Do not confiscate my citizenship

Chapter 679 The bet between Lan Qi and Talia

Chapter 679 The bet between Lan Qi and Talia

Three days passed.

It's four o'clock in the afternoon.

The residence of Earl Baptiste in the 4th district of Parrieux, the flower capital.

Christina was leaning on the sofa in the living room a little bored, holding a book, and letting the wind turn two pages from time to time.


She yawned somewhat regardless of the eldest lady's manners, and then shook her head sleepily.

This is better at home, where she can be casual and her family won't blame her. Anyway, she has been taught since she was a child that as the eldest daughter of Count Baptiste's family, she has to live a willful life.

In addition to going out to visit the business district of Crystal Orchid Avenue after lunch, now that I have cooled off after returning home, sleepiness has come to my mind.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

She looked at the clock and murmured.

Every day at 3:30 in the afternoon, it is the time for the house butler Rocky to give lessons to the Earl's son Kyle, and the get out of class will end at 4 o'clock.

It stands to reason that the butler with brown hair and green eyes should now walk through the corridors in a serious manner, and then there is a high probability that he will pass by the living room on the first floor that connects the stairs and the corridor.

Just thinking about it, Christina felt like her eyelids were about to close.

Why don't you take a nap first?

The afternoon sun in the courtyard of Count Baptiste's Mansion is now a slightly darker golden orange, accompanied by a wisp of floral fragrance, making the light and shadow in the reception hall on the first floor of the mansion a bit noisy and addictive.

At this moment, Christina noticed a figure walking through the living room.

"Rocky, come here."

She quickly sat upright, cheered up and waved.

"Miss, what are you doing for me?"

The brown-haired, green-eyed butler holding a book in his hand noticed the eldest lady on the sofa, then changed his pace and walked towards the carpeted living room.

Lan Qi had just finished teaching Kyle a lesson and was about to check the work of other servants in the house.

Master Kyle's costume design classes are half an hour each, four classes a week, which is exactly two hours of additional work time for the housekeeper.

The half-hour course not only helps students concentrate, but also allows students to better digest the knowledge points and facilitates the assignment of some homework for students to practice and think on their own.

"Wait for me here first, I'll be back soon."

Christina said, and then immediately ran away, headed for the stairs, and went to the second floor.

"Slow down."

Lan Qi didn't seem to be in a hurry, and was a little worried that the eldest lady had fallen.

But the eldest lady didn't seem to listen to him at all.

So he simply stood there, holding the book in one hand, and started reading briefly.

The Poissonian translation of "Genesis" he took was borrowed from Kyle.

No matter how time passes, only this book has been handed down across hundreds of thousands of years.

Each language translation has a unique interpretation of the divine text.

Although Lan Qi could not learn the magic in the Book of Creation, since he saw the ancient version of the Book of Genesis in the Blood Moon Bad Times, he was very interested in reading the various versions of the Book of Genesis. Everyone will have different understandings every time.


Christina is really back.

But this time when she came back from the second floor, she came down with a red-haired maid.

It seemed that the maid was cleaning the room, and in the middle of her work, she was dragged over by the eldest lady.

"Look at how she's changed!"

Christina proudly puffed out her chest, put one hand on her waist, and asked the housekeeper to take a look at her personal maid.

I saw Inoan behind Christina.

Her long bangs covered her right eye, and her looming purple eyes observed the person in front of her. Even though she was tied into a pair of ponytails, her long red hair still fell to her waist behind her back.

Although Christina said that she could cut Enoch's hair, Enoch seemed reluctant.

It's also possible that covering a little of her face makes her feel more secure.

The dress is a classic maid outfit from the Posen Kingdom. The black and white color main body is dotted with meticulous bows, and the conspicuous ruby ​​on the chest is the finishing touch, which exactly sets off the crown-like cloth decoration on her head.

Inoan's brows furrowed slightly, as if he was worried about something.

"Oh, are you finally willing to wear a tiara today?"

Lan Qi smiled at Inoan and said hello.

On the first day when she came to the Earl's Mansion, when Inoan saw this maid outfit, she put it on very reluctantly.

And the maid's tiara is not willing to wear it no matter what, it is like her last insistence.

When teaching Ino'an to work this morning, Lan Qi vaguely remembered that Ino'an was not wearing a headgear.

"I just don't want others to say that what Christina brought back was an inferior maid."

Inoan confided those words with obvious dissatisfaction, and his voice was thick with impatience.

"How can such a statement be made?"

Lan Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked.

This family is very nice, so they probably won’t slander Inoan.

Ino Andu was always stunned by their kindness.

Moreover, there is nothing wrong with Yi Nuoan’s working ability, but he has just started learning to work, and sometimes he may be a little rusty.

"It's not the same Viscount last time. After he saw that Inoan was a girl, he even more humiliated her."

Christina said particularly angrily.

The guy even mocked Christina for picking up a nice piece of trash.

"Viscount Hammond?"

Ranch asked.

"Yes, that's him!"

Christina nodded.

Their opponent that night was Viscount Charles Hammond, who was also Inoan's employer. He belonged to the Hammond Financial Group, which was engaged in international financial services in the Southern Continent and provided a wide range of financial services, including investment, in the Southern Continent. Banking, asset management and insurance businesses.

The wealthy Baptiste family has known the Hammond family for a long time. They cooperate occasionally, but most of the time they don't deal with them.

Last week, it was Christina who caused him to lose an important commission competition, and it was also because Inoan lost it with her own hands. When Viscount Charles Hammond saw these two people walking together, he was filled with hatred.

"I'm really pissed off. If he talks nonsense again, I'll ask Ino'an to take action. The worst we can do is stay together for a few days."

Christina still felt a little angry when she thought about it, and she stamped her feet.

On the contrary, Inoan looked very calm.

"The few words I scolded him were considered light!"

Sometimes Christina's temper was not so good. She helped Inoan to retaliate on the spot, without giving Viscount Hammond, a noble of the older generation, any face.

Later, after returning home, Christina felt that Innoan had changed a little. When she looked carefully, she turned out to be wearing a headdress.

"Miss, it's certainly not possible to use violence to solve problems. You must not think about the possibility of spending a few days in jail."

Lan Qi looked at her seriously and advised.

"oh oh."

Christina did not expect that one day she would be educated like this by this housekeeper.

But no matter how you look at it, Butler Rocky is surprisingly a very law-abiding character.

"In this case, you can ask me to help you negotiate with Viscount Hammond and ask him to provide you with appropriate compensation, mental damages, reputational damage, public apology, etc. If that doesn't work, we will use some legal means. , Investigate and report his company's business one by one. Financial companies with highly leveraged businesses like theirs are actually prone to thunderstorms. If there is a problem, we can also acquire their company in good faith. "

Lanci told Christina what he thought was a more reasonable idea.

If she encounters this situation in the future, it may be able to give Christina some inspiration and help her learn to solve problems more harmoniously.

"God's damn friendly acquisition, please don't talk about the hostile acquisition in such a fresh and refined way."

Christina still knows a little bit about the management of their company. Hostile acquisitions are illegal, and the laws of the Poisson Kingdom clearly deny that hostile acquisitions are legal.

Sure enough, you shouldn't listen to Butler Lodge.

"Inoan is now good at cleaning the room. She also learned the maid etiquette very quickly. She has also remembered all the precautions you taught her."

Christina decided to change the subject and proudly boasted to Rocky.


Enoch stayed quietly behind Christina, without admitting or denying, as if she would not make any move until she received instructions.

"Look, you are completely a lady now."

Lan Qi looked at Inoan and commented with a smile.

Inoan looked away unhappily.

"Okay, Ino'an, if you want to ask Butler Lodge anything, just ask him."

Christina patted Inoan on the shoulder, motioned her to sit on the sofa, and said to her.

"How can I get my memory back?"

After Inoan sat down, he looked at Rocky, who was also sitting opposite, and asked.

"Why did you suddenly ask me this question today?"

Lan Qi calmly half-closed the book in his hand and looked at her.


Inoan did not answer him.

"Of course she will panic if she has no memory. Inoan doesn't want to be a person without a past."

Christina sat next to her and said to Lan Qi.


Lan Qi opened the book again and murmured.

With monster-like physical fitness, Inoan quickly removed the bandage.

But the internal injuries have not recovered yet.

And although she seems to have strong magic power, she has no fighting skills at all. During the test in the earl's family courtyard, she was knocked down by Tata who was relying on Lan Qi in a few strokes.

Not only did her injuries not heal, she also forgot how to use her power.

So Christina, who was originally considering letting Ino'an play games and earn some money to share with Ino'an, now decided to let Ino'an do some ordinary work in the mansion.


Christina didn't know what the housekeeper was thinking at the moment, and whether he agreed or disagreed with what she said just now.

"To help you recover your memory, the doctor said that you must either give you extremely strong mental stimulation, or see some familiar things and scenes, which may trigger the recovery of the injured area of ​​your brain."

Lan Qi read Inoan's diagnosis report and also talked with the attending doctor.

"So if I want to get my memory back, do I have to suffer a little?"

Inoan frowned again.

She couldn't feel pain. Even if someone abused her, she wouldn't feel that much pain. She just didn't want to die.

"Theoretically, this is true, so your situation is very complicated and it may be difficult to retrieve your memory."

Lan Qi nodded and answered.

"Inoan, don't worry, I will take you to the best doctor."

Christina's words fell lightly, like a web of worry, entangled in the surrounding air.

Lan Qi knew that Christina liked her very much, because this was the first servant that Christina hired personally.

Moreover, Inoan looks very beautiful no matter what she wears. When she first came home, Christina took her to the room to change clothes for a long time. She also bought several new outfits for Inoan.

After Inoan heard that her salary would not be deducted, she hesitated and accepted it as if considering the pros and cons.

"If you can't remember, forget it."

Inoan said expressionlessly.

Anyway, it is quite safe in Earl Baptiste's Mansion now, and it seems that enemies will not come to visit him. It would be good if he could live like this.

"Who knows, fate is always unpredictable. When you want to find something, you may not be able to find it. And when you are afraid of finding it at first, it may follow."

Lan Qi looked through the translation of Genesis, and he happened to see the final chapter on fate and reincarnation, and read.

"Am I afraid?"

Inoan laughed subconsciously as if he heard a joke.

"First of all, you have to understand one thing. Fear is not a bad thing. Just like the pain I told you last time, although it can be painful, it is very important."

After hearing this, Lan Qi formally closed the translation he had finished reading and said to the red-haired girl in front of him.

"Let me ask you, what is your most important emotion?"

He gently raised his index finger and pointed at the colorful flowers in the courtyard outside the floor-to-ceiling window, as if these flowers corresponded to every emotion.

"Pleasure?" Ian asked.

"This question depends on everyone's different views, and any answer is correct."

Lan Qi clasped his hands on his knees and nodded solemnly.

“But the crisper the answer, the easier it is to miss the point that every emotion matters.”

"Why do you say that?"

Inoan lost her memory but not her basic knowledge, how to eat, how to walk, and she could still count.

Likewise, she felt that she had not heard what Rocky was saying now.

“When you roughly divide emotions into positive emotions and negative emotions, or more simply call them good emotions or bad emotions, you will ignore a lot because of our natural instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The meaning of something.”

Lan Qi’s words were low, slow and worried.

"You will hate yourself when you are depressed, and you may cruelly force yourself to do things you shouldn't do when you should be accepting the depression, as if you are injured and should rest in peace, and It’s not about ignoring the wounds.”

Every word seems to be weighing whether these words are suitable for Inoan at this moment.

"On the contrary, if you clearly understand the meaning of each emotion, you will accept the laws of how this world works, and it will become easier to be kind to yourself and others, just like day and night, any of your physiological , psychological reactions are normal and are important signal lights.”

These days, Lan Qi gives Yi Nuoan psychological counseling classes every day.

Christina was a little worried, so she sat and listened.

After listening to it for two or three days, she felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and she also learned some skills in educating others.

Inoan was very resistant to listening to Butler Lodge's words at first. It seemed that this natural kindness made her very uncomfortable. She seemed to have seen something she had never seen before, and was full of fear.

Later, perhaps because he gradually felt a little more at ease chatting with Butler Lodge, Inoan no longer resisted, but listened to him without saying a word most of the time.


After one hour.

It was almost time for the butler of their Earl's Mansion to get off work.

Lan Qi once again carried the briefcase and passed the reception hall.

Inoan has already gone to work.

And Christina was still lying lazily on the sofa.

After noticing Ranchi, Christina ran over.

"Thank you Rocky."

She patted Lan Qi on the back and sent him off to get off work.

Of course, more than anything else, she was grateful to Lan Qi for helping her clear up Ino'an's heart.

In this house, Inoan still kept a certain distance from other people, but he still trusted them two, and even gradually began to be willing to let them stay very close.

"Miss Christina, I think she is obviously more dangerous than me. Why do you like her so much but still resist me?"

Lan Qi asked Christina in confusion.

"Your familiarity makes people scared. It always feels like no matter where you are thrown, you can quickly become familiar with the people around you."

Christina leaned back for half a minute warily and looked at Lan Qi up and down.

"But Inoan feels like that kind of injured wolf that was picked up... and now she has become a cub. Can we take this opportunity to raise her to maturity?"

Christina said with some uncertainty.

"It turns out that you prefer the ones that are cultivated, not those that come from the sky."

Lan Qi shook his head in frustration, as if no one liked him.

"Tsk, don't look at how much my family has become dependent on you."

Christina looked at the housekeeper's cowardly look and smacked her lips.

"By the way, if she gets her memory back, will she immediately disown me?"

Then Christina asked again.

She was a little afraid that what she was doing now was in vain, and one day suddenly Inoan would treat her as a stranger again and disappear from her face, and she would be very sad.

"No matter what kind of past she recalls, the memory of getting along with you will remain in her mind forever. Maybe it is a kind of pollution to her originally violent personality, but happiness and happiness cannot be faked. She You can also know the taste by eating the marrow.”

Lan Qi explained with a smile, walked to the door and bowed slightly to greet her.

During this time, he finally discovered that Miss Christina seemed to have few true friends.

Before most people got to know her, they regarded her as a villainous daughter who was similar to Mr. Kyle.

And Inoan was like a blank piece of paper. He saw Christina when he opened his eyes. He trusted and relied on Christina.

With such a maid she saved, Christina has regarded Inoan as a treasure and wants to become a good friend with her.

"I understand."

Christina smiled and waved to Ranchi, wishing him a happy get off work.

After hearing what Mr. Butler said, she finally felt relieved.


After the sun passed through the zenith and began to set, it was already evening after some time.

Along the street of Parrieux, which is dyed with the color of sunset, there is a path leading to the Spirit Hotel of Platinumson Palace in the cultural district.

Ranchi and Thalia were walking on their way to find a restaurant.

"I have to get up early tomorrow, probably at seven o'clock. Can we go back early today?"

Lan Qi looked at Thalia beside him, holding the cat and asked.

It stands to reason that Thalia has been waiting for him to work all day, and turning into a magic card is not noisy or noisy. She is much quieter than the great poet. Now that she is off work, she should want to go shopping in the flower capital Parrieux.

The platinum level card maker exam will begin at the weekend.

There is no need to go to Count Baptiste's house to work tomorrow Friday, but they both have to go to the Southern Continent Card Makers Association branch in Huadu Parrieux to report to Countess Rosalinda and learn about the invigilation matters.

"No problem, just sleep peacefully. I'll call you when the time comes."

Thalia said nonchalantly.

Now every day when she wakes up, she waits for Lan Qi to wake up.

If she leaves Lan Qi too far away, the continuous consumption of mana will increase, and she will not be able to figure out his state. If he loses his mana and she doesn't know it, Lan Qi will be in danger.

"You actually have an alarm clock function?"

Lan Qi turned his head and looked at her.

"When Hyperion went to school, I would help her make breakfast and then wake her up. Sometimes she has low blood sugar and it would be difficult to get up in the morning."

Thalia looked ahead at the road and replied.

"Then I won't set the alarm clock."

Lan Qi said to himself as if feeling lost.

Thalia can actually cook?
And he couldn't accept Thalia's habit of seeming to be a good wife and mother!

"I always help Asina in the kitchen, and I know how to do it to some extent. It's just that I don't cook very seriously when I'm alone. If I'm half-hearted, I might as well just buy it. Unless I'm cooking for others, then I can Be serious."

Thalia didn't bother to be angry with Lanqi anymore and explained to him.

Damn it to this extent, he would think about it many times a day without realizing it.

After Talia finished speaking, she stopped paying attention to Ranchi.

Lan Qi is still looking for a way as always.

Over there, over here——

He seemed to change his route without any direction, without any hesitation in his steps.

Thalia raised her head and stared at his profile, always curious how long it would take this guy to recognize the map in advance.

If she were to lead the way, she would at least make a mistake once or twice.

When the two of them finally stopped, they turned around several small roads in the cultural district and entered a traffic light on a particularly lively main road.

Wait for the traffic light.

It hasn't changed for a long time.

"Is that guy really okay?"

Thalia suddenly asked.

She felt that something was wrong with Inoan.

She was the one who fought against Inoan that day.

Lan Qi, who was possessed by her, could not feel the disobedient intensity in Yinuo'an at all.

Although neither Lanqi nor Christina found out that Enouan had any criminal record.

But according to Talia's experience, the more such a person is, the more something is wrong.

"I think there's no problem. Ino'an seems to have severe mental trauma and character flaws. In fact, she is not dangerous now. I think she should be able to teach her how to be kind to others and how to enter society normally."

Lanci looked at Thalia in confusion and said.

"You believe in yourself and others too much. This cognitive model itself is also your biggest flaw."

Thalia has long wanted to talk to Lanchi about this.

After traveling with him, she discovered that Lan Qi's problem was particularly serious.

She knew that Lan Qi would not quickly classify Enoch as a certain person based on one-sided information, but would only treat Enoch as an individual based on what he saw and his own feelings.

He was right to do so, but that doesn't mean he will always be right.

"But, do you think I should be hostile to Miss Lisandry?"

Lan Qi hesitated for half a second, stroked the little black cat, and said to Thalia again.


Thalia didn't know what to answer for a moment.

They met Miss Lissancy on the floating castle airship that they had just arrived in Huadu. Indeed, Lan Qi's trust and lack of prejudice saved Lissancy. If it had been anyone else, it might not have been that easy. Under the approach of the executioner Nigel, he so resolutely chose to help Lissantee, a demon and a cursed demon.

The same is true for Inoan now. Her identity is unknown and she is also full of possibilities.

Lan Qi still implemented the previous choice without hesitation.

Thalia can understand Ranchi, but she doesn't agree with him.

"I finally know why the two of us can't get along."

Thalia spoke.


Lan Qi asked curiously.

"You always have a mysterious self-confidence and will pursue the most extreme optimal solution. But I like stability and certainty. The optimal solution is by no means a tightrope walk for me."

Thalia raised her golden eyes, looked directly at him, and said to him,
"When I hesitate, you will be decisive, and when I am decisive, you will hesitate, so our steps are never in sync."

There has been little progress in the cooperation between the two of them in making cards.

"So that's it."

After Lan Qi listened, he nodded slightly bewilderedly, and felt that this was indeed the case.

During this time, the two of them gradually figured out why their cooperation with each other was so poor.

Technically speaking, they all know each other very well, and it stands to reason that they should be familiar with each other after practicing a few times.

The actual reason is that their thinking patterns are mutually exclusive, or they are inherently partners with extremely low compatibility.

If neither he nor Thalia would accommodate the other, or if neither one agreed with the other, then perfect cooperation in card making would be impossible.

"Let's make a bet between the two of us."

Lan Qi came back to his senses and simply said this.

He was referring to the matter of Inoan.

"Okay, let's see who is right."

Thalia didn't need any explanation from him, she could naturally understand what he meant through her mind——

Whoever wins will listen to whoever wants it, and the loser will change his or her own pace to accommodate the other party.

"Why is it so like an angel and a devil making a bet, meow?"

Boss Cat lay on Lan Qi's hand, raised his head and looked back and forth between the two people, listening to Lan Qi and Talia's discussion.

"I believe that no matter what kind of past she has, I have a way to save her, as long as she gives me this chance now."

Lan Qi firmly believed.

In other words, this opportunity is more like what the goddess of fate gave him.

"Then I guess your idea will only lead to her destruction, or you can't save her from the beginning. You are not omnipotent. There are people you can't save after all."

Thalia added.

Although Thalia had never seen Ranch fail, she was looking forward to it.

She wanted to see Lan Qi's calm confidence shatter like glass one day.

(End of this chapter)

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