Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 407 Lanqi welcomes you to join the Happy Community

Chapter 407 Lanqi welcomes you to join the Happy Community

in high-dimensional observation space.

Although the Ice Witch is still watched by the High Priest Loren and the Paladin Captain from time to time, she has learned to withstand this pressure.

After arriving on the negative fourth floor, from some aspects, it can be seen that Hyperion is a child with a delicate heart. She may go astray and be bewitched for a while, but this will not change the essence of her heart. of pure kindness.

The Ice Witch could not see the contents of Hyperion's illusion, and could only see a few people motionless on the negative fourth floor.

At this level, any creature that falls into the magic of [Falling Gentle Land] for the first time will take a very long time to escape.

Because it is an impossible dream, but it can be experienced extremely realistically.

Sometimes even if you know it is fake, you will try your best to deceive yourself and take one more look, just one more second.

And [Falling Gentle Land] is the ultimate magic created by the ninth-level demons from ancient times who pushed their own natural magic to the extreme.

For the ancient demon who possesses this magic, he also possesses a ninth-level group control spell that does not distinguish between friend and foe.

Although there is a certain instability in controlling time, once used in actual combat, it will almost always produce unreasonable effects that can reverse the situation of the battle.

While the Ice Witch was thinking, she suddenly noticed that the girl with black hair and green eyes lying on the ground on the fourth floor of the prison stood up.

Her eyes are calm.

Regarding the dream just now, there is no sign of addiction at all, it just seems like a relatively novel experience.

"When you break free from the [Falling Land of Gentleness], you will either be recalling it in a trance, or you will be scared with palpitations. Why does this guy seem to have been awake for a long time?"

The Ice Witch stared at the guy with black hair and green eyes in confusion.

She couldn't understand the mental state of the girl with black hair and green eyes.

This guy even woke up earlier than the warden who entered his dream.

Could it be that she in the dream [Falling Gentle Land] messed up the mind of the sober warden?

The Ice Witch is full of doubts about life and has never heard of such a situation.

Maybe the high priest and the paladin leader who are on the opposite side of the high-dimensional space at this moment don’t know what kind of magic [Falling Gentle Land] is, but the ice and snow witch knows the trial of the big demon very well, and is fully aware of the phenomenon she is seeing at this moment. How outrageous!
The Ice Witch also had no idea where Hyperion found such a strange girl in the short time she came to the Protos Empire.

Compared to Hyperion, it was this black-haired, green-eyed princess who looked more like a real descendant of the demon princess.

"Could it be that Thalia has one?"

The Ice Witch couldn't help but guess.

No, even if Talia left her bloodline, she would have to find a demonic creature to give birth to such a talented demon descendant.

At least Thalia has never felt such a strange color to the Ice Witch.

The more the Ice Witch thought about it, the more strange it became.

Moreover, the Ice Witch couldn't figure out why when she saw this black-haired, green-eyed human girl, she was inexplicably reminded of Thalia, whom she hadn't seen in a hundred years.

It can't be that Thalia is also in a certain human country and has caught a golden husband like Ifatia, right?

As the utopia-like dream world seemed to go wrong and began to collapse, Warden Selena looked around in confusion.

Every word that the young man with black hair and green eyes said to her just now was shaking her mind, as if it was destroying and denying everything about her.

If in the eyes of that boy, the ninth-level [Falling Gentle Land] is just a game, then after they return to reality, who will dominate the negative fourth floor?
If even in the field of illusion, I am just an ant and he is a giant, then what is the meaning of my life and the happiness I finally found?
Warden Selena is afraid that in this state, she may fall into the magic of [Falling Gentleness] at any time, and be seized by [Falling Gentleness] to make her escape from reality and forget everything.Selena soon found that she woke up and returned to the familiar negative fourth floor of Helrom Prison.

However, at this moment, she found a pair of bright emerald green eyes looking directly at her.

His expression seemed to be that he cared about her very much. To accommodate her, who was halfway squatting on the ground and falling into a dream, the other party elegantly sat on the ground with his knees.

Selena was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Warden Selena knew very well that according to the rules of the prison, she was not allowed to attack other prison guards, so her warning opportunity had been used up long ago.

In the fantasy world of [Falling Gentle Land], I couldn't play with this black-haired, green-eyed girl.

As long as you leave the current floor, you will immediately fall into an illusion.

Even when she was awake, she couldn't play with her in her dream. Once a girl with black hair and green eyes invaded her dream, she couldn't imagine how ugly her appearance would be exposed, and what she would become after being played by this girl with black hair and green eyes. look.

Even if she doesn't move a step, she will fall into a dream when the cooling time of the current floor ends!
In panic.

"Don't worry, I won't look at the dream you don't want me to see."

The girl with black hair and green eyes said softly.


Selena was convinced that this guy had the ability to control her in the dream world, but the other party chose to let her go?
Couldn't the other party see that his previous intrusion into her dream was full of malice?
"You asked me earlier if I hoped something good would happen today, and I told you that I hope you can be happy. This is a sincere answer, and it is the same whether in reality or in a dream."

The poet of great love remained motionless and slowed down his speech to Selena.

It's like telling Selena that she doesn't like to take advantage of others, and she doesn't bother to use [Falling Gentle Land] to convince her.

"...What exactly do you want to express? Are you pitying me or threatening me?"

Selena leaned back warily, trying to stay away from the girl with black hair and green eyes.


The beloved poet closed his eyes and shook his head,

"I just don't like seeing other people's misfortune."

"Hypocritical guy! Don't think that you can make me think that you let me go!"

In response to the black-haired, green-eyed girl's words, Selena mustered up the courage to sneer, as if her instinctive reaction was to make her reply.
"Do you really understand what happiness is and what misfortune is? Do you understand what I have experienced in the past?!"

Selena asked excitedly, she felt that this guy's back hurts when he stands and talks.

A person standing on the river bank is not qualified to calmly point out a drowning person!

She believes that no one dislikes seeing other people's misfortune.

Because happiness is relative, you can feel happy when you see others' misfortune, and you may discover your own misfortune when you see others' happiness.

Are you some kind of noble saint?It's a high-sounding statement that you can't bear to see the misfortunes of others!

(End of this chapter)

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