Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 289 Lan Qi’s killing spree is charging up

Chapter 289 Lan Qi’s killing spree is charging up

Following Lan Qi's demonstration, Zestila gently stretched out her hand and touched the top of the fox's head. A warm and soft touch came, and the big fox made a cold but intimate voice, as if to show her friendliness. Welcome.

An unspeakable ripple of joy suddenly surged through Zestila's heart.

She has never been around animals.

The old teacher stood in the distance, watching the two students and the monsters together. The picture was frozen into a warm picture, full of colors of love and understanding. He slightly squinted his eyes, silently I send my sincere blessings and hopes to these two children in my heart.

It would be great if there were all good kids like them in this school.

The old man thought to himself.

At this time, the bell outside the classroom finally rang. Its sound was low and long, with a bit of magic power, and could penetrate the walls and spread to every corner of the assessment area.

When the bell ends, the assessment will officially begin.

As the examiner, he will also inform the two students of the specific content that needs to be completed in this exam.

Regardless of the outcome of this assessment, he was willing to give these two students the highest possible scores.


The long ringing of the bell suddenly stopped.

Before the old teacher could speak, a cold wind suddenly hit, as if it was a warning of a storm, and the warm and harmonious atmosphere was suddenly torn apart.

The door panel was suddenly pushed over and suffered a violent impact.

Several students with aggressive looks broke into the classroom.

Their eyes showed indifference and contempt, and they regarded everything as nothing.

Without any sign or warning, and without looking at the old teacher, they stepped into the classroom and charged towards Lan Qi and Zestila.

Already fully armed, they entered combat mode the moment the assessment began. The weapons in their hands shone with a cold metallic luster, reflecting in their eyes, revealing a determined murderous intent!
However, the Warcraft are more sensitive to this hostility and threat.

Their eyes suddenly burned with anger!

The originally calm and kind expression instantly transformed into vigilance and ferocity.

They pounced on the intruding students like an instinctive reflex.

In an instant, chaos filled every corner of the classroom!
The sounds of collisions, roars, and the collision of metal and claws were mixed together. The monsters used their innate strength and magic power to fight against this group of hostile villains.

Zestila stood aside, her eyes full of fear.

She didn't expect this group of people to be so vicious.

Originally, based on the number of figures in the corridor in the distance when they entered the classroom, the first wave of students who should have entered should not have been so numerous and so decisive!

In the chaos, Lan Qi's eyes were also slightly worried.

"Students, stop it, these kids are not aggressive!"

The old teacher hurried forward into the center of the chaos, hoping to use his wisdom and experience to calm the sudden storm.

Unfortunately, in front of him, a student took a deep breath, suddenly placed his right fist next to his abdomen, and then his whole body shot out like an arrow.

"Aorta rupture punch!"

His first punch that shocked the classroom resounded through the atmosphere and slammed into the body of the monster like thunder.

However, it was actually the old man who came to break up the fight.

Immediately, the old man and the monster were knocked away and slid on the classroom floor for several meters.

Warcraft's body is very strong and seems to be fine, but the old man doesn't know.

Zestila looked at the chaotic scene and opened her mouth blankly.

Lan Qi had a troubled expression and crossed his arms.

It seems that he is worried about the declining trend of students hitting teachers.

"Students, stop it!"

The old man tried his best to stand up from the ground, but these crazy students ignored him at all.

I have had the experience of being violently challenged by aggressive students several times so far.

However, even so, this was the first time he received such a vicious blow.If he had been more than ten years older, maybe he might have been sent to see the goddess just now.

How sad.

The old man didn't know whether he had his eyes open or closed, and sighed sadly.

Speaking of students these years, what happened to them?

Such vicious behavior certainly exists, but in recent years, students have become increasingly violent and defiant.

Don’t they all have a regard for people and things, a considerate heart, and respect for their elders?
Although the living conditions in the empire have improved now, are the hearts of the children really becoming more and more depraved?
How good it was.

It was a time when everyone was united and friendly just after the Holy War.

Naturally, the old man's thoughts drifted back to decades ago.

At that time, the students of Protos Royal Academy of Magic were so simple, full of enthusiasm, and burning with hope for the future.

They treat themselves with respect, not because of how strong they are on the battlefield, but simply because they share the same goals.

He recalled their cheerful voices.

"Major, we will definitely learn the knowledge of cultivating monsters from you."

"What's the name of this little fox? It's so cute."

"I didn't expect that you, who was called the God of Death on the battlefield, would be such a kind person. It is indeed the fault of the war."

Everyone is harmonious and friendly...

Just like this feeling.

Some students with a bad temper will secretly rescue monster cubs that will be sent to the slaughterhouse at the risk of being reported, register them with scientific research permits, and protect them.

Whenever I think back to these years, my heart will warm up.

Why are there no such students now?

There are still some, such as those two kind-hearted students.

In a brief moment of thought, time passed, and the classroom became a battlefield.

This was a room that was elegantly decorated and filled with all kinds of props and ingredients, but now it was in a mess.

The licorice scattered on the floor was intertwined with the dust, carrying feathers dropped by the monsters.

The roars of the monsters mixed with the roars of the students, forming a deafening rhythm that began during the Holy War and gradually turned into the ghost of the Protos Empire, the irresolvable hatred.

Faced with this extremely tragic situation, the old man shook his head, as if he had completely lost his temper. He could not even hug the monsters he had loved and raised as his children for many years.

No no no.

Can't be angry.

You are already old, how can you act on impulse?

The old man tried his best to smile and said to himself.

One day, the future of the Protos Empire will be in the hands of young people.

As a teacher, you should not use violence to correct students.

It's like he realized early on when he was young that warcraft cannot be conquered by force.

Thinking like this, the old man's pale eyebrows were still full of kindness.

Just when he was about to use his old bones again to try to influence these lost students.


The door was suddenly knocked open, and a cabinet flew over. He was hit directly on the head by the cabinet, and the old man fell to the ground again.

"Fortunately, it's a first-level classroom!"


More students rushed in and looked at the chaotic cooking classroom, their eyes glowing with cruelty and greed. They were sharpening their knives as if they couldn't wait to dismember all the food monsters and then go get the 13 credits.

(End of this chapter)

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