Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 473 Lan Qi 1 is motionless

Chapter 473 Lan Qi motionless

Isis's decision caused a murmur in the council chamber that gradually dissipated.

Asksan's provocation and Sigrid's war-avoidance attitude have already planted doubts in everyone's minds.

Now Sigrid is in a difficult position and is being driven to her death step by step.

The high priests of the Batian branch were anxious, but they knew that acting rashly at this time would only cause chaos for the bishop.

Asksan was also paying attention to the seats in the council chamber. At this juncture, he was waiting to see if the Holy Son of Batian would jump out to rescue Sigrid.

In the past, Asksan never believed that there would be variables in a situation under his control.

Only this woman, Sigrid, would always appear everywhere like a ghost.

Now there is another guy who impressed Asksan.

Accordingly, Askosang was also ready to fish out the Holy Son of Nahatian and kill him.

As long as the Holy Son of Tyrant dares to show his face... the death of Holy Son of Tyrant will come instantly.

Ten long seconds passed, and no one spoke in the parliament hall.

On the lower right side of the chamber, Lanci sat in his seat, staring at the center of the Congress below, motionless.

Today, Sigrid's opponent is Bishop Asksan of Annihilation.

As the patriot closest to the truth on the side of the Protos Empire, Rocky McCarthy, his opponent, is hidden deeper.

In the Helrom Congress Hall, Lanci and Sigrid have their own opponents.

He and Sigrid will fight independently today, not paying attention to each other or even looking at each other, but if they are really each other's best partners, then victory will inevitably meet at the same position.

The cat boss was trembling in the shadow, begging Lan Qi to help Sigrid.

It didn’t know what Lanqi was waiting for, or who it was waiting for, but it knew that Sigrid could never agree to Askosan now. It was obviously impossible for the sealed Sigrid to win a fair one-on-one duel. Defeat Askesan.

If Sigrid dies in battle today, it will be all over!

It doesn’t want Sigrid to die, and it also wants to cook for Sigrid!

Boss Cat burst into tears, and his heart was about to jump into his throat.


After being silent for too long in the conference hall.

"Askesang, have you really made up your mind? Don't run away this time, challenge me one on one."

Sigrid lowered her head, the back of her hands trembled slightly, and tried to keep her voice calm as she asked.

Her words made the meeting hall noisy again, and people's eyes switched back and forth between the two bishops.

"Hmph, do you need to confirm this kind of thing again...Aren't you afraid at this moment, but trembling with excitement?"

Asksan looked at Sigrid and asked.

Maybe this cunning woman has something else up her sleeve.

But precisely because he knew Sigrid so well and understood all the possibilities, he was certain of many things.

"Then let's decide whether we live or die today, Askesan."

Sigrid's eyes burned with fighting spirit,

"I never dreamed that one day you would ask me for a fight to the death. It just suits me. I'm tired of chasing you, a cunning villain!" Sigrid finally looked up, The words were like thunder, echoing through the halls of the council.

This sudden decision shocked everyone present.

The arrogance of the Catholic Church is not only a response to Bishop Annihilation, but also proves her strength and murderous heart as a cardinal to the nobles and ministers of the entire Protos Empire.

Sigrid flicked it with her fingertips, and the orange brilliance of the Silver Moon Crown drew a crescent moon, as if it was going to break all the enemies into pieces. In the end, the holy seal [Bishop's Certificate-Batian] was firmly grasped in her hand.

The nobles and ministers once again kept a close eye on Sigrid and Asksan, knowing that a thrilling life-and-death battle for the bishop was about to take place.

This is not only a battle between the two bishops, but may also become an important turning point in the history of the Protos Empire.

What's more important is that most people will never witness a ritual such as the Cardinal's desperate battle of the Church of Resurrection.

And now, the entire Protos Empire will see this life-and-death battle between the eighth-level strongest men taking place on the Capitol building in the center of Herrom!

"very good."

Asksan took out a seal. There was only an empty eyeball in the center of the cold gray totem. The edge was wrapped with several twisted and intertwined chain vines, surrounding the eyeball and firmly fixing it in it, emitting and restraining the dazzling energy. The orange light seemed to seal all hope within it.

This is the only one in the world that belongs exclusively to Askosan [Bishop's Certificate - Annihilation].

The moment it appeared, it resonated with Sigrid's Bishop's Certificate.

Asksan finally laughed jokingly.

Who wants to have a fair duel with a stupid woman like you?
In the outside world, Askesang's biggest worry is that the wolf manipulator will cause trouble again.

Only the isolated Arena of Destiny is an area where no one can interfere.

It would guarantee the absolute impartiality of battles between cardinals.

Compared to the Shadow World, only magic devices and magic scrolls are allowed to be brought in at most, and all external third-party influences will disappear.

Asksan probably guessed that there was a high probability that the Tyrant Son would give Sigrid something strange, which was also Sigrid's final confidence to dare to challenge.

But in turn, Asksan, who had foreseen all this, also had a backup plan at the Grand Priest of Annihilation outside the field——

An eighth-level clone.

As long as he senses the slightest bit of that bastard's magic power again in a prepared state, Asksan's clone left in the outside world can trace the location of the Tyrant Son at close range!No matter what the Holy Son of Tyrant has become at this moment.

As both seal masters, they have more of the same magic power. This is the absolute difference between superior and inferior.

The Jue Ming Arena will separate the Overlord Catholic Church and the Overlord Holy Son. At that time, the Overlord Holy Son outside the arena will no longer be protected by the Overlord Catholic Church.

Even if something unexpected happens in the Jue Ming Arena, his clone can immediately find the Holy Son of Tyrant at the scene, seize the Holy Son of Tyrant as a hostage, and coerce Sigrid to give up resistance.

The Arena of Destiny was the perfect trap for him to hunt down the Catholic Church and the Holy Son of Tyrant separately today.

After both sides launched a desperate battle, the two Cardinal's Cards began to produce a terrifying magical response and floated into the sky, making the original barrier of Franklin Hall begin to tremble.

Deep purple thunder surrounded the open space in the center of the hall, as if the world had become an illusion, and began to collapse. The dark atmosphere connected, twisting and turning to reveal its true appearance, and gradually sealed it into an arena of hundreds of square meters.

On both sides of this desperate arena, dark gray and silver are distinct, and the Bishop of Annihilation Asksan and the Overlord Sigrid have also been sealed inside.

Today, two cardinals are alive or dead——

Let’s see if it is strong or weak!
 I felt very bad yesterday. My back hurt, my eyes hurt, and my head hurt. I have been in bad shape for the past two days. I'm really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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