Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 250 Hyperion’s Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 250 Hyperion’s Bizarre Adventure

The other side of the northern continent to the far northwest.

The northern part of the Kingdom of Esther Terran.

The sun shines through the dense tree canopy and dances with the golden dust floating in the air, giving the morning in the forest a soft sheen. As the morning mist slowly dissipates, the city-state gradually wakes up.

The royal capital of Gedaliya is deeply integrated with the surrounding fairyland-like woods and lakes. Whether it is architectural style, urban planning or the lifestyle of residents, it maintains a harmonious relationship with nature, not only retaining natural characteristics, but also embodying The wisdom of modern craftsmanship.

People on the streets began to get busy, and some messengers riding huge bird mounts hurried past, their light armor shining in the sun.

Water flows gurgling in wooden channels, passing through every corner of the city, nourishing the land.

This giant country is full of tolerance. Along the way, you can see residents with completely different appearances and racial characteristics, but they will not be surprised by each other.

Esther Terran was originally a federal kingdom composed of multi-racial autonomy. From this point on, their culture was incompatible with the Protos Empire.

Although it is not as developed as Protos in magic engineering, in terms of pure magic and martial arts, due to its deep inheritance and diversity of magic texts, its own combat effectiveness is also quite strong, and it is one of the few powerful countries in the Northern Continent. Multi-power can resist the existence of the Protos Empire head-on.

Deep in the city, beside a clear lake surrounded by woods, a towering temple stands here.

Suddenly there was a slight vibration in the originally calm sky above the temple, followed by a low hum. As the sound gradually amplified, a medium-sized passenger flying dragon slowly descended from the sky, its wings flapping. It stirred up fallen leaves and dust on the ground.

Finally, the flying dragon stopped steadily in the distance in front of the temple, and several figures jumped down from above.

The leader's priest's robe was white and flawless, with golden lines embroidered on the edges. He walked in front to lead the way.

Behind him were an executioner wearing heavy armor and a red cloak, and a paladin in shining silver armor.

The three of them obviously had high status in the church. Immediately, clergymen passing by said hello to them, but they all showed special respect to the last guest.

"Miss Hyperion, we will take you to see the Holy Lady."

The priest said respectfully.


Hyperion looked at the temple with a complicated expression.

At this moment, she had already taken off her disguise and returned to her original appearance of silver hair and amber eyes.

"Oh, good."

Hyperion sighed and followed three old acquaintances into this magnificent temple.

To talk about why I stayed with the three of them as soon as I came to the Northern Continent, we have to start with that shipwreck.

Hyperion never expected that her and Lanqi's trip to the Northern Continent would go astray. She actually drifted to the disaster zone, had to bypass that area, and then came directly to the border of the Kingdom of Estherland. .

At first, she was suspected by the local residents to be a stowaway or spy from the Protos Empire. Fortunately, she was good at escaping and quickly got rid of the guards.

Then she learned about the bizarre version of the Northern Continent, and she found that it was even more difficult for a person without identity like herself to move forward in the Kingdom of Estherland.

So she simply went directly to the temple of the Church of the Goddess of Destiny in the border city-state and asked to see the three gods.

The three of them are now quite famous in the Kingdom of Estherland. It seems that after that Shadow World, they were not only promoted to the sixth level, but also became the main force of the clergy in cleaning up the cults in the territory.

Through the help and contact of the church priests in the border city-states, three close friends heard that the spiritual master of the southern continent was coming and rushed to the border town overnight.

When they found Hyperion, they invited her to the temple of the Church of Destiny in the capital of Esther Terran.

In addition to helping her obtain the official status of the Kingdom of Estherland in the royal capital, it is said that there is also an order from the saint.

The saint wanted to meet this half-demon.

"Speaking of which, Lady Saint, why do you want to see me?"

Walking in the temple, Hyperion asked guiltily.

Just the sound of footsteps echoing in the empty hall made her uneasy.She was always worried that Lan Qi might have done too much... The saint wanted to settle the accounts with her...

"Don't worry, the Holy Lady just heard that you are a half-demon with silver hair and amber eyes, so she told us to please bring you to see her."

The priest still said so gently.

"That's good."

Hyperian looked at these three people now and felt that they had become normal again. This was exactly the symptom of Lan Qi's late stage - on the contrary, they seemed to be back to normal.

As long as she doesn't take the blame for Lan Qi, she really can't take the blame.

I don’t know what happened to Lan Qi, the culprit of everything.

Hyperion had been worried all day.

The poet Da Ai also comforted her, saying that Lan Qi must be fine. After all, if Lan Qi dies, the poet Da Ai will also die with him.

With the Great Love Poet on her body, she can always find Lan Qi. As long as she is within a certain distance, the Great Love Poet can sense Lan Qi. But if Lan Qi is in the Protos Empire now, she doesn't know how to get in. .

The four of them walked along the solemn space inside the temple. From time to time, the sunlight, which changed in light and dark, was projected through the stained glass sky, forming patches of colorful light and shadow.

The stone pillars surrounding the hall are arched high and inlaid with exquisite reliefs, each telling an ancient story.

Finally, they came to a huge door deep in the temple.

The stone of the door seems to be made of pure white jade intertwined with deep gray stone. Even before you step inside, you can feel the cool atmosphere inside.

The priest guarding the door bowed to the three priests and Hyperion, and then knocked on the stone door.

"Lord Saint, Miss Hyperion is here."

"Please come in."

What floated out from the door was a soft voice that seemed to be filled with frost.

Hyperion quickly said goodbye to the three priests and opened the rather heavy door.

The broad hall several meters high in front of you looks like an exquisite private library, with church classics on all four walls.

And sitting on the sofa in the center of the meeting area was a woman with white hair and silver eyes.

Her face is as flawless as a sculpture, and her posture is as elegant as an elf under the moonlight. Only her breathing proves that she is not a perfect work of art, but a living creature.

What surprised Hyperion the most was that she did not wear any disguise. Even if some people may not be sure of the race of the saint, Hyperion could tell it at a glance——

The Saint is also a half-demon. She has no horns on her head, and her only demonic feature is the slightly pointed ear horns.

It's just that Hyperion has never seen such a beautiful demon. Rather than saying she is a demon, she is as pure as a snow elf.

"Many years ago, before I became a saint of the Church of Destiny, people called me the Snow Witch. I was once a great demon."

Seemingly sensing Hyperion's doubts, she said calmly.

Although the saint's eyes were full of arrogance and indifference, as if she wanted to push everyone away thousands of miles away, there was also a deep gentleness hidden in them, which made Hyperion temporarily relieved.

"Lord Saint, why are you here looking for me?"

Hyperion asked straight to the point, as long as she had nothing to do with Lan Qi.

"Before that, I have a question."

The Ice Witch looked at Hyperion,

"What is your relationship with Ifatia or Thalia?"

(End of this chapter)

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