrops trembled and scattered like broken transparent gems.

A fifth-level examiner can even use fifth-level wind magic to fly.

Lan Qi and Huberian could already see a black dot-like shadow approaching them in the far sky.

"Do you have a strategy?"

Hubrian asked.

Lan Qi's stable state of mind puzzled her.

But she felt that under such circumstances, no matter how much wisdom Lan Qi possessed, he would not be able to use it.

"No, the plain has a hammer tactic."

Lan Qi shook his head, the examiner didn't even want his face, what else could he do.

Either race on the plains, or bite the bullet and take on the challenge.

"Do you know the examiner's information?"

Lan Qi looked at the princess beside him again and asked.

When he heard Teresa, who was receiving them in the examination room, mention the name of the examiner "Ferratt Shawensen", Huberian seemed to recognize it.

After all, she is from the capital, and she is very familiar with the messy aristocratic lineage and big shots in the capital.

Huberian nodded.

"Viscount Ferrat Savinson, a despicable and cautious villain, is also the eagle dog of the hostile faction of the Aransar family. Ever since my father disappeared, they have been relentless towards me..."

Huberian gritted her teeth tightly and talked about what she knew about Ferrat. It seemed that she and Ferrat had an unending enmity for a long time.
"Although he masters a lot of spells, he still relies more on his strong magic power to fight against the combination of magic cards..."

"It can be seen that he can't afford to play."

Lan Qi nodded, looked at the examiner Felat who was flying towards them, and murmured.

During the short time they communicated.

Ferrat was already a lot closer to the landmark where they were, visible to the naked eye.

A mage who uses wind magic to fly is far faster than running.

"Is there any way for you to deal with him for a short time and protect yourself?"

Lan Qi asked as if he wanted to confirm one thing in the end.

Although life-saving magic cards are rare, as the princess Huberian, it is very likely that she will have them.

"...Self-protection is no problem, I'm not sure how long it will take."

Huberian hesitated a little, but admitted to Lan Qi.

Lankey: "Then trust me."

Huberian: "Our compatibility is very poor, your healing magic is of no use to me."

Lan Qi: "Don't worry, after today, you will find that I am the best support you have ever seen, irrelevant."

Just like the last little prep time before the real exam starts.

It didn't take a few seconds for the two of them to chat like a chat.

Ferrat stopped at a high altitude far away from the two of them.

He suddenly hovered from the state like a meteor piercing the sky, and didn't get closer.

Because this distance is enough for him to cast a high-power spell to kill the two of them.

The examiner Felat, who was in mid-air, looked down.

There was a long silence.

It seems to be observing the state of the two.

Far easier than he imagined.

"You, you can withdraw from the exam now."

Ferrat raised his hand slightly, pointed to Lan Qi behind Huberian, and said.

His tone was very low, as if he was giving an order that could not be questioned.

However, the next second.

He only sees.

Hubrian's eyes were full of vigilance, and she blocked Lan Qi's front more resolutely like an avant-garde.

From this angle, it was even more difficult for him to kill Lan Qi instantly.

"Why should I withdraw?"

Lan Qi raised his head and asked incomprehension.


Felat tapped the air with his index finger, feeling that Lan Qi, an irrelevant person, was in the way.

He originally wanted to convey the meaning of the adults above with Hubley Ann alone.

But it seems that before that, there is a little black mouse in the way.

"Did she promise you money, status, or something else?"

Ferrat asked condescendingly with a hint of foolishness in his words.

In his view, any reward the precarious princess could offer was nothing more than a blank promise.


This silly boy is willing to help her because he is addicted to the temptation of the princess's beauty.

But when he really knew what this princess was, he might only be terrified.


Lan Qi smiled when he heard this, as if he heard a ridiculous question.

He took a deep breath, his eyes became a little harsher, staring at Ferrat and asked:
"According to the exam rules, she is my teammate. Article 13 clearly states that I need to work with my teammates. Didn't you read it before you came as an examiner?"

This is like the tone of a leader who came to inspect and criticize his subordinates.

Felat in the air was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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